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Why Rules Are Important (Essay/Paper Sample)

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Why is it important to follow rules? Many of us turn away when the topic of conversation shifts to this. Whether it’s discomfort, fear, or stress, we need to address our negative connotations of these and remind ourselves that the rules in our life are not there to restrict us or make us miserable.

The custom essay below navigates the tricky topic of following rules and considers the many ways that abiding by them enables us to flourish.

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Why Rules Are Important Essay

Rules refer to set guidelines that have been put in place in different countries and communities and have been accepted by all.

Identical small square shaped cubes with RULES title and numbers on white windowsill near window in house in daylight

There are different types of policies, each of which is applied uniquely in the context of that country.  The nuances reflect each culture’s set of beliefs about, policies,  traditions, relationships, and governance.

There are various ways in which breaking these policies are approached, each with corresponding sets of penalties or consequences. Thus, policies are a useful tool in guiding and monitoring the interactions and relationships of humans in society.

Why Should People Obey Rules?

First, rules are important because they tend to protect weaker or more vulnerable populations who might be put at a disadvantage. When these are applied the right way, they provide a stable environment for people to co-exist, which leads to peace and development.

People Walking on Pedestrian Lane during Daytime

The process of establishing policies always identifies the direction in which the society is going. For example, policies in schools or any institution promote trust, fairness, and discipline in a bid to improve their students’ academic performance.

Second, rules are important because it is through them that law and order are maintained in any institution or country. As such, mandates in each country take into consideration the unique culture and heritage of the nation, as well as their revered customs and practices. They ensure that these are honored and respected in the process.

When people fail to follow policies, they need to face the consequences of their actions. While some penalties are minimal such as community service, others mirror the heaviness of the crime, which may include indefinite jail time.

Most people adhere to policies for fear of getting punished, but more importantly, to ensure their own safety. For example, if you don’t want to get hit by a speeding car, you need to follow traffic light regulations and only cross when the pedestrian light turns green. Until then, you have to wait for the countdown to finish.

As a way of maintaining these policies, many countries have decided to turn them into laws because they maintain the safety of their people and promote the well-being of society overall. There are also times when policies are adjusted when they don’t seem to be as effective. Sometimes, people may give feedback when these mandates restrict or interfere with their quality of life. Curfews, for instance, have a good goal in mind. However, to some people, they can seem limiting and mentally challenging.

All rules and regulations have the same purpose, which is to protect the lives of individuals and cultivate a society with good relationships. These mandates guide people by differentiating right from wrong. There are also many ways in which some of these policies are enforced on the people.

A country may employ some individuals to help enforce these policies. For instance, there are policemen who ensure peace in their assigned localities, and lawyers who prosecute rule-breakers and defend victims. In this way, implementing rules and regulations are supported by a network of professionals whose areas of expertise help carry the load.

In addition, apart from institutional rules, one may have his or her own personal policies at home and in life. Of course, people are not legally bound to follow their own rules, but they reflect their core values and convictions in life. To be truly authentic is to make it one’s aim to live by these personal rules. For instance, if you value your performance at work as well as your health, you will make it a point to sleep at a certain time to wake up refreshed.

At the end of the day, I maintain my stance on the importance of rules and regulations. While they don’t need to control or consume our lives, they provide a stable structure for society to function honorably. I just wish, however, that our authorities would always make it a point to review these policies on a regular basis to see if there are any that need to be updated to our present context.

Rules do not curtail people’s freedoms – they facilitate them with boundaries so that these freedoms are enjoyed without compromising other people.

Why Are Rules And Regulations Meant To Promote Discipline

Think about these questions How many devastating accidents happen each day because of breaking rules? How many lives are put at risk every hour because people don’t follow traffic rules? How many serious misunderstandings take place because people disrespect the laws of that particular nation?

These questions are meant to help us reflect on how regulations protect society from self-destructive habits. While we mostly perceive different rules as very negative things that ruin our day, rules are important because they provide a solid foundation and structure to our ways of life.

Imagine if everyone just did whatever they wanted to do without considering how it would affect other people. If we solely focused on our desired results without considering the moral dilemma that may sometimes accompany them, then it would be close to impossible to maintain order.

We need guidelines that we can all agree with to live harmoniously with one another. Policies always have the greater good in mind and that’s why we need them. Without a system in place, society would fail to be a place of growth for its citizens and no person will act in good conduct.

10 reasons why rules are important

  • They make sure that everyone is equal, and no particular group is favored over another.
  • They help society avoid chaos by ensuring that everyone goes through the same standard process to achieve something.
  • They promote ownership and accountability through consequences.
  • They bring together people and get them on a shared consensus despite their differences.
  • They keep the well-being of society as a whole in mind.
  • They don’t fixate on a specific norm but consider various local contexts and the ways a nation’s values and principles can be applied.
  • They encourage a good relationship between the government and its people.
  • They facilitate good and respectful conduct in public spheres.
  • They take into consideration different situations and provide legal ways to address each one.
  • They safeguard the community and its unique heritage and traditions.

Why are rules important for students?

School policies are important because they provide a safe space for students to maximize their education. It also protects the academic community by establishing boundaries for both learners and teachers. It enables educators to care for those under their wing with the utmost care. It allows relationships to form and be well-developed, which enhances the learning environment. It provides a platform for learners to expand their knowledge, which increases their chances of future success. School regulations keep in mind the total growth of the child and establish healthy ways in which it can be nurtured.

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Why do we have rules?

Why are rules important.


Why Rules Are Important?. (2016, Sep 23). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-rules-are-important-essay

"Why Rules Are Important?." StudyMoose , 23 Sep 2016, https://studymoose.com/why-rules-are-important-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). Why Rules Are Important? . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/why-rules-are-important-essay [Accessed: 13 Aug. 2024]

"Why Rules Are Important?." StudyMoose, Sep 23, 2016. Accessed August 13, 2024. https://studymoose.com/why-rules-are-important-essay

"Why Rules Are Important?," StudyMoose , 23-Sep-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/why-rules-are-important-essay. [Accessed: 13-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Why Rules Are Important? . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/why-rules-are-important-essay [Accessed: 13-Aug-2024]

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Why are Rules Important?

In spite of the saying ‘Rules are made to be broken’, societies do not function without rules. It is true that we often admire people who are mavericks. Perhaps we envy them their willingness to break away from the norm. But rules serve a very useful, indeed essential purpose – they act as guidelines so that we all know what to expect from others, and how to conduct our lives.

Rules set boundaries, something that is essential for children to learn. They have to understand what is acceptable behaviour. But if we demand this of children, we also have to expect that adults continue to follow the rules as much as possible; otherwise we have anarchy. And society cannot function like this. Besides, even the most liberal person would say that some things are unacceptable; without rules, we have an ‘anything goes’ situation where people are going to be hurt and abused.

That said, those rules can change. If they did not, we would still have slavery and women would not have the vote. To a modern eye, it seems inconceivable that it was ever considered acceptable to own another human being and treat them with cruelty. It is thanks to those people who spoke against this abhorrent practice and who were willing to campaign to change the status quo that the law changed. Rules are based on a general consensus, and what the majority find acceptable can change over time. As a society, we have to evolve and improve. So where it was once considered that women did not have equal rights and that people of colour were not equal, now we rightly believe that everyone should have the same rights regardless of their gender or colour.

We also have to consider who makes the rules. Are they fair and realistic? Laws are essentially rules, and they are made by people in positions of power who may act in their own interests more than in the interests of the people they represent. When it comes to the law, people have to be careful that they do not put their liberty at risk. Yet they also have the right to speak out when they consider the laws to be unjust, and lobby for changes. However, laws have to be respected, otherwise there is little point in them existing.

If we wish to change the rules, it is generally better to try to do so in a lawful manner. Other people will not respond if we choose a violent or aggressive path. Indeed, they may become even more deeply entrenched in their opinions. However, if we explain why we feel changes need to be made, and work to persuade people that our opinions are just, then we stand a greater chance of success.

Rules help to organise society. They will vary from one society to another. One country may conduct matters quite differently from another. But the rules of each one help them to function. Those rules may be enshrined in law, or they may be unspoken. They help to protect people. If people choose to break those rules, they should also accept that there may be consequences. But we must always question whether rules are just, and if they need to be changed. What was appropriate for a society 100 years ago may no longer be relevant. If we do not review our rules from time to time, we become stagnant. So although it is important to have rules, they should be subject to change – providing that the vulnerable are protected and nobody else is harmed.

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