
Essay on Spain

Students are often asked to write an essay on Spain in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Spain

Spain: a land of beauty and culture.

Spain is a beautiful country located in Europe. It is known for its sunny weather, beautiful beaches, and delicious food. Spain is also home to many historical sites and cultural attractions.

History and Culture

Food and cuisine.

Spanish cuisine is world-renowned for its delicious dishes. Some of the most popular Spanish dishes include paella, tapas, and churros. Spain is also known for its delicious wines, such as Rioja and Tempranillo.

Nature and Landscapes

Spain is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes in Europe. The country is home to many mountains, valleys, and beaches. Spain is also home to many national parks, such as the Sierra Nevada National Park and the Pyrenees National Park.

250 Words Essay on Spain

Spain: a journey through history and culture, a land of diverse landscapes.

Spain is a country located in southwestern Europe, known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. From the snow-capped peaks of the Pyrenees Mountains to the golden beaches of the Mediterranean Sea, Spain offers a diverse range of natural beauty.

A Cultural Tapestry

Spain is a melting pot of cultures, influenced by its Roman, Visigothic, and Moorish heritage. Its cities, such as Madrid, Barcelona, and Seville, are renowned for their architectural wonders, from the grandeur of the Sagrada Familia to the intricate beauty of the Alhambra.

A Vibrant Culinary Tradition

Spanish cuisine is a feast for the senses, with dishes like paella, gazpacho, and tapas showcasing the country’s culinary prowess. The country is also famous for its wines, with regions like Rioja and Ribera del Duero producing some of the world’s finest vintages.

A Passion for Festivals

Spain is known for its vibrant festivals, which celebrate the country’s traditions and culture. The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, the Fallas festival in Valencia, and the Flamenco Festival in Jerez are just a few examples of the many colorful events that take place throughout the year.

A Legacy of Art and Literature

500 words essay on spain, the vibrant culture of spain.

Spain is renowned for its vibrant and diverse culture, a captivating blend of rich history, vibrant traditions, and stunning artistry. From the captivating rhythms of flamenco to the awe-inspiring architecture of Antoni Gaudí, Spain’s cultural heritage captivates and enchants visitors from around the world.

The Land of Beauty and Diversity

Spain is a land of breathtaking beauty, boasting diverse landscapes that range from snow-capped mountains and vast plains to sun-kissed beaches and lush vineyards. The Pyrenees Mountains, with their majestic peaks, offer stunning vistas, while the Mediterranean coastline beckons with its turquoise waters and sandy coves.

A Culinary Symphony

The rhythms of fiesta.

Spain is famous for its lively festivals, known as fiestas, which are deeply rooted in tradition. From the exuberant celebration of La Tomatina, where participants engage in a spirited tomato fight, to the colorful parades and lively music of the Feria de Abril in Seville, these fiestas showcase Spain’s vibrant spirit and passion for life.

A Legacy of Art and Architecture

A warm and welcoming people.

Spain is an extraordinary tapestry of culture, history, and beauty. From its vibrant cities to its picturesque countryside, from its culinary delights to its artistic treasures, Spain offers a captivating experience that leaves a lasting impression. It’s a destination that promises an unforgettable journey, filled with joy, wonder, and a taste of the truly extraordinary.

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Spain: Brief Characteristic of the Country Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Spain, a part of Europe and the European Union, has a rich history and is considered to be the ninth economically developed country in the world. In the 1950’s the economical growth has reached great heights, which allowed for the advances in all aspects.

Spain is very much a modernized country and has many prospective opportunities in the progress of sustainable development. As Spain is a part of EU Sustainable Development Strategy, it is very much involved in the social innovation and the ecological prosperity in the movement, which increases the stability of the economy and at the same time, protects the environment and social order (Brebbia103). Spain is focused on establishing a plan in dealing with climate change, the use of clean energy, an effective transportation system, social sustainable production and consumption, health system, management of the natural resources of the country, social inclusion with demographics and migration. Spain is very much devoted to helping and fighting poverty in the whole world. One of the most direct ways that Spain plans to implement change is through the objective to give an increase to the use and production of efficient energy and its consumption. Also the reduction of the carbon dioxide emissions is one of the biggest goals of the Spanish government. The protection of the environment is a big part of the sustainable development in Spain. Some of the goals involve the protection of the atmosphere, the quality of air, drinking water, land and the general nature that people have an everyday contact with. First, the government must deal with and analyze the usage of the resources and the efficiency that will allow for most practical and beneficial consumption. Then, the effort is directed towards clean energy and the diffusion of the damage that has already been done to the climate. It plans to support its infrastructure by creating more employment opportunities, social programs that will aid those in need and specifically below the poverty line and the interdependence between the society and the government. Except for the environment, Spain is very much devoted to social sustainability. The relationship between the state and the people must be beneficial for both sides. Human justice and the effective use of resources in dealing with society are ways to attain the prospects. Spain is actively involved in international matters and is a great supporter in the need for global sustainability (Bodart 230).

Spain is a country that is very much concerned with terrorism and the mark that it has placed on the world peace. The Spanish government has been acknowledging the need in the usage of superior methods in resolving and preventing any form of armed conflict. As seen through Spain’s fight for poverty all over the world, the goal to diminish and destroy all form of terrorism is one of its main courses. The use of technology and scientific methods is a part of Spain’s plan in the fight against terrorism. The development of new techniques is one of the strategies that Spain is presently working on. The Spanish police and armed forces are very much relying on the technology in the fight against injustice. The advances to the military equipment, helicopters, vehicles, weaponry and programs focused on prevention are being supported by the advances in all aspects of scientific research. In a worldwide fight against terrorism, Spain has recently signed a cooperative agreement with Iraq, which is based on scientific development and provision of best protection to the participating countries. The transfer between the scientific communities and the anti-terrorist programs has been increasing and gaining more support (Sunderland 32). The enhancement in the scientific methods and discoveries have aided in the technological advances and the usage of high technology in the common goal. As biotechnology is becoming another threat to the safety of people, there are steps being taken to counter the ability of terrorism in the usage of such direction. Computer technologies is another fast growing industry that allows for better detection and prevention of any threatening acts to Spain or other countries (Holmes 79). The advances in astronomical developments, military equipment, engineering and general scientific research have created more ways to battle the evil in the world. As Spain is a part of the European Union, it has access to technologies from all over the world. After the events of 9/11, Spain became a very active participant in the progression of new scientific methods in assuring that world peace is stable and lasting.

Spain has shown to be a great advocate in matters that are related to the world. It is not only concerned with own environment, social stability and the fight against terrorism but it takes an active role in aiding other countries in these important matters. The use of clean energy, dissolution of the already caused pollution, support system to the global economy and the fight to protect the freedom of people and justice, are just some of the far reaching goals of the Spanish government.

Works Cited

Bodart, Magali. Architecture & Sustainable Development – Proceedings- Vol. 1. Paris, France. Presses univ. de Louvain, 2012. Print.

Brebbia, Catherine. The Sustainable World. Billerica, United States: WIT Press, 2010. Print. Holmes, Jennifer. Terrorism and Democratic Stability . New York, United States: Manchester University Press, 2001. Print.

Sunderland, Judith. Spain, Setting an Example?: Counter-terrorism Measures in Spain. New York, United States: Human Rights Watch, 2005. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 4). Spain: Brief Characteristic of the Country. https://ivypanda.com/essays/spain-brief-characteristic-of-the-country/

"Spain: Brief Characteristic of the Country." IvyPanda , 4 Feb. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/spain-brief-characteristic-of-the-country/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Spain: Brief Characteristic of the Country'. 4 February.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Spain: Brief Characteristic of the Country." February 4, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/spain-brief-characteristic-of-the-country/.

1. IvyPanda . "Spain: Brief Characteristic of the Country." February 4, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/spain-brief-characteristic-of-the-country/.


IvyPanda . "Spain: Brief Characteristic of the Country." February 4, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/spain-brief-characteristic-of-the-country/.

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Community in the World

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Colonialism and Imperialism in North America

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Religion in Colonial Latin America

Christianity, a religion that controlled all of society including bells, holidays, and gender roles also played a huge role in creating a class system during colonial Latin America that categorize people by race due to the historical encounters between each culture. The year 1492 is a year occupied by achievements and failures. Christopher Columbus, a renowned Spanish explorer is well known for his first voyage of 1492 and his finding of the Americas. His voyage was financed by the Queen Isabel […]

About Europe and the Age of Exploration

Beginning in the early fifteenth century and motivated by God (religion) Glory (power), and Profit (gold); Europeans began to embark on the exploration of new worlds that expanded their empire, increased their riches, and spread Christianity to the New World. European nations thought that trade was the way they could increase their wealth and sought land access to vast luxuries from Asia such as silk and spices that were profitable, but was controlled by the Turks, Ottoman and Italian Venetians, […]

Foundation of the Philippine Government

Every country in the whole world had experienced to be the subject of colonizers, one example of it is the Philippines. When a country is at the hands of colonizers which causes sufferings, death, oppressions, and such to the inhabitants in the country in which the colonizers conquered, it is undeniable that there was no person or group of people who tried to win liberty and independence from their own motherland. In the Philippines, the ilustrados, namely Dr. Jose Rizal, […]

Building Philippine Government and Nation

Building Philippine Nation “Ang mamatay nang dahil sa’yo” -Philippine National Anthem The Philippine 19th-century political thinkers and patriotic men such as Jose Rizal, Marcelo Del Pilar, and Graciano Lopez Jaena contributed to express and narrate the significance of Philippine historical events and to respond from the colonial system of Spanish regime. To further enlighten the minds of Filipino generations, and to trigger the souls of the masses from the depressing Spanish occupation during that time. The conqueror succeeded in claiming […]

History of Philippines and Country Analysis

Pre Colonization Before colonization the Philippines was inhabited by migrants groups that settled sporadically across the nation. Eventually these small groups developed into larger settlements known as barangays, independently of each other with no centralized government, acting within defined social hierarchy (History of the Philippines). As the islands developed maritime ports, trade relations were established between the islands and with neighboring East Asian countries, their biggest exporters being Japan and China. Ancient inhabitants of the islands became a minority and […]

June 7th : President

There exists an idea that men and women come from different worlds. The common adage “men are from Mars, women are from Venus” within American culture speaks directly to this notion. Among academic circles, this idea is known as the separate sphere ideology. The separate sphere ideology describes the notion that men belong on the public domain- working, engaging in politics and education, while women belong to a domestic domain- housekeeping and childcare. These ideas were prevalent for hundreds, if […]

The Era of the Spanish Inquisition: Origins, Operations, and Legacy

The Spanish Inquisition, one of history's most infamous setups, kicked off in 1478 and kept going till 1834. Its main deal was to keep Spain all Catholic, mixing religion with politics like a wild ride. Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile launched it to unite Spain under one faith and beef up their power. The roots of the Spanish Inquisition run deep in Spain's mix of Christians, Jews, and Muslims during the Reconquista. By the […]

Hernando De Soto: the Early Life of a Conquistador

Hernando de Soto a big deal in the era of Spanish exploring was born around 1500 in Jerez de los Caballeros a small town in Spain. We're not sure of the exact date but his exploits in the Americas sure made history. Back then everyone was all about exploring and finding new lands and riches. De Soto born into a noble but cash-strapped family had big dreams of finding wealth and adventure fired up by tales of the New World […]

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A country I like to visit – Spain

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My Trip To Spain Essay & Paragraphs For Students

I can’t believe we actually went to Spain—it feels like a dream! Ever since learning about Spanish culture and language in school, I’ve wanted to visit. This summer my wish came true as mi familia and I explored castles, beaches, and more across el país. From soccer stars to flamenco dancing, Spain truly brought European adventures to life. Let me tell you about our magical memories.

Table of Contents

Short Essay About My Trip to Spain

Introduction paragraph.

Our first stop was sunny Barcelona—what a vibrant city! At Camp Nou stadium, seeing Messi play live blew my mind. The Gothic Quarter lets us visualize knights in armor too. Making friends at Las Ramblas reminded me how shared smiles know no borders. We even tried paella—so delicioso! Each memory brings a smile.

Madrid: Royal Palaces of La Corte

In Madrid, the Prado and Reina Sofía museums blew me away with artwork. Seeing Velázquez and Picasso in person surpassed all imagination! At the Royal Palace, the golden halls left me feeling like royalty. In lush parks, locals brought joy through picnic fiestas and soccer. Their zest for life inspires living each day con pasión like in España.

Granada: Castles and Flamenco in La Susona

Our final destination was Granada—what magical scenery and culture! At the Alhambra Palace, Arabic architecture transported me to another world. In bars, flamenco dancers mesmerized with spirited stamping and spinning. Their flow of expressive dance will forever stay in mi corazón. Each sunset brought por favor wishes for regreso another día.

Conclusion: Gracias por Los Recuerdos

Though saying adiós to España posed tricky tears, this trip awakened my world. Every moment showed hospitality and community thrive when cultures connect. Spanish spirit fuels trying new adventures with optimism and community. My appreciation grew for familia making moments this meaningful possible too. Until next time, Spain—gracias por the memories that will live in me always!

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A Guide to Writing an Essay About Spain

A Guide to Writing an Essay About Spain

Spain is a diverse country with a rich history. Unsurprisingly it´s the inspiration for many writers and historians.  If you study Hispanic Studies or Spanish Language no doubt you will have to write an essay about Spain during your academic course. This guide should help as an introduction to help you write up your Spanish coursework.

How to Write an Essay About Spain

Essay writing is a large part of any academic syllabus and common for students all over the world. A lot of your term time will be dedicated to reading and researching the topic. Followed by essay writing. You can always pay someone to do your homework or fulfil the studies yourself with willpower, writing everything up yourself. This article covers both options, once you have an assignment to write your essay about Spain or Spanish culture. 

So here are some tips so you can make your paper to the highest standard possible. An essay may have certain specific requirement, indicated by your lecturer or professor. However most academic coursework can be well written if you follow the basic guidelines.

The most important points to consider when essay writing are:

  • Type of your essay
  • Chosen Topic
  • Proper structure
  • Required length

Here below, you can see some practical recommendations that would work if you need to come up with an essay about Spain. Take a closer look at the key points, and use all or some of the tips to make your written assignment shine.

Writing an Essay About Spain

Choosing the style of the essay is also important before you start. The  four main writing styles are:

  • Narrative (“My Experience of Visiting Spain”)
  • Descriptive (“ Spain and its Main Places of Interest ”)
  • Argumentative (“Why Spain is the Best Country in Europe”)
  • Expository (“Ideas to Improve Spanish Economy”)

These essay style each have different focus. For instance, narrative essays are about telling a story, so they require a descriptive element and the writing should flow easily. Whereas expository assignments cover topical ideas and share arguments as to why their concepts and point of view is important.

Although the overall structure of all essays is practically the same, you should choose style that works for the specific assignment you have been set. That way planning the milestones of the article and arguments to use will become clear as you plan and write the first draft.

spain essay

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Essay Topic

Depending on the course you are studying you could be given an exact essay title to follow. On other courses students may freedom to choose a relevant topic for their essay writing. Whichever the case maybe, do make sure that you stick to the theme and guidelines.

H ere are examples of topics to explore in your essay about Spain:

  • Spain: Key Main Personalities Throughout History
  • Analysing the Mineral Resource Potential of Spain
  • The Spanish Empire and the Colonies of the Past
  • The Spanish influence within the Europe
  • Modern Spain and Its Problems

Feel free to use these titles as a starting point for your Spanish course. Or get ideas for your own original concept. 

Capilla Real Granada Royal Chapel Queen Isabella

Structure of your Essay about Spain

Now that you know have the style and topic clear. Now consider the plan and structure of the essay. Writing about Spain is no different from any other assignment within your studies. The structure needs to have at least three main elements: 1) an introduction, 2) main body paragraphs 3) the conclusion. 


To being the essay, the introduction allows the reader to get an overview of what is to be covered. Also, it is the moment to outline the writers view on the essay topic. The beginning also should serve to hook in the reader. To pique their interest so they continue to read the entire essay.

The main body of the essay is where the student’s thoughts and arguments will appear. Of course they vary according to the topic and the type of your writing. Argumentative essays focus on facts and supportive data from authoritative sources. Whereas narrative writing is to create a “documentary” style story. Even with personal experience involved. Here the main paragraphs are where the storytelling takes centre stage.

The conclusion

Every essay conclusion should tie up all the contents above, linking them together so they work as one. It is important to understand that the essay summary is not a place to repeat your arguments once more. But the end is also to logically lead the reader to a clear outcome. That way your writing will be balanced and efficient.

Your Essay about Spain

The key to writing up a worthwhile piece about Spain or any other country for that matter. Is to analyse the topic, take into account the requirements given and express your ideas clearly. Do not forget to edit and proofread your essay once it is finished. That’s how you avoid making grammatical mistakes or punctuation errors. One of the best ways is to leave your essay once completed. Then come back ot it after a rest and read it out loud. This way you will see the errors and issues with fresh eyes.

In case you still feel the need for professional assistance, check speedy paper reviews online. Make sure you get academic help from experts to guarantee yourself perfect essay grades. 

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15 Reasons Why You Should Visit Spain at Least Once in Your Lifetime

The Alhambra, Granada, one of Spains most popular tourist sights

Spain really does have it all, from incredible landscapes and beaches , to world-famous cuisine and rich history – not to mention fantastic museums and striking architecture . Here are just a few reasons why you should visit at least once in your lifetime.

Awe-inspiring landscapes.

Spain may be renowned for its beaches and sunny climes, but it is a country of diverse landscapes. Its mountains are majestic, from the northern Pyrenees and the Picos de Europa to the Sierra Nevada in the south (home to Europe’s most southerly ski resort) and the Mount Teide volcano on the Canary Island of Tenerife . Spain is home to Europe’s only desert, Cabo de Gata in Almería, which inspired Hollywood spaghetti westerns, many of which were filmed in the area.

Dawn over mountains

Amazing adventure activities

From the one of the world’s scariest footpaths to a zip line between Spain and Portugal, the opportunities are endless in Spain if you want an adrenaline kick. Skiing and snowboarding, scuba diving and hiking are all world class, while Spain’s northern coastline plays host to annual surfing competitions.

The Caminito del Rey, one of the world’s deadliest footpaths

You have to experience tapas in Spain at least once in your lifetime – and realise it’s probably very different from the fare offered at your local tapas restaurant back home. San Sebastián’s pintxo scene is world famous, its bars serving mouthwatering food, much of it in bite-sized portions on a slice of baguette. Order a drink in many bars around Spain and you will receive a free plate of tapas, an excellent tradition every other country should seriously think about adopting. Spain is renowned for its seafood, jamón (cured ham), abundant and fresh fruit and vegetables, which make a trip to the local market a feast for the eyes and the stomach.


Rich history

From its rich Moorish past and its position as the world superpower during the Golden Age, to the horrors of the Spanish Civil War, dictatorship and the country’s successful return to democracy, Spain’s has a fascinating history that is well-preserved in its buildings and museums. Visiting Córdoba’s mosque , one of the best examples of Moorish architecture in the world, you get a real sense of the power and creativity of Spain’s Islamic rulers, and the rich legacy they have bestowed on modern Spain.

The old mosque of Córdoba (now its cathedral)

Learn the language

Spanish is one of the world’s most widely-spoken languages and where better to learn than in the country of its birth? But in Spain, you’ll also have the opportunity to discover the country’s regional languages, from Catalan and Galician to Basque, which intriguingly, has no known linguistic relatives in Europe or the wider world and is the oldest language in Europe .

spain essay

Enchanting islands

Spain is home to some beautiful islands, from the party isle of Ibiza and the volcanic landscapes of Tenerife to the peaceful Menorca and Graciosa in the Canary Islands, where the streets are made entirely of sand. The Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands attract millions of tourists every year for their beaches, incredible weather and friendly locals.

people cheering on a mountain

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Fantastic fiestas

Spain has some of the world’s most famous – and wacky – festivals and fiestas, from the San Fermín running of the bulls in Pamplona and La Tomatina tomato throwing festival in Buñol, to La Rioja’s annual wine drenching festival. And as well as these more out there festivals, each Spanish town holds its own fiestas, when locals get together, dress up, eat, drink and celebrate.

The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona

Flamenco is a style of dance, singing and guitar playing that originated from the traditional music and dance styles of Andalusia, southern Spain. The rich cultural tradition is closely linked with Spain’s Romani gypsy community, who pioneered the now world-famous style. The genre is also known for its elaborate costumes, with female flamenco dancers wearing exquisitely handcrafted dresses.

Flamenco dancers

Some of the world’s most famous painters hail from Spain, from Francisco de Goya to Pablo Picasso. You can discover the work of Spain’s most lauded artists in the country’s world-famous art galleries, from Madrid’s Prado and Reina Sofia to Bilbao’s modernist Guggenheim and Barcelona’s Picasso Museum . Also worth exploring are the country’s smaller museums, the Salvador Dalí museum in Figueres, Catalonia, for example, is a great homage to the surrealist painter.

The Prado Museum in Madrid

Spain has nearly 5,000 km (3,107 miles) of coastline and some of the world’s most beautiful beaches, with five of the country’s beaches making TripAdvisor’s top ten in Europe – Playa de Ses Illetes, on the Balearic Island of Formentera, took the top spot in 2016.

A beach in Valencia

With its position in southern Europe, Spain enjoys long summers and pleasant year-round weather, making it an ideal destination if you want to catch come rays.

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From Seville’s Gothic cathedral (the biggest in the world) and Gaudi’s many Barcelona masterpieces, to Frank Gehry’s iconic Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao and Santiago Calatrava’s City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, Spain is packed full of incredible architecture that encompasses both its rich history and forward-thinking modernism.

Parc Guell in Barcelona, designed by Antoni Gaudí

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Spain has the third most UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, with 45 in total. From the ancient cave paintings of Altamira and Segovia’s Roman aqueduct, to the Alhambra fortress in Granada and the pilgrimage route of Santiago de Compostela , the country is bursting with some of the world’s most fascinating historical and cultural sites, just waiting to be explored.

The Alhambra in Granada

While France might be famed as Europe’s capital of wine, Spain is a dark horse and under appreciated when it comes to all things vino . The country has over 2.9 million hectares of vineyards, the most of any country in the world, and is the world’s third biggest wine producer, after France and Italy. Major Spanish wine regions include the stunning La Rioja and the Ribera del Duero. Cava, Spanish sparkling wine, is made mainly in Catalonia, while sherry comes from Jerez de la Frontera, in southern Spain.

Friends with wine

Spain might be a Roman Catholic nation, but Spaniards also worship at the altar of football, the country’s national sport. Spain is home to two of the world’s best teams: Real Madrid and FC Barcelona , who count among their players some of the world’s most famous, including the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. Watching a football match at the Santiago Bernabéu in Madrid or in Barcelona’s Camp Nou is an unforgettable experience for any football fan.

Football fan

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What are the Main Six Cultural Dimensions of Spain

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