
How to Write Test Cases with Examples

Thomas Hamilton

Steps to Create Test Cases in Manual Testing

Let’s create a Test Case for the scenario: Check Login Functionality

Create Test Cases in Manual Testing

Step 1) A simple test case to explain the scenario would be

Test Case # Test Case Description
1 Check response when valid email and password is entered

Step 2) Test the Data. In order to execute the test case, you would need Test Data . Adding it below

Test Case # Test Case Description Test Data
1 Check response when valid email and password is entered Email: [email protected] Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h

Identifying test data can be time-consuming and may sometimes require creating test data afresh. The reason it needs to be documented.

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Step 3) Perform actions. In order to execute a test case, a tester needs to perform a specific set of actions on the AUT. This is documented as below:

Test Case # Test Case Description Test Steps Test Data
1 Check response when valid email and password is entered 1) Enter Email Address

2) Enter Password

3) Click Sign in

Email: [email protected]

Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h

Many times the Test Steps are not simple as above, hence they need documentation. Also, the author of the test case may leave the organization or go on a vacation or is sick and off duty or is very busy with other critical tasks. A recently hire may be asked to execute the test case. Documented steps will help him and also facilitate reviews by other stakeholders.

Test Case # Test Case Description Test Data Expected Result
1 Check response when valid email and password is entered Email: [email protected]
Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h
Login should be successful

During test execution time, the tester will check expected results against actual results and assign a pass or fail status

Test Case # Test Case Description Test Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
1 Check response when valid email and password is entered Email: [email protected] Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h Login should be successful Login was successful Pass

Step 5) That apart your test case -may have a field like, Pre – Condition which specifies things that must be in place before the test can run. For our test case, a pre-condition would be to have a browser installed to have access to the site under test. A test case may also include Post – Conditions which specifies anything that applies after the test case completes. For our test case, a postcondition would be time & date of login is stored in the database

How to Write Test Case Video

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Best Practice for writing good Test Case.

Test Case Best Practice

1. Test Cases need to be simple and transparent:

Create test cases that are as simple as possible. They must be clear and concise as the author of the test case may not execute them.

Use assertive language like go to the home page, enter data, click on this and so on. This makes the understanding the test steps easy and tests execution faster.

2. Create Test Case with End User in Mind

The ultimate goal of any software project is to create test cases that meet customer requirements and is easy to use and operate. A tester must create test cases keeping in mind the end user perspective

3. Avoid test case repetition.

Do not repeat test cases. If a test case is needed for executing some other test case, call the test case by its test case id in the pre-condition column

4. Do not Assume

Do not assume functionality and features of your software application while preparing test case. Stick to the Specification Documents.

5. Ensure 100% Coverage

Make sure you write test cases to check all software requirements mentioned in the specification document. Use Traceability Matrix to ensure no functions/conditions is left untested.

6. Test Cases must be identifiable.

Name the test case id such that they are identified easily while tracking defects or identifying a software requirement at a later stage.

7. Implement Testing Techniques

It’s not possible to check every possible condition in your software application. Software Testing techniques help you select a few test cases with the maximum possibility of finding a defect.

  • Boundary Value Analysis ( BVA ): As the name suggests it’s the technique that defines the testing of boundaries for a specified range of values.
  • Equivalence Partition (EP): This technique partitions the range into equal parts/groups that tend to have the same behavior.
  • State Transition Technique : This method is used when software behavior changes from one state to another following particular action.
  • Error Guessing Technique: This is guessing/anticipating the error that may arise while doing manual testing. This is not a formal method and takes advantages of a tester’s experience with the application

8. Self-cleaning

The test case you create must return the Test Environment to the pre-test state and should not render the test environment unusable. This is especially true for configuration testing.

9. Repeatable and self-standing

The test case should generate the same results every time no matter who tests it

10. Peer Review.

After creating test cases, get them reviewed by your colleagues. Your peers can uncover defects in your test case design, which you may easily miss.

While drafting a test case to include the following information

  • The description of what requirement is being tested
  • The explanation of how the system will be tested
  • The test setup like a version of an application under test, software, data files, operating system, hardware, security access, physical or logical date, time of day, prerequisites such as other tests and any other setup information pertinent to the requirements being tested
  • Inputs and outputs or actions and expected results
  • Any proofs or attachments
  • Use active case language
  • Test Case should not be more than 15 steps
  • An automated test script is commented with inputs, purpose and expected results
  • The setup offers an alternative to pre-requisite tests
  • With other tests, it should be an incorrect business scenario order

Test Case Management Tools

Test management tools are the automation tools that help to manage and maintain the Test Cases. Main Features of a test case management tool are

  • For documenting Test Cases: With tools, you can expedite Test Case creation with use of templates
  • Execute the Test Case and Record the results: Test Case can be executed through the tools and results obtained can be easily recorded.
  • Automate the Defect Tracking: Failed tests are automatically linked to the bug tracker, which in turn can be assigned to the developers and can be tracked by email notifications.
  • Traceability: Requirements, Test cases, Execution of Test cases are all interlinked through the tools, and each case can be traced to each other to check test coverage.
  • Protecting Test Cases: Test cases should be reusable and should be protected from being lost or corrupted due to poor version control. Test Case Management Tools offer features like
  • Naming and numbering conventions
  • Read-only storage
  • Controlled access
  • Off-site backup

Popular Test Management tools are: Quality Center and JIRA

The format of Standard Test Cases

Below is a format of a standard login Test cases example.

Test Case ID Test Case Description Test Steps Test Data Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail
TU01 Check Customer Login with valid Data Userid = guru99 Password = pass99 User should Login into an application As Expected Pass
TU02 Check Customer Login with invalid Data Userid = guru99 Password = glass99 User should not Login into an application As Expected Pass

This entire table may be created in Word, Excel or any other Test management tool . That’s all to Test Case Design

Test Case Template

  • Please note that the template used will vary from project to project. Read this tutorial to Learn Test Case Template with Explanation of Important Fields

Download the above Test Case Template Excel (.xls)

Software Testing is a process of verifying a computer system/program to decide whether it meets the specified requirements and produces the desired results. As a result, you identify bugs in software product/project.

Software Testing is indispensable to provide a quality product without any bug or issue.

For a Test Scenario : Check Login Functionality there many possible test cases are:

  • Test Case 1: Check results on entering valid User Id & Password
  • Test Case 2: Check results on entering Invalid User ID & Password
  • Test Case 3: Check response when a User ID is Empty & Login Button is pressed, and many more
  • What is Software Testing?
  • 7 Principles of Software Testing with Examples
  • V-Model in Software Testing
  • STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)
  • Manual Testing Tutorial
  • Automation Testing
  • What is Unit Testing?
  • What is Integration Testing? (Example)
  • Contact sales

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How to Write a Test Case (Example & Template Included)


Creating software is a complex, layered endeavor. It involves many steps and usually has plenty of features. All that means there are many points in the project’s life cycle in which something can go wrong. A test case is an essential part of software development to make sure a product or a feature is working properly.

Let’s explain what a test case is and then we’ll show you how to write one, step by step. We’ll even add a link to a free test case template you can download to help you get started. But there’s not just one test case in software development so we’ll also define the different types to give you a full understanding of this value software development process.

What Is a Test Case In Software Development?

A test case is the actions taken to make sure a specific feature or functionality when testing software. It’s a document that outlines the steps, data, prerequisites and post-conditions needed to verify the software feature or functionality.

test cases for assignment

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Test Case Template

Use this free Test Case Template for Excel to manage your projects better.

Part of what a test case does is list the variables that quality assurance (QA) will need to compare the expected and actual results to determine if the feature or functionality works as it was supposed to. The test case document will mention the test case scenario, pre-conditions, test steps, test data, expected results and post-conditions.

The point of a test case isn’t only to validate the feature or functionality of the software but to help testers do their work correctly by identifying the steps they need to follow. This is especially helpful if a bug shows up later in the software development process. It also helps with future projects so they don’t have to start from scratch.

The test case in software development is a process that can be enhanced with project management software. ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that has kanban boards to capture every step in the process of testing the functionality of your software. Our customizable kanban board lets you turn each column into a stage in the case with kanban cards that capture the details. We have unlimited file storage so you can attach all pertinent documentation to the card for reference. Add a tag to each card to make it easy to find and set the priority for the developers and testers. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.

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How to Write a Test Case

The test case is usually written by the software development team, the testing team or the QA team. It’s best that the person who didn’t write the code create the test case, as they’ll view it with fresh eyes and not gloss over something.

When creating a test case, there are a number of steps and formatting to follow. You’ll first want to give each case test a unique name. There will be many test case scenarios over the life cycle of the software development project. Having a unique ID makes it easier to find each one. Then you’ll want to follow these steps.

1. Describe Your Test Case Scenario

The first step is to define what it is you want to cover. There will be many test case scenarios created by developers, but only one should be tested at once. Describe that test scenario in detail.

2. Identify the Preconditions of the Test Case

The preconditions are the steps that have to be followed before the testers can test the scenario. In other words, these are actions that must happen in order for the functionality to be provided. These are not test case steps but happen prior to that.

3. Plan the Test Case Steps

Now, you’re ready to list the steps. They must be very detailed, but clear and easy for the tester to follow. This will put into motion input, execution and expected output to see if the feature or functionality is working as planned.

4. Define the Expected Results

You’ll want to detail what’s expected to happen with the test case scenario. It’s important to know the correct result in order to compare the test results. Naturally, if they match, then everything is working as expected, but if they don’t, then you’ll have to get the developers to fix whatever bugs are causing the issue.

5. Document the Actual Results of the Test Case

The whole reason for the test case is to see if the expected results are the same as the actual results. Here’s where you’ll document those actual results. Again, if the actual results and the expected results show no difference, then the functionality or feature is working. If not, then there’s a bug that must be fixed.

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Test Case Example

Now that we’ve gone over the steps in writing a test case, it might be helpful to show that process with a test case example. Let’s imagine a new software product that’s password-protected. The case study scenario is to see whether the user ID and password work to give the user access to the product.

Therefore, the precondition for this test case scenario is having a valid user ID and password. That way you can test the functionality for the login process. Once you have your preconditions, you’ll want to outline the steps as they would be executed by the end users. To test the login, you’d have to 1) enter the user ID, 2) enter the password and 3) click enter.

The expected results would be access to the software. If that happens, the login is working correctly. In our hypothetical test case example, the actual results are that the user ID and password work and the tester is given access to the software. Therefore, the status for this test case scenario is that it passed.

Our example is but one of many test case scenarios that’ll have to be done. Using a test case template with help by having a consistent and repeatable document for testers to use. They can then be archived for historical data used in future projects. ProjectManager’s website has dozens of free project management templates for Excel and Word that can be downloaded to help with every phase of a project. Download our free test case template for Excel to help with your next project.

ProjectManager's test case template for excel

Types of Test Cases

You’ve probably realized that we’ve only been talking about one test case, but there are many more. Each test case is used to differentiate the use of test cases at each stage of the testing life cycle. Here are eight test case types, which all serve a different purpose in achieving the highest quality product.

1. Functionality Test Case

As the name suggests, this is used to verify if an application’s interface works with the rest of the system and its users.

2. User Interface Test Case

This test case is used to verify specific parts of the graphical user interface to make sure they look and work as intended. It also tests cosmetic inconsistencies, grammar and spelling errors, links and other elements the user interacts with or sees.

3. Performance Test Case

The performance test case is used to validate response times as well as the overall effectiveness of the application. When executing an action, it tests how long it takes for the system to respond.

4. Integration Test Case

Here all the combined functionality of a product is tested after integration. It’s done to ensure interfaces between the different modules are working properly.

5. Usability Test Case

This test checks how easy it is for new users to understand the software. A user who’s confused at any point is documented by the testing team and shown to the design team, which helps prepare the test case.

6. Database Test Case

Use this test case to verify what’s happening in the background of an application. The writers of this test case must have a deep understanding of the entire application, the database tables and stored procedures.

7. User Acceptance Test Case

This test case is a bit different from the others in that it doesn’t look for bugs as much as to verify that the application is acceptable to the user. These tests are broad, covering all areas of the application.

8. Security Test Case

The security test case is to make sure that data is protected where and when it’s required to be protected. This is done to make sure the application restricts actions and permissions where necessary. The focus is mostly on authentication and encryption.

How ProjectManager Helps With Software Development

The test case is but a small part of the larger IT project management practice, which is facilitated by the use of project management software. ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that offers secure collaboration, robust integrations and detailed reporting to give IT project managers and their teams the tools they need to work more efficiently. We’ve already shown how our kanban boards give testers the tools they need to thoroughly test out software products while giving managers visibility into their processes. But that’s only one of the many project views our software has to offer.

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How to Write Test Cases: A Complete Guide for Software Testers

Learning how to write test cases is a crucial skill for quality assurance professionals and developers alike. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of creating clear, concise, and effective test cases.

How To Write Test Cases

Don’t miss: Related Test Cases

Test Cases

What is a Test Case in Software Testing?

Check the below video to watch “How To Write Test Cases Manually”

What is the difference between Test Scenario vs Test Case?

Test Scenario: A test scenario outlines what to test and helps ensure that all important functions are covered. Learn more on how to write test scenarios here.

1. Enter a valid User Name and valid Password 2. Enter a valid User Name and invalid Password 3. Enter an invalid User Name and valid Password 4. Enter an invalid User Name and invalid Password

Types of Test Cases

General test case template format, how to write test cases in manual testing.

Writing effective test cases is essential for thorough and accurate manual testing. Well-crafted test cases help ensure that every aspect of the application is tested, leading to the identification of bugs and issues before the product goes live. This guide covers the key steps in creating comprehensive and structured test cases, from understanding requirements to organizing and executing tests.

#1. Analyze Requirements

#2. define test case structure, step #1 – test case id, step #2 – test case description.

Provide a concise description of what the test case will verify. This should summarize the overall purpose of the test case.

Step #3 – Pre-Conditions

Example: Need a valid Gmail account to do login, or Test environment should be similar to production environment.

Step #4 – Test Steps

Step #5 – test data, step #6 – expected result, step #7 –  post condition, step #8 – actual result.

Record what actually happened when the test case was executed. This is crucial for comparing against the expected result. Based on this result and the expected result, we set the status of the test case.

Step #9 – Status

Best practices to write good test cases.

In this section, we’ll explore best practices to create clear, concise, and robust test cases that not only verify functionality but also improve overall software quality.

Benefits of Writing High-Quality Test Cases

Popular test case management tools, download test case template, faqs – how to write test cases in software testing, who writes test cases.

Test cases are typically written by various stakeholders in the software development process, including testers, developers, and business analysts. Testers are primarily responsible for creating test cases to ensure that the software meets its requirements and functions correctly. Developers may also write test cases to validate their code during the development process, ensuring that new features or fixes work as intended. Additionally, business analysts contribute by defining the criteria based on user requirements, which informs the creation of test cases. This collaborative effort helps ensure thorough testing coverage and enhances the overall quality of the software product.

Does a Manual Tester Write Test Cases?

How do you write a test report for manual testing, how to automate test cases, what is a formal test case and informal test case, how businesses use test cases.

Businesses use test cases to ensure that their software applications meet specified requirements and function correctly under various conditions. By systematically defining and executing test cases, organizations can identify defects early in the development process, reduce debugging time, and enhance product quality. Furthermore, test cases facilitate compliance with industry standards and regulations, ensuring that the software operates reliably in production environments. This structured approach not only aids in improving customer satisfaction but also helps in maintaining the company’s reputation for delivering high-quality software solutions.

How do we ensure test cases cover all requirements?

How does writing effective test cases contribute to cost savings in the software development process, how do security test cases differ from other test cases, how to write & manage test cases in jira.

Knowing how to write test cases is an invaluable skill in the world of software development and quality assurance. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to create comprehensive, efficient, and effective test cases. Remember that writing good test cases is an art that improves with practice. As you apply these techniques to your projects, you’ll not only enhance your testing process but also contribute to delivering higher-quality software products. Continue to refine your approach to writing test cases, and you’ll become an indispensable asset to any development team.

Test Cases

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Test Case Design: a Guide for QA Engineers With Examples

It's very important to apply the determined processes in the best way to develop successful software. In particular, software tests…

test cases for assignment

It’s very important to apply the determined processes in the best way to develop successful software. In particular, software tests and software quality are of great importance for developing more successful projects.

This article will address software test case design.

What Is Test Case Design?

To begin a software project, engineers should plan and document tests within the project’s scope. This is part of a test case design.

More specifically, a test case design is a document that includes the test’s scope, the test strategy, the test environment, the software pieces for testing, the intended test actions within the project, the resources, and a schedule.

Thus, developing test case designs aims to define the test strategy within the project; plan resource allocation; and clarify responsibilities, risks, and priorities.

However, as applications change, test cases may require updates. Therefore, preparing test case designs begins with the early stages of the software lifecycle. A test case design plan is sometimes a product or tool for performing necessary functions within a project’s scope.

After an engineer completes the test case planning process, the test case design process begins. This process includes

  • preparing the test environment;
  • writing test cases for integration, system, and acceptance testing; and
  • preparing test procedures.

Expand Your Test Coverage

Preparing the test case design environment.

Test engineers run various tests in an environment that includes the software and hardware they describe. While preparing the test environment, engineers develop auxiliary test software to use in the tests.

Then, they may use some helpers in testing software, including:

  • Test data generators— This software produces the test input data necessary to execute test cases.
  • Debugger— This software enables errors encountered during the tests to be found on the source code.
  • Emulators and simulators— These software types imitate the real hardware that the software needs; they provide the hardware data necessary for the tests.
  • Stubs and drivers— These small pieces of software replace nonfunctional system components required for tests.

Engineers must record the test environment used for testing, hardware specifications, software versions, etc., so that if the same test must run again, these records are available for reuse.

Writing Test Case Design

After a software project’s requirements are approved, the test case design phase begins. While system analysts, system engineers, and software engineers prepare the system requirements and software requirements, the test team determines the test strategy suitable for the project and updates the relevant test plans.

Then, while system and software developers perform preliminary design and detailed designs, the test team starts to create test cases.

Flow chart explaining the requirements and test case relationships.

Engineers can validate a requirement with one test case or multiple test cases. For this purpose, they should write at least one test case for each requirement to demonstrate that the developed software meets all of its specifications.

However, these written test cases are usually positive test cases that’ll test the requirement’s positive side. In addition, the necessary requirements should also include test cases that show how the software will behave in negative situations.

When the developed software performs all of the expected behaviors, this indicates that all software test cases have been tested.

A test case is an input used to demonstrate that a particular part of the program works, or that a requirement is verified, the necessary steps taken, and the test has yielded the expected results.

Test Case Content

A test case should include

  • the purpose and conditions for its execution,
  • a step-by-step setup of the test environment,
  • input data,
  • the expected result,
  • the actual result,
  • a version description of the software,
  • the software’s working environment, and
  • the test ID.

Engineers should only test one item property at a time. Thus, if the test case runs and fails, it’s easy to see which feature is problematic. In addition, test cases should include known inputs. Moreover, these inputs and expected outputs are given as validation points in test cases.

If the software gives the expected inputs and expected result, the relevant test case passed.

Furthermore, tests performed when all or a specified proportion of the tested item’s test cases pass are considered successful.

Test Case Format

Here are some various test case format templates.

Example Test Case Template 1:

test for folder
John Doe
Jane Doe
Fedora Neural Network Library
April 23, 2022

Example Test Case Template 2:

0048 0011 Server-Side CMake (previous version will used) Passes Failed 00132

Example Test Case Template 3:

Test Case ID :
Reviewer :
Date of Review :
Version :
Comments Incorporated By:
Date Incorporated :
New Version :
No Page No Step No Severity
C – Critical
M – Major
S – Small
Comments Action Close
(Y/ N)
Engineers can implement these test cases and write test scripts to record the results manually or automatically. Whether  test case applications are manual or automatic, they should be recorded under all circumstances.  

Test Types for Test Case Design

Tests in software projects are carried out in four different stages. As these tests’ detail levels increase, the size of the piece tested decreases.

These test stages are

  • unit tests,
  • software integration tests,
  • system tests, and
  • acceptance tests.

Unit tests confirm that small pieces of code, such as methods, procedures, or classes, are working correctly. In order to do this, separate the unit tested from other units. Then, use stubs of those methods instead of other units that’ll provide the necessary inputs for the unit under test.

Thus, a possible error in the other unit will not affect the unit under test.

Test cases are created according to the task performed by the unit being tested. Using these situations, the unit test is run, and the results are compared with the expected results to decide whether the tests were successful or not.

Unit Test Example

For example, let’s say there’s a method called isitPositive ( int k ). In this method, if the integer variable k is negative, the method returns as true, and if the k integer variable is positive, the method returns as false. The following snippet is an example of this method:

To test this method, the cases where the k value is tested by first giving values less than 0 and then greater than 0 are shown:

Integration Tests

After successfully concluding unit tests in software projects, integration tests begin. Although unit tests serve to verify that the individual modules perform their expected functions, integration tests aim to verify that the components in an integrated software work in harmony with each other.

In tests, both positive and negative test cases use the appropriate parameters. Then, the results are compared with the expected values to verify that the system performs the expected behavior.

Integration tests can use different strategies, including big bang, bottom-up, or top-down.

Big Bang Strategy

After integrating with each other all the high- and low-level modules developed according to the big bang strategy, the tests begin.

In this strategy, since the tests involve considering the system as a whole, performing them is fast and saves time. However, it’s difficult to determine at which level layer or from which module an error occurs.

Chart with “system” in the center and Modules 1-8 encircling and point to “system”

Bottom-Up Strategy

First, the bottom-up integration testing strategy starts with running unit tests.

Then, lower-level modules that successfully complete unit tests are integrated with each other. After this, integration tests are performed on low-level modules.

Following the successful completion of these tests, a system of upper-layer modules is integrated, and the necessary integration tests are performed. This integration continues until the whole system is built and the integration tests are completed successfully.

In this approach, the basic condition is that the unit tests of the modules to be integrated are successfully completed. This approach can help easily determine how much of the targeted system is completed and tested, represented as a percentage.

Flow charts showing X.2 Driver and X.1 Driver as their own flow charts with an arrow point to a combined X Driver with both X.1 and X.2 as children

Top-Down Strategy

The top-down integration testing strategy starts with testing the top module (the outermost module, usually the user GUI module) for the system. This module uses the stubs of the required submodules.

Flow chart showing X with X.1 stub and X.2. stub as children, then pointing to a combined and further detailed X with X.1 stub and X.2 stub as children, this then continues down along the flowchart with X.1.1 Stub X.1.2 Stub, ect.

The number of test cases run reaching a certain rate or passing all of them indicates completed integration tests. Engineers should report errors found at this stage to software developers according to a defined error-reporting mechanism.

System Tests

System tests evaluate the developed software’s features including performance, reliability, and functionality. It’s verified that the software developed in unit tests and integration tests is developed in accordance with the design.

On the other hand, system tests aim to verify what the customer wants from the system. For this reason, in system test cases, scenarios encountered in the real environment are defined based on the system requirements.

Diagram detailing, early requirements, Inputs to Missions to Outputs, and Exit Requirements

The first step of system testing is verifying the functional requirements performed. As a result of this verification, engineers can see that the system works functionally. After verifying functionality, they perform non-functional tests.

Nonfunctional Tests

  • stress tests— These tests help observe the system’s behavior when the input rate to the system exceeds the system design rate.
  • performance tests— These tests evaluate whether the system outputs can be produced within the specified and acceptable time frame.
  • configuration and compatibility tests— These tests evaluate how the developed system behaves on different platforms and hardware.
  • security tests— These tests evaluate the system’s behavior in unauthorized use attempts.
  • usability tests— These tests evaluate user-system interaction and ergonomics.
  • rollback tests— These tests evaluate the system’s automatic or manual recovery in the event of a failure.
  • user interface tests— These tests evaluate how the user and the software will interact as a graphical representation, and how the system will process the inputs that the user will give to the system with the keyboard, screen, or mouse (i.e., the touchpad).

The system that has its nonfunctional tests completed is now ready for user acceptance tests. Errors that occur during system tests are reported according to the project error management process, and necessary corrections are made.

After the necessary fixes, the system undergoes iterative tests to evaluate that the fixes did not affect the rest of the system.

Acceptance Tests

Project acceptance tests validate customer requirements.

For this purpose, test cases serve to validate each user requirement. In the developed system, these defined test cases are applied in accordance with the “acceptance test plan” with the customer’s participation.

To sum up, after the entire system passes these tests, the customer can accept the system.

To summarize, we’ve highlighted how important test case design is. Software testing becomes much more important in very large projects because a product on the market that is constantly causing problems due to malfunctions causes a great loss of time and money.

For example, test engineers with good theoretical knowledge are very important for projects that have an important place in software technologies such as banking software, military software, public software, and games.

To that end, the need for good testers and good coders increases day by day.

What to read next

Test Scenarios vs. Test Cases: A Guide For QA Engineers

Test Strategy vs Test Plan: Managing QA in the Enterprise

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Writing Test Cases: Examples, Best Practices & Test Case Templates

Writing Test Cases with Test Case Examples & Templates

Test automation is on everyone's lips these days, which is why you might be wondering if writing manual test cases is still relevant. For many teams the answer is a resounding Yes . While test automation is vital, writing test cases for manual testing is still important for many reasons .

Often times tests are just too complex and expensive to automate – manual testing can sometimes be more efficient and is often leveraged to prevent critical bugs in software from reoccurring. Automation is also still not suited for more creative and empathetic test approaches. And many companies simply don't have the expertise to turn their backs on writing test cases.

That's why manual testing is still a standard approach for software developers and testers, requiring proficiency in writing test cases and a place to manage them. Many companies utilize dedicated test management solutions for this purpose, while smaller teams often take the old-school approach with Excel spreadsheets. Regardless of the tool your team chooses, even the most modern test management app doesn't automatically make you a good test case writer.

So if you're looking to improve your test case writing skills, keep reading to learn from some of our test case examples and from best practices we've learned over time.

Why Writing Good Test Cases Makes a Difference

Before we get into the "how," let's first examine why you should care about writing good test cases in the first place:

Good test cases are easier to maintain. Writing test cases takes time. Consequently, if the system under test changes, you don't want to spend too much extra time updating them. Maintaining existing test cases should be as simple as possible – especially if you're not the test case author.

Good test cases are versatile. Nobody wants to update the entire test suite for every new feature release. Try to write nonspecific test cases that remain relevant after the system's user interface changes to save time and minimize errors in test cases caused by hasty updates.

Good test cases make you flexible. Finally, you can use the time saved in writing and managing test cases for other test methods, such as exploratory testing. This allows you to identify edge cases that need testing and ultimately ensure that your product delivers a great user experience.

Test Case Examples & Templates

Most importantly, a good test case should enable you to do your job as well as possible – regardless of the system under test or your test management solution.

Since many test management tools encourage testers to write overly detailed test cases, our examples should demonstrate that the quality of a test case doesn't depend on the number of fields you fill out. We sadly can't provide you with instructions on how to write the ideal test case for your specific scenario, but the examples below follow some of the best practices discussed later in this article.

Suppose we're developing a to-do app and need to test whether the UI correctly displays the results for creating, updating, and deleting to-do lists. Here's what some of these manual test cases could look like:

Title Create to-do list


  • Navigate to the Create new to-do list form
  • Fill in all fields with valid test data (see test data in attachment)
  • Submit form

Expected: The newly created to-do list detail page is loaded and shows all the specified data.

Attachment test_data_new_todo_list.txt

Title Update to-do list

Description Context: The user has created a to-do list.

  • Navigate to the to-do list
  • Click Update

Expected: The updated to-do list detail page is loaded and shows the newly entered data.

Attachment test_data_update_todo_list.txt

Title Delete to-do list

Description Conext: The user has created a to-do list.

  • Click delete
  • Confirm delete popup

Expected: The to-do list overview page is loaded, and the deleted to-do list is not listed.

Of course, this is not a complete test suite and we can think of various additional test cases for each scenario. However, these are some examples of nonspecific test cases that are quick to write and easy to maintain .

Let's look at another example. Imagine our to-do app had a bug in the past where the CSV export of a to-do list didn't result in a valid CSV file which caused a lot of issues for users.

We decide to write another test case to ensure that this bug doesn't reoccur with new app versions. In contrast to before, we want it to be more specific and yet as flexible and maintainable as possible:

Title Verify CSV export RFC 4180 compliancy

Description Prerequisites: The user has created a to-do list.

  • Navigate to the export page
  • Pick CSV as export file format
  • Submit export form
  • Open CSV file in a text editor
  • The CSV file is downloaded to the computer
  • The CSV file is RFC 4180 compliant (see sample CSV in attachment)
  • The file content matches the to-do list data in the app

Attachment RFC_4180_CSV.csv

test cases for assignment

5 Best Practices for Writing Manual Test Cases

Now, let's look at five best practices for writing test cases we've learned over time. Taking them to heart will help you write better test cases and improve collaboration between testers and developers.

1. Keep it simple and consistent

It's not only about what you write ; it's also about how you write it . Using simple language and a specific writing style will help you write tests faster and make them easier for others to understand.

But making sure the entire team's on the same page here can be tricky. We therefore recommend creating and enforcing a style guide for writing manual test cases. This guide could define best practices, writing dos and don'ts, terms and abbreviations to use, the formatting of specific sections, and so on. Check out this Test Writing Style Guide from W3C to get an idea. You ideally define your own style guide based on your team's needs.

2. Start with a good test scenario

Writing good test cases is more straightforward when you have a good test scenario to begin with. And as you can imagine, poorly written test scenarios can negatively impact your test cases for several reasons. Let's look at a quick example!

Badly-scoped test scenario: Check user authentication functionality.

The problem with this scenario is that it doesn't define the test scope well. Should you write test cases for login, registration, and password reset? Suppose your colleague is working on a test scenario, "Verify user password reset," simultaneously. Now you're both writing the same test cases, wasting a lot of time.

Better-scoped test scenarios could be:

  • Verify user login functionality
  • Verify user registration functionality
  • Verify password reset functionality

If you properly scope your test scenarios, it'll be easier to differentiate between tests and work with several testers in parallel.

test cases for assignment

Test case details and results added during testing.

3. Only be as specific as needed

You've probably heard the saying that testing is about being precise. However, test cases that are too specific are often inflexible and difficult to maintain. Hence, we believe that test cases should only be as detailed as needed . They should adapt to system changes and allow testers a more flexible approach to their work.

Let's demonstrate this with an example. Suppose we have a chat app and are working on checking the Update username functionality. The test case below ensures that the username isn't updated if the input field is left blank:

Title Check username update with empty username

Description Prerequisites: Be logged in

  • Open the "Settings" page via the main navigation
  • Open the "My profile" settings page
  • Scroll to the "Update Username" section
  • Don't provide any input to the field "New username"
  • Submit the form by clicking the "Update Username" button
  • Get message "Error: Username can't be empty."
  • Username does not update in Profile

But what happens if the UI changes in the future? What if the "Settings" page isn't linked in the main menu, pages and buttons are given a different label, or the "Update Username" section is moved somewhere else? Then we'd have to rewrite all of the steps to make sure they reflect the current state of the system under test. And we'd have to do that for many test cases, which takes a lot of time.

Opting for a more vague approach saves you this trouble:

Description Prerequisites: Be logged in and be in the profile settings

  • Scroll to update username form
  • Leave username field empty
  • Submit the form

Expected: See an update failure message.

With this version, you wouldn't have to update the test case with every slight change in the UI, but testers can still understand what to do. As a result, you can concentrate on other, more pressing, or creative tests.

4. But know when to be precise

Do testers regularly run into problems with the vague description of a test case and end the test run with an incorrect result? Then you should try writing a more specific test case and see if the testers fare better. Depending on the test case's complexity, it may take a few iterations to find the suitable accuracy.

Test cases for delicate features that work with sensitive data like passwords or credit card information also often call for more preciseness – especially if you've served your users with bugs in these features before.

You may remember the uproar Apple's macOS caused in 2017 when anybody could unlock the system with the username 'root' and a blank password. To be sure that this error never happens again, the testers could write a test case that tries to reproduce this exact bug:

Title Check login with empty password

  • Start macOS
  • Click "other" on Login Screen
  • Enter username (data: root)
  • Enter password (data: empty)
  • Click enter twice

Expected: The login does not work and access is denied.

Not only can writing more accurate test cases help prevent known bugs, but it can also reduce the pressure software teams deal with by worrying less about delivering faulty software.

5. Encourage exploration

When you write down a list of test cases for your scenario, you're likely missing out on a few. Often you'll only recognize a test case when you encounter the corresponding error in your system. To address this, good testers invest time to freely explore features to discover new test cases and issues.

Not just that, but exploration also helps you discover a feature through your users' eyes and understand their needs and wants. Ultimately, this approach helps to improve the overall customer experience with your software, making you a more valuable tester for your company.

Again, the key is not to write test cases that are too specific:

  • "Navigate to the profile settings page." Instead of specifying the exact route, we let the tester decide how to get to the destination.
  • "Submit the contact form." A creative tester may have more than one idea of submitting a form – press the submit button, hit Enter on the keyboard, or even click the submit button of another form, etc.

The more you understand the system under test, the better you are at exploring it. In other words, you'll know what to look for and which aspects are more prone to errors. If you have time to explore, make the most of it and be creative.

test cases for assignment

Test cases and results in a test management tool (here: Testmo).

The Key to Writing Good Test Cases

Often times the key to writing good test cases is to know when to be specific and when not to. By following best practices and learning from test case examples, you can improve your test case writing skills and become a more effective tester.

Many effective software testing teams achieve their goals by combining manual test cases with test automation and exploratory testing. Keeping track of the various testing efforts and methods require efficient modern test management – especially if you're currently working with simple Excel sheets that are hard to maintain or if you use an older legacy system.

If that's the case for your team, you might want to consider looking for a dedicated test management tool such as our app Testmo that you can leverage for your testing strategy – now and in the future. Or review a list of the best test management tools to choose a tool for your projects.

But regardless of the tools you use, investing into becoming a better test case author and improving your manual testing skills is time well spent.

Start Testing with Testmo Free

#1 Modern Test Case Management Software

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How to Write Test Cases? (+ Detailed Examples)

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The initial yet critical phase of structuring the testing process involves writing test cases. While this may appear overwhelming to some, the benefits are too significant to ignore. These include enabling decentralized testing, securing test coverage, enhancing understanding of requirements among team members during collaboration, and, most crucially, spotting bugs in the early stages of testing. This article guides you through the advantages that test cases offer and the art of crafting them.

What is a test case?

Before you dive into testing the application, it’s paramount to understand what needs to be tested. This is where test cases come in. A test case is a defined scenario or condition created to check the functionality, accuracy, or quality of a software application or feature. It outlines inputs, preconditions, anticipated outcomes, and postconditions essential for testing a specific facet of the software. Essentially, test cases provide a framework of instructions or guidelines for conducting tests. They are not limited to manual or automated testing; rather, writing test cases for both types of testing can be incredibly beneficial to your application.

Key parts of a test case

  • Test case ID: A unique code or number to easily reference and track the test case.
  • Test case title : A concise yet descriptive title that summarizes the purpose or objective of the test case.
  • Test case description : A detailed explanation of the scenario or functionality being tested. It should provide sufficient context for the tester to understand the purpose of the test case.
  • Preconditions: Any necessary conditions or prerequisites that must be fulfilled before executing the test case, such as specific configurations, data setup, or system state.
  • Test inputs: The specific inputs or data values required to execute the test case. This includes providing the necessary information, parameters, or test data to drive the desired behavior.
  • Expected outcome: Clear and measurable expectations of the results, output, or behavior that should be observed when the test is executed correctly. This can include both functional and non-functional aspects.
  • Test steps: A step-by-step sequence of actions or operations that need to be followed to execute the test case. This includes interacting with the software, entering data, navigating through screens or functionalities, and verifying results.
  • Test environment: Details about the specific test environment required to execute the test case, such as software versions, hardware configurations, operating systems, browsers, or network settings.
  • Test data: Specific test data values, including both valid and invalid inputs, boundary conditions, and edge cases, need to be tested to ensure proper functionality.
  • Postconditions: Any expected conditions, states, or side effects of the system or application after executing the test case. This can include database changes, log entries, notifications, or system behavior changes.
  • Test dependencies: Any dependencies or specific conditions that need to be met before executing the test case, such as prerequisite tests or related functionalities.
  • Test priority: The priority level assigned to the test case, indicating its importance or urgency. This helps in prioritizing testing efforts based on criticality or business impact.

Test case vs. test scenario vs. test script

Having defined what a test case is, let’s shift our focus to a test scenario. It provides an overview of what requires testing. You can craft multiple test cases within a single test scenario . For instance, if the test scenario is verifying the login operation, you can develop several test cases such as ‘verifying successful login with correct credentials’, ‘verifying unsuccessful login with incorrect password’, and so on.

A test script is part of a test case. Essentially, it is another way to refer to test steps, i.e., what exactly needs to be done within the test case. Test scripts are more commonly seen within automation frameworks, where test cases need to be defined in a manner the system can comprehend.

Why should you write test cases?

  • Systematizing the Testing Process: Test cases help to organize the testing process by giving it a structure. Once you have a clear understanding of what to test and how, it speeds up the testing process significantly.
  • Fostering Better Tests through Brainstorming: Creating test cases encourages critical thinking about what’s being tested. It calls upon a tester’s creativity to design comprehensive and potentially fail-proof test cases. This process, particularly in a group setting, enhances the quality of the test cases.
  • Facilitating Delegation of Testing Activities: Since test cases are documented systematically, the author of the test case isn’t required to conduct the test. Test cases can be delegated among team members, and can even be used by developers and business analysts for testing the application in their environments.
  • Improving Test Coverage: Writing test cases promotes brainstorming and encourages testers to devise more creative test cases, thus improving test coverage .
  • Increasing the Probability of Defect Detection: Ultimately, the purpose of writing test cases is to test the application. If test cases are high-quality and ensure wide test coverage, the chances of detecting bugs and glitches at an early stage increase. Although some bugs might go unnoticed, this approach mitigates the high costs associated with fixing multiple issues in production.
  • Providing Documentation: Documented test cases serve as future references and an excellent knowledge sharing tool during hand-overs or onboarding new team members.
  • Verifying Requirements: Test cases function as a checklist, verifying if the application meets the functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Supporting Regression Testing: Documented test cases can be reused for regression testing . Coupled with automation testing, this proves to be a powerful quality control strategy.
  • Enabling Collaboration: Test cases for functional requirements might require input or review from business analysts. Similarly, non-functional requirements may need assistance from the development team. Documented test cases facilitate this collaboration.

Tips for writing test cases

  • Use a consistent format for writing test cases: When writing test cases, try to stick to the same format. This will ensure that your documentation is well-organized and easy for others to use and understand.
  • Understand the requirements: Before jumping into writing gain a clear understanding of the requirements and functionalities being tested. This will help you define the scope and objectives of your test cases accurately.
  • Have atomic test steps: Test steps should be clear and concise.
  • Keep the expected outcome of the test case clear : Avoid using a single test case to verify multiple outcomes. Keep your test case revolving around a single outcome and validation. It’s important to ensure that the test case is clear, unambiguous, and easily understandable by other testers or stakeholders. Well-written test cases can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process.
  • Consider the type of testing that is being done: Your test case’s outlook will change depending on the type of testing. If it is a functional test case, it will focus on that functionality. If it is related to performance testing, the test cases will revolve around testing that aspect, and so on.
  • Think of positive and negative scenarios: To ensure full coverage, try to think of negative scenarios as well during writing test cases.
  • Pay attention to the test data: Clearly define the required test data and the necessary setup steps to ensure that the test environment is properly configured. You can study the production data for this and then generate your own test data.
  • Maintain traceability: Ensure traceability between test cases and requirements. This helps in validating that all requirements are covered by test cases and provides a clear link between the two.
  • Have a review process: Reviewing test cases is a good idea to ensure maximum coverage. In fact, if you can get other team members like business analysts involved in the process of collaboration, then the chances of identifying more unexplored grounds are higher.

Test case examples

The structure of a test case along with the required fields will differ based on the requirements and the tool you’re using. Below are two examples:

Functional Regression Testing – Login Functionality

Test Case ID: TC001

Test Case Title: Verify Login Functionality

Description: This test case verifies that a user can log into the application using valid credentials.

Preconditions: The user must be registered and have a valid username and password.

  • Launch the application.
  • Navigate to the login page.
  • Enter the valid username and password.
  • Click on the “Login” button

Expected Result: The user is successfully logged in and is redirected to the user’s dashboard/home page.

Test Data: Username: ValidUser Password: Password123

Postcondition: The user’s dashboard/home page is displayed.

Test Priority: High

API Testing – Put Request

Test Case ID: TC002

Test Case Title: Verify API PUT Request

Description: This test case verifies that the API correctly updates a user’s information and returns the correct status and response when a PUT request is made.

  • The API endpoint is accessible and functioning properly.
  • A user entity exists in the database that can be updated.
  • Use a GET request to the API endpoint to obtain the current details of the user.
  • Check that the API returns a status code of 200 and the correct user details.
  • Change one or more details of the user data retrieved, such as updating the user’s email or name.
  • Send a PUT request to the API endpoint with the updated user data in the request body.
  • Use another GET request to retrieve the details of the user again.
  • The initial GET request returns the original user details.
  • The PUT request returns a status code of 200 and the updated user data in the response.
  • The subsequent GET request returns the updated user details.

API Endpoint:{id}

  • The user’s details have been updated in the database.
  • The API server has processed the PUT and GET requests.

Can you reuse manual tests for test automation?

Incorporating automation testing in the testing process, particularly for repetitive tasks like regression testing after each release, proves advantageous. Test cases initially written for manual testing can be repurposed for automation testing, albeit with some modifications. These manual test cases can form the foundation of your automation test cases. However, each automation test case must have its steps rephrased into a script, comprehensible to the test automation framework. Expected outcomes are then validated accordingly.

These automation-focused test cases are optimized to reuse code across similar test scenarios and can process large data sets within a single test case by manipulating parameters. It’s essential to note that the inception of automation testing relies on the drafting of test cases; without these, the framework can’t verify anything. While test cases for manual and automated testing aren’t mutually exclusive, they differ in their writing approach and their target audience: one targets humans, and the other, machines.

How to improve the process

  • Writing Tests in Plain English: Unlike other frameworks, testRigor doesn’t require you to code the meaning of each statement. Simply draft the steps in the editor in plain English.
  • Cross-Platform and Browser Testing: testRigor enables writing test cases for web, mobile, and desktop applications and executes them across all these platforms. It also supports running test cases across different browsers and devices.
  • UI Elements Locating without Technical Complications: As in manual testing, testRigor lets you mention a UI element using relative locations. Its AI-powered engine makes this possible. For instance, you can instruct testRigor to ‘click “Skip” at the bottom of the page.’
  • Grouping Test Cases into Test Suites: testRigor allows for the creation of test suites for different functionalities, within which you can write related test cases. This facilitates easier management and execution of test cases.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The interface lets you add labels, descriptions, test data, and other parameters to your test cases and suites, making grouping easier.
  • Integration with Other Frameworks: It offers integration with other test case management frameworks like TestRail or CI/CD tools, ensuring continuous testing after every release.
  • Diverse Action and Verification Features: testRigor offers numerous capabilities to interact with and verify outcomes on the screen, such as interactions with tables, UI testing, 2FA login support, conditional execution, reusable rules written in plain English, test data management, and more.

You can cover mobile, web, and desktop with testRigor. It is perhaps the easiest way to build robust end-to-end automated test cases, so we highly advise you to check it out – you will thank us later!

In Conclusion

Writing test cases before diving into testing activities ensures efficiency and high-quality outcomes. When combined with automation testing, you can achieve more in less time, thereby liberating resources to focus on exploratory testing and the creation of test cases for new features in your application.

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How to Write Test Cases for Software: Examples & Tutorial

Headshot of William McMullin, Solution Architect at Parasoft

Writing test cases is paramount to software development. Test cases help software testers understand their test's requirements and scope. Read on to learn how to write proper test cases with automated testing tools from Parasoft.

How to write test cases might not seem like such an important part of development. But for a software tester to best perform their job, they need a crystal clear set of steps to follow and a clear definition of what is being tested.

Everyone from NASA and GE to enterprise-level corporations can benefit from teams operating at their best. Writing excellent test cases is just one more way to enhance team efficiency and efficacy and Parasoft is all about empowering teams to do just that.

In this blog, we cover the following topics related to how to write a test case:

  • What is a test case?
  • Test script vs. test case
  • Different test case types
  • How to write software test cases
  • Standard test case format
  • Test case writing best practices
  • Test suite vs. test plan
  • Test case writing tools

See how to create useful, reusable test cases with AI-enhanced test automation for easier API functional testing.

What Is a Test Case in Software?

A test case is exactly what it sounds like: a test scenario measuring functionality across a set of actions or conditions to verify the expected result. They apply to any software application, can use manual testing or an automated test , and can make use of test case management tools.

A key thing to remember when it comes to writing test cases is that they are intended to test a basic variable or task such as whether or not a discount code applies to the right product on an e-commerce web page. This allows a software tester more flexibility in how to test code and features.

Optimizing Unit and Regression Testing for Embedded Systems

Test Script vs. Test Case

The difference between test cases vs. test scripts should also be clarified. A test script is a short program meant to test certain functionality. A test case is a document with steps to be completed as planned out ahead of time.

Consider test cases as a meticulously planned trip and test scripts to be more like a quick trip to the grocery store.

Chart listing different types of test case purposes: left column shows functionality, unit, performance, database; right column shows user interface, integration, security, usability

Different Types of Test Cases

Test cases can measure many different aspects of code. The steps involved may also be intended to induce a Fail result as opposed to a positive expected result such as when a user inputs the wrong password on a login screen.

Some common test case examples would be the following:

Table showing common test case examples for functionality, security and usability

Test cases can be applied to any number of features found in any given software. Some of the most popular include:

  • API testing example  – See it in action.
  • UI testing example  – See it in action.
  • Unit testing example  – See it in action.
  • Load & performance testing example  – See it in action.
  • Security testing
  • SQL queries
  • Low-code application testing

A Popular Test Case Example

Test cases come in handy in a variety of software scenarios. Everything from banking to personal software requires a test case application. For example, if the goal is to have encrypted, sensitive data, the software needs to have features that work as intended.

But functional testing is just one aspect of writing a test case. Software testing should robustly challenge every aspect of the code from performance to compatibility to security. That’s why personal encryption software needs to be tested so thoroughly — especially when it comes to things like Web APIs .

infographic showing two people writing a test case amid code and computer related images

How to Write Software Test Cases

Writing test cases varies depending on what the test case is measuring or testing. This is also a situation where sharing test assets across dev and test teams can accelerate software testing. But it all starts with knowing how to write a test case effectively and efficiently.

Test cases have a few integral parts that should always be present in fields. However, every test case can be broken down into 8 basic steps.

Step 1: Test Case ID

Test cases should all bear unique IDs to represent them. In most cases, following a convention for this naming ID helps with organization, clarity, and understanding.

Step 2: Test Description

This description should detail what unit, feature, or function is being tested or what is being verified.

Step 3: Assumptions and Pre-Conditions

This entails any conditions to be met before test case execution. One example would be requiring a valid Outlook account for a login.

Step 4: Test Data

This relates to the variables and their values in the test case. In the example of an email login, it would be the username and password for the account.

Step 5: Steps to be Executed

These should be easily repeatable steps as executed from the end user’s perspective. For instance, a test case for logging into an email server might include these steps:

  • Open email server web page.
  • Enter username.
  • Enter password.
  • Click “Enter” or “Login” button.

Step 6: Expected Result

This indicates the result expected after the test case step execution. Upon entering the right login information, the expected result would be a successful login.

Step 7: Actual Result and Post-Conditions

As compared to the expected result, we can determine the status of the test case. In the case of the email login, the user would either be successfully logged in or not. The post-condition is what happens as a result of the step execution such as being redirected to the email inbox.

Step 8: Pass/Fail

Determining the pass/fail status depends on how the expected result and the actual result compare to each other.

Same result = Pass Different results = Fail

Accelerate Software Testing by Sharing Test Assets Across Dev & Test Teams

Standard Unit Test Case Format

Each part of a well-written unit test will define several core aspects including:

  • Functions performed by the test
  • Data used in the test
  • Expected result from the test execution
  • Ensuring the test was executed in isolation from other parts of the codebase

It’s important to know that the standard format of well-written tests is composed of the following parts:

  • Meaningful test method name
  • Controlled data or mocks to be used for testing
  • Method or unit under test (the part of code we are testing)
  • Applying an assertion
  • Executing the unit test in isolation

screen capture of code for a well-written unit test case

Is There a Test Case Template?

As mentioned, there is a standard test case format. However, the test case template would likely vary from company to company and even from team to team. Instead, a test case template is the document with a list of test scenarios and subsequent test cases.

Quality Test Case Example

Though test cases will vary based on the type of testing and overall field of testing, building a quality test case comes down to those few reliable items above. Remember: the name of the test method must include the method or unit under test and what is the expected outcome.

It should also be noted that each unit should be tested in isolation. In this case, “isolation” means keeping tests focused as much as possible in order to execute only the piece of the application we are testing for.

This example comes from a banking-related test case:

Screen capture of code for a banking-related test case

With this method name, we know that this is a unit test that is:

  • Testing the method ‘isOverDrawn()’.
  • The balanced used for the controlled data was 500.
  • The expected result is true.

A meaningful method name allows anyone reviewing the results to understand what the unit test was testing for. Moreover, it signals the data to be tested, the expected result, and what was tested.

If the test fails, knowing the expected result is critical in allowing for easier troubleshooting and ensuring no regressions are introduced .

Test Case Data

The data used needs to be enough to execute the test. For unit testing, we want to make it as simple as possible to test the most basic unit of our application. The data could be as simple as making a string or object variable for which you can control the data. Or a mock framework can be used for the test if a dependency is not available or you need that dependency to be in a specific state.

Having just enough to test that one part if sufficient. You DO NOT need to configure every piece of the application for the test to run.

All of this affects how the unit test will behave since this is the data being used for unit test execution. As such, this part of unit testing is the most time consuming as it requires some understanding of the code you are testing to know what data to use for testing.

Keep it simple by using just the parts needed for the code being tested. Mocks are very useful in this phase as they allow you to control how methods from those objects will behave when interacting with your test.

For example, given the following data:

Screen capture of code showing how to control behavior of objects

We avoided the “real customer class” by using a mock for the “customer class” for testing isolation. We do not want to introduce nor configure another object for this test as it adds another layer of maintainability for that object, and it is not affecting the result of the method under test.

The next variable to be created is the “initial balance”—something known due to knowledge of the code. The next line shows the Account object being created along with the mock and the Initial Balance to prepare the method we are testing for with the data we just used.

So in this example, the account object is configured with the mock customer since we do not care about the customer object’s data and we passed an initial balance that we can control for our test.

The next line defines the input as the method under test requires a number to be used. We defined the “balance” to be used in the method we are testing for. Then the method is executed with the result of the method being stored in our variable for us to use later.

Applying an Assertion

Once the test can complete successfully (as in it runs from start to finish with no exceptions or errors), then it is time to apply an assertion to the unit test. Without the assertion, the unit test is meaningless since there is nothing you are enforcing to ensure it is working as intended.

Collecting coverage of what lines were executed does tell what was executed but it does not provide enough detail to determine the following:

  • If the code is behaving as expected.
  • If the code meets quality targets.
  • If the data returned is the expected data.

An assertion can be as basic as:

Screen capture of code showing an assertion

As long as the unit test contains one assertion that is checking the method under test result, this is a meaningful unit test.

Screen capture of code for a meaningful unit test with one assertion

By applying the standard format of unit test, a team can easily maintain, read, and/or update tests with more ease to readily see where more testing can be applied to the rest of the application.

infographic showing a team at work around an mega large monitor. Guy to left on smartphone, guy sitting on top of monitor working on laptop, girl on ladder drawing a bar chart on monitor with an oversized pencil, guy standing in front of monitor talking into a megaphone, girl to right of monitor taking notes.

What Are the Best Practices for Writing Quality Test Cases?

How to write effective tests and test cases can be streamlined over time. Some best practices include using strong titles, strong descriptions, and keeping the language concise and clear.

But you’ll also want to include preconditions, assumptions, and the expected results, too. All of this information is relevant for the software tester — especially when determining whether the test case should be a “pass” or a “fail” instead.

A cheat sheet for creating test cases that work well is as follows:

  • Keep things simple and transparent.
  • Make test cases reusable.
  • Keep test case IDs unique.
  • Peer review is important .
  • Test cases should have the end user or defined requirements in mind.
  • Specify expected results and assumptions.

Graph showing a test plan which includes test suites A, B and C

Simple, unique, specific, open to feedback, and focused on reusability: that’s the way of a great test case. For a more visual look at how to write a quality test case, check out Parasoft’s webinar on the subject.

Test Suite vs. Test Plan

The other aspect of a test case involves test suites and test plans. These differ in key ways and both are vital to accurate test case development.

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What Is a Test Suite?

A test suite comes into play for test cases as it relates to source code, the collection of dependencies, or the suite of tests to be performed on code. Test suites allow you to categorize test cases in ways that align with any analysis or planning needs.

This means that core software features might have their own test suite while another test suite is for a specific testing type such as smoke or security. Think of test suites as a bookshelf to organize your test cases on.

What Is a Test Plan?

In contrast, a test plan is more like the umbrella that stands over all of the test suites. If test cases are books and test suites are bookshelves, then test plans are the room that contains the bookshelf.

Generally, test plans are set up in terms of manual tests, automated tests, and a general format of how to go about testing. They’ll test the software from the foundation up utilizing test suites and test cases before implementing changes or adding new features.

Infographic showing guy in orange shirt and black pants sitting and working at a desk with a monitor.

Best Test Case Writing Tools

Parasoft generally develops its tools and suites with the “George Jetson” theory in mind. That is to say that we want our clients to be able to “press a button” and have everything taken care of. While this isn’t totally realistic, tools that have this focus on automation are the best to use when it comes to writing test cases.

Not only can they assist with automation, but they can help from the very beginning of development. After all, it’s too easy to get bogged down by small details or features. One might forget that software just has to function first. That’s where a Java unit testing tool like Parasoft Jtest comes in.

This tool allows beginners and experts alike to improve their unit testing skills more quickly, as well as the unit testing experience. After establishing a foundation, it executes the unit tests then guides the user to ensure that the tests are meaningful. When you can understand the kinds of things to look for in a test, test case writing becomes less intimidating.

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test cases for assignment

How to Write Functional Test Cases for Thorough Coverage

Ready to learn how to write functional test cases that testers can action on and that, combined, thoroughly cover the product?

Broadly, functional software testing is defined as a type of black-box testing method that focuses on the functionality of a software product.

Functional testing is designed to ensure a web or mobile software application meets its requirements and specifications by executing test cases from the user’s perspective. Functional test cases are what QA managers write in order to assign testing for functional requirements to others on the team. 

Think of a test case like a task. A functional test case assigns the testing of a function or feature in order to see if it produces the expected result. 

Every new feature and function must be tested before release, and most need to be continuously tested.

For example, you might test a photo upload feature. When you add a photo, does it get added to the digital asset library? When you add a tag to that photo, does it get saved in the photo’s metadata? When you later search that tag, does the photo you added to the tag appear in the digital asset library’s search results?

test cases for assignment

Inexperienced testers might assume that testing features is the only kind of testing that exists, but QA pros know that there are many other types of testing, such as smoke testing, exploratory testing , performance testing, and usability testing.

As a refresher, here’s how functional testing differs from nonfunctional testing .

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Types of Functional Testing

There are several functional testing types, each targeting different aspects and stages of the software lifecycle.

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses on the smallest testable parts of an application, such as functions, methods, or classes, and serves as the first line of defense against errors. The goal of unit testing is to catch bugs early in the software development cycle before they escalate into more expensive, complex problems. 

Regression Testing 

In software development, whenever something new is implemented—new features, updates, or bug fixes—there’s a chance something will break. This is exactly what regression testing aims to avoid. It ensures new code changes don’t introduce new defects or impact existing software functionality. 

Integration Testing

Individual application modules may function optimally on their own. However, issues may arise when integrated with other components. Integration testing assesses the compatibility of these different modules, their communication with each other, and whether data flows seamlessly between them.  

It’s particularly necessary for complex applications such as banking apps, which often rely on interconnected components and third-party tools. 

Sanity Testing

Sanity testing is a subset of regression testing, and it’s quick and non-exhaustive. It ensures changes to the software build are working as expected and do not negatively impact the application’s major functionalities. A sanity test typically happens after smoke testing has been completed.

Smoke Testing

Smoke testing is a quick, preliminary test that ensures the critical functionalities of a new build are working properly. Much like a gatekeeper, it determines whether a build is stable enough to undergo the next level of testing.

To learn more about the functional test types, head to our ultimate guide to functional testing.

How To Write Functional Test Cases

Now that we understand what functional test cases are, let’s look at what they include and how to write them. 

A functional test case should have these features:

  • Description or name of the function or feature
  • Preconditions for being able to test it (such as being logged in as a user with a certain access level or paid subscription plan)
  • The steps required to test it
  • The expected result

When all of this is included, the tester has everything they need to satisfy the requirement of the test case.

In the description section, you can also write the location of the function, if the app is very large and complex with many different feature areas, or if the same function exists in different feature areas. 

This is our step-by-step guide you should follow when writing functional test cases:

1. Determine What Areas Need to be Covered

The first step is to take a bird’s eye view of the testing project and consider what needs to be tested. Talk with product leaders to learn more about the new updates or features being released, and understand the depth and breadth of the testing required. 

2. Working in a Doc or Spreadsheet, List All Functions and Features

Now it’s time to get into the details. Start listing all of the functions and features that need to be included in the manual testing round. 

Go from memory on what you know of the product, include the new features that have been described to you, and also login and play around with the app to recall any additional functionality in those product areas. 

3. Explore the Product to Determine If Any Tests Can Be Separated or Combined 

The next step is to consider your list against the actual product. As you explore the product, decide whether or not test cases could be combined (such as download as a PNG and as a JPG) or if you need to break up one concept into multiple test cases (such as upload a photo, add a photo tag, search a photo tag).

4. Write Each Individual Test Case

Now it’s time to write the test cases inside of your test management tool . This tool should be designed for managing testing and/or development tasks, so that you can input the information needed on the test case, assign it to a tester, and allow them to connect this test case to a bug report if needed. 

Use this as a template for what to include:

  • Description
  • Preconditions
  • Expected result

5. Assign the Test Cases to Testers

There is some strategy required when assigning test cases to testers. You don’t want to do it at random, otherwise, testers will all have to be in different parts of the app instead of dividing and conquering. 

Divide the number of test cases by the number of testers to know approximately how many test cases each person should have. Let’s say that number is 20. Look at your overall list of test cases and methodically choose 20 cases for one tester at a time. 

Group the test cases by:

  • Access type
  • Product area
  • Feature release

For important features and brand new releases, make sure to have some overlap, so that two or more testers are assigned to the same case. 

6. Create and Assign Any Exploratory Test Prompts As Well

In addition to pre-defined test cases that ensure excellent product coverage, you should include exploratory tests , which allow testers to use the app more naturally, as a real user would. 

Write some prompts, such as “Edit a video with captions, subtitles, and an intro slide” or “Manually add a new lead to the CRM” and allow testers to fulfill that demand using any steps they require. They can then submit bug reports for any issues encountered along the way. 

Functional Test Case Examples

Here are some examples of functional test cases to help solidify what we’ve learned. 

1. Assign a New Task

Description : Add a new task and assign it to a user. Preconditions : The user getting assigned should have email notifications turned on. Steps : 1. Create two user profiles with email addresses. 2. Using one of the accounts, create a new task. 3. Assign that task to your other user account. Expected result : The user should receive an email notification that they have been assigned to a task.

2. Download as JPG

Description: Download your design as a JPG file. Preconditions: You should have added one item to the blank canvas and be logged in as a paying user. Steps: 1. Login as a paying user. 2. Open a new canvas and add one headline or icon. 3. Download the image as JPG. Expected result: You should be given 3 options for file size and resolution and then the file should download according to what you select. 

3. Email Reminder

Description: Notification to follow up via email with someone who doesn’t respond. Preconditions: You are signed in as a user with a Pro plan. Steps: 1. Login as a user with a Pro plan. 2. Send an email to a test lead and select to send notification if no reply within 1 day. 3. Wait 1 day to receive the bell notification in your inbox. Expected result: You will receive a bell notification in your email inbox.

Functional Test Case Writing Best Practices 

Writing functional test cases—like the functional testing examples outlined above—is critical to ensuring your application meets requirements. Some best practices to keep in mind:

Prioritize the Right Test Cases

Testing takes time and resources, so prioritize test cases based on importance or impact on critical functionalities—for example, the payment processing aspect of an e-commerce site. This way, they get the attention they deserve and you can allocate time and resources accordingly. 

Create Reusable Test Cases

Test case preparation can be time-consuming. Design reusable test cases that you can customize for multiple scenarios. Create test case templates that cover all the essential elements but can also be adapted to accommodate various features and functionalities. This streamlines the testing process and ensures accuracy and consistency across all tests.

Review and Update Regularly

Software within Agile development frameworks requires constant iteration and testing. This means test cases should accurately represent the current state of the software and align with the latest software changes. Up-to-date test cases should provide clear and relevant information during testing and help teams identify areas for improvement. 

It’s important, therefore, that you regularly review and update test cases, incorporating product updates or new requirements as needed.

Incorporate Peer Feedback

“Two heads are better than one,” like that old adage used to say. When creating test cases, enlist the help of a team member to function as another set of eyes and peer reviewer of your work. Collecting real-time feedback and tester input can help you uncover oversights and optimize the application from the end user’s perspective.

How to Ensure That Your Functional Test Cases Cover the Product Area

Most likely, you need to do some form of regression testing in order to cover areas of the product that could be affected by any of the new updates or product releases you’re testing. 

That’s why, aside from the core feature or functionality you’re responsible for testing, you should also list out areas that may be affected by this function as well as any product areas that are prone to breakage due to a high volume of usage or code complexity. 

Plan your test cycles over at least two or three days, so that you can study test coverage with fresh eyes. Be open to re-evaluating processes, which can improve outcomes and reduce software testing costs . Always open the app while strategizing and writing test cases so you can be sure you’re not missing a function or feature you would have forgotten without actually looking at the app.

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Looking for more insights? Read The Ultimate Guide to Functional Testing .

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Write Automation Test Cases Effortlessly using BrowserStack Test Management Tool

Create & Manage Test Cases for Automated Tests at ease in BrowserStack's seamless Test Management platform

How to Create Test Cases for Automated tests?

By Neha Vaidya, Community Contributor - June 5, 2023

Test cases define the sequence of actions required to verify the system functionality. A typical test case consists of test steps, preconditions, expected results, and actual results. QA teams usually create test cases from test scenarios . These test scenarios provide a high-level overview of what QA should test regarding user workflows and end-to-end functionality to confirm that the system satisfies customer requirements. In this article, let’s understand how to create test cases for automated testing.

Introduction to Test Automation

Which tests should be automated, role of test cases in automated testing, how to write test cases in automation testing, creating a test case for automated test, converting a test case to a test script for automated tests.

Test automation involves executing the tests automatically, managing test data, and utilizing results to improve software quality. It’s a quality assurance measure, but its role consists of the commitment of the entire software production team. From business analysts to developers and DevOps engineers, getting the most out of test automation takes the inclusion of everyone.

It reduces the pressure on manual testers and allows them to focus on higher-value tasks – exploratory tests , reviewing test results, etc. Automation testing is essential to achieve maximum test coverage and effectiveness, shorten testing cycle duration, and greater result accuracy.

Before developing the automation test cases, it is essential to select the ideal test conditions that should be automated based on the following factors :

  • Tests that need to be executed across multiple test data sets
  • Tests that give maximum test coverage for complex and end-to-end functionalities
  • Tests that need to be executed across several hardware or software platforms and on multiple environments
  • Tests that consume a lot of time and effort to execute manually

Read More: Automation Testing Tutorial: Getting Started

Here are the different types of tests that should be automated for a faster and more efficient testing cycle:

  • Functional Tests
  • Regression Tests
  • Smoke Tests
  • Data-driven Tests
  • Performance Tests

Read More: Key Elements of an Effective Test Automation Strategy

Test cases play a crucial role in automated testing. They are the building blocks for designing, executing, and validating computerized tests. Here are some key functions that test cases fulfill in the context of automated testing:

  • Test Coverage: Test cases define the specific scenarios, inputs, and expected outputs that must be tested.
  • Test Script Creation : Serve as a blueprint for creating automated test scripts. Each test case is typically mapped to one or more test scripts.
  • Test Execution : Automated tests are executed based on the instructions provided by test cases. Test cases define the sequence of steps performed during test execution.
  • Test Maintenance : When the software changes due to bug fixes, new features, or updates, the existing test cases must be updated accordingly. Test cases clearly show what needs to be modified or added.
  • Test Result Validation : After test execution, automated tests compare the actual and expected results defined in the test cases. This comparison helps identify discrepancies, errors, or bugs in the software under test, allowing the test team to investigate and address any issues.
  • Regression Testing : Automated tests can quickly identify any regression issues introduced by new code changes or updates by executing the same test cases repeatedly.
  • Test Reporting and Analysis : Test cases provide a structured framework for test reporting and analyzing test results. By associating test cases with specific test outcomes, defects, or issues, it becomes easier to track the overall progress.

Test Management Banner 4

Writing the automated test case is a complex task that requires a different method than its manual counterpart. Automation test cases should further break down workflows compared to manual test cases. Templates for automation test cases vary depending on the automation tools; still, they should all have the following components:

  • Specifications : The Test Case includes the details on the right application state for executing the test, including browser launch and logins.
  • Sync and wait statements : This allows the necessary time for the application to get to the required state before testing the actual functionality.
  • Test steps : Writing Test Steps includes data entry requirements, detailed steps to reach the next required state, and steps to return the application to its original state before test runs.
  • Comments to explain the approach.
  • Debugging statements  to invoke any available debugging functionality that can be used for code correction to avoid the flakiness of the tests.
  • Output statements that describe where and how to record the test results.

Manual and automated test cases verify functionality but go differently for test case development.

To understand how to create a test case for test automation, build a test case on a scenario where the user has to navigate the website in a Chrome Browser.

  • Test Scenario: To authenticate a successful user login on
  • Launch Chrome Browser
  • The user navigates to the URL.
  • Browser: Chrome v 86.
  • Test Data: URL of the Google.
  • Expected/Intended Results: Once the Chrome Browser is launched, the web page redirects to the webpage.
  • Actual Results: As Expected
  • Test Status: Pass/Fail: Pass

Read More: How to create Selenium test cases

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To create the test script for the above test case example, instantiate a Chrome browser instance and navigate to the website using TestNG annotations . The actual test case is written under @Test annotation.

For using TestNG annotations, you need to either import external libraries or add maven dependency in your pom.xml file as seen below:

You need to create the test file under src/test/java, as shown below:

Create Test Cases for Automated Tests

On executing the test case as TestNG test, it will launch the browser, navigate to and give the following output on your IDE Console as seen below:

Create Test Cases for Automated Tests

  • To optimize the Test Automation suite, it is essential to leverage cloud-based platforms like BrowserStack that offer a Cloud Selenium Grid of 3000+ real browsers and devices.
  • Testing on a cloud grid lets the QAs test under real user conditions  and thus improves the accuracy of the testing, making debugging easier.
  • They can also utilize multiple features for more comprehensive testing scenarios – Geolocation Testing , Network Simulation , Testing on dev environments .
  • Using Test Management , manage manual and automated test cases in a central repository. Speed up testing by organizing test cases with folders and tags.
  • Create and track manual & automated test runs. Upload test results either from Test Observability or JUnit-XML/BDD-JSON reports.

How to Create Test Cases for Automated tests?

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100 Test Cases For Login Page (With Template + Detailed Guide)

100 test cases for login page your team need

A Login page is more than just a place for users to access their account. It is a critical page to adhere to security, privacy, and even personalization best practices. This page is always a strong point of focus when conducting  software testing or  web testing . If you are trying to test your login page and don’t know where to start, read on and discover  10 0 test cases for Login Page  that you can use for references.      

In this article, we will list out the most common and essential test cases for the Login page and categorize them in groups. We also include a test case template for you to get started more quickly.      

Read More:  A Complete Web Testing Checklist

1. Positive Login Page Test Cases

Positive test cases are test cases that follow the “happy path” i.e. testing if the Login page functions as expected under valid inputs. These test cases explore scenarios where users do what they are supposed to do, such as:

  • Valid username and password combination successfully logs the user in.
  • Testing with the minimum allowed username and password length.
  • Testing with a username and password containing alphanumeric characters.
  • Successful login with the "Remember Me" option selected.
  • Testing login with a username that contains both uppercase and lowercase characters.
  • Successful login using a valid email address as the username.
  • Successful login using a valid phone number as the username.
  • Successful login with multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled.
  • Testing login with a username that includes special characters (e.g., @, #, $).
  • Successful login using social media accounts (if applicable).
  • Successful login using biometric authentication (e.g., fingerprint, face recognition).
  • Testing login after a password reset to ensure the new password works.
  • Successful login after an account recovery process.
  • Successful login with localization settings (testing with different languages).
  • Testing login with different browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge).


2. Negative Login Page Test Cases

In contrast, negative testing for the Login page aims to explore scenarios that deviate from that “happy path”. Users don’t always do what we want them to do. Sometimes they do unexpected things, and a good tester understands that unpredictability to test accordingly. Some common negative test cases you should test on your Login page include:

  • ​​Entering an incorrect password for a valid username.
  • Entering an incorrect username for a valid password.
  • Entering an empty username field.
  • Entering an empty password field.
  • Entering a username that does not exist in the system.
  • Entering a password that does not meet password strength requirements.
  • Testing login with excessive length usernames and passwords.
  • Testing login with incorrect case (uppercase/lowercase) in the username.
  • Testing login with expired or deactivated user accounts.
  • Testing login with suspended user accounts.
  • Multiple consecutive failed login attempts triggering an account lockout.
  • Testing login after the session has expired due to inactivity.
  • Testing login with incorrect multi-factor authentication (MFA) codes.
  • Entering invalid characters (e.g., scripts) in the username or password fields.
  • Testing login with CAPTCHA validation failure.

With negative testing, you have to be creative. The more complex your login and authentication process is, the more test cases you will need to perform. Put yourself in the shoes of a user who has never interacted with the system before. Be a person that makes mistakes all the time and simply think of all the “bad” possibilities that can happen in your system, or specifically your Login page.

3. Performance Test Cases For Login Page

Performance testing checks if the Login page can handle various levels of traffic and user visits. While all websites should have good loading speed and can handle large volumes of traffic to this page, certain types of websites should pay more attention to its performance than others, especially websites that receive a massive amount of traffic.     

For example, eCommerce websites rely quite heavily on strong performance. Slow loading time on the Login page means lost revenue. Similarly, public services and financial institutions expected to be up and running 24/7 must also ensure that their system can withstand sudden spikes in traffic. 

Educational institutions usually don’t also experience large volumes of traffic to the Login page during the school year, but in enrollment seasons, it skyrockets, and performance testing here provides data to make informed decisions on web resource optimization.

performance test cases for Login page of education websites

Here are some performance test cases for Login page :

  • Measure and document the average load time for the login page.
  • Conduct load testing to determine the maximum concurrent user logins the system can handle.
  • Evaluate the login page's response time during peak usage hours.
  • Monitor server resource utilization (CPU, memory, bandwidth) during login attempts.
  • Test the login page's performance on various browsers and devices.
  • Test the login page's performance with slow internet connections.
  • Measure the time it takes to recover from a failed login attempt.
  • Evaluate the login page's performance when the system database is under heavy load.
  • Test the login page's performance during distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
  • Evaluate the system's ability to handle high volumes of simultaneous login attempts.
  • Measure the impact of login rate limiting on performance.
  • Conduct performance testing with different authentication methods (e.g., password, MFA).
  • Test the login page's performance with a large number of inactive user accounts.
  • Evaluate the impact of CAPTCHA validation on login page performance.
  • Measure the time it takes for a user to receive an authentication code (MFA) if applicable.

Read More: Performance Testing vs Load Testing

4. Security Test Cases For Login Page

The Login page is considered to be the first layer of security for many systems. Its role is primarily for access control and user authentication. Through this page, developers can have a better control of what data users get to access.      

For example, in membership sites, the Login page can be the “gate” separating subscribers and non-subscribers. Team members have a separate Login page where they can type in their credentials to access the system’s backend. That’s why security testing for the Login page is especially important.

Usually security testing are performed in-house, but sometimes an external security testing team can also be requested to come in and launch an authorized attack on the system to identify vulnerabilities, which is usually known as penetration testing .  

Below are 15 popular security test cases for the Login page:

  • Test for SQL injection vulnerabilities by attempting to inject SQL code into username and password fields.
  • Test for Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities by entering script tags in the login fields.
  • Verify that the login page uses  HTTPS to encrypt data transmission.
  • Test for session fixation vulnerabilities by attempting to hijack a user's session.
  • Verify that user passwords are securely hashed and salted in the database.
  • Test for  clickjacking vulnerabilities by attempting to overlay the login page with malicious content.
  • Check for brute force attack protection mechanisms (account lockout, rate limiting).
  • Verify that the login page does not reveal whether a username exists in the system.
  • Test for user enumeration vulnerabilities by attempting to determine if a username exists.
  • Verify that session tokens and cookies are securely generated and stored.
  • Test the security of password reset and account recovery processes.
  • Evaluate the login page's resistance to  DDoS attacks .
  • Test for insecure password policies (e.g., weak password requirements).
  • Verify that error messages do not provide too much information about the failure (e.g., "Invalid username" instead of "Invalid username and password").
  • Evaluate the system's compliance with relevant security standards (e.g.,  OWASP Top Ten ).

5. How to test SQL Injection on Login Page

SQL Injection is when malicious SQL code is inserted into input fields or data inputs of a web application to destroy your database. This is one of the most common web hacking techniques currently, although it has been around for more than 2 decades.     

Suppose there is a login page for a website that checks the entered username and password against a database of user credentials using SQL queries. The login page URL is: “”.     

Backend code that does not properly validate user inputs will be highly vulnerable to such attacks.. Here's a simplified representation of the vulnerable code written in Python using SQL:     

In the code snippet above, there are 2 vulnerabilities:

  • The username and password variables are obtained from user input fields on the login form without any further validation.
  • The SQL query is constructed by concatenating user inputs directly into the query string. This means that an attacker can manipulate the input fields to inject malicious SQL code.

An attacker can exploit those vulnerabilities to bypass the login and potentially gain unauthorized access to the system in 2 steps::

  • In the username field, the attacker enters a valid username (e.g., "user").
  • In the password field, the attacker enters the following input: ' OR '1'='1

The constructed SQL query would look like this:     

In SQL, '1'='1' is always true, so this modified query effectively bypasses the password check. The application retrieves all records where the username is 'user' and where '1' is equal to '1', which will match all rows.     

The attacker successfully logs in without knowing the correct password because the SQL query always evaluates to true. After that, depending on the application's functionality and the attacker's goals, they can manipulate or extract sensitive data from the database. The impact can be irreversible.      

Read More :  What is Database Testing?     

Here are several SQL injection test cases you can try on your Login page:     

  • 1=1 quotes : In the username and password fields, try entering single quotes (' or '1=1) to see if the application is vulnerable to SQL Injection. The '1=1' part is a common SQL Injection payload that often returns true, effectively bypassing the login.
  • Union-Based SQL Injection : In the username or password field, try using a UNION SELECT statement to see if you can extract data from the database. For example, you might enter something like ' UNION SELECT username, password FROM users--.
  • Error-Based SQL Injection : Try entering input that you know will trigger an SQL error. For instance, ' OR 1=1; -- should be handled gracefully without revealing database error messages. If the application displays detailed SQL errors, it might be vulnerable.
  • Time-Based Blind SQL Injection : Test for blind SQL Injection by using time-based payloads. For example, ' OR IF(1=1, SLEEP(5), 0); --. If the login delay is noticeable when this payload is used, it may indicate a blind SQL Injection vulnerability.
  • Input Encoding : Attempt to bypass input validation by encoding SQL Injection payloads. For example, try URL encoding, HTML encoding, or double URL encoding of payloads.
  • Consult OWASP : Refer to the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) guidelines and testing methodologies for comprehensive SQL Injection testing strategies.

6. Gmail Login Page Test Cases

Test cases for Gmail Login page is similar to any other types of Login page:

  • Verify that the Gmail login page is accessible from the Gmail homepage.
  • Test login with valid Gmail account credentials.
  • Test login with an incorrect Gmail account password.
  • Test login with an incorrect Gmail account username/email.
  • Test login with a Gmail account that has two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.
  • Verify that the "Stay signed in" option works as expected on Gmail's login page.
  • Test the "Forgot password?" link for password recovery functionality.
  • Test login using Google's "Sign in with Google" option (if available).
  • Verify that the Gmail login page supports multiple languages.
  • Test the login page's responsiveness on various devices (desktop, mobile, tablet).
  • Check for security features like CAPTCHA or anti-bot mechanisms.
  • Test the Gmail login page's performance during peak usage times.
  • Verify that session management on Gmail's login page is secure.
  • Test the login page's behavior when JavaScript is disabled.
  • Test the behavior of the "Create account" link for new Gmail account registration.

Read More: 100 Test Cases For Registration Page

7. Test Cases For Login Page on Mobile Application

test cases for mobile Login page

Here we venture towards the domain of  mobile testing , which comes with their own unique challenges. For one, these devices have a wide range of models, screen resolutions, as well as mobile-only technologies that testers need to take into account. Here are several login page test cases for mobile apps in particular:

  • Test the login page's layout and elements on different mobile devices (e.g., phones, tablets).
  • Verify that the mobile app's login page supports both portrait and landscape orientations.
  • Test login with valid credentials on the mobile app's login page.
  • Test login with incorrect credentials on the mobile app's login page.
  • Test login with special characters and symbols in the username and password fields.
  • Test the "Forgot password?" functionality on the mobile app's login page.
  • Verify that the mobile app's login page is responsive to various screen sizes.
  • Test the behavior of the "Remember Me" option on the mobile app's login page.
  • Test the behavior of the "Stay signed in" option on the mobile app's login page.
  • Test login with multi-factor authentication (MFA) on the mobile app's login page.
  • Verify that the mobile app's login page integrates with the device's biometric authentication (e.g., fingerprint, face recognition).
  • Test the performance of the mobile app's login page on different mobile networks (3G, 4G, Wi-Fi).
  • Test the mobile app's login page with different versions of the mobile operating system (e.g., Android, iOS).
  • Verify that the mobile app's login page functions correctly when the device is in airplane mode.
  • Test the behavior of the mobile app's login page when the device has limited storage space.

Read More:   Top API Test Cases You Should Test

8. BDD Test Cases For Login Page

bdd test cases for login page

BDD testing is just an approach where testers write test cases in simple language (usually  Gherkin ) that even people without technical expertise can understand. Usually a BDD test case is structured in 3 statements:     

  • The Given statement sets up the initial context for the behavior and defines the starting point of the system.
  • The When statement describes the trigger that brings about a change or behavior in the system.
  • The Then statement defines the expected outcome that should be observed after the event mentioned in the When statement.

Here are 15 test cases for Login page written in Gherkin format:

Test Case 1: Successful Login

Given a valid username and password,

When I attempt to log in,

Then I should be successfully logged into the system.     

Test Case 2: Invalid Password

Given an invalid password for a valid username,

Then I should see an error message indicating the incorrect password.     

Test Case 3: Empty Username Field

Given an empty username field,

Then I should see an error message indicating the username field is required.     

Test Case 4: Empty Password Field

Given an empty password field,

Then I should see an error message indicating the password field is required.     

Test Case 5: Username with Special Characters

Given a username with special characters,

Then I should successfully log in.     

Test Case 6: Locked Account

Given a locked account due to multiple failed login attempts,

Then I should see an error message indicating that my account is locked.     

Test Case 7: Remember Me Option

Given a valid username and password with "Remember Me" selected,

When I log in,

Then I should remain logged in across sessions.     

Test Case 8: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Given a valid username and password with multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled,

Then I should be prompted to enter an authentication code.     

Test Case 9: Password Reset Request

Given a password reset request,

When I follow the password reset process,

Then I should be able to set a new password.     

Test Case 10: Account Recovery Request

Given an account recovery request,

When I follow the account recovery process,

Then I should be able to regain access to my account.     

Free Test Case Template To Download

To best write your test cases, you should always have a  test case template , which we have prepared in PDF, Doc, and Excel sheet formats for you to download. Simply hit the button below and start noting down your test cases right away.      

PDF |  Doc |  Excel   

Or Manage All Test Cases in Katalon TestOps

How To Automate and Improve Your Testing For Login Page With Katalon Platform

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Login page testing is not incredibly complex, but it is highly repetitive by nature. It is always a crucial page, and frequent regression testing for it is a must. Automating test cases on Login page is a great strategy, but writing test scripts from scratch then continuously maintaining them after each code change is actually quite counterproductive.

With Katalon Platform , you can easily create, manage, execute, maintain, and generate report for your test cases and test projects all in 1 place, without having to install or switch to any additional tech.      

For example, you can use its Record-and-Playback feature to easily capture what you are doing on the Login page, and Katalon turns it into a full test script that you can just execute whenever you want. With just a few seconds, you have successfully automated your testing for the Login page. 

As you will see in the video here, all you have to do is clicking on the “Make an Appoitment” button, and Katalon will register your action, turn it into code, which is executed (aka Playback) when you click “Run”:

Even if changes occur on this page, Katalon will intelligently and automatically fix the outdated test script by updating the locators of on-screen elements based on the changes it detected thanks to its Self-healing features . Combining all of that with the industry-leading AI-powered testing features , you have a comprehensive software quality management platform that is highly scalable and innovative.

Start Testing With Katalon (Free)

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Army brigade with no ‘luxury of time’ rehearses sudden deployment to South Korea

U.S. Army M1A2 Abrams tanks operated by the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, part of the 1st Armored Division from Fort Bliss, Texas, stand by for a drill at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Aug. 14, 2024.

U.S. Army M1A2 Abrams tanks operated by the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, part of the 1st Armored Division from Fort Bliss, Texas, stand by for a drill at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Aug. 14, 2024. (Luis Garcia/Stars and Stripes)

POCHEON, South Korea — Anti-tank rounds flew from a column of M1A2 Abrams tanks Wednesday at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex, a short drive from the border with North Korea.

The 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, part of the 1st Armored Division from Fort Bliss, Texas, was taking part in Operation Pacific Fortitude, a test of the Army’s ability to quickly deploy and defend South Korea in case of war.

Two weeks earlier, the brigade unexpectedly received orders to deploy roughly 800 soldiers to South Korea within 10 days.

Only a handful of soldiers from U.S. Army Forces Command in North Carolina and Eighth Army at Camp Humphreys, South Korea, knew of Pacific Fortitude, and they were only privy to certain details, according to Eighth Army’s director of future planning Col. Denise Little and operations planner Capt. Coty Ruether.

An AH-64E Apache helicopter flies over the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Aug. 14, 2024.

An AH-64E Apache helicopter flies over the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Aug. 14, 2024. (Luis Garcia/Stars and Stripes)

A tank crew assigned to 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, part of the 1st Armored Division from Fort Bliss, Texas, stands by at Rodriguez Live Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Aug. 14, 2024.

A tank crew assigned to 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, part of the 1st Armored Division from Fort Bliss, Texas, stands by at Rodriguez Live Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Aug. 14, 2024. (Luis Garcia/Stars and Stripes)

A U.S. Army M1A2 Abrams tank trains alongside an AH-64E Apache helicopter at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Aug. 14, 2024.

A U.S. Army M1A2 Abrams tank trains alongside an AH-64E Apache helicopter at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Aug. 14, 2024. (Luis Garcia/Stars and Stripes)

M1A2 Abrams tanks operated by the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, part of the 1st Armored Division from Fort Bliss, Texas, fire anti-tank rounds at the Rodriguez Live-Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Aug. 14, 2024.

M1A2 Abrams tanks operated by the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, part of the 1st Armored Division from Fort Bliss, Texas, fire anti-tank rounds at the Rodriguez Live-Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Aug. 14, 2024. (Luis Garcia/Stars and Stripes)

The Forces Command, responsible for combat readiness across the Army, released details of the exercise to planners six months ahead; but the unit involved and the exercise dates were withheld until the final stages “so the unit wouldn’t catch wind,” Little said at Eighth Army headquarters Monday.

Secrecy simulates a real “no-notice alert,” she added.

Spc. Zachary Baker, an M1 armor crewman in the brigade, said he was “pretty excited” to get the surprise notice two weeks ago.

“A lot of us and a few senior members of the unit had actually worked in South Korea so we kind of know the lay of the land,” he said at the range Wednesday. “Even though it was a surprise deployment for us, we were all ready for anything.”

Most of the brigade arrived Aug. 1 throughout South Korea on commercial and military aircraft with their rifles and body armor.

The brigade’s Abrams tanks and M109 Paladin howitzers were left at Fort Bliss, Ruether said.

Instead, the brigade requisitioned military hardware on standby in Daegu city, about 130 miles south of Seoul.

Those tanks and howitzers are the same “go-to-war set” in place should a conflict break out in South Korea, Little said.

“As it’s being used up north during the exercise, as it breaks, the unit is responsible to fix that equipment before they leave,” Ruether said. “The whole point is to have it fixed and ready to go. Once they leave and something happens, that’s the equipment we would draw for an armored brigade.”

Once the brigade familiarized itself with the heavy weapons, they were shipped 160 miles north to the range by train.

Every aspect of the exercise, from the unit’s arrival to shipping the equipment, is timed to mimic a real-world scenario, Ruether explained.

“It’s hard to find a facet of the Army that is not being tested because of this exercise,” he said. “We don’t have the luxury of time, so it’s a good exercise to have.”

The Army learned the lesson of military logistics in South Korea during the 1950-53 Korean War.

The U.S. Far East Command, responsible for military operations in the Pacific at the time, was “unprepared for a ‘come-as-you-are’ war” in South Korea, according to a 1985 U.S. Army War College study.

“As no plans existed to support U.S. combat operations in Korea, [Far East Command] and Eighth Army developed the logistics support system piecemeal from emergency to emergency,” the report said.

Army logisticians have since worked to rectify wartime supply issues and defend South Korea from a potential attack by the North, Ruether said.

“With this now, we have tanks to match tanks,” he said. “When we absorb an initial attack, we have that [equipment] that can be drawn in a week to help defend ourselves, push that equipment up north and to counter that attack.”

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IBA clarifies the facts: the letter to the IOC regarding two ineligible boxers was sent and acknowledged

August 5th, 2024 / IBA

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The International Boxing Association (IBA) has clarified the facts that led to the disqualification of two boxers, Imane Khelif of Algeria and Lin Yu-ting of Chinese Taipei.

  • Imane Khelif has been participating in the IBA competitions since 2018, and Lin Yu-ting has competed since 2017. Current IBA management, having been in leadership since December 2020, has been on top of the problem from the very first IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships they conducted in 2022. IBA cannot comment on the previous iterations and lack of leadership actions in this regard.
  • Following many complaints from several coaches, boxers agreed to gender testing. Blood sample collection was made on 17 May 2022. Sistem Tip Laboratory from Istanbul (License Number: 194-MRK) issued its report on 24 May 2022, after the competition ended. The laboratory detected results that didn’t match the eligibility criteria for IBA women’s events.
  • Khelif won the silver medal in category 63 kg, Lin won the gold medal in category 57 kg.
  • One test for each athlete was not enough to make a decision with respective consequences; in the case that one test mistake is possible. The lawyers advised to monitor the situation and to contact the IOC.
  • IBA informed the IOC representatives about these tests, but no reaction followed from the IOC side.
  • The situation was completely new to boxing, and IBA, following numerous consultations, decided to conduct a second testing before disqualifying the boxers. However, the second testing could only be conducted in a neutral country and within the IBA competition period.
  • At the next IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships 2023 in New Delhi, Khelif and Lin were tested following their consent again before their first fights. Blood sample collection was made on 17 March 2023. Dr Lal PathLabs from New Delhi issued its report on 23 March 2023. The findings were absolutely identical to the first test results.
  • On 24 March 2023, IBA Secretary General & CEO at the time, George Yerolimpos, informed both Khelif and Lin about their exclusion from the Championships for not meeting the eligibility criteria. The athletes received a copy of their testing and were informed about the possibility of appealing to the CAS within 21 days.
  • Khelif and Lin were informed accordingly about the decision and acknowledged it by signing the papers . The test details were attached to the letter.
  • On 26 March 2023, the IBA Board of Directors by a majority vote decided to ratify the decision taken by the IBA Secretary General & CEO on behalf of IBA to disqualify Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting from the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships 2023.
  • These tests affect the private life of the person concerned and constitute medical information protected as personal data. We are not allowed to publish these documents without the agreement of the person concerned. However, both Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting received a copy of these tests, and they never disputed it. They know these tests exist and it is not fake.
  • Both athletes were provided with the right to appeal against the Board’s decision to the CAS.
  • Lin Yu-ting did not appeal against the decision to declare her ineligible, and it became legal and binding.
  • On 12 May 2023, IBA amended its Technical and Competition Rules. After internal discussion, it was decided by the Board of Directors that IBA competitions will be conducted only between male athletes and between female athletes. Participation of DSD athletes (“differences of sexual development”) in boxing competitions were found dangerous for health and security of the boxers.
  • Amendments made by the Board to the T&C Rules:

Definition of Men/Male/Boy = individual with chromosome XY.

Definition of Women/Female/Girl = individual with chromosome XX

Rule 4.2. Eligibility on Gender:

4.2.1.Boxers will compete against boxers of the same gender, meaning Women vs Women and Men vs Men as per the definitions of these Rules.

4.2.2.To determine the gender, the Boxers can be submitted to a random and/or targeted gender test which will be conducted by IBA in cooperation with the selected laboratory personnel.

4.2.3. In case of adverse result, the Boxer will be immediately notified by IBA.

4.2.4. In case of adverse result, the Boxer will be disqualified from such competition with immediate effect and will be prevented from competing in further IBA-owned and sanctioned competitions of that gender. For this purpose, IBA will share such information with the relevant internal bodies respecting its confidentiality.

  • On 14 April 2023, Imane Khelif appealed to the CAS against IBA challenging the decision to disqualify her from the competitions. IBA paid its share of procedural costs, which demonstrates the good faith of IBA. Not many international federations agree to pay their share of costs in CAS proceedings. On 27 July 2023, the CAS issued the termination order and terminated the proceedings because the appellant did not pay the costs of the proceedings.
  • After the termination of the proceedings before the CAS, IBA and Imane Khelif were in contact to resolve the situation. In particular, the athlete provided to IBA number of medical documents, which were examined by the IBA Medical Committee.
  • On 23 March 2023, the IBA Medical Committee issued its report about the eligibility of Khelif.
  • On 12 April 2023, IBA informed Imane Khelif about the conclusions made by the IBA Medical Committee and confirmed again that she was not eligible to participate in the IBA Women’s Competition. Therefore, her profile in Elite Women Light Welter was removed from the IBA database. She did not appeal against this decision of IBA.
  • IBA does not want to comment private life of a person. For IBA it is not a matter how Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting identify themselves, and what is written in their passport. IBA’s main concern is that their hormonal imbalance affords them a distinct advantage over their female counterparts within their respective weight categories. It can be dangerous for other female boxers that we have already seen during the Olympic Games. Therefore, she is not eligible to participate in the IBA competitions.
  • On 5 June 2023, IBA sent an official correspondence to the IOC regarding the case.
  • On 16 June 2023, the IOC Sports Director Mr Kit McConnell sent the acknowledgment email.
  • On 31 July 2024, the Italian Boxing Federation office sent an email inquiry to the IBA Sport Department asking about the facts that led to Khelif’s disqualification on the eve of the bout against their boxer Angela Carini at the Paris 2024 Games.
  • IBA issued the first statement about the Khelif/Lin cases following multiple media requests on 31 July 2024.
  • On 1 August 2024, Carini abandoned the fight at 66kg against Khelif at the Paris 2024 Games after 46 seconds.
  • IBA condemned the IOC’s eligibility rules that allowed disqualified boxers to participate in the Games following that the IOC was warned about their ineligibility.
  • IOC claimed at the press briefing that the organization has never been informed about the case, which was a lie.
  • IBA was forced to give a press conference on 5 August 2024 in Paris to address the situation in detail.
  • IBA issued a statement with a list of facts and attached documents following the press conference to conclude the case.


Media contact: 

Elena Sobol, Head of Communications & PR 

[email protected]  

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Software Testing Help

180+ Web Application Testing Example Test Cases (Sample Checklist)

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Web Application Testing Example Test Cases: This is a complete Testing Checklist for both Web-based and Desktop applications.

This is a very comprehensive list of Web Application Testing Example Test Cases/scenarios. Our goal is to share one of the most comprehensive testing checklists ever written and this is not yet done.

We’ll keep this post updated in the future as well with more test cases and scenarios. If you don’t have time to read it now, please feel free to share this with your friends and bookmark it for later.

Sample web application test cases and scenarios

Make a testing checklist as an integral part of your Test case writing process. Using this checklist, you can easily create hundreds of Test cases for testing web or desktop applications.

These are all general test cases and should be applicable to almost all kinds of applications. Refer to these tests while writing test cases for your project and I’m sure you will cover most of the testing types except the application-specific business rules provided in your SRS documents.

Although this is a common checklist, I recommend preparing a standard testing checklist tailored to your specific needs using the below test cases in addition to application-specific tests.

Table of Contents:

Importance of Using a Checklist for Testing

General test scenarios, gui and usability test scenarios, database testing test scenarios.

Performance Testing Test Scenarios

Security Testing Test Scenarios

A Complete Checklist (Test Cases) For Most Common Components Of AUT

Was this helpful, recommended reading.

#1) Maintaining a standard repository of reusable test cases for your application will ensure that the most common bugs will be caught more quickly. #2) A checklist helps to complete writing test cases quickly for new versions of the application. #3) Reusing the test cases helps to save money on resources to write repetitive tests. #4) Important test cases will be covered always, thereby making it almost impossible to forget. #5) The testing checklist can be referred by developers to ensure if the most common issues are fixed in the development phase itself.

  • Execute these scenarios with different user roles e.g., admin users, guest users, etc.
  • For web applications, these scenarios should be tested on multiple browsers like IE, FF, Chrome, and Safari with versions approved by the client.
  • Test with different screen resolutions like 1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024, etc.
  • An application should be tested on a variety of displays like LCD, CRT, Notebooks, Tablets, and Mobile phones.
  • Test applications on different platforms like Windows, Mac, Linux operating systems etc.

180+ Web Application Testing Example Test Cases

Assumptions: Assume that your application supports the following functionalities:

  • Forms with various fields
  • Child windows
  • The application interacts with the database
  • Various search filter criteria and display results
  • Image upload
  • Send email functionality
  • Data export functionality

1. All mandatory fields should be validated and indicated by an asterisk (*) symbol. 2. Validation error messages should be displayed properly and in the correct position. 3. All error messages should be displayed in the same CSS style ( For Example, using red color) 4. General confirmation messages should be displayed using CSS style other than error message style ( For Example, using green color) 5. Tooltips text should be meaningful. 6. Drop-down fields should have the first entry as blank or text like “Select”. 7. ‘Delete functionality’ for any record on the page should ask for a confirmation. 8. Select/deselect all records option should be provided if page supports record add/delete/update functionality 9. Amount values should be displayed with the correct currency symbols. 10. Default page sorting should be provided. 11. Reset button functionality should set default values for all fields. 12. All numeric values should be formatted properly. 13. Input fields should be checked for the max field value. Input values greater than the specified max limit should not be accepted or stored in the database. 14. Check all input fields for special characters. 15. Field labels should be standard e.g., the field accepting the user’s first name should be labeled properly as ‘First Name’. 16. Check page sorting functionality after add/edit/delete operations on any record. 17. Check for timeout functionality. Timeout values should be configurable. Check application behavior after the operation timeout. 18. Check the cookies used in the application. 19. Check if the downloadable files are pointing to the correct file path. 20. All resource keys should be configurable in config files or databases instead of hard coding. 21. Standard conventions should be followed throughout for naming resource keys. 22. Validate markups for all web pages (validate HTML and CSS for syntax errors) to make sure they are compliant with the standards. 23. Application crashes or unavailable pages should be redirected to the error page. 24. Check the text on all pages for spelling and grammatical errors. 25. Check numeric input fields with character input values. A proper validation message should appear. 26. Check for negative numbers if allowed for numeric fields. 27. Check the number of fields with decimal number values. 28. Check the functionality of buttons available on all pages. 29. The user should not be able to submit a page twice by pressing the submit button in quick succession. 30. Divide by zero errors should be handled for any calculations. 31. Input data with the first and last position blank should be handled correctly.

1. All fields on the page ( For Example, text box, radio options, drop-down lists) should be aligned properly. 2. Numeric values should be justified correctly unless specified otherwise. 3. Enough space should be provided between field labels, columns, rows, error messages, etc. 4. The scrollbar should be enabled only when necessary. 5. Font size, style, and color for headline, description text, labels, infield data, and grid info should be standard as specified in SRS. 6. The description text box should be multi-lined. 7. Disabled fields should be greyed out and users should not be able to set focus on these fields. 8. Upon clicking on the input text field, the mouse arrow pointer should get changed to the cursor. 9. The user should not be able to type in the drop-down select list. 10. Information filled out by users should remain intact when there is an error message on the page submitted. The user should be able to submit the form again by correcting the errors. 11. Check if proper field labels are being used in error messages. 12. Drop-down field values should be displayed in defined sort order. 13. Tab and Shift+Tab order should work properly. 14. Default radio options should be pre-selected on the page load. 15. Field-specific and page-level help messages should be available. 16. Check if the correct fields are highlighted in case of errors. 17. Check if the drop-down list options are readable and not truncated due to field size limits. 18. All buttons on the page should be accessible with keyboard shortcuts and the user should be able to perform all operations using a keyboard. 19. Check all pages for broken images. 20. Check all pages for broken links. 21. All pages should have a title. 22. Confirmation messages should be displayed before performing any updates or deleting operations. 23. Hourglass should be displayed when the application is busy. 24. Page text should be left-justified. 25. The user should be able to select only one radio option and any combination for checkboxes.

Test Scenarios for Filter Criteria

1. The user should be able to filter results using all parameters on the page. 2. Refine search functionality should load the search page with all user-selected search parameters. 3. When there are at least one filter criteria required to perform the search operation, then make sure that the proper error message is displayed when the user submits the page without selecting any filter criteria. 4. When at least one filter criteria selection is not compulsory, the user should be able to submit the page and the default search criteria should be used to query results. 5. Proper validation messages should be displayed for all invalid values for filter criteria.

Test Scenarios for Result Grid

1. The page loading symbol should be displayed when it’s taking longer than the default time to load the results page. 2. Check if all the search parameters are used to fetch data shown on the result grid. 3. The total number of results should be displayed in the result grid. 4. Search criteria used for searching should be displayed in the result grid. 5. Result grid values should be sorted by the default column. 6. Sorted columns should be displayed with a sort icon. 7. Result grids should include all the specified columns with the correct values. 8. Ascending and descending sorting functionality should work for columns supported by data sorting. 9. Result grids should be displayed with proper column and row spacing. 10. Pagination should be enabled when there are more results than the default result count per page. 11. Check for Next, Previous, First and Last page pagination functionality. 12. Duplicate records should not be displayed in the results grid. 13. Check if all the columns are visible and a horizontal scrollbar is enabled if necessary. 14. Check the data for dynamic columns (columns whose values are calculated dynamically based on the other column values). 15. For result grids showing reports, check the ‘Totals’ row and verify the total for every column. 16. For result grids showing reports, check the ‘Totals’ row data when pagination is enabled and the user gets navigated to the next page. 17. Check if proper symbols are used for displaying column values e.g. % symbol should be displayed for percentage calculation. 18. Check result grid data to see if the date range is enabled.

Test Scenarios for a Window

1. Check if the default window size is correct. 2. Check if the child window size is correct. 3. Check if there is any field on the page with default focus (in general, the focus should be set on the first input field of the screen). 4. Check if child windows are getting closed upon closing the parent/opener window. 5. If the child window is opened, the user should not be able to use or update any field in the background or parent window 6. Check the window to minimize, maximize, and close functionality. 7. Check if the window is re-sizable. 8. Check the scroll bar functionality for parent and child windows. 9. Check the cancel button functionality for the child window.

1. Check if the correct data is getting saved in the database upon a successful page submit. 2. Check values for columns that are not accepting null values. 3. Check for data integrity. Data should be stored in single or multiple tables based on the design. 4. Index names should be given as per the standards e.g. IND_<Tablename>_<ColumnName> 5. Tables should have a primary key column. 6. Table columns should have description information available (except for audit columns like created date, created by, etc.) 7. For every database add/update operation logs should be added. 8. Required table indexes should be created. 9. Check if data is committed to the database only when the operation is successfully completed. 10. Data should be rolled back in case of failed transactions. 11. Database name should be given as per the application type i.e., test, UAT, sandbox, live (though this is not a standard it is helpful for database maintenance) 12. Database logical names should be given according to the database name (again this is not standard but helpful for DB maintenance). 13. Stored procedures should not be named with a prefix “sp_” 14. Check if values for table audit columns (like created date, created by, updated, updated by, is deleted, deleted data, deleted by, etc.) are populated properly. 15. Check if input data is not truncated while saving. The field length shown to the user on the page and in the database schema should be the same. 16. Check numeric fields with minimum, maximum, and float values. 17. Check numeric fields with negative values (for both acceptance and non-acceptance). 18. Check if the radio button and drop-down list options are saved correctly in the database. 19. Check if the database fields are designed with the correct data type and data length. 20. Check if all table constraints like Primary key, Foreign key, etc. are implemented correctly. 21. Test stored procedures and triggers with sample input data. 22. Input field leading and trailing spaces should be truncated before committing data to the database. 23. Null values should not be allowed for the Primary key column.

Test Scenarios for Image Upload Functionality

(Also applicable for other file upload functionality)

1. Check for the uploaded image path. 2. Check image upload and change functionality. 3. Check image upload functionality with image files of different extensions ( For Example, JPEG, PNG, BMP, etc.) 4. Check image upload functionality with images that have space or any other allowed special character in the file name. 5. Check for duplicate name image upload. 6. Check the image upload with an image size greater than the max allowed size. Proper error messages should be displayed. 7. Check image upload functionality with file types other than images ( For Example, txt, doc, pdf, exe, etc.). A proper error message should be displayed. 8. Check if images of specified height and width (if defined) are accepted or otherwise rejected. 9. The image upload progress bar should appear for large size images. 10. Check if the cancel button functionality is working in between the upload process. 11. Check if the file selection dialog only shows the supported files listed. 12. Check the multiple images upload functionality. 13. Check image quality after upload. Image quality should not be changed after upload. 14. Check if the user is able to use/view the uploaded images.

Test Scenarios for Sending Emails

(Test cases for composing or validating emails are not included here) (Make sure to use dummy email addresses before executing email related tests)

1. The email template should use standard CSS for all emails. 2. Email addresses should be validated before sending emails. 3. Special characters in the email body template should be handled properly. 4. Language-specific characters ( For Example, Russian, Chinese or German language characters) should be handled properly in the email body template. 5. The email subject should not be blank. 6. Placeholder fields used in the email template should be replaced with actual values e.g. {Firstname} {Lastname} should be replaced with an individual’s first and last name properly for all recipients. 7. If reports with dynamic values are included in the email body, report data should be calculated correctly. 8. The email sender’s name should not be blank. 9. Emails should be checked by different email clients like Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! mail, etc. 10. Check to send email functionality using TO, CC and BCC fields. 11. Check plain text emails. 12. Check HTML format emails. 13. Check the email header and footer for the company logo, privacy policy, and other links. 14. Check emails with attachments. 15. Check to send email functionality to single, multiple or distribution list recipients. 16. Check if the reply to the email address is correct. 17. Check to send the high volume of emails.

Test Scenarios for Excel Export Functionality

1. The file should get exported with the proper file extension. 2. The file name for the exported Excel file should be as per the standards, For Example, if the file name is using the timestamp, it should get replaced properly with an actual timestamp at the time of exporting the file. 3. Check for date format if the exported Excel file contains the date columns. 4. Check the number formatting for numeric or currency values. Formatting should be the same as shown on the page. 5. The exported file should have columns with proper column names. 6. Default page sorting should be carried out in the exported file as well. 7. Excel file data should be formatted properly with header and footer text, date, page numbers, etc. values for all pages. 8. Check if the data displayed on the page and exported Excel file is the same. 9. Check export functionality when pagination is enabled. 10. Check if the export button is showing the proper icon according to the exported file type, For Example,  Excel file icon for xls files 11. Check export functionality for files with very large size. 12. Check export functionality for pages containing special characters. Check if these special characters are exported properly in the Excel file.

1. Check if the page load time is within the acceptable range. 2. Check if the page loads on slow connections. 3. Check the response time for any action under light, normal, moderate, and heavy load conditions. 4. Check the performance of database stored procedures and triggers. 5. Check the database query execution time. 6. Check for load testing of the application. 7. Check for Stress testing of the application. 8. Check CPU and memory usage under peak load conditions.

1. Check for SQL injection attacks. 2. Secure pages should use the HTTPS protocol. 3. Page crash should not reveal application or server info. The error page should be displayed for this. 4. Escape special characters in the input. 5. Error messages should not reveal any sensitive information. 6. All credentials should be transferred over to an encrypted channel. 7. Test password security and password policy enforcement. 8. Check the application logout functionality. 9. Check for Brute Force Attacks. 10. Cookie information should be stored in encrypted format only. 11. Check session cookie duration and session termination after timeout or logout. 11. Session tokens should be transmitted over a secured channel. 13. The password should not be stored in cookies. 14. Test for Denial of Service attacks. 15. Test for memory leakage. 16. Test unauthorized application access by manipulating variable values in the browser address bar. 17. Test file extension handling so that exe files are not uploaded or executed on the server. 18. Sensitive fields like passwords and credit card information should not have to be autocomplete enabled. 19. File upload functionality should use file type restrictions and also anti-virus for scanning uploaded files. 20. Check if directory listing is prohibited. 21. Passwords and other sensitive fields should be masked while typing. 22. Check if forgot password functionality is secured with features like temporary password expiry after specified hours and security questions are asked before changing or requesting a new password. 23. Verify CAPTCHA functionality. 24. Check if important events are logged in log files. 25. Check if access privileges are implemented correctly.

Penetration Testing test cases – I’ve listed around 41 test cases for Penetration Testing on this page .

I ‘d really like to thank Devanshu Lavaniya (Sr. QA Engineer working for I-link Infosoft) for helping me to prepare this comprehensive testing checklist.

I’ve tried to cover almost all standard test scenarios for Web and Desktop application functionality. I still know that this is not a complete checklist. Testers on different projects have their own testing checklist based on their experience.

100+ Ready-To-Execute Test Cases (Checklists)

You Can Use this list to test the most common components of AUT

How do you test the most common components of your AUT effectively, every single time?

This article is a list of common validations on the most widely found elements of AUT – that are put together for the convenience of testers (especially in the agile environment where frequent short-term releases happen).

Each AUT (Application Under Test) is unique and has a very specific business purpose. The individual aspects (modules) of the AUT cater to different operations/actions that are crucial to the success of the business that the AUT supports.

Though each AUT is designed differently, individual components/fields that we encounter on most pages/screens/applications are the same with more or less similar behavior.

ready test cases

Some Common Components of AUT:

  • Save, Update, Delete, Reset, Cancel, OK – links/buttons- whose functionality is the label of the object indicates.
  • Text box, dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons, date control fields – that work the same way every time.
  • Data grids, impacted areas, etc. to facilitate reports.

The way these individual elements contribute to the overall functionality of the application might be different but the steps to validate them are always the same.

Let’s continue with the list of the most common validations for Web or Desktop application pages/forms.

Note : The actual results, expected results, test data and other parameters that are typically a part of a test case are omitted for the sake of simplicity – A general checklist approach is employed.

Purpose of this comprehensive checklist:

The primary purpose of these checklists (or test cases) is to ensure maximum test coverage on field level validations without spending too much time, and at the same time not compromise the quality of testing them.

After all, confidence in a product can only be attained by testing every single element to the best extent possible.

Note: You can use these checklists as they are in Microsoft Excel format (download provided at the end of the article). You can even track the test execution in the same file with pass/fail results and status.

This could be an all-in-one resource for QA teams to test and track the most common components of AUT.  You can add or update test cases specific to your application to make it an even more comprehensive list.

Checklist #1: Mobile Testing Checklist

Module Name:
Module Functionality:
Module Impact over the application:
Module Flow:
Menu & Submenu:
Spellings and Order & Suitability:
Control for each submenu:

Checklist #2: Forms/Screens Testing Checklist

Form Functionality:
Form Impact over the application:
Form Flow:
Field Names:
Mandatory Marks:
Alerts to Mandatory fields:
Default Cursor Position:
Tab Sequence:
The page before entering any data:
Page after entering data:

Checklist #3: Textbox Field Testing Checklist

Special Characters
Spelling & Grammar in Alert message:

BVA (Size) for Text Box:

Min —>—> Pass Min-1 —> —> Fail Min+1 —> —> Pass Max-1 —> —> Pass Max+1 —> —> Fail Max —> —> Pass

ECP for Text Box:

 –  –
 –  –

Checklist #4: List-box or Drop-down List Testing Checklist

List Box/Dropdown:

The correctness of Existed Data
Order of Data
Selection and Deselection
Spelling and Grammar of Alert message
Cursor after alert
Reflection of Selection and Deselection in remaining fields

Checklist #5: Checkbox Field Testing Checklist

Default Selection
Action after selection
Action after de-selection
Selection and Deselection
Spelling and Grammar of Alert message
Cursor after alert
Reflection of Selection and Deselection in remaining fields

Checklist #6: Radio Button Testing Checklist

Radio button:

Checklist #7: Date Field Test Scenarios

Date field:

Default date display
Design of calendar
Navigation for different months and years in date control
Manual Entry in date text box
Date format and uniformity with the overall application
Spelling and Grammar of Alert message
Cursor after alert
Reflection of Selection and Deselection in remaining fields

Checklist #8: Save Button Testing Scenarios


Without giving any data:
With only mandatory fields:
With All fields:
With Max limit:
With min limit
Spelling & Grammar in Confirmation  Alert message:
Duplication of Unique fields:
Spelling & Grammar in duplication Alert message:

Checklist #9: Cancel Button Test Scenarios

With data in all fields
With only mandatory fields:
With all fields:

Checklist #10: Delete Button Testing Points

Delete the record which is not used anywhere in the application
Delete the record which has a dependency
Add the new record with the same deleted details again

Checklist #11: To Verify Impacted Areas after Save or Update

After Savings/Updating:

Display in View
Reflection in impacted forms in the application

Checklist #12: Data Grid Testing List

Grid Title and spelling
Form Before giving any data
Message Before giving any data
S No
Field Names & Order
The correctness of Existed data
Order of Existed data
Alignment of Existed data
Page navigators
Data when navigating with different pages

Edit Link Functionality

Page after Edit:
Title and spellings
Existed data of the Selected record in each field

While this list might not be exhaustive, it is indeed extensive.

DOWNLOAD ==> You can download all these checklists in MS Excel format: Download in Excel format

Points to note:

  • Depending on your needs, additional tests under each category/for each field can be added or existing fields can be removed. In other words, these lists are completely customizable.
  • When in need of including field-level validations for your test suites, all you have to do is pick the respective list and use it for the screen/page that you would like to test.
  • Maintain the checklist by updating the pass/fail status to make this a one-stop-shop for listing features, validating them and recording the test results.

Please feel free to make this a complete checklist by adding more Test cases/scenarios or negative test cases in the comments section below.

Also, I’d appreciate it if you’d share this with your friends!

  • How to Write Test Cases: The Ultimate Guide with Examples
  • Website Cookie Testing & Test Cases for Testing Web Application Cookies
  • Sample Test Case Template with Test Case Examples [Download]
  • Best Software Testing Tools 2024 [QA Test Automation Tools]
  • Web Application Security Testing Guide
  • Application Testing – Into the Basics of Software Testing!
  • Installing your Application on Device and Start Testing from Eclipse
  • TDD Vs BDD - Analyze The Differences With Examples

402 thoughts on “180+ Web Application Testing Example Test Cases (Sample Checklist)”

Very nice and helpful

It is very nice article for those who wants start their career as Software Tester. It is really very helpful .

great info , good thanks .

good job. very helpful

its good article,i need information about load testing and performance testing tools information.what is bug density?

Checklist is very useful, Thank you

Great..! Simply useful which cover most of scenarios.

Hello, i’m in testing team now, i konw about testing and why its needs but i don’t know how to write and differences to understand. so it very new for me but after reading it’s really helpful for me. Thank you for everthing.

useful informations.Thanks But ‘tab index’ testing missing.

Hi Vijay your work is Much appreciated , the amount of knowledge you are spreading through these Posts is really Terrific , Accept our sincere & Heartful Thanks .

Here are the few points you can add to the above check list

1.Upon placing mouse on button or Link, Mouse arrow should get changed to hand icon. 2.Links should have underline or should differentiate with normal text, the user easily identify the link on webpage. 3.Website copyright year should updated with current year. 4.Buttons and links should get highlight when placing cursor on it. 5.Date pickers should be displayed for Date fields. 6.User should only able to select valid dates (ex: Feb 31st cant be selected) 7.If Date of birth must be 18, then user should not be able to select date less than 18 years from the current date. 8.If something is not available which is requested by user, it should display proper confirmation text. 9.If main window closed all it’s child tables should get closed. 10.User should be able to navigate directly home page from any page through Home link

Regards, Ajeeth.A

hello can any one help me how to write negative secnarios for a tab

I need test cases for a testing website and the test cases to cover only UI testing, Functionality testing and Usability testing.

plz show me the output in Excel sheet.

Hi really this is very helpfull for me. I have some query about the security testing. Can you describe alittle bit about a) Deniel of service attack b) Brute Force Attacks c) Memory Leakage

Very helpful . Thank you so so much It helped me a lot.

Awesome Document For Testers both for freshers and experienced, Thanks a lot.

Hi, These articles are very informative & useul. Thanks a lot. Can you please give more idea how to test live chat application.

It’s nice explanation to learn more about test cases preparation and more helpful for software testing freshers like me . thank you so much.

pl provide me the test cases daily use examples in excel sheet format i.e columwise on my email

Thank a lot,i get lot of knowledge from this article,can you able to post web service test scenarios

Am really thankful for providing detailed info.. as i joined small s/w company.. and am being so confused, what to do first, and how to test…

Thank u once again

I want test cases for housing enquiry

Vijay, I would like to read the methodology of doing software testing

HI Mr. Vijay, I really appreciate ur effort. Your website and the content is unparallel. Is there any way for me to reach you over phone for now. Gautam 001-864-643-8782

This is very good article post by you sir.

Please post the same on negative testing test case also.

thank so much for your sharing!

This Check list is very useful these is one of the test case sample models. i would like to extra check list our added. ………really very nice……….

Very good work which will be helpful.

Thank you.. I’ve been writing test cases for new web site development for a few years.. started searching today for new, more comprehensive information on cases. This will be helpful.

Really helpfull. Very easy and simple to understand even for beginners.

very useful topic for me..thanks boss…

Thanks…… if any update for fresher please update

Very informative Article. Above list is very useful for all Web Testing Scenarios.

Thanks for sharing ,Such a great effort.

Please add some test cases for client Server Apps.

thnaks you very much very good article

Interesting read. It’s Very Good ,I learn so many new things. thank u somuch.

Thanks a lot!

many functionality are covered

Can any one provide some basic security testing scenarios with examples where we can execute them directly on web application?

Really this article is very useful for beginners.. Thnks

I have started following this site and I believe it is really wonderful for beginner like me..very very comprehensive and very well explained Vijay !!

thanks for such useful post for every tester…..

I appreciate your work and thank you for sharing article.

I give 7* for this article.

Very good i will add some more cases

hi ! what is meant by ADD(in add screen) and EDIT(in edit screen) please give one example thanks

There are two types of forms for adding and updating the products or others. When adding new data Add form will show up and to update existing data Edit Form will show up.

this is awesome…thanks a lot. I have learned a lot from you 🙂

i need test cases for online pharmacy website.

very good sample test case template. Anyone wanting to take Software Testing to another level can buy exam papers @

awesome ./… really useful to me 100%

Very helpful. Thank you so so much

Very comprehensive list, Thanks so much

Good Article really helpful for new testers and experienced as well

Very nice article..quite a help for those who know little about test scenarios..

Very useful document..Thank you

Very helpful. Thanks a lot..Keep posting!!!

This is very good and helpful article. Nice job done by you.

Thanks for your time 🙂

Excellent and helpful.

The information are very helpful for all learners, and thanks 🙂

lots of thanks….

very useful information… Thank you so much

[email protected] my mail id

Excellent tips on Testing. Very helpful for all beginners

Awesome document and it’s helpful to every tester

Good information. Everyone should read this, mainly freshers.


Very usefull thanks very much it helped me a lot for writting the test cases.

If you have any document related to it can you please send mail.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. This has been my go-to checklist ever since.

very good information.

simply ‘GREAT’.

It’s Very Good,I learn somany newthings. thank u somuch.

it was really very helpful..

in this comment section asterisk(*) is missing to display mandatory fields.

It’s a very useful article

Very Useful Information Thanks…..

itz amaze me to see thz answer thanx……..

Excellent data

Very well explained and i can say it covers maximum scenarios. thanks for providing really a good information. will help a lot for me.

thank you everyone for your help!

it takes anywhere between 10 and 20 hours to complete these kind of articles. but this wouldn’t have been possible without your support, which inspires me to put in these efforts.

R/s VIJAY sir, The site and post is very very very nice. I would like to praise your parents for keeping your name VIJAY because your knowledge and this site is acting as visa for getting VIJAY or success in the software testing industry

Your friend, NILESH

very much meaningful, Thanks!

Thanks … Informative…Very Useful Information

Thank You so much.. As a beginner this will help me a lot…

thats really nice testing scenarios thanks!

Hi Techies, Please anyone share or send me the system test cases for any of the web application.. Please even share any testing related documents.. I am new to testing .. Please..

Very useful ,Thanks lot..

Thanks a lot….

send me sir test cases for billing a product and irctc for check availbality

great work , you posted a nice article for all the people who wants enter into the testing field thank you allot for sharing this information with us waiting for the upcoming articals…….

1. Check if correct data is getting saved in database upon successful page submit 2. Check values for columns which are not accepting null values 3. Check for data integrity. Data should be stored in single or multiple tables based on design 4. Index names should be given as per the standards e.g. IND__ 5. Tables should have primary key column 6. Table columns should have description information available (except for audit columns like created date, created by etc.) 7. For every database add/update operation log should be added 8. Required table indexes should be created 9. Check if data is committed to database only when the operation is successfully completed 10. Data should be rolled back in case of failed transactions 11. Database name should be given as per the application type i.e. test, UAT, sandbox, live (though this is not a standard it is helpful for database maintenance) 12. Database logical names should be given according to database name (again this is not standard but helpful for DB maintenance) 13. Stored procedures should not be named with prefix “sp_” 14. Check is values for table audit columns (like createddate, createdby, updatedate, updatedby, isdeleted, deleteddate, deletedby etc.) are populated properly 15. Check if input data is not truncated while saving. Field length shown to user on page and in database schema should be same 16. Check numeric fields with minimum, maximum, and float values 17. Check numeric fields with negative values (for both acceptance and non-acceptance) 18. Check if radio button and dropdown list options are saved correctly in database 19. Check if database fields are designed with correct data type and data length 20. Check if all table constraints like Primary key, Foreign key etc. are implemented correctly 21. Test stored procedures and triggers with sample input data 22. Input field leading and trailing spaces should be truncated before committing data to database 23. Null values should not be allowed for Primary key column

(Also applicable for other file upload functionality) 1. Check for uploaded image path 2. Check image upload and change functionality 3. Check image upload functionality with image files of different extensions (e.g. JPEG, PNG, BMP etc.) 4. Check image upload functionality with images having space or any other allowed special character in file name 5. Check duplicate name image upload 6. Check image upload with image size greater than the max allowed size. Proper error message should be displayed. 7. Check image upload functionality with file types other than images (e.g. txt, doc, pdf, exe etc.). Proper error message should be displayed 8. Check if images of specified height and width (if defined) are accepted otherwise rejected 9. Image upload progress bar should appear for large size images 10. Check if cancel button functionality is working in between upload process 11. Check if file selection dialog shows only supported files listed 12. Check multiple images upload functionality 13. Check image quality after upload. Image quality should not be changed after upload 14. Check if user is able to use/view the uploaded images

(Test cases for composing or validating emails are not included) (Make sure to use dummy email addresses before executing email related tests) 1. Email template should use standard CSS for all emails 2. Email addresses should be validated before sending emails 3. Special characters in email body template should be handled properly 4. Language specific characters (e.g. Russian, Chinese or German language characters) should be handled properly in email body template 5. Email subject should not be blank 6. Placeholder fields used in email template should be replaced with actual values e.g. {Firstname} {Lastname} should be replaced with individuals first and last name properly for all recipients 7. If reports with dynamic values are included in email body, report data should be calculated correctly 8. Email sender name should not be blank 9. Emails should be checked in different email clients like Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! mail etc. 10. Check send email functionality using TO, CC and BCC fields 11. Check plain text emails 12. Check HTML format emails 13. Check email header and footer for company logo, privacy policy and other links 14. Check emails with attachments 15. Check send email functionality to single, multiple or distribution list recipients 16. Check if reply to email address is correct 17. Check sending high volume of emails

1. File should get exported in proper file extension 2. File name for the exported Excel file should be as per the standards e.g. if file name is using timestamp, it should get replaced properly with actual timestamp at the time of exporting the file 3. Check for date format if exported Excel file contains date columns 4. Check number formatting for numeric or currency values. Formatting should be same as shown on page 5. Exported file should have columns with proper column names 6. Default page sorting should be carried in exported file as well 7. Excel file data should be formatted properly with header and footer text, date, page numbers etc. values for all pages 8. Check if data displayed on page and exported Excel file is same 9. Check export functionality when pagination is enabled 10. Check if export button is showing proper icon according to exported file type e.g. Excel file icon for xls files 11. Check export functionality for files with very large size 12. Check export functionality for pages containing special characters. Check if these special characters are exported properly in Excel file

1. Check if page load time is within acceptable range 2. Check page load on slow connections 3. Check response time for any action under light, normal, moderate and heavy load conditions 4. Check performance of database stored procedures and triggers 5. Check database query execution time 6. Check for load testing of application 7. Check for stress testing of application 8. Check CPU and memory usage under peak load condition

1. Check for SQL injection attacks 2. Secure pages should use HTTPS protocol 3. Page crash should not reveal application or server info. Error page should be displayed for this 4. Escape special characters in input 5. Error messages should not reveal any sensitive information 6. All credentials should be transferred over an encrypted channel 7. Test password security and password policy enforcement 8. Check application logout functionality 9. Check for Brute Force Attacks 10. Cookie information should be stored in encrypted format only 11. Check session cookie duration and session termination after timeout or logout 11. Session tokens should be transmitted over secured channel 13. Password should not be stored in cookies 14. Test for Denial of Service attacks 15. Test for memory leakage 16. Test unauthorized application access by manipulating variable values in browser address bar 17. Test file extension handing so that exe files are not uploaded and executed on server 18. Sensitive fields like passwords and credit card information should not have auto complete enabled 19. File upload functionality should use file type restrictions and also anti-virus for scanning uploaded files 20. Check if directory listing is prohibited 21. Password and other sensitive fields should be masked while typing 22. Check if forgot password functionality is secured with features like temporary password expiry after specified hours and security question is asked before changing or requesting new password 23. Verify CAPTCHA functionality 24. Check if important events are logged in log files 25. Check if access privileges are implemented correctly Penetration testing test cases – I’ve listed around 41 test cases for penetration testing on this page.

I ‘d really like to thank Devanshu Lavaniya (Sr. QA Engineer working for I-link Infosoft) for helping me to prepare this comprehensive testing checklist.

I’ve tried to cover all standard test scenarios for web and desktop application functionality. But still I know this is not a compete checklist. Testers on different projects have their own testing checklist based on their experience.

very helpfull article..thank you soo much 🙂

Thanks for your reply! Please send me the check list stuff if You have. Email ID: [email protected]

Thanks for your contribution..

Very Nic Document

Thanks a lot.

This could be much useful for all QA’s

Thank you. This is really helpful.

Test Scenario 1: Check windows maximize, minimize and close functionality

Test Scenario 2: Check if the window is re-sizeable

Test Scenario 3: Check for image upload functionality

Test Scenario 4: Check for uploaded image path

Test Scenario 5: Check image upload with image size greater than the max allowed size. The Proper error message should be displayed.

Test Scenario 6: Check image upload functionality with file types other than images (e.g. txt, doc, pdf, exe etc.). A Proper error message should be displayed.

Test Scenario 7: Email addresses should be validated before sending emails.

Test Scenario 8: Check emails with attachments.

Test Scenario 9: Email subject should not be blank.

PLEASE solve it – test case id – test case -test case name -input data -expected output

plz show me the output in Excel sheet. it’s Usefull for me.

It’s awesome test cases

Useful article.Thankyou for creating this. I have bookmarked this page.You are doing a wonderful job.Kudos

Hi, I am new in software testing . Can you clear me the difference between front end and back end testing? Thanks in advance

need non functional test scenarios on mobile app

Really Amazing…. Awesome Checklist i appreciate your work..

Very useful data to stable software…

Thanks a lot Vijayji, These scenarios are very useful while Testing application for software testing professional as well as a fresher while facing testing interview questions..

Good Article, and Very Helpful These are Good Abstracts (Head Lines


Check if application loads Schedule screen successfully and default required data is shown on screen, Please tell me how to write test cases for above.

if u have any test case templates then mail me and pls let me know what r the tools available in market as track versions i need to be install for automation testing thank u **********

its really good work

Thanks for your efforts. Its very useful for me. 🙂

Very good article…. Thanks.

Can anyone pls forward me sample test case document of any application. [email protected] My mail-id

really helpful to me.. Thank you for sharing..!!

Thanks for the test cases. I will definately be using them.

Thanks for sharing, it’s very helpful

Thanks, this is a very useful list, especially for projects that dont have a dedicated test team. I found a few I have missed so very useful.

many thanks

This is really helpful article for every tester. It reminds me the mistakes I made in the past. Thanks to the authors of the article. I will keep this checklist handy while working on each project hereafter.

its an excellent checklist for beginners.i have recently joined as tester wanted some tips to create efficient test cases for desktop application its an financial software. looking for help pls revert back 🙂

[email protected]

I have a question about upload functionality of xls files to android specifically. Are there any limitations that android cannot handle xls files uploads/downloads and what test cases on top of typical functionality (size, format, gui, and the other ones listed in this thread) can anyone recommend

This is really helpful. Thank you very much

It helped me alot

thanks for sharing knowledge

Very nice article and very useful

good job, bro! needed to test my site and decided to turn to professionals at first, but they were a total disaster. Found others (QAwerk), these were much better, but still i wasn’t completely satisfied. hope you don’t mind sending them your list.

This is excellent Vijay. You have made work a bit easier for us. I dont know, how much and when it will be possible, but would be excellent to have such detailed explanation for other areas like QTP, QC, etc.

Thanks again!!

Iam a new tester. This document is so great to understand how to do the testing for web page.

Could you please help to send full check list to me via mail?

Thanks so much 🙂

Thanks for helping me a brief understanding of Test Scenario with Example! Really nice

need some more info on security testing

Thanks for Sharing such a wonderful article. The contains are very good and scenarios are good described. Keep posting such articles. This is really helpful for the people related to Software Testing industry.

need complete tutorial on MonkeyTalk testing tool plz or give an link

Vijay, this is by far the most comprehensive test cases list I ever seen in any other online articles. Thanks for compiling and sharing with us.

Excellent tips on Testing…nice

its very Knowledgeful material for Fresher as well as experianced

Usefull info. Keep up the work.


Really useful!

hi, Can anyone tell me, is there any tool available to test word applications.

This is excellent. I wish I had found it sooner. Really great stuff.

impressive test cases. Thanks for sharing

Very good Article 🙂

Very usefull Thank you

I want test cases for whatss app status video upload Max 10 videos Duration 30 secs

need testcases for save button

boring tools to read. somehow real ? &^*(!#&*(*)!

It’s an excellent checklist for the developers also.

Every developer should keep this list in mind and test these cases themselves while developing the project which can also reduce so many QA hours.

Thanks for sharing.. keep it up.

Can anyone suggest a demo site to practice manual testing which has the test scenarios and cases mentioned. Thanks

for the first time im learning s/w testing…and this article is really a gud start for me…thanks a lot…hope u make many more articles…

Very valid point, to make the checklist, i am too early for them now, seems to be very important

Does anyone have an idea of what a resource key is? I’ve looked all over and can’t seem to find a clear definition of it. Trying to understand this statement: “All resource keys should be configurable in config files or database instead of hard coding.”

Really Useful for everyone to develop a very good software

Thanks for sharing such a comprehensive list of test cases, this will be really helpfull for all the testers.

Wow This is called perfection . What an Article, so comprehensive.

Dear Vijay ji,

your artical is very helpful for the beginners, but you know what i didn’t do any course of testing but still i utilize all the test cases which is mention by you in the manual or performance testing by my own.

But my company never ever appreciate my efforts of testing his software. they are telling that the testers are the useless fellow of the company.

Actually i make a standard product for him, but still they give less value to a experience tester in comparison to the fresher programmer.

sorry for writing this but it release my anger & frustration on that kind of fellows.

Very useful.Please upload Functionality testing and SAP data analytics

really it is a good work..

Good one, every tester should learn this..

how to write test cases for check-in, check-out of a library kiosk

pls refer the GOOGLE or Chrome

Thanks for sharing, it’s very helpful 🙂

please giude me, how can i write testcases for non-functional testing like performance testing,load testing stress testing??

very useful and clear to the pont..thanks..:)

Thanks….Thank you for sharing..!!

Thanks for this helpfull article.Alot of usefull information and knowledge development. You serve as a mentor to most us…Great Effort!

Test Scenario 1: Check windows maximize, minimize and close functionality   Test Scenario 2: Check if the window is re-sizeable   Test Scenario 3: Check for image upload functionality   Test Scenario 4: Check for uploaded image path   Test Scenario 5: Check image upload with image size greater than the max allowed size. The Proper error message should be displayed.   Test Scenario 6: Check image upload functionality with file types other than images (e.g. txt, doc, pdf, exe etc.). A Proper error message should be displayed.   Test Scenario 7: Email addresses should be validated before sending emails.   Test Scenario 8:  Check emails with attachments.   Test Scenario 9: Email subject should not be blank.

Hi. Example I have Group Setup, Company Setup and Department Setup which is in different window (have their own set of add/update/delete button), and all this have few field is mandatory field. How should I create the test cases? Should I create three set for each Setup? Or I just create one test cases?

Its very helpful. Lately I’ve found it. Thanks.

very useful and thanks for helping….

hi vijay sir, great artical to learn and am manual tester i want to learn automation selenium webdriver tool using java language please drop an a dummy project of the Automation testing please vijay sir if send dummy project it would be more useful for me and my career.

I need the test cases for Document generator

example – A group policy is been created and the final bill to be generated in pdf format. how the test cases would be.

send me some sample test-cases my mail id : [email protected]

The developers in my office use to dismiss my test cases. But after reading this document, I feel empowered to face them

This data was really helpful for my testing, thanks for that and I am in need of data privacy (GDPR) related test cases both web and mobile application. Can you guys provide any sample test scenarios ?

this might be usefull for someone looking to read about testing

thank u so much, very useful to us…..!

Please share some testcases on POS.

thank you,it is realy helpful document!!!

After reading this, Truly felt to post this msg. 1001 thopo ki Salaam!!! You guys are awesome

Its great and comprehensive! Thanks a lot.

This is a good basic checklist but no where do you mention testing the functional purpose of the page. For example in Amazon, it could be to search for, select and buy a product, in people soft, it would be to import a contact from email, edit their details and save the entry. Checking the layout and the uniform behaviour of text fields is all very well and good but of you cannot carry out the functional purpose of the web page / app then it is of no use to no-one.

i need a sample website test case plzzzzzz help me friends

lots of thanks….you for sharing..!!

Thanks for sharing such a comprehensive list of test cases, this will be really helpfull for Me.

Can you point me to any test plan for web content filtering solutions. We are trying to decide between a couple off shelf web content filters and I wish to avoid skipping a common Use-Case. We are a K12 school but corp test plans would be good too?

This Information is Very useful for QA or Non-QA Professional.they can easily understand all these points.Developer’s can also Read these Point and aware regarding such kind of issues.

Thanks for your reply! Please provide me the e-commerce testing checklist stuff, If you have. My Email ID: [email protected]

Can anyone suggest any sites to practice manual testing. thanks

. All resource keys should be configurable in config files or database instead of hard coding..please explain??

Hi bro, you are awesome man.u much have great patience to write all these test cases.thanks for help.

Please also write checklist for mobile application test

It’s really very very nice one.

Hi for Automation testing, selenium or QTP which one is better for web Application

Thanks for such a effort, Very comphrensive

Hi, i need to know how to write a test case for admiral insurance multi cover.. test case on how to navigate through the pages.

really good.Thanks

Awesome this list more useful for all common Web and Window application

Very comprehensive list, I’ll send it to my testers and developers. Thanks,

Great list of scenarios, however I believe they wont work for all applications. But this can be a good basis for everybody to create their own check lists

Really very good website to Understand about Software Testing…!

nice and useful

Thanks for sharing this article… I am big fan of

Thanks again…

Very good article…. Thanks.

Can anyone pls forward me sample test case document of any application.

Greate and helpful article

Thank you vijay for post this article for testing desktop application. Thanks for your efforts. Its very useful for me.

Very useful article. keep posting more..

It is very useful for every one ….. Thanks for you , please continue with another article like this

I am regular reader of this site. This site is so helpful to enhance my knowledge and skills.

Thank you very much……..

Thank you Very much .

Its a very fantastic stuff for testing team. These test checklist will help to improve the better quality in websites. Could you please send me testing checklist regarding e-commerce websites. Thanks Again!

In the very beginning where it says “few points to remember” were numbered wrong. Please correct it. Thank you.

Very helpful and nicely prepared article for testers…..

very useful one thank you……

Simply awesome list. I would certainly recommend it to my testing team.

Thanks a lot Vijay….you are really doing a great job to help us in a very gud way..Very nice and informative article..covering maximum scenario.

i need mobile app testing test cases for performance . UI,

I’ve tried to cover all standard test scenarios for web and desktop application functionality. But still I know this is not a compete checklist. Testers on different projects have their own testing checklist based on their experience. fgfgfgrgfgftrvfgrt

Hi a very good article helped me alot.Can u also kindly tell us with an example how do we write test cases based on document

Awesome list.

Some points that could be added based on recent demands from the client could be – Test cases on Social sharing icons, Coupon codes, SMS, Ecommerce websites, Video uploads.

I am student could any help me in my below question. This is my project… Please help me in solving this.

Saving a file and opening a previously saved file are two of the most common operations in software applications. Write down a list of things you would like to verify in your test case design if you are in charge of testing these two operations. You should be able to come up with at least five distinct items to verify for each operation. 1. Saving a file -First four distinct items to verify -All additional items to verify beyond the first four to make it a sound and complete test design 2. Opening a previously saved file -First four distinct items to verify – All additional items to verify beyond the first four to make it a sound and complete test design

Hi Tejeshwar Jaiswal,

I don’t have any written check list with me I just read the above check list I found that these are missed so i written missed points here..If i get any check list I will definitely forward to you drop your email id here…

These scenario’s are really too good. I have recently been interviewed for few companies where i was asked to provide some scenario’s for basic application model. By reading this article, it opened a thought for me to answer those questions. These are the very best scenario’s that i ever read in any portal.

Thanks Vijay, for posting them all together.

@Boris – General, security, performance, GUI, DB tests should be applicable for almost all applications. As mentioned in the assumptions, other tests are applicable for applications containing forms to save data in DB, file upload functionality, having popup windows, search and result pages, data export functionality etc.

hi, can you please help me with test scenarios for Directory of healthcare provider application(searching for providers) thanks.

Great work. Do you have sample test cases word document for testing

Nice work sir,

Helped me a lot.

Very useful article thanks 🙂

Thanks you., I Learned lot from this page….!

need load testing test cases for desktop application

Vijay your’re really Excellent !!

Excellent and Interesting post you share here. Appreciable job by Author

We can consider the below point as well in the section of “Test Scenarios for Excel Export Functionality”

Check whether there is any sheet has been hidden in the exported excel sheet

These points are very good. Thank you so much. Could you please send me testing checklist regarding e-commerce website. I really need it. Thanks again!

i cant able to understand this line..? could you help me plz to understand..?

“All resource keys should be configurable in config files or database instead of hard coding”

Please email me the details to my mail id

[email protected]

Hi… These articles are very informative & useful. and awaiting for your next post on negative test cases

Thanks Lakshmi

i am going to work on e commerce website can you send me data which will help me to test e commerce website plz.

you are doing good job keep it going on.

Very helpful and ready to use for testers. GREAT WORK.

how should we write test case in a template while we r clicking on menus the image at the top should not be change

Very useful article, thank you!

Excellent article!!

Execellent stuff…this is the one stop shop for freshers especially. Amazing Stuff….

Very helpful..easy to understand. Thank you.

good to learn.

Thanks for the article helped me to project real time scenarios in my interview

hi i’m working in QA software testing.please email me detail testcase template?

thnks for such articles, informative

Very Very useful , looking forward for the next articles from u 🙂

Good Article

Hi Vijay, Thanks for sharing these checklist

Thanks for the checklist. Great work! A good starting point.

Very informative thank you .Explained properly

Great! This help me a lot for quick refresh, I will share with my friends.

Great Work!!! very useful …

I want test plan for Web based railway reservation system

Can u pls explain the high level scenaios included in your system. So that I can answer you.

I am Beginner please help me, how to write the test cases of a website, my company don’t helping me for this work.

lots of appreciation and gratefulness

everybody already typed so many things abt this article… no more words needed 🙂 it’s simply great work.

Really a useful one.. looking for more post about s/w testing.

Thank you Vijay for giving such a comprehensive checklist.

Really good job

Thankyou for this wonderful documentation.

I need test case scenarios for testing solar panel

Please email me the detail to my id

[email protected]

really good for fresher as well as experienced testers

Very helpful document.Thanks for this 🙂

Great checklist. Very helpful article.

Thank you so much for sharing this article.. Great Work!!!

Can some help me by giving the list of testcases for “Load Balancer” testing.

Great compile….Thanks

Thank you very much

Great article, well done. But someting I just wonder: 1) How to test memory leaks 2) Please tell me how I create a file with virus to test file attachment without spreading virus to my PC 3) Tester can not tell developer that they have to create audit tables in the databse. Audit requires in audit_log. 4) Tester can not require that table indexes are created.

Thank You! Its so helpful

Excellent job! Really an amazing research on test scenarios..Please continue your service. -Karthik,Bangalore

Many thanks for your list, it helps us a lot

Thanks a lot for such awesome check list… I have learnt a lot from your website. There is a bug which i found on this page under “Few notes to remember:” u have used numbering ‘4 ‘ twice.

very useful check list…thank you…

Your article is very helpful and easily understandable..

I have a doubt. What is the difference b/w Integration Testing, System Integration Testing? or both r same? Kindly revert back to my mail.. I am totally confused with these terms…

Hello sir , can you explain the test cases for the scrolling

Very nice article, and very useful.

This 1 superb , really its applicable on each and evry application . Thanks for making this type of comprehensive scenarios. Keep updating us by this new -new ideas , realy i like this website …

very useful information thanks a lot Vijayji

I have question ZAP Security testing: Do we need to run ZAP on admin section also. We normally run ZAP on frontend part of website.

Thanks for the magnificent article. Can anybody send test cases and scenarios to be more clear and practical. [email protected]

Very helpful document. It helped me alot. Nice Job.Thanks for posting 🙂

Hello Vijay , thank you for Great article , i have learned some new points from check list.

Hi, All the test cases that you posted are very helpful. Could you please post test cases for Clinical Trials in Pharmaceutical domain. I need it please.

Thanks, Sripadma

I need test scenarios/ test cases for subscription manager for a product,which contains active/inactive status and renewal status with some specific time and date

Please help if anyone know

Thanks for sharing Very useful test cases

Thank You so much for sharing , Do you have nay list for negative Tastings. This is Awesome.

can any body pls give tips to write listing page test case

For those who are looking for more test scenarios specific to web applications please refer this article:

brilliant stuff

ekch no bhava. fkt ans pahij hote. very very useful.

very useful

thanx for all these material its helpfull whose they start work in testing…. on itself…… ……

Sincere thanks to you guys !! This is the Core of Manual Testing..Extremely helpful for every Tester/ QA guy !


There is a simple program with the following items: Input Box A Input Box B Add button Result Text Box [=A+B] Identify all the test cases for the program. [Example: press the Add button without entering anything in Input Box A and B]

kindly answer this question plz

thanks for sharing..

Thank you for the info!

hai friends iam new to this group i completed my coaching in manual and qtp testing , but i have fear what are the question may asked by the interviewer in manual and qtp it’s easy are hard to face and an interview plz send related questions asked by interview in manual and qtp

Thanks a Lot!! This suggestion for testing was very much iteractive and helpful..

Great Stuff – It’s a pretty good overview although not everything will work for every project. Nevertheless it’s a good start and a brilliant checklist.

Very useful checklist.

thanks for sharing with us ..

What kind of testing is there which can be done for Desktop applications but not for web based applications?please give me in details

Thanks for guidance….

Really a very good job done by you.. I had never seen such a extensive list

Thanks Maheedhar

thank u very much… very useful

Thanks! very good information dear….

Hi there, this is very helpful. Are you able to provide some sample of test cases based on healthcare IT. Thank you.

I need test cases for Firefox

Very effective materiel for testing professionals…

Great work.. Keep it up. God bless you.

Awesome Article. Very very important for Manual Testers . Please don’t miss even a single point in this Article…. Thanks for this…

Can you please provide the Test case for google account login page?

I want how to write test cases for intigration testing

very useful checklist great thanks……

Very useful and great effort by you..

Hi these checklists are very informative in real time.could u plz upload the checklist for crop a image.iam in need of it

Test Cases:

1. Text entry possible in Menu Item(corresponding item is searched in drop down list), Hours, Minutes, AM/PM. Correctness checked when focus shifts to other field.

2. Menu item has a drop down and Hours, Minutes have increment and decrement controls

Great checklist. We have developed a website testing tool and are now in the process of adding support for testing checklists. Ill make sure your checklists can be used within our Webseam tool.

i want to know how to write test cases for auto save option required functionality

how to write tell me

Thank u…

this is awesome…thanks a lot. I have learned a lot from you

New customer, edit customer, delete customer please help me how to write test scenarios…..?

This is Awesome !!!, Thank You Vijay, for compiling such a comprehensive checklist.

Thank you..This website is very very usefull

How to write the test cases for document zoom in & out

This is awesome…Thanks a lot and keep up the good work..

Hi,Plz send me test cases for Mobile Application testing

Thx vijay.. really helpful

This is very very informative and knowledgable… Thanks for sharing this with us… This is a nobel task for many testers… you will get blessings from those testres…

I had few doubts that, can you please send the same kind of list for ETL and Database testing??? rest is fine…

thanks once again…

Thank you !! I just want to notify that I have more than 2 years of experience in Software testing and all of these because of you Software Testing help!! Great work and nice article !!!

Could anyone help me with Test cases for Algorithm?

It is really very helpful

its very useful… thank u..

Thank you :).Very useful article.

Hi,Plz send me test cases for database testing.

In General Test Scenarios: While testing filed for special character also test for reserved keywords like: ‘Create’, ‘Update’… etc

Its amazing

Very useful material for new people also. thanks for providing this.

Thank you Vijay,

Ur Awesome….Its really Helpful….

It’s a great list but is there a downloadable version of the list?


Hi, am a fresher can u plz tell me do v prepare test cases on bases of this checklist.

Awesome help..i am fresher and was asked to prepare the test cases…yours came handy..dont know if it would be approved but still my personal opinion ..its real good.

thank you so much, very useful to us.

Really Very Good Artical Very helpful and ready to use for testers. GREAT WORK.

very useful.. and helpful… a ery good effort done by u… thanks… kindly post a article on negative testing test case….

hi i’m working in QA software testing.please email me detail testcase template? [email protected]

its really helpful

Thank u Vijay for giving such a good senarios on desktop and web app testing which usefull more for who are working under these testings.

Thanks a lot , keep up the good work..

Any one share the documents for writing test case. [email protected]

Highly appreciate your hardwork. Good and really helpful.

Awesome tips….

its very helpful thank u…..

very useful. Thank You!!!

Thanks a lot and awaiting for your next post on negative test cases

very useful… lots of thanks

very nice article sir..many thanks

its good, tnks for sharing

We can consider the below point as well in the section of “Test Scenarios for Excel Export Functionality”

Great work Vijay, definately this will help a lot for all.

Can any1 help me writing a negative testcase for a desktop application for scenario: server fumctionality is to send notification to manager system when ever a desktop application is opened but in my test case server should not send notifications if other than that particular desktop application is opened

hello sir, I want scenario on bike..

good article

It’s very useful article.Thanks sir.

Great and amazing list.Very helpful to a lot of geeks.:) Thanks for sharing!

[email protected]

Very helpful Article. Thanks.. 🙂

What is the different between test schenario and test plan

hi vijay First of all thanks for this post .this is very useful for learner as well as fresher student this is a out standing post posted by your side

Thank u so much boss,….it helped me alot to write scenarios for my application,..n i vl b looking forward for ur next articles.

Its really helpful.

Thank you for sharing the information with us. All the scenarios are compiled well and are very informative. I would also like to suggest the mobile app testing tools provided by pCloudy. Their tools are comprehensive and are effective. I tested my apps, could identify bugs easily with their tools and even fix it in minutes. This is helpful for all the mobile app developers to test their apps .

it was really helpful…

This is amazing work…. Thanks a ton for sharing the detailed test scenarios…

Excellent Help for tester

Vijay- Nice work. You have compiled a thorough testing checklist. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Vijay……..Can you provide information of QTP tool, at least trial version

sir, it is very knowlegable with easy language, it is so easy to understand all the test cases will definetly help me in making my project with gud n effective test cases..thanku so much sir..keep going ..all d best.

So many scenarios for so many topics ate one place. It is really very helpful. Wonderful work !! 🙂

I want to know what are the SIT test cases for e commerce website. My managers say these are unit testing test cases and not SIT test cases.

Very useful info. Its a very helping doc. for testers. Thanks!

Very useful for freshers , looking forward for the next articles from u

sir, send me the test cases for big basket but only for critical functionality

Your page is really a good one. It really helps in every way for a tester.Very Nice work.Well done.Keep coming up with new information to help us. Thank you.

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What 9 cases from Kamala Harris’ past say about her record as a California prosecutor

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A photo collage in a blue and yellow tone of Kamala Harris holding a microphone in the foreground surrounded by different images and textures in the background including jail bars, a police car with sirens, justice scales, a court document and a "for rent" sign.

Was the former California attorney general and San Francisco DA too soft on crime? Or too tough? Her critics are quick to label her, but the reality isn’t so simple.

In campaign mode, Kamala Harris doesn’t refer to herself as a politician, but a prosecutor.

Her rise in Democratic politics began in California’s courtrooms. Voters elected her first as San Francisco’s district attorney and then as the state’s attorney general.

She battled multinational corporations on behalf of Californians, but also oversaw the wrongful conviction of someone who was later stabbed in prison. As the state’s lawyer, she refused to defend California’s gay marriage ban, but did the opposite on the death penalty, defending the state’s policy despite her personal opposition to it.

When she first ran for president five years ago, in a time of rising skepticism about policing, she pitched herself to Democratic primary voters as not merely a prosecutor but a progressive prosecutor. Today, in a general election campaign that may hinge on winning over independents concerned about crime, she’s largely dropped the modifier. Her record as a prosecutor draws criticism from both sides: The left has criticized her for having been too tough , even as the Trump campaign charges that she was “ soft as CHARMIN .”

These nine cases — some successes, some stumbles — helped define the complicated law enforcement legacy of the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee:

1. Harris faces first test when a cop is killed

The shooting of a police officer on a poorly lit street in San Francisco in 2004 would haunt Harris for decades.

Officer Isaac Espinoza and his partner were in plainclothes when they approached a man in their unmarked vehicle on April 10. Espinoza, 29, stepped out and flashed a light at David Hill, according to accounts of trial testimony .

Hill fired several rounds from an AK-47. Two struck Espinoza, killing him. Espinoza’s partner was injured, and Hill was accused of first-degree murder, along with other charges. 

San Francisco Police Officer Isaac Espinoza in uniform in 2004. Photo via San Francisco Police Officers Association's X account, the platform formerly known as Twitter

The newly elected DA, Harris, declined to pursue the death penalty against Hill – consistent with her position while she campaigned for the office, but offensive to many who attended Espinoza’s funeral. 

“This is not only the definition of tragedy, it’s the special circumstance called for by the death penalty law,” former Sen. Dianne Feinstein told the mourners , provoking a resounding standing ovation.

The decision immediately pitted Harris — the first woman, first Black and first Asian American district attorney in San Francisco history — against the police. 

“Isaac paid the ultimate price,” said San Francisco Police Officers Association President Gary Delagnes at the funeral . “And I speak for all officers in demanding that his killer also pay the ultimate price.”

After eight weeks of testimony, jurors convicted Hill of second-degree murder and attempted murder. They rejected the charge of first-degree murder, not finding the act premeditated, and Hill’s conviction and life sentence were upheld in 2011. 

In her 2009 book “Smart on Crime,” Harris wrote: “The broadly held assumption that simply increasing the penalty for any crime will automatically deter more people from committing the crime is a myth. We have to understand why long sentences alone are not sufficient to rock the crime pyramid for many types of crimes.” 

2. Harris’ office convicts the wrong man — a$13 million mistake

Actor Jamal Trulove was a contestant on VH1’s “I Love New York 2,” a “Bachelor”-style dating show in which 20 men competed for the affections of a failed reality show contestant. 

A viewer who happened to have witnessed a fatal July 2007 shooting at San Francisco’s Sunnydale housing project saw the show and told police she was convinced: Trulove , she said, had been the shooter. 

The witness, Priscilla Lualemaga, had initially identified a different man as the shooter. When police showed her a photo lineup, and told her the shooter in that lineup, Lualemaga said Trulove “looks like the guy who could have shot” the victim. 

But after the show aired, Lualemaga said she was certain.

A person in white sunglasses and a black leather jacket sits in a room during an interview.

When the case went to trial in 2010, the DA’s office put both Lualemaga and her sister in witness protection, citing alleged threats.The jury convicted Trulove of first-degree murder and he was sentenced to 50 years to life.

But on appeal, a ballistics expert testified that Lualemaga — the only eyewitness to testify that Trulove was at the scene — could not have observed the shooting from the direction she was facing, given the rounds’ trajectory.

“The prosecutor wove these points into the very fabric of her closing argument, going so far as to urge the jury to have the same ‘courage’ as Lualemaga and find defendant guilty,” wrote appellate court judges . “There was no evidence of any threats or other actual danger presented by defendant, his friends, or his family to Lualemaga or her family…”

Trulove was acquitted in March 2015, and went on to a role in the film “The Last Black Man in San Francisco.”

A federal lawsuit he filed after his release — noting he was stabbed in prison when he failed to give his cell’s bottom bunk to a gang leader — cost the city and county of San Francisco $13 million. 

In a new podcast interview , he recounted his conviction: “I’ll never forget, when I turned around and I looked, and I seen Kamala Harris — we locked eyes this one time, and she laughed — she literally just kinda busted out laughing,” said Trulove, who’s endorsed Donald Trump. 

3. Harris vs. the mentally ill woman shot by police, then prosecuted

The Espinoza case left Harris on shaky ground with the San Francisco Police Department — tension she sought to soothe via a monthly spot in the police union newsletter. In October 2008, here’s how her office presented a case in which police responded to a mentally ill woman in crisis: 

“When police were called to the defendant’s home, she allegedly attempted to assault the responding officers with a knife. The police subdued the defendant by shooting her several times.”

Put another way: Police repeatedly shot a schizophrenic woman. And then Harris prosecuted her — but the jury balked.

In August 2008, Teresa Sheehan, then 56, was living in a group home for people with mental illness. When one of the home’s workers attempted to check on her, Sheehan replied with threats and said she had a knife .

A worker summoned police. Two officers knocked on Sheehan’s private room and eventually used a key to open her door. She grabbed a knife with a five-inch blade, the officers would later testify, and said “I am going to kill you. I don’t need help. Get out.”

A person wearing a black shirt sits at table, next to a punch bowl, while a nativity scene sits on a mantle.

The officers later testified that they retreated but, worried that Sheehan might climb out of her window and to a fire escape, they opened the door again. One pepper-sprayed Sheehan and, when she didn’t drop the knife, the other shot her twice. The first officer also shot her.

She survived, and a jury acquitted her of making criminal threats and deadlocked on assault, though 11 of 12 jurors voted for acquittal. Sheehan sued San Francisco, settling for $1 million. 

 “If (Harris) actually looked at it and said, ‘This is a righteous case, I want to go after a mentally ill woman who was shot,’ then you question that decision,” Laurie Levenson, a criminal law professor at LA’s Loyola Law School told CalMatters . “If she didn’t know about it, then you question her management skills.” 

4. Harris vs. a ‘predatory’ for-profit college

When a 2013 U.S. Justice Department investigation turned up evidence that the for-profit Corinthian Colleges were targeting “isolated” people who were “unable to see and plan well for the future,” while falsely promising prospective students job placement rates as high as 100%, it caught the eye of Kamala Harris. As California’s new attorney general, she sued them, alleging false advertising and deceptive marketing. 

The Santa Ana-based company had purchased several private for-profit colleges that were in financial trouble, including at least three in California. By 2010, it had enrolled more than 110,000 students at 105 campuses.

Soon a number of Corinthian students told the U.S. Education Department  that the schools weren’t placing them in jobs at the rates Corinthian had promised, leaving them saddled with student debt. The Office of Federal Student Aid forced the schools to stop any mergers, purchases of new schools or offering new programs. 

A person wearing sunglasses and a white sleeveless shirt walks past a sign that reads, Everest Institute.

Harris said the schools were targeting some of California’s most vulnerable prospective students. 

“The predatory scheme devised by executives at Corinthian Colleges, Inc. is unconscionable,” Harris said in 2013 . “Designed to rake in profits and mislead investors, they targeted some of our state’s most particularly vulnerable people—including low income, single mothers and veterans returning from combat.”

In March 2016, Harris won a default judgment against Corinithian for $1.1 billion;  the company never answered Harris’ legal complaint and its lawyers didn’t appear in court on the day of the verdict.  

In 2022, the U.S. Department of Education discharged $5.8 billion in student loan debt to 560,000 borrowers who paid to attend Corinthian Colleges. 

5. Harris vs. big banks in the mortgage meltdown

Harris’ entry into the national spotlight came at the tail end of the Great Recession in 2011, when as California’s attorney general, she rejected a settlement offer from five major mortgage lenders — one other states agreed to. 

It could have jeopardized the deal, but her brinkmanship worked: The banks kicked in a lot more, allowing California to collect about $20 billion, from an initial settlement offer of $4 billion.

The agreement meant Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wells Fargo & Co., Citigroup Inc. and Ally Financial Inc. collectively reduced $12 billion in principal on loans or offered short sales to about 250,000 California homeowners who owed more on their mortgages than their houses were worth. 

The story of that negotiation and settlement became a key part of Harris’ political narrative, especially during her first candidacy for president in the 2020 Democratic primaries. 

But the shine has somewhat worn off that victory in the years since. 

A sign that reads "For Sale Bank Owned Property" in front of a beige and blue foreclosed single-family home in Corona during the Great Recession. Dec. 18, 2008. Photo by Lucy Nicholson, Reuters

A recent Wall Street Journal analysis of the settlement found that, though Harris wanted to use the settlement money to reduce mortgage principals, about half the settlement went to banks that wrote off the mortgages on homes that had already been abandoned. Each Californian with a defaulted mortgage got a check for $1,400, which the state suggested it could use to help pay a month’s worth of rent.

Another $4.7 billion was used to reduce debt on second mortgages, often home equity credit lines. Only about $4.5 billion was used to lower debt on primary mortgages.

At the time, Harris told the New York Times that in a homicide case, “you’re talking about something where the body’s cold. So the conversation is about punishment, it’s about restitution. This was not that. Every day there are homeowners in California who will either receive relief so they can stay in their home, or will be in the foreclosure process and potentially lose their home. And that always weighed heavily on my mind.” 

6. When Harris defended the death penalty she opposes

When Julia Miller’s husband found her body on Aug. 25, 1992, she had been bound with a telephone cord and stabbed to death. She had two knives still in her neck. There were pieces of three other knives near her body. There was a rag stuffed in her mouth.

Evidence immediately pointed to Miller’s daughter’s boyfriend , Ernest Dewayne Jones, who had already served six years in state prison for raping his previous girlfriend’s mother.

Pamela Miller, Juila’s daughter, told the court “That bastard needs to be sentenced to death.” A judge agreed and Jones was sent to California’s death row. But Pamela Miller told an LA Times reporter that the sentencing was pointless because of how rarely executions were carried out. 

A guard stands on duty in California's Death Row at San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin on December 29, 2015. Photo by Stephen Lam, REUTERS

Nearly 20 years later, while Jones awaited execution, a federal judge overturned the sentence, declaring California’s death penalty was unconstitutional because of the “inordinate and unpredictable period of delay” before execution.”

Harris — despite her own personal opposition to the death penalty, and over the objections of death penalty opponents  — went to court to defend it. “I am appealing the court’s decision because it is not supported by the law,” Harris said in 2014 , “and it undermines important protections that our courts provide to defendants.”

She prevailed, and the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated Jones’ death sentence . In 2019, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a moratorium on executions , shuttering San Quentin’s death chamber.

7. When Harris refused to defend a same-sex marriage ban

For 29 days in early 2004, San Francisco issued more than 4,000 marriage licenses. Then-mayor Newsom had decided to allow same-sex couples to marry three weeks into his first term; the number of people calling City Hall temporarily knocked out its phone lines.

The weddings were, technically, against the law. Newsom’s office expected an immediate injunction after the first wedding, but it didn’t come for a month. Among those who officiated weddings during that 29-day blitz was the city’s district attorney, Kamala Harris.

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“One of the most joyful (moments of my career) was performing the marriages in 2004. Truly joyful,” Harris told The Advocate earlier this year. 

The California Supreme Court nullified all of the marriages in April 2004, and voters then approved Proposition 8 to define marriage as between a man and a woman.

When same-sex couples challenged the ballot measure all the way to the nation’s highest court, then-Attorney General Harris refused to defend it , saying it was unconstitutional. “The Supreme Court has described marriage as a fundamental right 14 times since 1888,” Harris said in 2013. “The time has come for this right to be afforded to every citizen.”

Later that year, when the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals cleared the way for same-sex marriages to resume in California, Harris officiated the first wedding .

8. Cheap prison labor, defended by Harris’ office

Harris read a news story one day in 2014 and discovered that attorneys at the state Justice Department she was heading had argued against the release of minimum-security prisoners because of their value to the state labor pool. 

That, at least, is how she explained it in an interview with Buzzfeed News. 

“I will be very candid with you, because I saw that article this morning, and I was shocked, and I’m looking into it to see if the way it was characterized in the paper is actually how it occurred in court,” Harris told BuzzFeed News in a 2014 interview . “I was very troubled by what I read. I just need to find out what did we actually say in court.”

The inmates working in prisons as groundskeepers, janitors and cooks earned between 8 and 37 cents per hour .

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A federal judicial panel overseeing California’s overcrowded prison system had ordered the state to increase the sentence reductions minimum-security inmates earned for participating in rehabilitation and education programs. 

But California Justice Department attorneys had a different view, arguing that prisons needed cheap inmate labor to keep functioning. 

“Extending 2-for-1 credits to all minimum custody inmates at this time would severely impact fire camp participation — a dangerous outcome while California is in the middle of a difficult fire season and severe drought,” Justice Department attorneys wrote in a September 2014 filing. 

The argument, later disavowed by Harris, was part of her office’s frequent conflicts with the three-judge panel overseeing the prison system. 

Harris’ attorney general’s office “continually equivocated regarding the facts and the law,” the three-judge panel wrote in 2013 . “This court would therefore be within its rights to issue an order to show cause and institute contempt proceedings immediately.” 

The judges said they didn’t do so because that might further delay the state’s release of nonviolent prisoners. 

9. Harris, her laywers and a fake confession

A Kern County prosecutor invented two lines of incriminating testimony in a defendant’s 2013 deposition and sent the faked transcript to the defendant’s public defender. 

The phony lines read like a confession from defendant Efrain Velasco-Palacios, and would have changed the potential charges of lewd and lascivious conduct with a child to penetrative sex with a child — meaning a conviction could trigger a life sentence.

When the public defender discovered the fabrication, he successfully argued to get the case dismissed .

Then, Harris’ Justice Department appealed. 

Their argument: The charges shouldn’t have been dismissed because, while the prosecutor did fake the lines, he didn’t physically assault Velasco-Palacios.

Former California Attorney General Kamala Harris, wearing a black blazer with a maroon pattern shirt and standing behind a giant California state flag, gives her first news conference in Los Angeles on Nov. 30, 2010. Photo by Damian Dovarganes, AP Photo

“Dismissal is an appropriate sanction for government misconduct that is egregious enough to prejudice a defendant’s constitutional rights,” the California Court of Appeals found in 2015. “On appeal, however, the People dispute that (the prosecutor’s) misconduct was outrageous or conscience shocking in a constitutional sense, as it was not physically brutal.” 

The appellate court justices said it found “no support” for that argument. 

“If Harris really thinks that knowingly producing a fraudulent document to secure an illicit advantage isn’t ‘outrageous,’ then perhaps she slept through her legal ethics courses,” wrote Glenn Harlan Reynolds , a University of Tennessee law professor, in 2015.

Robert Murray , the prosecutor who filed the false transcript, would later describe his actions to the State Bar Court as a joke and a prank. It recommended a two-year suspension. Murray now works at the Office of the Inspector General and has had an active law license since 2018, according to the state bar website. 

In her 2009 autobiography on her years as a prosecutor, Harris wrote about the kind of crimes that motivated her. 

“In nearly twenty years as a prosecutor, the last six as the elected District Attorney of the City and County of San Francisco, I have spent a lot of time moving between the bright spotlight that shines on certain aspects of our criminal justice system and the darker places that the public doesn’t see,” she wrote. “I have prosecuted the manipulative predators who commit sexual assaults on children. I have prosecuted conduct that is so destructive that my first and only priority has been to remove the perpetrator from free society for as long as humanly possible. Sometimes, forever.”

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Nigel duara justice reporter.

Nigel Duara joined CalMatters in 2020 as a Los Angeles-based reporter covering poverty and inequality issues for our California Divide collaboration. Previously, he served as a national and climate correspondent... More by Nigel Duara

Assemblymembers sitting at their desks look at their phones and other devices during a floor session at the state Capitol in Sacramento on Aug. 5, 2024. Photo by Fred Greaves for CalMatters

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  4. How to Write Test Cases: The Ultimate Guide with Examples

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  6. How to Write a Test Case (Example & Template Included)

    3. Plan the Test Case Steps. Now, you're ready to list the steps. They must be very detailed, but clear and easy for the tester to follow. This will put into motion input, execution and expected output to see if the feature or functionality is working as planned. 4.

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    A test case design plan is sometimes a product or tool for performing necessary functions within a project's scope. After an engineer completes the test case planning process, the test case design process begins. This process includes. preparing the test environment; writing test cases for integration, system, and acceptance testing; and.

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    Benefits of writing high-quality test cases. Writing test cases allows you to think through every aspect of your software and makes it easier to identify any software gaps as it develops. Several benefits emerge when you write formal test cases. Documentation means you can guarantee the coverage of your tests.

  11. Writing Test Cases with Test Case Examples & Templates

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    For instance, you can instruct testRigor to 'click "Skip" at the bottom of the page.'. Grouping Test Cases into Test Suites:testRigor allows for the creation of test suites for different functionalities, within which you can write related test cases. This facilitates easier management and execution of test cases.

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    How to write test cases: A step-by-step guide. If I explain to you in just a two-line summary of how to write a manual test case, it would be: 1. Identify the feature or functionality you wish to test. 2. Create a list of test cases that define specific actions to validate the functionality.

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    All of this information is relevant for the software tester — especially when determining whether the test case should be a "pass" or a "fail" instead. A cheat sheet for creating test cases that work well is as follows: Keep things simple and transparent. Make test cases reusable. Keep test case IDs unique.

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    Sample Test Cases. Based on the above template, below is an example that showcases the concept in a much understandable way. Let's assume that you are testing the login functionality of any web application, say Facebook. Below are the Test Cases for the same: => Download the above Test case format with example data.

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    A test case consists of various parameters such as ID, condition, steps, input, expected result, result, status, and remarks. Parameters of a Test Case: Module Name: Subject or title that defines the functionality of the test. Test Case Id: A unique identifier assigned to every single condition in a test case.

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    Step 3: Pick a user from each input category and test. Now from each category, you can pick one value and test to see if the correct amount of discount is applied. So now, you will need at least 6 customers or 6 test cases to test the case completely. I'm sure at this point you are thinking, "This is all good.

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