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epinephrine-stimulated cAMP synthesis; biochemistry


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epinephrine-stimulated cAMP synthesis; biochemistry

biochemistry , study of the chemical substances and processes that occur in plants , animals , and microorganisms and of the changes they undergo during development and life. It deals with the chemistry of life, and as such it draws on the techniques of analytical , organic, and physical chemistry , as well as those of physiologists concerned with the molecular basis of vital processes.

All chemical changes within the organism—either the degradation of substances, generally to gain necessary energy, or the buildup of complex molecules necessary for life processes—are collectively called metabolism . These chemical changes depend on the action of organic catalysts known as enzymes , and enzymes, in turn, depend for their existence on the genetic apparatus of the cell . It is not surprising, therefore, that biochemistry enters into the investigation of chemical changes in disease , drug action, and other aspects of medicine , as well as in nutrition , genetics , and agriculture.

The term biochemistry is synonymous with two somewhat older terms: physiological chemistry and biological chemistry . Those aspects of biochemistry that deal with the chemistry and function of very large molecules (e.g., proteins and nucleic acids ) are often grouped under the term molecular biology . Biochemistry has been known under that term since about 1900. Its origins, however, can be traced much further back; its early history is part of the early history of both physiology and chemistry .

The particularly significant past events in biochemistry have been concerned with placing biological phenomena on firm chemical foundations.

A person's hand pouring blue fluid from a flask into a beaker. Chemistry, scientific experiments, science experiments, science demonstrations, scientific demonstrations.

Before chemistry could contribute adequately to medicine and agriculture, however, it had to free itself from immediate practical demands in order to become a pure science . This happened in the period from about 1650 to 1780, starting with the work of Robert Boyle and culminating in that of Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier , the father of modern chemistry. Boyle questioned the basis of the chemical theory of his day and taught that the proper object of chemistry was to determine the composition of substances. His contemporary John Mayow observed the fundamental analogy between the respiration of an animal and the burning, or oxidation, of organic matter in air. Then, when Lavoisier carried out his fundamental studies on chemical oxidation, grasping the true nature of the process, he also showed, quantitatively, the similarity between chemical oxidation and the respiratory process.

Photosynthesis was another biological phenomenon that occupied the attention of the chemists of the late 18th century. The demonstration, through the combined work of Joseph Priestley , Jan Ingenhousz , and Jean Senebier , that photosynthesis is essentially the reverse of respiration was a milestone in the development of biochemical thought.

essay about biochemistry

In spite of these early fundamental discoveries, rapid progress in biochemistry had to wait upon the development of structural organic chemistry , one of the great achievements of 19th-century science. A living organism contains many thousands of different chemical compounds . The elucidation of the chemical transformations undergone by these compounds within the living cell is a central problem of biochemistry. Clearly, the determination of the molecular structure of the organic substances present in living cells had to precede the study of the cellular mechanisms, whereby these substances are synthesized and degraded.

There are few sharp boundaries in science, and the boundaries between organic and physical chemistry, on the one hand, and biochemistry, on the other, have always shown much overlap. Biochemistry has borrowed the methods and theories of organic and physical chemistry and applied them to physiological problems. Progress in this path was at first impeded by a stubborn misconception in scientific thinking—the error of supposing that the transformations undergone by matter in the living organism were not subject to the chemical and physical laws that applied to inanimate substances and that consequently these “vital” phenomena could not be described in ordinary chemical or physical terms. Such an attitude was taken by the vitalists , who maintained that natural products formed by living organisms could never be synthesized by ordinary chemical means. The first laboratory synthesis of an organic compound , urea, by Friedrich Wöhler in 1828, was a blow to the vitalists but not a decisive one. They retreated to new lines of defense, arguing that urea was only an excretory substance—a product of breakdown and not of synthesis. The success of the organic chemists in synthesizing many natural products forced further retreats of the vitalists. It is axiomatic in modern biochemistry that the chemical laws that apply to inanimate materials are equally valid within the living cell.

At the same time that progress was being impeded by a misplaced kind of reverence for living phenomena, the practical needs of humans operated to spur the progress of the new science. As organic and physical chemistry erected an imposing body of theory in the 19th century, the needs of the physician, the pharmacist, and the agriculturalist provided an ever-present stimulus for the application of the new discoveries of chemistry to various urgent practical problems.

Two outstanding figures of the 19th century, Justus von Liebig and Louis Pasteur , were particularly responsible for dramatizing the successful application of chemistry to the study of biology . Liebig studied chemistry in Paris and carried back to Germany the inspiration gained by contact with the former students and colleagues of Lavoisier. He established at Giessen a great teaching and research laboratory, one of the first of its kind, which drew students from all over Europe.

Besides putting the study of organic chemistry on a firm basis, Liebig engaged in extensive literary activity, attracting the attention of all scientists to organic chemistry and popularizing it for the layman as well. His classic works, published in the 1840s, had a profound influence on contemporary thought. Liebig described the great chemical cycles in nature. He pointed out that animals would disappear from the face of Earth if it were not for the photosynthesizing plants, since animals require for their nutrition the complex organic compounds that can be synthesized only by plants. The animal excretions and the animal body after death are also converted by a process of decay to simple products that can be re-utilized only by plants.

In contrast with animals, green plants require for their growth only carbon dioxide , water , mineral salts, and sunlight. The minerals must be obtained from the soil , and the fertility of the soil depends on its ability to furnish the plants with these essential nutrients. But the soil is depleted of these materials by the removal of successive crops; hence the need for fertilizers. Liebig pointed out that chemical analysis of plants could serve as a guide to the substances that should be present in fertilizers. Agricultural chemistry as an applied science was thus born.

In his analysis of fermentation, putrefaction, and infectious disease , Liebig was less fortunate. He admitted the similarity of these phenomena but refused to admit that living organisms might function as the causative agents. It remained for Pasteur to clarify that matter. In the 1860s Pasteur proved that various yeasts and bacteria were responsible for “ferments,” substances that caused fermentation and, in some cases, disease. He also demonstrated the usefulness of chemical methods in studying these tiny organisms and was the founder of what came to be called bacteriology .

Later, in 1877, Pasteur’s ferments were designated as enzymes, and, in 1897, German chemist Eduard Buchner clearly showed that fermentation could occur in a press juice of yeast , devoid of living cells. Thus a life process of cells was reduced by analysis to a nonliving system of enzymes. The chemical nature of enzymes remained obscure until 1926, when the first pure crystalline enzyme (urease) was isolated. This enzyme and many others subsequently isolated proved to be proteins , which had already been recognized as high-molecular-weight chains of subunits called amino acids.

The mystery of how minute amounts of dietary substances known as the vitamins prevent diseases such as beriberi , scurvy , and pellagra became clear in 1935, when riboflavin (vitamin B 2 ) was found to be an integral part of an enzyme. Subsequent work has substantiated the concept that many vitamins are essential in the chemical reactions of the cell by virtue of their role in enzymes.

In 1929 the substance adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was isolated from muscle. Subsequent work demonstrated that the production of ATP was associated with respiratory (oxidative) processes in the cell. In 1940 F.A. Lipmann proposed that ATP is the common form of energy exchange in many cells, a concept now thoroughly documented. ATP has been shown also to be a primary energy source for muscular contraction.

The use of radioactive isotopes of chemical elements to trace the pathway of substances in the animal body was initiated in 1935 by two U.S. chemists, Rudolf Schoenheimer and David Rittenberg . That technique provided one of the single most important tools for investigating the complex chemical changes that occur in life processes. At about the same time, other workers localized the sites of metabolic reactions by ingenious technical advances in the studies of organs, tissue slices, cell mixtures, individual cells, and, finally, individual cell constituents , such as nuclei, mitochondria , ribosomes , lysosomes , and membranes.

In 1869 a substance was isolated from the nuclei of pus cells and was called nucleic acid , which later proved to be deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ), but it was not until 1944 that the significance of DNA as genetic material was revealed, when bacterial DNA was shown to change the genetic matter of other bacterial cells. Within a decade of that discovery, the double helix structure of DNA was proposed by Watson and Crick , providing a firm basis for understanding how DNA is involved in cell division and in maintaining genetic characteristics .

Advances have continued since that time, with such landmark events as the first chemical synthesis of a protein , the detailed mapping of the arrangement of atoms in some enzymes, and the elucidation of intricate mechanisms of metabolic regulation, including the molecular action of hormones .


Essay on Biochemistry

Students are often asked to write an essay on Biochemistry in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Biochemistry

What is biochemistry.

Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes in living things. It combines biology and chemistry. Biochemists try to understand how life works at a molecular level. They study things like cells, proteins, and DNA.

Importance of Biochemistry

Biochemistry is very important. It helps us understand how our body works. For example, it explains how food turns into energy. It also helps doctors understand diseases. This is important for making new medicines.

Fields of Biochemistry

There are many fields in biochemistry. Some biochemists study plants. They want to understand how plants grow and make food. Others study animals. They want to understand how animals live and grow.

Biochemistry in Everyday Life

Biochemistry is everywhere in our daily life. It is in the food we eat and the air we breathe. It is also in the medicines we take. Understanding biochemistry helps us make better choices for our health.

The Future of Biochemistry

250 words essay on biochemistry.

Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes in living things. It’s like a bridge between biology and chemistry. It helps us understand how our bodies work. Biochemists study things like the structure of molecules, how food gives us energy, and how our bodies fight disease.

Biochemistry is very important. It helps doctors understand diseases and find ways to cure them. It also helps us understand nutrition and how the food we eat affects our health. For example, biochemists discovered vitamins and how they keep us healthy.

There are many different areas in biochemistry. Some biochemists study how cells talk to each other. Others look at how plants use sunlight to make food. Some even study how our genes affect our health. These are just a few examples.

Future of Biochemistry

The future of biochemistry is exciting. New technologies are helping biochemists make amazing discoveries. For example, they are now able to look at the smallest parts of cells in great detail. This could lead to new treatments for diseases.

In conclusion, biochemistry is a fascinating field that helps us understand the world around us. It’s a key part of medicine and health, and it’s always changing and growing. So, if you’re curious about how life works, biochemistry might be the subject for you!

500 Words Essay on Biochemistry

The importance of biochemistry.

Biochemistry is very important. It helps us understand how our body works. For example, it explains how food is broken down to give us energy, how our bodies fight diseases, and how our body grows. It also plays a key role in medicine, agriculture, and many other fields.

The Building Blocks of Life

All living things, from tiny bacteria to big elephants, are made up of tiny units called cells. Inside these cells, there are even smaller parts called molecules. These molecules are the building blocks of life. Some examples are proteins, fats, and DNA. Biochemistry studies these molecules to understand how they help the cell function.

Proteins and Enzymes

Dna and genes.

DNA is another important molecule. It is like a recipe book for our bodies. It tells our cells what proteins to make. Each recipe is called a gene. Genes decide our traits, like our hair color and height. Biochemists study DNA to understand how it controls our bodies.

Energy in Our Bodies

Our bodies need energy to function. We get this energy from the food we eat. Biochemistry helps us understand how our bodies break down food into energy. This process is called metabolism. It involves many chemical reactions, and enzymes play a big role in it.

Role in Medicine

To sum it up, biochemistry is a fascinating field that helps us understand the mysteries of life. It has many practical uses, from medicine to agriculture. Even though it involves complex chemical reactions, its goal is simple: to understand how life works at the molecular level.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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90 Biochemistry Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 90 Biochemistry Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/biochemistry-essay-topics/

"90 Biochemistry Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/biochemistry-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '90 Biochemistry Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "90 Biochemistry Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/biochemistry-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "90 Biochemistry Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/biochemistry-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "90 Biochemistry Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/biochemistry-essay-topics/.

  • Chemistry Articles


Have you ever observed how chemical reactions or processes occur within the human body? How do metabolic activities take place? Yes, you will get to know all these life processes through ‘Biochemistry.’

What is Biochemistry?

The branch of science dealing with the study of all the life processes such as control and coordination within a living organism is called Biochemistry.

This term was introduced to us by Carl Neuberg, the father of biochemistry in the year 1930. This field combines biology as well as chemistry to study the chemical structure of a living organism. The biochemists get into the investigation of the chemical reactions and combinations which are involved in various processes like reproduction, heredity, metabolism, and growth, thus performing research in different kinds of laboratories.

Introduction to Biochemistry includes wide areas of molecular biology as well as cell biology. It is relevant to molecules that make up the structure of organs and cells which is the molecular anatomy. It describes carbon compounds and the reactions they undergo in living organisms. It also describes molecular physiology, which is the functions of molecules in carrying out the requirements of the cells and organs.

It mainly deals with the study of the structure and functions of the biomolecules such as carbohydrates, proteins , acids, and lipids. Hence, it is also called Molecular biology.

Branches of Biochemistry

The primary branches of biochemistry are listed in this subsection.

Molecular Biology

It is also referred to as the roots of Biochemistry. It deals with the study of functions of the living systems. This field of biology explains all the interactions between DNA, proteins, and RNA and their synthesis.

Cell biology

Cell Biology deals with the structure and functions of cells in living organisms. It is also called Cytology. Cell biology primarily focuses on the study of cells of the eukaryotic organisms and their signalling pathways, rather than focussing on prokaryotes- the topics that will be covered under microbiology.

Metabolism is one of the most important processes taking place in all living things. It is nothing but the transformations or the series of activities that happens when food is converted into energy in a human body. One example of metabolism is the process of digestion.

Genetics is a branch of biochemistry that deals with the study of genes, their variations and the heredity characteristics in living organisms.

The other branches include Animal and Plant Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular Chemistry, Genetic engineering, Endocrinology, Pharmaceuticals, Neurochemistry, Nutrition, Environmental, Photosynthesis, Toxicology, etc.

Importance of Biochemistry

Biochemistry is essential to understand the following concepts.

  • The chemical processes which transform diet into compounds that are characteristics of the cells of a particular species.
  • The catalytic functions of enzymes.
  • Utilizing the potential energy obtained from the oxidation of foodstuff consumed for the various energy-requiring processes of the living cell.
  • The properties and structure of substances that constitute the framework of tissues and cells.
  • To solve fundamental problems in medicine and biology.

To learn more about biochemistry and other important branches of chemistry, such as physical chemistry , register with BYJU’S now!

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essay about biochemistry

this is very useful i like it keep it up very beautifully presented

essay about biochemistry

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  • What are the prospects for extending human lifespan?  Discuss the molecular basis for how this might be achieved, and the implications for society?
  • Should statins be prescribed more widely?
  • Could the UK be self-sufficient in food crop production?  Discuss the biological parameters that might set limits on what could be achieved.
  • Discuss current scientific theories of the origin of life.
  • Is the mouse a good model for studying human disease?
  • There was a major outbreak of Zika virus infections in 2016.  How might a biological understanding of the virus and its transmission help in preventing or containing future outbreaks?
  • Neonicotinoids are used as insecticidal dressing for crop seeds.  What are the associated risks, and should we be using such chemicals?
  • Is it feasible and desirable to enforce regulations to control applications of genome editing?
  • Should there be a 'sugar tax' and if so, which sugars should be taxed and why?

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Hidaya Aliouche, B.Sc.

  • Introduction

Defining Biochemistry

Applications of biochemistry: agriculture and food, applications of biochemistry in nutrition, applications of biochemistry in the fashion industry, further reading.

The impact of biochemistry has been seen most notably in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. However, biochemistry plays a fundamental role in everyday life, affecting different aspects of society from retail, food, cosmetics, and fashion to healthcare.

Biochemistry has been involved in the development of many products and processes used every day.  These include the discovery and improvement of medical products, cleaning products and DNA recombinant technology which can be used to make important molecules such as insulin and food additives.

Biochemical and binocular knowledge has also assisted the quality and quantity of food production through improved agrochemicals, the development of crops with enhanced resistance to pests and disease, and the preparation of foods that improve human health, which includes pre- and pro-biotics and antioxidants.

Biochemistry can be considered to contain several branches. These include Enzymeology; Endocrinology; Molecular biology; Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering; Immunology; Structural Biochemistry; Neurochemistry; and Cell Biology. Each of these disciplines concerns a different component of biochemistry.

Increasingly, the global food system is under strain, with an increase in the prevalence of polarised obesity and poverty, and increased dependence on chemical fertilizer and pesticides, poor quality foods, environmental degradation, and the loss of biodiversity. As such, many practices are being revised and regenerated. These practices are informed by biochemistry.

Biochemistry is used to enhance plant growth, yield, and quality as a consequence of optimizing fertilizer components. Crop improvement has also been improved by way of increased tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, alongside augmented nutritional value.

With knowledge of the mechanism of action of fertilizers, such as nitrates, the use of fertilizer can be optimized to improve plant growth quality. An example of this is the increasing use of biochemical fertilizers including nitrogen fixes, phosphorus potassium, sulfur solubilizers, and various fungi such as mycorrhiza, and Trichoderma, as well as small molecular iron chelators called siderophores that are produced by microbes.

This is thought to ameliorate the effect of intense use of chemical fertilizers, which cause water contamination, depleted nutrients, and soul deterioration.

Biochemistry plays an important role in nutrition and health and is considered to be a powerful unsustainable tool for the improvement of health, reduction of poverty, and hunger in the world. Through the use of sustainable biochemistry, the commercialization of biochemical techniques is considered to be a powerful way of reducing brook global poverty and hunger and improving nutritional delivery across the world.

Biochemistry in agriculture

Biochemistry in agriculture. Image Credit: PopTika/Shutterstock.com

The most notable way in which biochemistry has affected nutrition is through crop improvement using several biochemically-informed techniques. Since 1996, genetically modified crop varieties have been developed through the introduction of genes or genetic elements with desirable functions.

Despite concerns, genome editing tools have recently emerged as a new form of technology and have been successfully used to modify crop genomes without evidencing the use of foreign gene introduction across a variety of species. Although they have only been used relatively recently, they have greatly improved crop yield and quality.

Characteristics of crop improvement include improved nutritional and functional quality, particularly for staple crops that satisfy high demand, such as maize, wheat, potato, and rice. For example, 20% of the world's population – over one billion people - is dependent on rice cultivation as an energy supply. Gene technology has been used to improve, for example, glutinosity in rice varieties. A high-amylose and low-viscosity rice variety was produced by knocking out SBEIIb, a gene for the starch branching enzyme, using CRISPR/Cas9.

To circumvent the issue caused by cold storage of potatoes in transport, TALEN technology was used to remove a gene encoding for vacuolar invertase, which catalyzes the breakdown of sucrose into glucose and fructose. This prevents the accumulated reducing sugars that cause high levels of a potential carcinogen compound, acrylamide,  produced when they react with free amino acids when cooked.

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Biochemistry is also applied in the context of food contamination, with biochemistry aiding in determining detailed food chemistry. Related to this, biochemistry is essential in nutrient value tests, which can define the percentage or concentrations of nutrients in various types of foods consumed. Moreover, through a complex understanding of the macromolecular, vitamin, and mineral content of food, food can be used strategically to improve the quality of life. For example, knowledge of the effects of high quantities of sugar and fats enables doctors and nutritionists to advise patients on their dietary choices.

Rice production

Rice production. Image Credit: pran/Shutterstock.com

Biochemistry is used in biotechnological applications in the textile industry. Enzymes are used routinely to bleach and wash textiles, and to change the property of clothing, for example changing the appearance of denim or preventing shrinkage of fiber types, such as wool and cotton. Increasingly, microbial involvement in the fashion industry has begun to take hold, avoiding the use of traditional chemical processes which are associated with high levels of pollution.

Spider silk, for example, is noted for its strong flexible and lightweight properties; however, it has not been possible to farm spider silk on an industrial scale in the past. However, by using fermentation bioreactors, genetically engineered bacteria can be used to produce this in large quantities. Due to knowledge of the material properties of the silk on a molecular level, this affords significant control over the final product relative to traditional materials. Moreover, this use of technology addresses the problem of sustainability as the silk is produced in the absence of animal or petroleum material.

Spider silk

Spider silk. Image Credit: Pablesku/Shutterstock.com

In fact, biochemically-mediated approaches have the potential to impact climate change, which is increasingly being recognized as a large challenge facing society worldwide. Biochemical knowledge has been used to identify solutions such as algal biofuels, carbon sequestration, and more efficient industrial processes, which can help protect the environment and enhance economic opportunities. 

Biochemical research can also be used to understand the basic biological processes as well as complex and elegant mechanisms for harnessing energy and converting it into a form that can be used. By understanding these processes, the development of advanced biotechnology products has been achieved, which enables the production of novel types of bioenergy such as biochemical photovoltaics.

Through the identification of natural products that occur from biochemical reactions, products have been developed that enhance human health. This research has been fundamental and has increased public understanding of the importance of good nutrition and disease.

This article touches on a few examples of biochemistry in everyday life. Biochemistry continues to address the challenges faced by society worldwide, improving and influencing aspects of our lives.

  • Pace NR. (2001) The universal nature of biochemistry. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.98.3.805.
  • Biotechnology Is Changing How We Make Clothes. Available at: . Accessed December 2021
  • National Research Council (US) Committee on Research Opportunities in Biology. Opportunities in Biology. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1989. 10, Advances in Medicine, the Biochemical Process Industry, and Animal Agriculture. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK217814/ .
  • Chojnacka K, Moustakas K, Witek-Krowiak A. (2020)Bio-based fertilizers: A practical approach towards circular economy. Bioresour Technol. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122223.
  • Chen Y, Michalak M, Agellon LB. (2018) Importance of Nutrients and Nutrient Metabolism on Human Health. Yale J Biol Med.
  • Kornberg A. (2004) Biochemistry matters. Nat Struct Mol Biol 11, doi:10.1038/nsmb0604-493
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Last Updated: May 11, 2022

Hidaya Aliouche

Hidaya Aliouche

Hidaya is a science communications enthusiast who has recently graduated and is embarking on a career in the science and medical copywriting. She has a B.Sc. in Biochemistry from The University of Manchester. She is passionate about writing and is particularly interested in microbiology, immunology, and biochemistry.

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Aliouche, Hidaya. (2022, May 11). Biochemistry in Everyday Life. News-Medical. Retrieved on September 12, 2024 from https://www.news-medical.net/life-sciences/Biochemistry-in-Everyday-Life.aspx.

Aliouche, Hidaya. "Biochemistry in Everyday Life". News-Medical . 12 September 2024. <https://www.news-medical.net/life-sciences/Biochemistry-in-Everyday-Life.aspx>.

Aliouche, Hidaya. "Biochemistry in Everyday Life". News-Medical. https://www.news-medical.net/life-sciences/Biochemistry-in-Everyday-Life.aspx. (accessed September 12, 2024).

Aliouche, Hidaya. 2022. Biochemistry in Everyday Life . News-Medical, viewed 12 September 2024, https://www.news-medical.net/life-sciences/Biochemistry-in-Everyday-Life.aspx.

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Essays in Biochemistry, Volume 33: Molecular Biology of the Brain

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The workings of the brain have long held a fascination for scientists. Yet, faced as they have been with the obvious anatomical and biochemical complexity of the brain, understanding its functions—more than superficially—has seemed an impossible goal. The authors of the essays in this volume, acknowledged experts in their specialties, have illustrated the power of molecular biology to dissect the molecular functioning of the brain. The volume has related essays on neurotransmitters and their receptors, aspects of neuronal development and neurodegeneration, the molecular biology of opiate action, and the concept of neuronal networks in the olfactory system. It continues with essays on some of the major healthcare problems that can be expected to yield to analysis by molecular genetical approaches—neurodegenerative and affective disorders such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, spongiform encephalopathies, prion diseases, and trinucleotide expansion disorders. The volume concludes first with an exciting account of how molecular biology is beginning to explain a phenomenon as complex as memory and, finally, a thought-provoking essay on future developments in the field. Originally published in 1999. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

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A special issue of Essays in Biochemistry on current advances about CAZymes and their impact and key role in human health and environment


  • 1 Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Integrative Biology of Marine Models (LBI2M), Station Biologique de Roscoff (SBR), 29680 Roscoff, Bretagne, France.
  • 2 INRAE, Aix Marseille Université, UMR1163 Biodiversité et Biotechnologie Fongiques, 13009 Marseille, France.
  • PMID: 37070299
  • DOI: 10.1042/EBC20230004

Carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes) and their biochemical characterization have been the subject of extensive research over the past ten years due to their importance to carbohydrate metabolism in different biological contexts. For instance, the understanding that 'polysaccharide utilizing loci' (PUL) systems hosted by specific 'carbohydrate degraders' in the intestinal microbiota play key roles in health and disease, such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or colorectal cancer to name the most well-characterized, has led to an outstanding effort in trying to decipher the molecular mechanisms by which these processes are organized and regulated. The past 10 years has also seen the expansion of CAZymes with auxiliary activities, such as lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) or even sulfatases, and interest has grown in general about the enzymes needed to remove the numerous decorations and modifications of complex biomass, such as carbohydrate esterases (CE). Today, the characterization of these 'modifying' enzymes allows us to tackle a much more complex biomass, which presents sulfations, methylations, acetylations or interconnections with lignin. This special issue about CAZyme biochemistry covers all these aspects, ranging from implications in disease to environmental and biotechnological impact, with a varied collection of twenty-four review articles providing current biochemical, structural and mechanistic insights into their respective topics.

Keywords: cazymes; intestinal disease; polysaccharide utilizing loci.

© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society.

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  • Patrik Vestin

How does the spliceosome dismantle itself?

Precursor messenger RNA is edited into its final form by an RNA–protein assembly called the spliceosome. Structural evidence provides insights into how the spliceosome is disassembled when its job is complete.

  •  &  Rui Zhao

News | 22 July 2024

Mystery oxygen source discovered on the sea floor — bewildering scientists

A chemical reaction could be producing oxygen by splitting water molecules, but its source of energy remains unknown.

  • Davide Castelvecchi

Article 17 July 2024 | Open Access

Inhibition of IL-11 signalling extends mammalian healthspan and lifespan

IL-11 is identified as a key regulator of ERK–AMPK–mTORC1 signalling, metabolism, inflammation and age-related disease and lifespan in mouse and human.

  • Anissa A. Widjaja
  • , Wei-Wen Lim
  •  &  Stuart A. Cook

Article | 17 July 2024

An engineered enzyme embedded into PLA to make self-biodegradable plastic

Embedding of a new engineered thermostable hydrolase into polymer materials enables the production of biodegradable and home-compostable plastics suitable for industrial packaging applications.

  • M. Guicherd
  • , M. Ben Khaled
  •  &  A. Marty

A eukaryotic-like ubiquitination system in bacterial antiviral defence

A study reports the structure and molecular mechanism of the Bil anti-phage defence system, demonstrating that it is the closest prokaryotic homologue of canonical eukaryotic ubiquitination pathways.

  • Lydia R. Chambers
  • , Qiaozhen Ye

Tubulin code eraser CCP5 binds branch glutamates by substrate deformation

Cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray structures of the glutamylation eraser CCP5 in complexes with glutamylated microtubules and tubulin tails show that the substrate backbone adopts a bent conformation that presents the branch glutamate to a substrate-binding pocket on CCP5.

  • , Elena A. Zehr
  •  &  Antonina Roll-Mecak

News & Views | 10 July 2024

Waves of ferroptotic cell death sculpt embryonic tissue

An unusual form of cell death called ferroptosis can sweep over embryonic tissues in a wave-like manner to ensure proper muscle development — evidence that ferroptosis has a role in normal physiology.

  • Judith Goncalves
  •  &  Scott J. Dixon

Article | 10 July 2024

Phage anti-CRISPR control by an RNA- and DNA-binding helix–turn–helix protein

The helix–turn–helix domain of an anti-CRISPR-associated (Aca) protein represses transcription of anti-CRISPR (Acr)-encoding genes and inhibits their translation to protein via distinct binding modes to DNA and RNA, respectively.

  • Nils Birkholz
  • , Kotaro Kamata
  •  &  Peter C. Fineran

Research Briefing | 03 July 2024

Eating habits of Denisovans on the Tibetan Plateau revealed

The discovery of a rib fragment from Baishiya Karst Cave greatly extends the presence of Denisovan hominins on the Tibetan Plateau. In-depth analyses of fossilized animal bones from the same site show that Denisovans made full use of the available animal resources.

Article | 03 July 2024

A µ-opioid receptor modulator that works cooperatively with naloxone

A newly discovered negative allosteric modulator of the µ-opioid receptor works together with naloxone to potently block opioid agonist signalling with reduced adverse effects.

  • Evan S. O’Brien
  • , Vipin Ashok Rangari
  •  &  Brian K. Kobilka

Article 03 July 2024 | Open Access

NBS1 lactylation is required for efficient DNA repair and chemotherapy resistance

Lactylation of NBS1 by TIP60 promotes homologous recombination-driven DNA repair and resistance to chemotherapy in cancer cells and links altered cancer cell metabolism to increase genome stability.

  • Hengxing Chen
  •  &  Changhua Zhang

An anti-CRISPR that pulls apart a CRISPR–Cas complex

AcrIF25 inhibits the type I-F CRISPR–Cas system by disassembling its ribonucleoprotein effector complex without an external energy source.

  • Chantel N. Trost
  • , Jing Yang
  •  &  Alan R. Davidson

Article 26 June 2024 | Open Access

Structural mechanism of bridge RNA-guided recombination

Using cryo-electron microscopy, the structural mechanism by which non-coding bridge RNA confers target and donor DNA specificity to IS110 recombinases for programmable DNA recombination is explored.

  • Masahiro Hiraizumi
  • , Nicholas T. Perry
  •  &  Hiroshi Nishimasu

Article | 19 June 2024

An alternative broad-specificity pathway for glycan breakdown in bacteria

A screen of a human gut microbiome metagenomic library reveals a cluster of enzymes with an unconventional mechanism and an extremely broad substrate scope.

  • Seyed Amirhossein Nasseri
  • , Aleksander C. Lazarski
  •  &  Stephen G. Withers

Article | 06 June 2024

Mechanisms of actin filament severing and elongation by formins

Cryo-electron microscopy shows five structural states of inverted formin 2 and two of formin diaphanous 1 bound to F-actin, providing step-by-step visualization of the mechanisms of F-actin severing and elongation by formins.

  • Nicholas J. Palmer
  • , Kyle R. Barrie
  •  &  Roberto Dominguez

Article | 29 May 2024

Pro-CRISPR PcrIIC1-associated Cas9 system for enhanced bacterial immunity

Comprehensive analyses of Cas9 proteins shed light on the evolution of the CRISPR–Cas9 system, and identify a pro-CRISPR accessory protein in bacteria that boosts CRISPR-mediated immunity by enhancing the DNA binding and cleavage activity of Cas9.

  • Shouyue Zhang
  •  &  Jun-Jie Gogo Liu

News & Views | 22 May 2024

Cells cope with altered chromosome numbers by enhancing protein breakdown

When chromosomes are lost or gained, massive changes in gene expression disrupt the delicate balance of proteins in a cell. Yeasts with incorrect chromosome numbers counteract this by degrading excess proteins.

  • Zuzana Storchová

Article 22 May 2024 | Open Access

Natural proteome diversity links aneuploidy tolerance to protein turnover

Proteomic data from natural isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae provide insight into how these cells tolerate aneuploidy (an imbalance in the number of chromosomes), and reveal differences between lab-engineered aneuploids and diverse natural yeasts.

  • Julia Muenzner
  • , Pauline Trébulle
  •  &  Markus Ralser

Molecular mechanism of choline and ethanolamine transport in humans

Structural analysis of the human choline and ethanolamine transporters FLVCR1 and FLVCR2 clarifies the mechanisms of transport, the conformational dynamics of these proteins and the disease-associated mutations that interfere with these processes.

  • , Tsai-Hsuan Weng
  •  &  Schara Safarian

Article 15 May 2024 | Open Access

Physiological temperature drives TRPM4 ligand recognition and gating

A temperature-dependent Ca 2+ -binding site in the intracellular domain of TRPM4 is essential for TRPM4 function in physiological contexts.

  • , Sung Jin Park
  •  &  Wei Lü

Article | 15 May 2024

Dimerization and antidepressant recognition at noradrenaline transporter

Cryo-electron microscopy structures of the noradrenaline transporter in the apo state, bound to noradrenaline and bound to various antidepressants shed light on the substrate transport, molecular recognition and dimeric architecture of this protein.

  • , Yu-Ling Yin
  •  &  Yi Jiang

Article | 13 May 2024

Plasmid targeting and destruction by the DdmDE bacterial defence system

Using cryo-electron microscopy, insights into the structural and mechanistic function of the DdmDE system that is responsible for plasmid elimination in Vibrio cholerae seventh pandemic strains are explored.

  • Jack P. K. Bravo
  • , Delisa A. Ramos
  •  &  David W. Taylor

Technology Feature | 08 May 2024

Powerful ‘nanopore’ DNA sequencing method tackles proteins too

Latest methods bring the speed, portability, and long read lengths of nanopore sequencing to proteomics.

  • Caroline Seydel

Article | 08 May 2024

Structural mechanism of angiogenin activation by the ribosome

Angiogenin binds to the ribosomal A site to cleave tRNA.

  • Anna B. Loveland
  • , Cha San Koh
  •  &  Andrei A. Korostelev

News & Views | 08 May 2024

Vaccine-enhancing plant extract could be mass produced in yeast

The Chilean soapbark tree is the source of QS-21 — a valuable but hard-to-obtain vaccine additive. Yeast strains engineered to express all components of the QS-21 biosynthetic pathway provide an alternative route to this therapeutic.

Nature Podcast | 08 May 2024

Alphafold 3.0: the AI protein predictor gets an upgrade

Deepmind’s protein-structure predictor adds other molecules to the mix, and a big step towards a ‘nuclear clock’.

  • Benjamin Thompson
  •  &  Nick Petrić Howe

Article 08 May 2024 | Open Access

The intrinsic substrate specificity of the human tyrosine kinome

An atlas of the substrate specificities for the human tyrosine kinome reveals diversity of motif specificities and enables identification of kinase–substrate relationships and kinase regulation in phosphoproteomics experiments.

  • Tomer M. Yaron-Barir
  • , Brian A. Joughin
  •  &  Jared L. Johnson

Boron catalysis in a designer enzyme

A completely genetically encoded boronic-acid-containing designer enzyme was created and characterized using X-ray crystallography, high-resolution mass spectrometry and 11 B NMR spectroscopy, allowing chemistry that is unknown in nature and currently not possible with small-molecule catalysts.

  • Lars Longwitz
  • , Reuben B. Leveson-Gower
  •  &  Gerard Roelfes


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essay about biochemistry


  1. Biochemistry

    biochemistry, study of the chemical substances and processes that occur in plants, animals, and microorganisms and of the changes they undergo during development and life. It deals with the chemistry of life, and as such it draws on the techniques of analytical, organic, and physical chemistry, as well as those of physiologists concerned with ...

  2. Essay on Biochemistry

    Biochemistry will continue to be important in the future. It will help us understand more about life. It will also help us solve problems like diseases and climate change. It is a very exciting field to study. 250 Words Essay on Biochemistry What is Biochemistry? Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes in living things.

  3. Essays in Biochemistry

    Essays in Biochemistry publishes short, digestible reviews from experts highlighting recent key topics in biochemistry and the molecular biosciences. Written to be accessible for those not yet immersed in the subject, each article is an up-to-date, self-contained summary of the topic.

  4. 90 Biochemistry Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The background image represents the virus model where the blue color denotes the surface area of the virus and the red color symbolizing the spike protein. "Biochemistry of Love" by Carter & Porges. The key concepts explored in the chapter include the role of oxytocin and vasopressin in the creation of emotional bonds.

  5. Biochemistry

    Biochemistry or biological chemistry is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. [1] A sub-discipline of both chemistry and biology, biochemistry may be divided into three fields: structural biology, enzymology, and metabolism.Over the last decades of the 20th century, biochemistry has become successful at explaining living processes through these three disciplines.

  6. What is Biochemistry?

    The branch of science dealing with the study of all the life processes such as control and coordination within a living organism is called Biochemistry. This term was introduced to us by Carl Neuberg, the father of biochemistry in the year 1930. This field combines biology as well as chemistry to study the chemical structure of a living organism.

  7. Photosynthesis

    Essays Biochem (2016) 60 (3): 255-273. Photosynthesis sustains virtually all life on planet Earth providing the oxygen we breathe and the food we eat; it forms the basis of global food chains and meets the majority of humankind's current energy needs through fossilized photosynthetic fuels.

  8. Essays in Biochemistry

    Understanding Biochemistry is an essential online resource for post-16 students, teachers and undergraduates, providing up-to-date overviews of key concepts in biochemistry and molecular biosciences. The Understanding Biochemistry issues of Essays in Biochemistry are open access publications, meaning that these issues are freely available ...

  9. Prepared essay example titles

    Students are required to write a prepared essay of not more than 3000 words in length selected from titles proposed by the examiners. The topics offered for the prepared essay will concern 'Science that affects Society' and the Examiners will announce titles to students in the Michaelmas Term. Examples of previous essay titles are included ...

  10. Biochemistry in Everyday Life

    Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report: APA. Aliouche, Hidaya. (2022, May 11). Biochemistry in Everyday Life.

  11. Essays in Biochemistry

    Read the latest chapters of Essays in Biochemistry at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature

  12. Biochemistry

    Biochemistry is the study of the structure and function of biological molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids. Biochemistry is also used to describe techniques suited ...

  13. Essays in Biochemistry

    Essays in Biochemistry, Volume 25 provides information on the developments in the continually changing field of biochemistry. Each chapter of the book is written by an expert on the area of research. The volume contains contributions that deal with such topics as intracellular protein degradation; the metabolic heterogeneity of liver parenchymal cells; and the biochemistry of ethanol ...

  14. Why I Choose Biochemistry Major: The Path Forward

    The field of biochemistry stands at the intersection of biology and chemistry, unraveling the intricate molecular processes that underlie life itself. This essay delves into the personal motivations that drive my choice of a biochemistry major, examining how my intellectual curiosity and career aspirations converge in this captivating discipline.

  15. Metabolism

    Matthew Johnson wrote an excellent review on Photosynthesis for Essays In Biochemistry ((2016) 60, 255-273; DOI: 10.1042/EBC20160016). In brief, these organisms use photons of light to obtain electrons from water and produce oxygen as a by-product. These electrons are again used to drive ATP formation, which in turn is used by pathways, such ...

  16. Introduction TO Biochemistry ( Reflection Essay)

    Assignment: Make a reflection/reaction on the video: Introduction to Biochemistry. After watching the video, I have understood that Biochemistry is simply and complexly physiology and chemistry. Physiology is the branch of science that deals with the function of living organism, and life itself is defined by its chemistry.

  17. Essays in Biochemistry, Volume 33

    Essays in Biochemistry, Volume 33: Molecular Biology of the Brain. The workings of the brain have long held a fascination for scientists. Yet, faced as they have been with the obvious anatomical and biochemical complexity of the brain, understanding its functions—more than superficially—has seemed an impossible goal.

  18. A special issue of Essays in Biochemistry on current advances about

    A special issue of Essays in Biochemistry on current advances about CAZymes and their impact and key role in human health and environment Essays Biochem. 2023 Apr 18 ... This special issue about CAZyme biochemistry covers all these aspects, ranging from implications in disease to environmental and biotechnological impact, with a varied ...

  19. Enzymes: principles and biotechnological applications

    Essays Biochem (2015) 59: 1-41. Enzymes are biological catalysts (also known as biocatalysts) that speed up biochemical reactions in living organisms, and which can be extracted from cells and then used to catalyse a wide range of commercially important processes. This chapter covers the basic principles of enzymology, such as classification ...

  20. Essays in Biochemistry

    For all open access content, the Creative Commons licensing terms apply. Read the latest chapters of Essays in Biochemistry at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature.

  21. Biochemistry

    A broadly applicable method allows selective, rapid and efficient chemical modification of the side chain of tryptophan amino acids in proteins. This platform enables systematic, proteome-wide ...

  22. Essential chemistry for biochemists

    Of the 28 essential elements, 11 make up 99.9% of the atoms in the human body. The other 17 are known as trace elements and are present in very small amounts, ranging from a milligram to gram quantities in an adult human. Figure 1. View large Download slide. Periodic table illustrating the elements essential for life.

  23. Volume 66 Issue 3

    Essays in Biochemistry publishes short, digestible reviews from experts highlighting recent key topics in biochemistry and the molecular biosciences. Written to be accessible for those not yet immersed in the subject, each article is an up-to-date, self-contained summary of the topic.