159+ GREATEST Best Friend Paragraphs: Long and Beautiful

We often send out love letters and paragraphs to our lovers, but our best friend also deserves at least a couple of messages throughout the year. After all, your best friend is the person whom you know you can always count on when times are rough.

“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” Elbert Hubbard

Let’s express your feelings and strengthen your friendships through heartfelt words.

Best Friend Paragraphs

You have touched my soul and made my life so valuable and joyful. With all the laughter and memories, you have added life to our friendship. I can hardly imagine a life without you, my precious one. Unfortunately, we don’t get to meet often, but I think of you during every high and low of my life. You are irreplaceable in my life, and I love you so much.
Today we celebrate you. You are a best friend like no other. You are more than my best friend; you are a sister. You understand me better than anyone else. You know me better than I know myself. I know that you will live a life filled with success and happiness. Having you in my life is such a blessing that I will treasure forever. I hope your birthday is as special as you are to me. Happy birthday, best friend! I love you.
Thank you for being an amazing friend who wants only the best for me. Your kind gestures will never go unnoticed. Even though I cannot repay you enough for all the great things that you have done for me, I can promise you that I will stand by you till the very end. I hope your day is filled with joy and happiness.
You aren’t just a friend, you are my morning sunshine. Every morning I think of you and every good times we have had over the years and I hope our friendship continues to go stronger. Have a great day!
Dear bestie, I am so grateful for our friendship and you. There has never been a moment that you have turned your back on me. You have never failed to be there for me. You don’t understand how much you mean to me. You have endured so much in your life, and yet, you still make time for me. I know that you have your problems to deal with, but you still make an effort to listen to me when I have problems. Just know that I will always be there for you, to listen to you, and to help you in all the ways I can. I know that I would not be who I am today without you. I love you with all my heart.
One of the biggest blessings in my life has been to find a best friend like you. Your friendship has been the biggest gift you could ever give me. Your compassion, kindness, simplicity, gracefulness, and beauty—I am in awe about all of them. You give me strength when I break down. You lift me and give me confidence. You have loved me at my lowest and cheered me on at my highest, I love you for that, thank you.
You’re a treasure that I would cherish in my life forever. I should thank you more often for bringing good luck into my life. You’re the apple of my eye, the silver lining on my clouds. I wish you the utmost happiness in this world. May our friendship last forever.
Knowing that you are always there for me is all the assurance I need. You are a friend worth keeping until the end of time, and I’m here for you, no matter what comes our way. You will be my best friend and the only one who will do anything to make me happy.
I have a life filled with phenomenal and unforgettable memories thanks to you. You are one lovely human being who never judges me, who always supports me despite all the crazy things I have on my mind. You are such a blessing in my life, and I hope we will remain the same crazy best friends forever. I have many friends, but only you have a special place in my heart. We met when we were little kids and grew up together. I am so happy to enjoy this wonderful adventure called life with you. You inspire me to be a better person and a better friend. I love you so much!
You’ve always been by my side since we were little kids. From youngsters with scraped knees to teenagers with broken hearts, we’ve always had each other’s backs. You’re the best friend anyone can ask for, and I just want to thank you for being with me through all this time. I love you best friend!
No matter where life takes us to, I will always be there for you, because true friends always stick together and never leave each other. No matter what obstacles life may throw at us, we will always overcome it all, because two is always better than one. And you plus me equals an unbeatable and unstoppable team. I cherish you so much, my dearest friend.
I wish to appreciate a girl with a heart of gold. You’re a bundle of awesomeness, and I am happy to have a friend like you. Thank you for standing by me during my darkest moments. All you’ve done is priceless, and I can’t be grateful enough for all the care and attention.
When recalling the goodness of the Lord in my life, I feel so blessed to have you as my friend. You are one contact I promise myself never to let go of in life. Even if time keeps us apart, my heart will never forget a friend who has done so much for me.
You are more than a friend. You’re my sister, my partner-in-crime, my other half. You know me better than I know myself. You know what I like, what I love, what I hate. You applaud my passions and tolerate my faults. You’re there for me, always. And it’s not always about what we say, or what we do – because you, by yourself, is enough. You, with your smile, your laugh, your friendship – it’s more than I deserve. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, and we’re stronger than ever. Because there’s no me without you. You’re part of me – part of me, my life, my family, my entire world.
A true friend is a treasure that is hard to find. But I so am glad I found you! I’m blessed to have you as my friend. Thank you for always being there when nobody else was. I love you so much that words can never express the actual depth of my feelings. You are a herald of good fortune for me. Since we met, my life has changed for the better. You are my best friend, and no matter what, I will never let you go.
Time to rise and shine! We have this wonderful day to show the rest of the world just what you are made of. I want you to know that you have been such a big part of my journey. I would’ve given up a long time ago if it weren’t for your constant badgering and nagging. Sometimes I think you and my mom should hang out more often because you would totally hit it off! You have so many things in common! Just kidding. You know I love you. I am very blessed to have a friend like you who just cares and loves me so much. See you in a bit!
Every moment is worth spending when it’s in the company of such a fantastic friend like you. You are one of the best things that have happened to me. Your tender loving and care cannot compare to any other. You have shown me, selfless love, and you’ve never judged me for my choices. You’re the best of your kind, and I’m lucky to have you as my friend. I pray for our friendship to go on and on, with an even better experience. I love you, my best friend.
Knowing that you are there for me at all times is all the assurance I need. You are a friend worth keeping until the end of time, and I’m here for you, no matter what comes our way. You will be my best friend and the only one who I will do anything to make happy.
With you by my side the world is a better place. The sun shines a little bit brighter, my smile grows a little bit wider, and in that moment, my problems are no more. You are the most beautiful person, inside and out. You are selfless, compassionate and wise beyond your years. I truly believe I hit friendship gold when you skipped into my life and filled my days with laughter, happy tears, and enchantment.
You’re my best friend, you’re my rock and I am so lucky to have you by my side. You are with me through the ups and downs and I love you for that. You are special to me in every way and there is no one else like you. You really do mean the world to me.
Your friendship to me is life. You make my life so amazing and beautiful. I have come to love you so much just as I know you love me. You are that friend who sits closer than family.
I got so attached to you because you never judged me even when you didn’t know me well. Thanks for believing in me. Thanks for nurturing this friendship with your precious time and efforts. You make me feel so secure and loved. I can proudly declare you my best friend before the rest of the world. I love you so much.
Having a best friend like you in my life is the best thing that ever happened to me and I will always and forever cherish every moment with you. You’re indeed the best amongst the rest and I’m blessed to call you mine forever. I love you dearly, my good friend.
Good morning, my beautiful friend! How are you this morning? I hope that waking up today is so much better than your most wonderful dreams. I hope that sharing your morning coffee with me is so much better than drinking it alone in your kitchen apartment. Get dressed because I will be coming by and picking you up so we can have a quick cup before heading for work. Obviously, I missed you very much. You know I miss you every day anyway. See you!
There is a saying that goes: you don’t get to pick who you are related to. But I know that you do get to choose who your family is, and you are my family. We are so much closer than sisters. You know everything about me, from my hopes and dreams to my fears and worries. You are my biggest cheerleader and supporter. I don’t know how my life would be if you weren’t in it, but I am certain it wouldn’t be as fun. You are and will always be my best friend for life.
Certain things happen in a certain way at a certain time and place for a certain reason. And sometimes, God brings certain people into our lives for a purpose, but whatever reasons He had in mind for making our path cross and bringing us together, I don’t really care, because I’m honored and grateful that He did. I love you always, my dearest friend.
Hello my sweetest friend, I want you to know that I’m blessed to have a great friend like you. Your friendship is invaluable to place a price tag on, and it’s more precious than the finest gold and silver in the entire universe. You’ve touched my heart in so many ways that I could never have thought of your care and love and I will always treasure our friendship with every breath in me. I love you, my beautiful friend.
They say you don’t get to pick who you’re related to. That’s true. But you do get to pick who your family is. Your real family. And you’ll always be my family. We’re closer than sisters could be, thicker than any thieves. You know all my secrets, all my wild ambitions. You support every one of my craziest fantasies. What would I do without you? I guess I’d have to watch Rent and Titanic on my own, on the couch, with a pint of ice cream and no one to cry with. I’d have to learn to take care of myself. I’d have to dole out my own advice. I’d have to scheme and dream – all on my own.
Romantic relationships are based on expectations and responsibilities. Professional relationships are based on gains and losses. But friendship is based on smiles and laughter. Good morning my friend.
We’re best friends because we can go for long stretches of time without talking and it won’t damage the relationship. We always pick up where we left off. Surfaces changes mean nothing to us. You could become a vegan who goes by Moonshadow and attends Burning Man, and I would still feel closer to you than anyone else. We don’t need common interests in order to connect. We don’t need a mutual love of music or sports or whatever to keep us together.
Thank you first of all for accepting me and loving me for exactly who I am. This isn’t easy. I can be stubborn, difficult and confusing, but you love and accept me for me. There are days I wonder when you’ll finally come to your senses and move on and find a new BFF, one who isn’t so complicated, but to my amazement, you never do. You tell me you’ll take the good with the bad, and when I question whether I have any good left, you’re always there to reassure me and show me that I do. Thank you for loving me in my dorky and difficult moments, moments where if the rest of the world saw them, they’d probably walk away. Thank you for understanding me like no one else does; if we didn’t have the connection we did, I can’t imagine how lonely and big this world would feel. Because of you, this world seems like a little friendlier place, one I can see myself being a part of.
No matter where life takes us, I will always be your best friend. I will be there when you need someone to talk to, whether you’re elated or depressed. I’ll be there when you want company through a long, lonely day. I will be by your side through thick and thin, in sickness and in health because you’re my best friend and I cherish you so much.
Honestly, I can talk about you all day and all through the night, and even now I have a million more things to say. Be that as it may, too many words get to be good for nothing, so I’ll simply end it at “you’re the most magnificent individual I’ve ever met, and I can’t envision not having you in my life.
Even though we don’t see each other every day, I will never stop cherishing our friendship. Even if we don’t hear from each other every time, I will never stop reminiscing about you and the beautiful moment we’ve had together. And even though the sun stops shining and the cloud doesn’t pour down rain on the earth, I will never stop being your sweet friend. I love you beyond the stars, my sweetest friend.

Cute Paragraphs For Best Friends to Make Them Smile

You are a lucky person if you have a loyal friend or friends who stand by your side and have your back in times of need. A cutest paragraph for best friend can help you show them how much you care your friendship.

You happened to be someone who I don’t expect I will get along so well and be happy with. You were a familiar stranger as you were someone whom I don’t know before. But guess what? You turned out to be the best thing and one of the most beautiful things that ever happened to me in life. I love you, my darling friend.
Who would I text when I can’t sleep? Who would I FaceTime until 2AM, just because we can? Who would talk me through every family crisis, every wardrobe malfunction, every anxiety attack? I tell you all the secrets I can’t tell my mom. You know everything – everything about me, probably better than I know myself. You know I tend to overreact, but you don’t judge me for it. You never have. You’ve been there for the smallest victories and the biggest catastrophes.
To my best friend, I know we’ve only known each other for a few years, but it feels like I’ve known you all my life. Every time we meet up and hang out, we always create phenomenal and unforgettable memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I know we have had our ups and downs, but even in my worst moments, there’s no one else who I would call except you. Thank you for being there for me and choosing me to be your friend. You mean the world to me.
When the storm of the future comes to test our bond, the road seems rocky, and the distance threatens to tear us apart, I am sure the memories we build together now will be strong enough to help us win over these challenges and keep our friendship strong forever.
We’re best friends because you make feel less alone in this world. It’s amazing how often you can feel disconnected from people. It’s amazing how many people can betray you, or fail to understand the words that are coming out of your mouth. When I see you, it’s a burst of reassurance that I’m not the only who looks at the world this way. There’s someone else. And that someone is you.
There is a reason why God placed you in my life. It’s because he knew I would need someone to level me out and keep me sane. And that someone is you! You are the only person who I can be myself around, without the fear of being judged. The only person I can share anything and everything with. The only person I can trust. Thank you for accepting me for who I am. You are honestly such a great friend to me. No matter where we are in life, where we go or what we do, I hope you know that you will always be my best friend. No one else can fill that role. I love you so much.
My dear friend, you have such an amazing effect on me and my life daily. You make me laugh when I all I want to do is cry. Your smile is as contagious as the flu, and whenever you’re sad I feel like I should be too. You really are an absolutely incredible individual. I have never in my whole life been so lucky and proud to have someone like you. You and only you are my best friend.
Thank you for letting our friendship be known. There is nothing I value more than my relationship with you, and it seems that everyone knows that. Thank you for sticking by my side, even if we don’t see each other as much as we did before, and for never forgetting about me. I appreciate that more than you could ever know.
Your friendship is one that I will forever hold dear and close to my heart because, as my best friend, you know what I like, love and desire. You know my faults and weakness and also know how to deal with them. You’re there for me and together we are stronger than ever.
May our friendship last forever because you have always done more than my expectations. Thank you for the support and help that you have shown me over the years. I want you to know that you are the best among the rest.
You are my best friend that feels my heart and hears the unspoken words. Each time I reminisce about all I have been through, my heart gladdens me because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can say it over a billion times. I love you, dear.
Everything feels perfect in my world whenever I’m with you. With you, my life is full of gratitude and joy unspeakable. You’re my everyday inspiration and motivation, and I’m blessed to have a friend like you in my life. I love you forever, my dearest friend.
The best example of our friendship is how way my phone automatically connects to your Wi-Fi, when I walk into your home. How we are completely comfortable around each other and are not fazed by each other’s weirdness. I love our friendship for what it is and everything it stands for. For as long as we remain friends, I will be by your side until the day I pass away. And I hope you keep your promise too because I am not going anywhere, and neither are you!
To my wonderful friend, today like every other day, I pray that our friendship will always blossom and knows no end. It will always stay fresh like the early morning river. Each and every day will be another chance to cherish and love each other so much more than ever before and we will always be together till the end of time. I love you beyond the stars, my adorable friend.
A true friend always understands even when the other one is not saying or doing anything, and you have always understood me even in the moment when I am not saying anything as the best and true friend which you are. Thank goodness that our path crossed and I met an understanding friend like you. I cherish every moment with you, my lovely friend and I love you so much.
You’ve been there for the heartbreaks, the disappointments, even the failures. You know about the boy who broke my heart, and we both know you’ll hit him with your car if you ever get the chance. You were there when I didn’t get into that dream school, when I flunked that exam. You cheered me up and brought me ice cream. You took me dancing when I wanted to cry – you made me breakfast when I crashed on your couch.
You know how to do the smile magic no matter how moody I am. You always know the right words and the right time to say them. You still touch my soul whenever you speak. At times, I wonder what I did to deserve you in my life.
Thank you for being you. You are incredible my dear, and I can’t wait to constantly remind your husband that he got crazy lucky and out kicked his coverage big time. You are beautiful inside and out. On the outside, you are so gorgeous; you’re very own unique and incredible definition of beauty, and I know I’m one of many who see it. You’re intimidating to stand next to in pictures because I know your light shines so bright, but I’ll gladly stand next to you and take a picture, because I’m so excited to show the world how breathtakingly beautiful my best friend is. On the inside you are even prettier, with a warm heart, a sharp mind and an unbelievable personality. You are hands down the funniest person I know, and I still can’t believe that someone as funny and hilarious as you chooses to spend her time with someone as dweeby and awkward as me. I mean, half the time we’re laughing at some fail I had or something stupid I did, so I guess I contribute a little bit to our constant laughing. You are so kind and so sweet, and have the biggest heart of anyone I know. God spent a little extra time when he made you, because you’re the total package: you’re beautiful, awesome and amazing, all wrapped in one, and I’m so lucky he put you in my life—he knows I’d be lost without you.
I feel so blessed to have a friend like you. I never thought angels could exist in this world, but here you are in the flesh. Your friendship is so precious to me that I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, not even a million bucks! I wouldn’t trade it for a chance at becoming famous or for an all-expenses paid trip to anywhere. I’d rather be poor, untraveled, and unknown than be without a friendship as wonderful as yours.
Dear friend, I want you to know that every moment we spend together is always incredible. I enjoy the time we share because they are truly memorable for me, aside from loving you, which I do. I value and respect you any time, any day, because you are a friend of value.
There will be times when we will no longer see each other as often as we used to; there will be moment of ups and downs in our journey on the path of friendship; there will be time when the stormy weather of life will seem to break the bond between us and there will be moment when we would want to call it quit between us. I want you to know that I will not give up on us, at least not without a fight, because you’re the best thing that ever happened to me in life and I won’t trade you for the finest pearl in the world. Come rain or the sunshine, you will always be my best friend forever. I love you, bestie.

Sweet Paragraphs To Send To Your Best Friend

Every good TV show, every good movie, has a dynamic duo. That’s us. I think we could have our own show, and honestly, I think people would watch it. Because we’re the kind of people that laugh so hard we start to cry. We have our own jokes, our own routine, our own language – on second thought, maybe the TV show isn’t such a great idea. The point is, you get me. You understand me. We understand each other. You know when I’m feeling down, the standard “I’m fine” is never enough for you. You just know better. And I’m glad you know better, because sometimes I feel like no one understands me. But you always do. You always know what to do and what to say. I don’t know how, but you’ve perfected the art of tending to me, myself, and I.
You were always that person I never expected to be friends with. I thought we would never get along. But when we came together, it was like something clicked and I knew that you would be a part of my life forever. I am so glad we didn’t remain strangers because your friendship feels like a lifelong gift that keeps on giving. Thank you for being my dear friend.
It is because of you that I have realized the essence of friendship. To be loved by the one you love is the greatest blessing of all time. Thank you for being my friend, for accepting me the way I am, and for loving me without any conditions. Thank you so much, best friend.
Nobody is flawless, but you are perfect for me. Nobody is perfect, but you overlooked my imperfections and remained a friend I can trust. From the bottom of my heart, I want you to know that I love you the way you are. Happy friends’ day.
You are such a strong and loving person to be around. You light up every room you enter, you never fail to make me laugh, and you always make sure that I am okay. You bring out the best in me when things are at their worst. I can’t wait to see what our friendship will bring us when we grow old. I hope we will be the same crazy best friends we are now, just with more grey hairs and wrinkles. I love you!
It makes me happy to know that I will always have you in my life, and you will always have me in your life too. I love you more than you will ever know, best friend. Thank you for being my person, whom I can turn to when no one else is there for me. There’s never a day that goes by where I am not grateful for you.
All the years that I have known you for, you haven’t changed at all. You are still the same beautiful and hardworking person I met the first day. But most importantly, the one thing that hasn’t changed is that you’re still here with me. You are still by my side. You have no idea how happy that makes me feel. I may not have many friends, but it doesn’t bother me because you’re the only friend that I am satisfied with, not only as my friend but also my best friend. You are one of the most precious and important people in my life. We may be far apart from each other, but I know that our bond is stronger than the distance between us. You are such a huge blessing to me. You may not see it now, but you have made a big impact in my life for the better. I appreciate you and all the kind gestures you’ve made and continue to make for me. You are one of the main reasons why I believe that the world can be better. Do not change anything about yourself because you are perfect just the way you are.
Each passing day reveals a new and better side of you. The more I know your beautiful soul, the more I fall for it. You are my special one, the one I will choose over everyone else. My dearest, purest and rarest best friend, I love you from the core of my heart. We met by chance, and now we are best friends by choice. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I am grateful to God a thousand times for bringing you into my life and making me complete.
You mean the absolute world to me. I love you so much because you go above and beyond to be there for me when I need you. I am the luckiest person to have a friend like you. We’ve come so far, and I am so grateful to have you by my side every step of the way. You’re the sweetest and most supportive person I know. And I just know that our friendship will continue to grow as the days and years go by.
I might not be able to know everything about you, my dearest. Because each and every day is another avenue for me to know you a bit more than before; to get to be closer to you and cherish you so much more than ever before. And I want you to know that one of the reasons why I’m with you is to know you much better. I adore you, my beautiful friend.
Just as true friendship is not measured by how far we’ve been together but rather how well it has been between us. So also real bonding is not measured by the time we’ve spent together in each other company but rather the solace and solitude that comes with being with you, my awesome friend. I love you more than you know.
After looking back at all we have been through, I am more confident now than never before that you are a rare treasure that should be adored. You have been my backbone and my inspiration. My secrets are safer with you than they are with me. I love you, friend.
You are my best friend, my other half, my rock and my anchor, all rolled up into one lovely human being. You are the most special person in my life. We have such a rare bond that can’t be replicated by anyone else. You get me like no one else does. I love how much our friendship has developed from when we were little kids to our adult years. I adore you so much with every inch of my heart.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you. Friendship is one of the most rewarding things life has to offer, and I refuse to take it for granted. I refuse to take you for granted. You, my best friend, my sister, my partner-in-crime. Even when all I can see is the worst in me, you still see the best. You remind me who I am, and who I want to be. You make me a better person. And while the world might tremble at the sight of the two of us (because, honestly, together we’re a force to be reckoned with), I know there’s no one I’d rather laugh and cry with.
Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a whole lot more. Because of you, I’ve learned so many new things that I wouldn’t have learned if you weren’t by my side. Because of you, my experiences in life seem so much richer and so much fuller. Because of you, I can proudly say that there’s someone out there in the world who loves me for who I am – throughout all my craziness and boring moments and everything in between. Because of you, I can say that I am a better person who is made happier with you as my best friend.
I’m grateful to God for making our way crossed and brought you to me. We might not be together every day, but I am sure that you will always be there for me whenever I need you. Because your friendship is like the sunrise which I can’t always have throughout my day, but I’m certain that you will always be there each time I wake up to the break of a new dawn. I love you more than love itself, my best friend.
You are my mirror and my shadow. You are my mirror because you’d never lie to me. You’d always show me who I truly am. And you’d never let me go out of the house wearing an awful outfit. And you are my shadow, too. You never leave my side. You’re always there for me when I need you. And when life shines brightly on me, I feel your presence so much more because I know you’re supporting me through it all.
If our friendship was to be a big beautiful building; I would be the ground, to protect you from every creepy thing and I would be the roof, to be a shade over you during the rainy day; I would be the wall to shield you from the scourging dart of failures; I would be the door, to close every disappointment behind you and I would be the window, so that you can always see clearly every opportunity within your reach. I love you to the moon and back, sweetheart.
I know you’re my best friend because I don’t need to talk to you every single day. I don’t need to be around you all the time. In fact, we can go for weeks without talking. But as soon as we get together, it’s as if we had never stopped talking. Thank you for being my best friend.
My dearest best friend. I hope you stay in my life forever because our friendship is one of the best things to ever happen to me. You light up my life like no other. There is too much to do together. Also, you’re always the person who can bring sunshine to my heart. I love you, my dear best friend.

Tbh For Best Friend

Tbh is short for “To be honest,” and help you tell your pals something funny, sincere, important, or inspiring.

Tbh you’re my best friend, and I love you so much.
TBH I’d be jealous of your style if you weren’t such a great friend.
Tbh we haven’t even known each other that long, but you’re an amazing friend. I hope our friendship lasts. You’re so funny, and we should hang out sometime.
Tbh you’re the one person in the world that can finish my sentences.
TBH you’re a shoulder to cry on, and I’m grateful for that every day.
TBH you’re the nicest person I’ve met.
Tbh, I never had to do anything I would literally grow into the couch.
TBH I know I can always count on you if I’m in a pickle.
Tbh If I won the award for laziness, I would send you to pick it up for me.
Tbh be thankful for what you are now and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow
Tbh uou’re the best. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. And remember, age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese.
Tbh you’re so amazing and perfect. If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
Tbh I’m glad we’re friends. I’ll take care of you. Like you take care of me.
Tbh you only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
TBH you’re a sister/brother, not just a simple friend. And I know we’ll always be friends, even if we sometimes fight.

Nice Things To Say To Your Best Friend To Make Them Feel Special

You are more fun than anyone or anything I know, including bubble wrap.
You’re beautiful inside and out.
You are more amazing than you realize.
You are the most awesome friend, and I am the most fortunate to have you in my life. Cheers to our friendship.
I feel special calling someone like you my friend.
I will stand with you to the end.
You are amazing the way you are.
You are one of the smartest, nicest, and bravest people I know. You are simply fearless and make me feel so protected. God help those who try to hurt me!
You are the most perfect you there is.
I appreciate you.
You’re one of the only people I find tolerable.
Your smile is contagious.
Life is more fun with you around.
I am here for you.
You are my person and you will always be my person.
Ever since I met you, I have come to notice 3 things about you. You are cute, kind, and trustworthy.
You are enough.
You’re my hero, and I’m so lucky to call you my BFF.
Your friendship means a lot to me.
Buddy, I tell everyone how amazing you are. Life has been nothing but giggles with you around. I adore you.
You are one of the strongest people I know.
You are stunning.
You are not like my good friends, they come and go. You’re my best friend, I know you’ll harass me forever!
You have a special gift – you make people feel super comfortable around you.
You look great today.
You are awesome. I hope you know that.
I know other people claim to have best friends, but you truly are the best.
You have the best laugh.
You are the sole reason I am smiling today. You are the best-est friend ever.
You have the best smile.
Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for putting up with me even when I’m at my worst.
I appreciate our friendship.
You know who you really are. I admire that kind of self-awareness.
True friends are always together in spirit.
I enjoy spending every moment of my time with you.
You are always so helpful.
Your outlook on life is amazing.
You have such amazing creative potential. You can make any mundane thing beautiful. I love the things you create.
Thank you for always finding time for me and never having to check your calendar. I am so thankful that you just drop everything and come to my aid whenever I need you.
The one and only wish on my mind is that you get to know how important you are to me.
You are an amazing friend.
You just light up the room.
I know that you always have my back because that is the kind of person you are. I know you are always looking out for me and have my best interests at heart.
You are like my shadow, and I cannot imagine my life without you. You make the most amazing best friend.
Everything seems nicer and brighter when you are around. It is absolutely refreshing how you can make any normal day special with your presence.

Copy And Paste Paragraph For Best Friend

Thank you for who you are, you are special, kind, loyal and trustworthy. May this friendship that we share last for a lifetime because you have done more than I could ever imagine. You have given me support and shown me help over the years. I want you to know that you are the best.

You are the best friend a girl could ever ask for. We’ve been through so much together, but we’ve always managed to stick together and work it out. You truly care about me and I appreciate that! I love you and thank you for always being there for me.

I thank God for the day that our paths crossed, I am sure that it felt like all the planets were in alignment. This was meant to be and from that day I knew nothing but gratitude and I am grateful it happened. You always did your best to put a cute little shining star on my starless nights. Thank you.

Looking back at all we have been through, I’m more confident now than ever because you’re a rare treasure that should be adored. You have been my backbone and my inspiration at all times. My secrets are safer with you than with anyone. I love you, my friend.

I promise to always cherish, respect, honor and love you so much with every breath in me till the end of time because a friend like you is very rare.

Dear friends, I want you to know that you have been amazing so far and every moment we spend together is something I always look forward to. I enjoy the time we share because they are nothing short of extraordinary. aside from the fact that I love you, I also value and respect you any time, any day, because you are the closest friend.

When I count my blessings I count you first, I feel so blessed to have you as my friend. You are a friend indeed; one I will never let go of my life because you mean so much to me. Even if time keeps us apart, I will always remember the things you all have sacrificed for me.

Our bond will last until the end of time because you are a special friend that I will stand with all through my time on earth. Time may fade, but the bond I share with you will never fade. You are for me, and I will always be there for you. I am grateful to be your friend because it’s a privilege that I never imagined.

Looking back to all we have faced in the past together, the fights, misunderstandings, and the happy moments we shared. It is not news that we have transcended the realm of friendship. When I look at you, my heart accepts you like my blood. You are family to me now.

FAQs for “Best Friend Paragraphs”

Expressing appreciation for your best friend in words can significantly enhance your relationship by: Reinforcing Bonds: Acknowledging your friend’s value in your life strengthens the bond and deepens mutual respect. Increasing Positivity: Sharing positive feelings can boost happiness and satisfaction within the friendship. Encouraging Reciprocity: When you express your appreciation, your best friend is likely to respond in kind, creating a cycle of gratitude and positivity.

What are some tips for writing a heartfelt and meaningful paragraph for my best friend?

While there’s no set frequency, writing appreciative paragraphs on special occasions like birthdays, holidays, or during significant life events can be very impactful. However, unexpected notes of appreciation can be particularly touching and memorable.

Consider delivering your paragraph in a unique way, such as accompanying it with a small gift, a photo of a cherished memory, or even as a letter if you typically communicate digitally. The mode of delivery can add an extra layer of thoughtfulness to your message.

Their writings not only reflect a deep understanding of human emotions and relationships but also aim to ignite change and encourage positive thinking. Through BayArt, Deniz Yalım continues to touch lives, offering solace, motivation, and a sense of connectedness to a global community.

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40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

By Author Deborah Carbone

Posted on Last updated: July 11, 2022

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

There’s no better feeling in the world than when you have a BFF to share everything with so let them know how much you value your friendship by sending them best friend paragraphs.

These best friend paragraphs are the most beautiful words about friendship that your BFF needs to hear from you.

When you have one best friend in the whole world, you need to tell them how much they mean to you and that is why best friend paragraphs were invented.

Maybe you’re not great with words, but you really mean all the beautiful things that have already been said in best friend paragraphs.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t come up with your own best friend paragraphs, because you can always use these existing ones and even change them.

You can add anything you want or use these best friend paragraphs just the way they are.

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

Either way, you’re not going to make a mistake, and you’ll make your BFF happy. They’ll smile as soon as they read the best friend paragraphs that you chose.

After all, not many things are as important as having a best friend for life. This is the person who’s always there for you when you need them, so they want to feel appreciated.

What’s a better way of showing them your appreciation than by sending them some of the greatest best friend paragraphs?

These are the words your friend has been hoping to hear from you, so surprise them right now!

Send any of the best friend paragraphs from our collection and be sure that they’ll smile as soon as they read them.

40 Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF 2

We have prepared a large collection of some of the greatest best friend paragraphs there are.

Paragraphs for your best friend are made with love so you can spread the love. Be sure that you’ll find exactly what you’ve been meaning to say among these paragraphs for your best friend.

Are you looking for something that will really explain everything that you feel? Then try some of the long best friend paragraphs.

These long best friend paragraphs will let your friend know that the feelings you have for them can’t be explained in just a few words.

Still, if you’re looking for something that’s as sweet as your friend is, try some of the cute best friend paragraphs. They are simply adorable and made out of the sweetest words possible.

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

Whether you choose long or cute best friend paragraphs, it doesn’t really matter, as long as the message says what you feel.

Read on and pick the best message that you can send to your BFF to make them happy.

Best friend paragraphs

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

1. No matter where life takes us to, I will always be there for you, because true friends always stick together and never leave each other.

No matter what obstacles life may throw at us, we will always overcome it all, because two is always better than one.

And you plus me equals an unbeatable and unstoppable team. I cherish you so much, my dearest friend.

2. One million memories, ten thousand inside jokes, one hundred shared secrets, one reason: best friends.

I hope that as we grow older, we make even more memories, jokes, and shared secrets.

I can already imagine us becoming old biddies who take our morning walks together as we gossip about what’s going on in our lives.

Your friendship is for keeps, and I intend to keep it forever.

3. Having you in my life is really wonderful, you are not just a friend, you are like family now, and I am sorry if I haven’t really been there for you when I should.

Friendship isn’t always about partying, grooving, and wasting some precious time.

But also to give advice and listen to thoughts and opinions, all these you have done and still do.

Truly you have been a great friend to me. I love you, unconditionally.

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

4. I’m sure I still don’t know you to the fullest because every day we spend together, I get to discover a little more of you.

You never cease to amaze and surprise me.

Every day, I have a chance to love and cherish you even more.

And I want you to know that one of the reasons why I’m with you is to know you much better.

I adore you, my beautiful friend.

5. When everyone has doubts about me, you give a thousand reasons to defend me.

When I am making the gravest mistake, you are there to warn me.

When I am in the middle of mishaps, I will always see you lending out a hand to pull me up and a smile on your face.

I love you, my dear friend, for everything.

6. Dear friend, my friendship with you is one hell of an adventure that I can’t get tired of in life.

You are so important to me because you mean so much to my existence, and I want to let you know that today won’t be complete if I don’t get to spend time with you.

7. A true friend always understands even when the other one is not saying or doing anything, and you have always understood me even at the moments when I am not saying anything as the best and true friend, which you are.

Thank goodness that our path crossed, and I met an understanding friend like you.

I cherish every moment with you, my lovely friend and I love you so much.

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

8. You are more than a friend. You’re my sister, my partner-in-crime, my other half.

You know me better than I know myself. You know what I like, what I love, what I hate.

You applaud my passions and tolerate my faults. You’re there for me, always.

And it’s not always about what we say, or what we do – because you, by yourself, is enough.

You, with your smile, your laugh, your friendship – it’s more than I deserve.

We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, and we’re stronger than ever.

Because there’s no me without you. You’re part of me – part of me, my life, my family, my entire world.

9. You’ve always been by my side since we were little kids.

From youngsters with scraped knees to teenagers with broken hearts, we’ve always had each other’s backs.

You’re the best friend anyone can ask for, and I just want to thank you for being with me through all this time. I love you best friend!

10. Dear best friend.

Please stay in my life forever because your friendship is one of the best things to ever happen to me.

You’ve lit up my life like no other. You’re always the one to lead our adventures.

You’re always the person who can light up a room the way you have lit up my heart. I love you, my dear best friend.

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

11. You’re the cutest person I have ever seen, and I’m honored to be cared for and loved by someone as amazing as you are, just as much as I’m blessed to have you in my life.

You’re indeed the best thing that ever happened to me, and I love you more than you can imagine.

12. Thank you for ignoring my flaws over the years and being my strength in weakness.

You are a friend everyone keeps praying to have, and I am here so lucky to have you.

A large part of my heart is held primarily for you because your friendship is lovely.

13. I decided to wake up this early to tell you that I have you in my life, and there is no going back.

When you get into any mess, let me know so that we can face it together.

A promise shared is a problem half solved.

14. They say you don’t get to pick who you’re related to. That’s true.

But you do get to pick who your family is. Your real family.

And you’ll always be my family. We’re closer than sisters could be, thicker than any thieves.

You know all my secrets, all my wild ambitions. You support every one of my craziest fantasies.

What would I do without you?

I guess I’d have to watch Rent and Titanic on my own, on the couch, with a pint of ice cream and no one to cry with.

I’d have to learn to take care of myself. I’d have to dole out my own advice.

I’d have to scheme and dream – all on my own.

Long best friend paragraphs

40 Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF 5

15. There will be times when we will no longer see each other as often as we used to; there will be moments of ups and downs in our journey on the path of friendship; there will be times when the stormy weather of life will seem to break the bond between us, and there will be moments when we would want to call it quits between us.

I want you to know that I will not give up on us, at least not without a fight, because you’re the best thing that ever happened to me in life, and I won’t trade you for the finest pearl in the world.

Come rain or the sunshine, you will always be my best friend forever. I love you, bestie.

16. If we had to walk one thousand steps to be together again, I would walk nine hundred and ninety-nine steps so you could only take a step.

If we had to drive ten miles across the city just to see each other, I would drive nine miles so you could drive for just a mile.

I feel honored to be with an awesome friend like you, and I will always cherish our friendship.

I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.

17. Yo, Bestie!

Please don’t go anywhere.

I genuinely don’t know what I would do without you on my team, holding my hand through all the good decisions, and even a few of the bad. (Let’s not talk about those … )

You’ve been both a rock and a guiding star to me, although not always guiding me down all of the appropriate paths.

Every giggle was worth it, though; the two of us creating memories that re no doubt going to last us a lifetime.

Whatever happens, wherever we find ourselves and whomever we met, let’s just always stay in touch, yeah?

It would be weird not to have you around now!

40 Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF 14

18. I am not much of a writer, and I am even worse at expressing my emotions , but nevertheless, I’ll try writing a few words to you – the person I owe a lot to.

To you, my best friend and my soulmate.

I just want to tell you how thankful I am for having you.

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me all these years, for being my best friend, the sister I never had, my biggest support, and my person.

Thank you for being the only person besides my immediate family, who never gave up on me.

The only one who never turned her back on me, even when I might have deserved it, and the only one who never left me hanging.

For all the sleepless nights you spent next to me, convincing me that some douchebag wasn’t worthy of me crying over him.

For all the times you believed in me when no one else (including myself) did.

For all the times you were there to catch me when I fell and help me rise when I failed.

Thank you for all the times you wiped my tears away and did your best to put a smile back on my face.

I can try and write as many cute paragraphs for you as possible, but I will never be able to express the love I have for you.

That love cannot be put into words, but here… I tried.

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

19. I bless the day our path crossed because that was the day I found a fantastic person who will continue to hold a special place in my heart.

You have shown yourself to be a wonderful person with a heart of gold.

Your presence in my life has brought about greatness and wonderful experiences that I’ll love to have over and over again.

Every moment spent with you is outrageous, I always long to be in your friendly company, to have the long talk that always has us laughing or smiling at the end of it.

I’ll continue to stay true to you and have your back because that’s what friends do.

20. If our friendship was to be a big beautiful building; I would be the ground, to protect you from every creepy thing and I would be the roof, to be a shade over you during the rainy day; I would be the wall to shield you from the scourging dart of failures; I would be the door, to close every disappointment behind you and I would be the window, so that you can always see clearly every opportunity within your reach.

I love you to the moon and back, sweetheart.

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

21. Thank you first of all for accepting me and loving me for exactly who I am. This isn’t easy.

I can be stubborn, difficult, and confusing, but you love and accept me for me.

There are days I wonder when you’ll finally come to your senses and move on and find a new BFF, one who isn’t so complicated, but to my amazement, you never do.

You tell me you’ll take the good with the bad, and when I question whether I have any good left, you’re always there to reassure me and show me that I do.

Thank you for loving me in my dorky and difficult moments, moments where if the rest of the world saw them, they’d probably walk away.

Thank you for understanding me like no one else does; if we didn’t have the connection we did, I can’t imagine how lonely and big this world would feel.

Because of you, this world seems like a little friendlier place, one I can see myself being a part of.

22. Thank you for being you.

You are incredible, my dear, and I can’t wait to constantly remind your husband that he got crazy lucky and outkicked his coverage big time.

You are beautiful inside and out.

On the outside, you are so gorgeous; you’re very own unique and incredible definition of beauty, and I know I’m one of many who see it.

You’re intimidating to stand next to in pictures because I know your light shines so bright, but I’ll gladly stand next to you and take a picture because I’m so excited to show the world how breathtakingly beautiful my best friend is.

On the inside, you are even prettier, with a warm heart, a sharp mind, and an unbelievable personality.

You are hands down the funniest person I know, and I still can’t believe that someone as funny and hilarious as you chooses to spend her time with someone as dweeby and awkward as me.

I mean, half the time we’re laughing at some fail I had or something stupid I did, so I guess I contribute a little bit to our constant laughing.

You are so kind and so sweet and have the biggest heart of anyone I know.

God spent a little extra time when he made you because you’re the total package: you’re beautiful, awesome and amazing, all wrapped in one, and I’m so lucky he put you in my life—he knows I’d be lost without

Cute best friend paragraphs

40 Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF 7

23. Do you even know how much I love you?

If you don’t, consider this my announcement that I love you to bits.

I want you to keep it in your heart that you’re my one in a million, and I would do anything to keep you in my life, now and always.

I don’t know if you believe me, but truly, I love you!

24. Even when things don’t seem to go well, you always find a way of making things work out.

You are always there to provide your loving shoulder for me to lean on; your advice is always the best solution to my problems.

What would I have done without you, my best friend?

You are such an amazing darling; words fail to describe you and the tender love you have for me.

I love you and promise to always be there for you, just like you have always been for me.

25. There are a lot of things you don’t pick on the road; one of them is having a remarkable friendship that you brought to me.

When I found you, I immediately knew that I had won myself a best friend. Thanks for being my friend.

26. Allow me to use a few hours out of the 24 lovely hours in a day to express how grateful I am to have someone as special as you are, my friend.

I just want to use a few minutes out of the 1,440 awesome minutes of each day to appreciate you for your concern and support you have always given me.

I want to use a few seconds of the 86,400 precious seconds that come with each day.

I love you, dearly, my lovely friend.

40 Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF 8

27. Who would I text when I can’t sleep?

Who would I FaceTime until 2 AM, just because we can?

Who would talk me through every family crisis, every wardrobe malfunction, every anxiety attack?

I tell you all the secrets I can’t tell my mom.

You know everything – everything about me, probably better than I know myself.

You know I tend to overreact, but you don’t judge me for it. You never have.

You’ve been there for the smallest victories and the biggest catastrophes.

28. You have inspired me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be, and I hope that I can somehow repay you for everything that you have done for me.

Without you, I would be a completely different person.

You have taught me so much about life, and because of you, I truly know what love is.

29. Hello my sweetest friend, I want you to know that I’m blessed to have a great friend like you.

Your friendship is invaluable to place a price tag on, and it’s more precious than the finest gold and silver in the entire universe.

You’ve touched my heart in so many ways that I could never have thought of your care and love, and I will always treasure our friendship with every breath in me.

I love you, my beautiful friend.

30. There are no dull moments with an amazing and awesome friend like you and how lonely and boring my life would be without you in it…

Whenever I’m around you, nothing else matters, because I’m with the person that really matters – You.

I love you so much, my best friend for life.

31. Every minute spent with you is worthwhile.

Throughout the years we’ve been together, you’ve shown great and wonderful features that I can’t find words to describe.

Being friends with you is one of the best decisions I’ve made so far.

You’ve done nothing but be a great comforter, a wise adviser, and a wonderful person to talk to about things.

Just like you have been there for me as a good friend, I promise to stand by you no matter the weather, through hard and trying times, and be an amazing friend like yourself.

Paragraphs for your best friend

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

32. I am happy because if my life depended on you, I would live forever.

You have nothing to be afraid of because I got your back as long as I keep breathing.

Have a fantastic day that is as amazing as you are.

33. A friend like you is rare to find, and that’s why I’m grateful that you found me.

And whether in good, bad, or ugly moments, you’ve always been with me all the way.

All I can say is, thanks for everything; everything and anything you can imagine.

I cherish you forever, my sweetest friend.

34. You’ve been there for the heartbreaks, the disappointments, even the failures.

You know about the boy who broke my heart, and we both know you’ll hit him with your car if you ever get the chance.

You were there when I didn’t get into that dream school when I flunked that exam.

You cheered me up and brought me ice cream.

You took me dancing when I wanted to cry – you made me breakfast when I crashed on your couch.

35. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you.

Friendship is one of the most rewarding things life has to offer, and I refuse to take it for granted.

I refuse to take you for granted. You, my best friend, my sister, my partner-in-crime.

Even when all I can see is the worst in me, you still see the best.

You remind me who I am and who I want to be. You make me a better person.

40 Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF 10

36. No matter where life takes us, I will always be your best friend.

I will be there when you need someone to talk to, whether you’re elated or depressed.

I’ll be there when you want the company through a long, lonely day.

I will be by your side through thick and thin, in sickness and in health because you’re my best friend, and I cherish you so much.

37. I adore and cherish you because you make every day of my life worth living.

I know I have the most significant asset having you as a friend.

You are just amazing to be with, and I am happy knowing I have a long while to spend with you on earth.

38. Your coming into my life has changed my life completely in a positive way.

Our journey has been quite a great one, worth the time. You are an amazing figure, and you complete me.

I love every moment that I’m with you because you are a selfless friend who is always ready to put his/her life in line to make sure things are alright.

I love and cherish you. I pray our friendship will continue to blossom so I can spend many more years with you.

39. You are one friend that brings in the light when my world is in darkness.

I call you an angel because you are always there for me when the world turns their backs.

I love you this morning and always. Have a great day, my friend.

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

40. You’ve taught me how to stay positive and calm even in the face of the uncertainties of life.

With you, every day comes with new adventures, new experiences, and new ideas.

You’re simply the cutest thing that ever happened to me, and I just want to take a moment to say, thanks for everything.

I love you beyond words, my beautiful friend.

41. You were always that person I never expected to be friends with.

I thought we would never get along.

But when we came together, it was like something clicked, and I knew that you would be a part of my life forever.

I am so glad we didn’t remain strangers, because your friendship feels like a lifelong gift that keeps on giving.

Thank you for being my dear friend.

42. You are one of the most intelligent young women I have ever met, not to mention sweet, kind-hearted, happy, hilarious, loving, and absolutely beautiful.

You have a heart of gold and a personality that should be cherished and preserved in a glass box.

You have such an amazing effect on me and my life daily.

You make me laugh when all I want to do is cry.

Your smile is as contagious as the flu, and whenever you’re sad, I feel like I should be too.

You really are an absolutely incredible individual.

I have never in my whole life been so lucky and proud to have someone like you.

You and only you are my best friend.

43. You are more than a friend that’s why I call you sister, I can’t think of a better way to express who you are to me, you love me with all your heart, you advise me, cry with me, share my pains, you help me forget my sorrows, you always have a way to keep me going, you are my sister, that sister that will never give up on me.

I love you so much.

40+ Greatest Best Friend Paragraphs To Send To Your BFF

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Poems and Occasions

50+ Sweet and Heartfelt Best Friend Paragraphs For Your BFF

Best Friend Paragraphs

In your lifetime, you come across many people who become a part of your life. However, there are few you will love as much as your best friend.

Whether you live in the same city or far apart, the love for your best friend will never fade. Friends may come and go, but some stay with you, until you are both old and grey.

Every once in a while, it’s important to show your appreciation and care for your best friend. Why not write a paragraph for your best friend that captures everything you think and feel about them.

RELATED: 75 Good Morning Messages For Friends To Start Their Day

Below we have a selection of great best friend paragraphs to send to your bestie. Whether you are looking for something short and sweet, or long and sentimental, we’ve got you covered.

Best Friend Paragraphs

To my best friend, I know we’ve only known each other for a few years, but it feels like I’ve known you all my life. Every time we meet up and hang out, we always create phenomenal and unforgettable memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I know we have had our ups and downs, but even in my worst moments, there’s no one else who I would call except you. Thank you for being there for me and choosing me to be your friend. You mean the world to me.

There is a saying that goes: you don’t get to pick who you are related to. But I know that you do get to choose who your family is, and you are my family. We are so much closer than sisters. You know everything about me, from my hopes and dreams to my fears and worries. You are my biggest cheerleader and supporter. I don’t know how my life would be if you weren’t in it, but I am certain it wouldn’t be as fun. You are and will always be my best friend for life.

you are my best friend and sister

There is a reason why God placed you in my life. It’s because he knew I would need someone to level me out and keep me sane. And that someone is you! You are the only person who I can be myself around, without the fear of being judged. The only person I can share anything and everything with. The only person I can trust. Thank you for accepting me for who I am. You are honestly such a great friend to me. No matter where we are in life, where we go or what we do, I hope you know that you will always be my best friend. No one else can fill that role. I love you so much.

The best example of our friendship is how way my phone automatically connects to your Wi-Fi, when I walk into your home. How we are completely comfortable around each other and are not fazed by each other’s weirdness. I love our friendship for what it is and everything it stands for. For as long as we remain friends, I will be by your side until the day I pass away. And I hope you keep your promise too because I am not going anywhere, and neither are you!

You mean the absolute world to me. I love you so much because you go above and beyond to be there for me when I need you. I am the luckiest person to have a friend like you. We’ve come so far, and I am so grateful to have you by my side every step of the way. You’re the sweetest and most supportive person I know. And I just know that our friendship will continue to grow as the days and years go by.

You are my best friend, my other half, my rock and my anchor, all rolled up into one lovely human being. You are the most special person in my life. We have such a rare bond that can’t be replicated by anyone else. You get me like no one else does. I love how much our friendship has developed from when we were little kids to our adult years. I adore you so much with every inch of my heart.

paragraph for a best friend

You are such a strong and loving person to be around. You light up every room you enter, you never fail to make me laugh, and you always make sure that I am okay. You bring out the best in me when things are at their worst. I can’t wait to see what our friendship will bring us when we grow old. I hope we will be the same crazy best friends we are now, just with more grey hairs and wrinkles. I love you!

There have been times in our life where we have stuck together like glue and other times where we have been apart. There have been miles between us and even hours, but we have stuck together till this day. No matter how many times situations in life have pulled us apart, we are still standing side by side. Not many people are lucky enough to have strong friendships that last long, but I am so thankful that ours has stood the test of time. I love you more than words can express.

At some point in your life, you will find a special friend. You will find someone who will change your life for the better by simply being a part of it. You will find someone who makes you laugh until your sides hurt. And that special friend is you! You make everything better. Not many people are fortunate to have a best friend that they can count on, but I am so happy that I have one. You are my forever friend, because forever has no end.

I love how we can laugh at the silliest things. I love how we can put up with each other even when we are in the worst mood. I love that when one of us has a crazy idea, the other will go along with it. I love how we have our inside jokes that no one else will get. I love everything about our friendship because it is unique and different to any other. There is no one else who is a better match for me than you.

I love our friendship

They say opposites attract. I think this saying was meant for us because we are the exact opposite of one another, but I guess that’s the reason why we gravitate towards each other and never drift apart. Like magnets, I will be attached to you, because you’re my closest friend. No matter what happens in life, believe me when I say that I got your front, back and sides because that’s what friends are here for. I love you so much!

Long Best Friend Paragraphs

All the years that I have known you for, you haven’t changed at all. You are still the same beautiful and hardworking person I met the first day. But most importantly, the one thing that hasn’t changed is that you’re still here with me. You are still by my side. You have no idea how happy that makes me feel. I may not have many friends, but it doesn’t bother me because you’re the only friend that I am satisfied with, not only as my friend but also my best friend. You are one of the most precious and important people in my life. We may be far apart from each other, but I know that our bond is stronger than the distance between us. You are such a huge blessing to me. You may not see it now, but you have made a big impact in my life for the better. I appreciate you and all the kind gestures you’ve made and continue to make for me. You are one of the main reasons why I believe that the world can be better. Do not change anything about yourself because you are perfect just the way you are.

The day we first met; I had no idea our friendship would be where it is now. I knew from the moment we had the first conversation that we would get on well. We bounced off each other very well and we still do today. And now look at us! We went from total strangers to being the best of friends. I don’t think I’ve ever connected with someone in such a short amount of time. You are the first person to take me out of my shell and help me be true to myself. Everything about you makes me feel comfortable being myself, from your support, your kindness and your acceptance. No one can come close to replacing you as my best friend. The way you laugh, the way you appreciate the small things in life is inspiring. I want nothing more but the best for you because you deserve it. Even though I can’t give you the world, I can give you my word that you will always have me by your side. I will be here for you to the end because you have always been there for me.

I wish we could switch places for just a day, so you could see what I see every time I look at you. When I look at you, I see my best friend. I see someone who goes above and beyond to have my back. I see someone who has never given me a reason to doubt our friendship. I see someone who puts others before herself and goes out of her way to make sure they are happy. I see the kindest, caring and selfless person I know. I see my support system, my cheerleader, my advisor, my confidante. I see someone who will jump through hoops to be there for me when I need a best friend. I see someone who’s shoulder I can always cry on and also someone who can cheer me up. I see someone whose face lights up when you talk about something they are passionate about. I see someone who has made a lot of effort to include me as part of their family and circle. I see someone who encourages me to do better and pushes me to achieve things I would have never thought achievable. I see someone that is honest enough to tell me when I am in the wrong and helps me make things right. I see someone who loves me like a sister and looks after me like a second mum. There are so many things that I see about you that I wish you could see in yourself because you are the most amazing person I have ever come across. It makes me happy to know that I will always have you in my life, and you will always have me in your life too. I love you more than you will ever know, best friend.

Long Best Friend Paragraphs

Thank you for being my person, whom I can turn to when no one else is there for me. There’s never a day that goes by where I am not grateful for you. I appreciate everything you do for me, even the little things such as checking up on me to make sure I’m okay or buying me food when I haven’t eaten. All these things don’t go unnoticed. Thank you for being a big part of my life. For the movie nights, the countless sleepovers, the laughter and the fun, you name it. Thank you for putting things on hold when I’m in need. Thank you for accepting me for who I am and loving every part of me. Thank you for going on adventures with me, even if it’s to places or activities that scare you. Thank you for always messaging me, not just for the sake of making small talk but because you genuinely care about what I have to say. Thank you for your constant support and belief in me, even when I struggle to believe in myself. Thank you for always being honest with me, and for telling me when things bother you. Thank you for communicating your thoughts and feelings to me, especially if I have done something to you. Most of all, thank you for deciding that I would be your best friend and the person who you put all your effort and energy into. I will continue to thank you for the rest of my life because you have been the light of my life. Having you in my life has changed me for the better, and you are the person that I try my best to be like because you are a huge inspiration.

Short Paragraphs For Best Friend

To the person whom I can talk to about everything in my life. Who can relate to me like no one else, who I can laugh with like there’s no tomorrow. I will always be by your side through the good, bad and ugly times. I will be here for you no matter what because that’s what friends are for, and I get the privilege to call you my friend.

To my best friend, I want to take this time to thank you for putting up with me, for laughing at my horrible jokes, for taking time out of your day to listen to my problems, for protecting me, for telling me the truth when I’m in the wrong. Thank you for everything. I appreciate you more than you know.

thank you best friend

God made sure to make us best friends instead of siblings because He knew that our parents wouldn’t have been able to handle us if we were sisters. But that’s okay because you are like a sister to me.

I’ve come across people who have doubted and judged me, but you have never failed to defend me. When I fall, you are there to get me back on my feet (after you’ve finished laughing at me, of course). You are the best friend that anyone could ever ask for. Never change who you are.

Real friends are hard to come by and impossible to forget. You have been such a great friend to me all these years. I value our bond more than anything else, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

My beautiful best friend, what would I do without you? You are such an inspiration to me. You push me to do better, to dream bigger and to work harder. Thank you for motivating me to be the best version of myself. You are my superhero!

I thank God for placing you in my life, every day before I go to sleep and when I wake up. Thank you for being my best friend and for positively impacting my life.

Out of all the friends that I have, you are the only one I can share everything with and trust that you won’t tell anyone else. This is why you are my best friend. You are a great secret keeper. Just know that you can always trust me with your secrets too.

You are the peanut butter to my jelly, the yin to my yang, the tea to my biscuit. We are life’s best combination. We go together hand in hand. There is no one else who is perfect for me except you, my best friend.

funny friendship paragraph

For a while, I have been in search of finding genuine friends. I’ve come across different people in my life, but the moment we crossed paths, you gave me the true definition of a genuine friend, which is why I can call you my best friend. Thank you for showing me that true friends still exist in this world. You mean everything to me.

You are the friend who has the right medicine for all of my pains, who uplifts me when I am down, who dries my tears and offers me a shoulder to lean on. I will cherish you forever.

There is a reason why you are my best friend because I wouldn’t be as weird as I am with anyone else except you. It also makes me happy that you are weird too, so our friendship works well.

Knowing that you will be there for me, whatever the weather, is the only assurance I need to confirm that you are a friend that is worth keeping and fighting for all eternity. I will always be here no matter what. You are my closest friend, and I will do whatever I can to make you happy.

After everything we have been through together, I have concluded that you are a rare treasure that needs to be protected and adored. You have been my backbone all these years and my biggest fan. I know that all my secrets are much safer with you than they are with me.

No matter what journey God has in store for us, we will go through it together because that’s what best friends do. We stick together and never leave each other’s side. It doesn’t matter what obstacles we may face, as long as we overcome them together because two heads are always better than one head. We make the perfect team, bestie.

Thank you for all the support you have shown me over the past couple of years. And thank you for always going out of your way to protect me and guide me. You are my guardian angel, in human form. How many people can say that they’re best friends with an actual angel? I sure can.

best friend and guardian angel

Hey buddy, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being my true partner-in-time, my shopping buddy, my confidante, my gossip girl, my road trip companion, and so much more. You fill so many roles in my life that I don’t think I need anyone else as a friend except you. We have created so many memorable and nostalgic memories together. Here’s to creating many more.

There is not a day that goes by where my heart isn’t filled with joy and gladness, and that is all because of you. Having you as my best friend is such an amazing blessing from God. I cannot begin to imagine what life would be like without you or your friendship. I love you to infinity and beyond, bestie.

Best Friend Paragraphs For Their Birthday

Happy birthday to my best friend. I wish you another year of fun, laughter and bliss. If your birthday is half as awesome as yours, then I know it’s going to be fantastic! You are the main reason for my happiness. Being friends with you has made me forget about my sad days. A friend like you deserves all the beautiful things in life, not just for your birthday but all 364 days. Have a great day!

Happy birthday, bestie. Every year when we celebrate your birthday, I always reflect on how much our friendship is worth and how much you mean to me. I will continue to value this bond for the rest of my life. You are one of the most important people in my life, and I pray that you will be by my side, forever and ever. No words can describe how much I love you. I hope you have an amazing day, my lovely.

Today we celebrate you. You are a best friend like no other. You are more than my best friend; you are a sister. You understand me better than anyone else. You know me better than I know myself. I know that you will live a life filled with success and happiness. Having you in my life is such a blessing that I will treasure forever. I hope your birthday is as special as you are to me. Happy birthday, best friend! I love you.

Happy birthday best friend

Today is all about you. You are one of the closest friends I have. We don’t have to eat out or engage in a fun activity to enjoy each other’s company. With you by my side, I have complete freedom to be myself. I can share my thoughts and feelings with you, and you are always there to listen to what I have to say and advise me. You are such a kind and genuine soul. As you step into a new phase of your life, I hope that you accomplish everything your heart desires and more. I love you so much and I’m looking forward to spending the entire day with you.

Happy birthday! There is no better friend than you. You are the best friend anyone could wish for. You have been there for me through thick and thin. I love that our friendship continues to thrive despite the challenges that we have faced. I have watched you go after your dreams which I know takes dedication and sacrifice. You are an inspiration to me. Watching you grow from a girl to a beautiful woman has been incredible. I will always be there for you, and I know that I can count on you for anything. Once again, happy birthday.

Happy birthday, best friend. It’s your day today. I want to use this time to tell you how wonderful you have been to me. Thank you for being an amazing friend who wants nothing but the best for me. Your kind gestures will never go unnoticed. Even though I can’t repay you enough for all the great things that you have done for me, I can promise you that I will stand by you till the very end. I hope your day is filled with joy and happiness. Cheers to your new age and many more ages to come!

Happy birthday, my lovely! I am so proud of the woman you have become today, and I’m even prouder to call you my best friend. We have come so far as individuals and as friends. The journey may not have been as smooth as we would have liked it to be, but we stuck by each other. My life is so much better because I have a friend like you. I hope that this year brings you everything that you wish and hope for in life.

Emotional Best Friend Paragraphs

Dear bestie, I am so grateful for our friendship and you. There has never been a moment that you have turned your back on me. You have never failed to be there for me. You don’t understand how much you mean to me. You have endured so much in your life, and yet, you still make time for me. I know that you have your problems to deal with, but you still make an effort to listen to me when I have problems. Just know that I will always be there for you, to listen to you, and to help you in all the ways I can. I know that I would not be who I am today without you. I love you with all my heart.

I want you to know that I will stick by you through the good times and the bad times. I will be the ear that listens to all your problems, no matter how big or small. I will always be there to offer my shoulders when you need to cry. I will do all these things and more because you are my best friend. You may not have been in my life for long, but when most people walked out of my life, you came into my life and haven’t left since. We are in each other’s life for a reason, and I hope we will continue to remain there for the rest of our lives. Thank you for showing up when you did, and filling my life with happiness.

Emotional Best Friend Paragraphs

There will be times when we may not see each other as often as we would like. We won’t talk every day like we are used to doing now. We will have our ups and downs, and we will hit a bump on our path of friendship. And there will be moments where we would want to move on from each other too. But I want you to know that I will never give up on us because you mean the world to me, and I will do everything I can to make sure that nothing or no one can ever break our bond. You will always be my best mate, and I hope we stay that way, because I don’t ever want to lose you as a friend.

For all the years we have been known each other, those have been the best years of my life. Whenever we have conversations, hang out, I will hold onto those moments for the rest of my life. You are the only person who I can trust with my life, the only one to whom I can tell my secrets, the only one who will be my best friend. I hope one day we can add an extra ‘F to the end of ‘Best Friend’ and make it ‘Best Friend Forever’ because that’s how long I want our friendship to last.

There can never be a price on our friendship because it is priceless. Being your friend is easily one of the best gifts that one can have. I am honored to be loved by you every single day and that I get to call you my best friend. Thank you for loving me for who I am. I promise that I will never take you for granted, and I will treasure every moment we spend together. I love you forever.

I am so happy to have you as my best friend, and I hope we stay this way for many years to come. I know I drive you bonkers, and yet, you are still with me. You are the best, and I am a better person every day because of you. I adore your patience, your kindness and your generosity. You are everything that I look for in a friend. I love how caring you are to everyone you come across. Your ability to make me laugh until my sides hurt is incredible. There is never a dull moment with you. Life is like an adventure whenever we are together. I can’t wait to see what our future holds together. You mean the world to me.

Paragraphs For Your Boy Best Friend

Having you as my best friend is the best thing to happen to me. I love how comfortable I can be around you. We can, and often do, talk to each other with our mouths filled to the brim. I don’t need to text you unnecessarily, just to keep in touch. And most importantly, I can annoy you and you aren’t allowed to be peeved, because you do the exact same thing to me. Thank you for putting up with me and making my life more awesome.

To my best mate, thank you. Thank you for being the brother that I never had. Thank you for going out of your way to protect me and keep me safe. All my childhood memories consist of us playing together and teasing one another. I don’t know what the future holds for the both of us, but what I do know is that you will always have me as a best friend. I may not always tell you this, but I appreciate you so much.

Sometimes we fight like brother and sister and argue like a married couple, but we always have each other’s backs like best friends. I love you to the moon and back. I wouldn’t trade you for the world even if I could because I don’t think people would be able to put up with you as I do. I pray that our friendship lasts forever because you are the only friend that I want and need in my life.

Paragraphs For Your Boy Best Friend

There are so many great things about having you as my best friend. When anything great happens in my life, you are the first person I call. I can always turn to you for honest advice, because you are never afraid to say it as it is. Whenever I find myself in the middle of a difficult situation, you are already on your way to be there for me. You are the most important man in my life, and no boyfriend will ever change that. Thank you for being the best-est friend ever.

As you know, every good TV show and film has an iconic friend duo; Joey and Phoebe, Meredith and Alex, Leslie and Ron, and Harry and Hermoine. We are one of them too. If we had our own show or film, I believe people would watch us and fall in awe of our friendship in the same way I have. We come up with ridiculous schemes that may or may not get us in trouble. We have our inside jokes that no one else would get. Even though we get on each other’s nerves, I know that you are the only person I can count on to make me feel better. You understand me as much as I understand you. You are the boy version of me, my other half. I am beyond grateful God placed you in my life, because it is a lot better with you in it.

You are one of the few people that I never expected to be friends with. But after spending time with you and talking to you, I couldn’t be happier to be proved wrong. Our friendship means everything to me; it is like a gift that keeps on giving. You make me laugh, you drive me bonkers, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are someone I didn’t think I needed until now. Since being friends with you, you have taught me so much. I have learned new things that I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t have you showing me the way and advising me in the way that you do. Every day is one adventure after the other. I appreciate you being there for me. You know you can always count on me no matter what. I may not say it all the time, but I hope you know that I love you.

Tell your closest friends how much they mean to you, with these heartwarming paragraphs to send to your best friend.

Whether you’re looking for a caption for an Instagram post on their birthday, or want to send a meaningful message that will brighten their day, we have some of the sweetest best friend paragraphs here!

Our friendships evolve as we grow, and sometimes friends from childhood turn into our chosen families . They are always there to lend their support and advice. You have someone who you care deeply about, as well as someone who completes you.

Even if you’re so close with your bestie that you treat them more like a sibling, it’s always nice to reach out and thank them for being such a good friend.

If you need some ideas to get started, feel free to use one of our best friend paragraphs, that best fit your special bond!

More Messages for Friends:

  • Words Of Encouragement For A Friend : Is your friend in need of some uplifting words? Use this article that consists of inspirational words of encouragement that will get them through the day.
  • Missing Best Friends Quotes: Looking for the perfect quote that sums up how much you miss your bestie? We have a collection of sweet missing best friend quotes that will capture your feelings.

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Learn English

My Best Friend Essay in English (100, 200, 300, 500 Words)

A best friend is a special and unforgettable person in our lives and will stay longer than other common friends. We share most of the things, conversations, and important talks and support them anytime in our lives.

In this topic, we are discussing the best friend and the memories that we all spent with our friends and best friends. 

We have covered an essay pattern in various paragraphs of around 100 words, 200 words, 300 words, and 500 words, respectively, that helps many of the children or students of class 2 to 12th to understand the short and descriptive essay pattern of the best friend.

Table of Contents

My Best Friend Essay 100 Words

I always thank God that he sent Rahul into my life as my best friend, and I also wish that everyone has a friend like Rahul. Rahul and I met on the first day of school after the summer vacation when we were studying in the 5th standard.

I also remember an incident when our class teacher asked him about his previous school and the place from where he came. He is a good speaker, and he gave an interesting answer to everyone in his introduction in class. 

He is good at studies and also a good athlete. He loves running and singing too, and his handwriting is also very neat and clean. I feel happy to become his friend, and he also loves my company, and we spend most of our time together.

My Best Friend Essay 200 Words

I have had a lot of friends since childhood, but Raghav is one of the kindest and most trustworthy friends for me. I must say that Rohan has been my best friend since childhood. He is a very good person and a true friend because he has a good manner that he never lies to anyone, and hates people who lie to him. He is a kind boy and also a sincere student. We both live in the same building, and our apartments are also in front of each other. 

My parents also met my friend in the school at the parents-teachers meeting, and they also like Raghav and his sincerity. We both have been in the same class from the 3rd standard until now. We are in the 10th standard now, and we both help each other in the preparation for Board exams, which will be held in the month of March. 

He always invites me to his house to play video games with him. Every Sunday, we both enjoy playing video games with popcorn and juice together. Sometimes, our school teachers also wonder about our true friendship and the strong bond between us. He has a set of badminton rackets and a shuttle, and we also play together in the evening near our building. We both love each other’s company.

My Best Friend Essay 300 Words

Everyone has at least a single friend who is more than just a friend to them. Getting a friend is common, but getting a true friend is very rare and a bit special. It is like a big achievement for people to get a trustworthy and lifelong best friend. I also had a best friend in my life too since childhood. His name is Ganaraj, and his mother is Telugu. We are neighbors too and also classmates. We always sit together in school and also spend most of the time together. 

He is a very talented person and always supports me in my studies. We both like mathematics, and also we love to solve maths numerical problems. I like to play games, and we both always play games together and participate in the sports that are held in school. Our favorite sport is Cricket, and we both are good all-rounders on our school cricket team. Our class teacher always suggests and supports us to play cricket even better and also helps in education to achieve success in life.

He is very valuable to me, and I always value his friendship as I value my parents. He is like my family, as a brother from another mother. Whenever I need his help and support, my best friend is there for me to hold me. We both live in the precious moment and create memories that will stay with me forever. Our friendship is a kind of beautiful relationship, and I hope any kind will never break these mistakes. Every Sunday, we go together to a playground near our locality, and we spend most of our time there. My parents also like Ganaraj to be my friend. Everyone is happy with our friendship and has a strong bond that never goes down in any situation.

My Best Friend Essay 500 Words

My best friend’s name is Siddhart Jadhav. We have been friends since class 7th A in Alfred Nobel High School. We both studied in the same school in childhood but not in the same class as our sections are different. Later that time, all the students from all the sections are sorted according to the previous academics’ percentages and grades and separated into four different sections. Due to this separation, I met Siddhart in the 7th A, and we became friends at that time. Later, time goes by, and our friendship bond becomes stronger, and we become best friends with each other and spend most of our time together in school, tuition, and extra classes. We also sit on the same bench in the classroom. 

Our likes and dislikes are also common, and we also love to dance and sing. In every annual gathering and other function that is held in our school, we both participate and give our best performances. We never wanted to win the competitions, our intention was to enjoy the gathering. Some of our school teachers don’t like our togetherness and friendship, but some of them loved and always blessed our strong bonded friendship to stay longer and longer. Siddharth and I always talked in the running classroom, and most of the time, our teacher also punished both of us by standing outside the classroom. We always tried to irritate the lecturer in the chemistry lectures by asking tons of doubts and questions. We eat tiffin boxes sitting on the last benches.

Apart from this naughtiness, Siddharth is very punctual, and he is never late for coming to school and attending classes. He always completes his homework at a given time and being with him, I also start studying very well and completing my homework on time. He keeps his books and copies very clean. His writing is very nice and encourages me to write cleanly and clearly for better understanding. My parents also compliment my friend that being with him, I also become responsible and a good student.

Siddharth and I are both excellent football players and athletes. When we both start playing the football game, the opponent team never wins. Our sports teacher always motivates us and tells us that we will become good football players one day. My parents also know Siddharth very much, and they like his pleasant behavior. Feel free when Siddharth and I stay together, whether for playing games, video games, study, or for going out to have fun with other classmates. Siddharth is my best friend, my first friend. He is the one who offers me help in my studies when I need it, supports me and always shows love to me, defends me, and stands by my side in any situation no matter what. 

In academics, my best friend, Siddharth, is chosen to be awarded the best student of the year in the 10th class. He is one of the brilliant students of our school and also won many of the competitions that were held in school. He is like a well-wisher, and I always enjoyed his company. He, too, feels secure and relieved by spending time with me as well. He is like a problem-solving friend to me. I never wanted to lose him in my life.

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Our apology letter tool kit is THE place to find free samples and examples of apology letters for almost every personal and business situation.

So if you need to say sorry, you've come to the right place!

While our main website has several apology letter templates, they may be too complicated for some people. They’re more suitable for serious infractions and situations and require a little more effort to customize them to make them fit your specific situation.

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  • Apology Letter for Lying
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  • Apology Letter to Best Friend
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  • Emotional Sorry Letter for Girlfriend
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Love & Marriage Tool Kit Letters

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Essays About Best Friends: 5 Essay Examples and 7 Prompts

If you’re writing an essay and want to put your best friend in the spotlight, check out these essay examples on essays about best friends. 

Best friends are those with whom we have formed a deep and unique bond. What makes them remarkably special is that we chose them unlike with family. For this, some even consider their best friends to be extensions of themselves. 

We all trust our best friends wholeheartedly; that’s why they are the best people to confide in. And many of the lasting memories in our lives are those that we create with them. These memories could be filled with waves of boisterous laughter or even the most piercing pain when your friendship is tested.

Read on and find essay examples and prompts that could motivate you to write about best friends.


5 Essay Examples

1. how friendships change in adulthood by julie beck, 2. diamonds are not this girl’s best friend by courtney carver, 3. how to tell your best friend you’re in love with them – by those who have taken the plunge by sirin kale, 4. my best friend died: a real-life guide to coping by gabrielle applebury, 5. is it normal to not have a best friend by viktor sander, 7 helpful writing prompts on essays about best friends, 1. describe your best friend, 2. hanging out with your best friend , 3. long distance friendship, 4. cutting off toxic best friends, 5. falling in love with your best friend, 6. famous literary friendships, 7. a dog is a man’s best friend.

“Hanging out with a set of lifelong best friends can be annoying, because the years of inside jokes and references often make their communication unintelligible to outsiders. But this sort of shared language is part of what makes friendships last.”

The above essay delves into the evolution of friendship throughout the different stages of our lives, from childhood and teen years to family life and retirement. While we have all deferred a meetup with friends several times to attend to family and work, many people still treat their friendship as stable and continuous, even in long lapses in communication. 

You might also find these essays about camping trips helpful.

“My best friend is a magical, rooftop sunrise. My best friend is the ocean. My best friend is a hike in the mountains. My best friend is a peaceful afternoon. My best friend is a really good book. My best friend is laughter. My best friend is seeing the world. My best friend is time with people I love.”

This essay takes on a broader definition of a “best friend,” deriving from Marilyn Monroe’s famous quote: “Diamond are a girl’s best friend.” From having excessive material wants for every occasion, the author realizes that the greatest “friends” in life are not material things but the simple joys that nature and love can bring.

“It was supposed to go the way things do in the movies. Nora would tell her best friend that she loved him, he would feel the same way and then they would kiss – preferably in the rain. So when the 30-year-old arts manager declared her love for her best friend when they were still teenagers, she expected a happy ending.”

Check out these essays about beauty .

The essay by Srirn Kale treats its readers to compelling stories of best friends ending up in marriage and those parting ways because of unrequited love. But, before taking the bold step of declaring your love for your best friend, a relationship guru advises lovers first to read the signs that signal any reciprocity of these deep feelings. 

“Losing a best friend may be one of the most difficult and heartbreaking experiences you have in your lifetime. If you aren’t sure how to process that your best friend died, know that there are many healthy options when it comes to coping with this type of loss.”

Coping with losing a best friend could lead to depression or even suicidal thoughts, especially if your best friend means the world to you. Some coping tips include journaling your grieving process to understand your emotions and confusion better and doing things that can relive your best friend’s memories. 

“If you are happy with the friends you currently have, there’s no need to try making a best friend for the sake of it. You might have friends but no best friend; that’s perfectly OK. It’s not necessary to have a BFF.” 

Not everyone has a best friend. Some would find this fact hard to believe, but a YouGov survey has shown that 1 in 5 of the US population claims to have no close friends. The essay, therefore, explores the reasons for this friendlessness and gives tips on building a bond with potential best friends, starting with your existing circle of acquaintances.

Check out our top writing prompts to help you celebrate and write about best friends.

Essays About Best Friends: Describe your best friend

Begin this essay by describing what your best friend looks like and what traits you like most about them. Then, given these qualities, would you consider your best friend a role model? Your essay can also answer how similar you and your best friend are and what things you both agree on. But if you have more differences than similarities, write how you deal with them or put them aside.

In this essay, describe your favorite ways to hang out with your best friend. What do you like doing together? Describe what a day spent with your best friend looks like and which part you like most about your dates. If your conversations draw your mutual admiration for each other, then talk about what topics make you talk for hours on end and their perspectives on things that you find fascinating.

Do different time zones make friends grow apart? Or does distance make the heart grow fonder? First, interview two to three people whose best friends moved to a different country or city. Next, learn how frequently they communicate with each other. Finally, compile these stories and make a smooth transition to each one such that the structure highlights the challenges of long-distance friendships and how each set of friends gets by. 

Discarding best friends is a hard decision. But it is also brave if you feel they are dragging you down. For this prompt, you can pose a list of questions readers can ask themselves to grasp the situation better. For example, is your friend doing you more harm than good? Have you set boundaries that they find hard to respect? Then, explain how reflecting on each question can help one determine when it is time to cut some ties loose.

Falling in love with your best friend can only end in two scenarios: a happy ever after or an end of a beautiful relationship. Expanding on our essay prompt above, list down more tips to know when it is best to confront your best friend about your feelings or work hard to quash your emotions for the continuity of the relationship.

Pick out best friends from novels that formed friendships that touched you the most. They could be Harry, Ron, Hermoine of Harry Potter, Frodo, Sam of the Lord Of The Rings, or even Sherlock and Watson From The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes. First, describe what it is in their friendship that you find most riveting. Then, narrate events that served as the biggest tests to their friendships and how they conquered these challenges. 

What about dogs that some people find more lovable than others? Answer this in your essay by outlining the traits that make a dog the ideal best friend. For one, their loyalty makes us confident that they will not betray us. If you have a dog, write about the qualities that make your dog a reliable and fun companion. Then, narrate events when your dog proved to be your best friend. 

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics . 

If you want to ensure that your thoughts flow smoothly in your essay, check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

When you have a good friendship topic, essay writing becomes as easy as it gets. We have some for you!

📝 Friendship Essay Structure

🏆 best friendship topic ideas & essay examples, 💡 good essay topics on friendship, 🎓 simple & easy friendship essay titles, 📌 most interesting friendship topics to write about, ❓ research questions about friendship.

Describing a friend, talking about your relationship and life experiences can be quite fun! So, take a look at our topics on friendship in the list below. Our experts have gathered numerous ideas that can be extremely helpful for you. And don’t forget to check our friendship essay examples via the links.

Writing a friendship essay is an excellent way to reflect on your relationships with other people, show your appreciation for your friends, and explore what friendship means to you. What you include in your paper is entirely up to you, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t structure it properly. Here is our advice on structuring an essay on friendship:

  • Begin by selecting the right topic. It should be focused and creative so that you can earn a high mark. Think about what friendship means to you and write down your thoughts. Reflect on your relationship with your best friend and see if you can write an essay that incorporates these themes. If these steps didn’t help – don’t worry! Fortunately, there are many web resources that can help you choose. Browse samples of friendship essays online to see if there are any topics that interest you.
  • Create a title that reflects your focus. Paper titles are important because they grasp the reader’s attention and make them want to read further. However, many people find it challenging to name their work, so you can search for friendship essay titles online if you need to.
  • Once you get the first two steps right, you can start developing the structure of your essay. An outline is a great tool because it presents your ideas in a clear and concise manner and ensures that there are no gaps or irrelevant points. The most basic essay outline has three components: introduction, body, and conclusion. Type these out and move to the next step. Compose an introduction. Your introduction should include a hook, some background information, and a thesis. A friendship essay hook is the first sentence in the introduction, where you draw the reader’s attention. For instance, if you are creating an essay on value of friendship, include a brief description of a situation where your friends helped you or something else that comes to mind. A hook should make the reader want to read the rest of the essay. After the hook, include some background information on your chosen theme and write down a thesis. A thesis statement is the final sentence of the first paragraph that consists of your main argument.
  • Write well-structured body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should start with one key point, which is then developed through examples, references to resources, or other content. Make sure that each of the key points relates to your thesis. It might be useful to write out all of your key points first before you write the main body of the paper. This will help you to see if any of them are irrelevant or need to be swapped to establish a logical sequence. If you are composing an essay on the importance of friendship, each point should show how a good friend can make life better and more enjoyable. End each paragraph with a concluding sentence that links it to the next part of the paper.
  • Finally, compose a conclusion. A friendship essay conclusion should tie together all your points and show how they support your thesis. For this purpose, you should restate your thesis statement at the beginning of the final paragraph. This will offer your reader a nice, well-balanced closure, leaving a good impression of your work.

We hope that this post has assisted you in understanding the basic structure of a friendship paper. Don’t forget to browse our website for sample papers, essay titles, and other resources!

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  • Friendship from a Sociological Perspective For example Brazilians studying in Europe and United States were met with the stereotypes that Brazilians are warm people and are easy to establish friendships.
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  • Is There Friendship Between Women? In conclusion, comparing my idea of women’s friendship discussed in my proposal to the theoretic materials of the course I came to a conclusion that strong friendship between women exists, and this is proved in […]
  • Online Friendship Formationby in Mesch’s View The modern world tends to the situation when people develop the greatest empathy towards their online friends because it seems that the ratio and the deepness of these relationships can be controlled; written and posted […]
  • Canadian-American Diefenbaker-Eisenhower Friendship In particular, the paper investigates the Mandatory Oil Import Program and the exemption of Canada from this initiative as well as the historical treaty that was officially appended by the two leaders in regard to […]
  • Friendship in the ‘Because of Winn Dixie’ by Kate Dicamillo In the book “Because of Winn Dixie”, Kate DiCamillo focuses on a ten-year-old girl India Opal Buloni and her friend, a dog named Winn Dixie.
  • Friendship Influencing Decisions When on Duty The main stakeholders are the local community, the judge, and the offenders. The right of the society is to receive objective and impartial treatment of its members.
  • Friendship: To Stay or to Leave Each member of the group found out who really is a friend and who is not. This implies that the level of trust is high between Eddie and Vic.
  • Friendship: Sociological Term Review But one is not aware of that type of friendship; it is necessary to study it. Friendship is a matter of consciousness; love is absolutely unconscious.
  • The Significance of Friendship in Yeonam The paper examines the depth and extent to which Yeonam was ready to go and if he was bound by the norms of the human friendship and association of his era.
  • Cicero and Plutarch’s Views on Friendship He believed that befriending a man for sensual pleasures is the ideal of brute beasts; that is weak and uncertain with caprice as its foundation than wisdom. It is this that makes such carelessness in […]
  • Friendship: The Meaning and Relevance Although the basic definition of a friendship falls under the category of somebody whom we feel a level of affection and trust for or perhaps a favored companion, the truth of the matter is that […]
  • Gender and Cultural Studies: Intimacy, Love and Friendship Regardless of the driving force, intimacy and sexual connections are common in many happy relationships. Of significance is monogamy whose definition among the heterosexuals and lesbians remains a challenge.
  • “Feminism and Modern Friendship” by Marilyn Friedman Individualism denies that the identity and nature of human beings as individuals is a product of the roles of communities as well as social relationships.
  • Fate of Friendship and Contemporary Ethics Is friendship possible in the modern world dominated by pragmatism and will it exist in the future? For instance, Cicero takes the point of view of the social entity, in other words, he defines friendship […]
  • Feminism and Modern Friendship While criticizing these individuals, Marilyn asserts that the omission of sex and gender implies that these individuals wanted to affirm that social attachment such as societies, families, and nationalities contribute to identity rather than sex […]
  • Creating a Friendship Culture This family will ensure every church member and youth is part of the youth ministry. I will always help every newcomer in the ministry.
  • Friendship is in Everyone’s Life Though, different books were written in different times, the descriptions of a friendship have the same essence and estimate that one cannot be completely satisfied with his/her life if one does not have a friend.
  • Intimacy, Love and Friendship and how they translate to employability The use of love and its conventions in the NAB campaigns is an illustration of how love as a concept can be used to translate to employability.
  • Intimacy, Love and Friendship In the past, women in Australia led a life characterized by a lot of hardships because of the harsh traditions that they were supposed to follow.
  • Contemporary Understanding of Intimacy and Friendship The Social Network film discusses how Facebook was developed and the challenges of developing the giant social site. Many people are of the view that Facebook has the effect of enslaving them by making their […]
  • Interpretation of Friendship among Confucian and Neo-Confucian writers In his article “The Fifth Relationship; Dangerous Friendships in the Confucian Context”, Norman Kutcher explores the friendship as outlined under the Confucian system. The above writers have different interpretations of friendship of the under the […]
  • Why International Students Find It Hard to Make Friends On the other hand, in societies that promote a high power distance, less powerful individuals accept their position in the chain of command and acknowledge the strengths of their superiors in the hierarchy.
  • Woman Intimacy and Friendship with the Appearance of Social Media The anonymity provided by the social media makes this medium very appealing to both women and men as they are able to “reconstruct” themselves to a level they deem “cool” enough to garner more desired […]
  • Faux Friendship and Social Networking The modern-day relationships have dissolved the meaning of the word friendship; as aromatic lovers refer to each other as friends, parents want their children to think of them as friends, teachers, clergymen and bosses have […]
  • Friendship Type – Companionship Relationship A friendship is ideally not an obsession since the latter involves a craving for another person that might even lead to violence just to be in site of the other party.
  • Aristotle’s Ideas on Civic Relationships: Happiness, the Virtues, Deliberation, Justice, and Friendship On building trust at work, employers are required to give minimum supervision to the employees in an effort to make the latter feel a sense of belonging and responsibility.
  • Gender Role Development and Friendship As far as the conflict goes, the boy’s main problem is that he is unwilling to change his behavior towards a socially accepted one under the pretext that girls are more beautiful and, therefore, it […]
  • Article Study on the Friendship Concept In the critical review article, the views of Norman Kutcher on the formation of friendships are discussed in detail. In this article, the views of other scholars are discussed in order to strengthen the works […]
  • Henry Thoreau: The Concept of the Friendship Not every person is able to understand the essence of nature, its uniqueness, and importance. To my mind, his close connection to nature and a kind of isolation from people helped him to understand deeper […]
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  • How Do Friendship Networks Work in Online P2P Lending Markets?
  • Why Is Friendship Important?
  • How Has Friendship Changed Because of the Spread of Social Networking?
  • Why Does Friendship End?
  • How Do Society and Culture Affect Friendship?
  • Can Everything Be Bought for Money?
  • How Do Gamers Take the Gaming Experience, Elements Such as Friendships Outside the Game Context?
  • Do Friends Generally Have Similar Educational Interests?
  • What Individual and Country-Level Factors Might Interact With Friendship Importance to Predict Health and Well-Being?
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 24). 127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/

"127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 24 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 24 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.

51 Best Friend Paragraphs: Long and Short Paragraphs for Your BFF


51 Best Friend Paragraphs, Long and Short Paragraphs for Your BFF

So you thought you could only have one “ bestie .” Wrong. You will encounter many different people at different phases of your life. That means you will likely find several individuals you might consider your best friend.

SnapChat’s Friendship Report says a person may have two to six best friends. A best friend, the report notes, is typically found at age 21, after high school and early college years. (1) A British study by anthropologist Robin Dunbar concurs that humans, in certain circumstances, can handle five besties. (2)

How does a best friend affect our lives? Our best friend plays a crucial role in our lives, giving us a sense of belonging when we feel lonesome, a boost when we’re discouraged, and warmth when we’re blue. We may never realize how our best friends have managed to make a huge impact, but their influence in our lives will definitely go beyond time and expectation.

How does a best friend affect our lives? Spending considerable time with a best friend leads to what’s known as “ mirroring .” Have you noticed you and your best friend perhaps have the same tastes in food, clothes, and more? Sometimes you utter the same words at the same time then marvel at the coincidence.

Dr. Carolyn Parkinson, a cognitive scientist at the University of California , Los Angeles, says, “I was struck by the exceptional magnitude of similarity among friends.” One study suggests friends might be similar in how they pay attention to and process the world around them. That means, she says, “shared processing could make people click more easily and have the sort of seamless social interaction that can feel so rewarding.” (3)

True friends gives us a sense of comfort so paramount that we tend to seek and turn to them first, often over our own families. One study explains individuals, particularly teens, cope with stress better when they’re around peers. Friends become an important source of encouragement and they can simply take their mind off worries. (4)

We have gathered some best friend paragraphs you can send to your dear friend, whether they are male or female.

And Our Expert Says…

best friend essay copy and paste

Karen Salmansohn

Bestselling author “ Friends Forever “

best friend essay copy and paste

  • One of the best miracle growth formulas for a friendship is appreciation. So send random texts letting your bestie know you appreciate specific things they’ve said or done. Sometimes a small text is worth a thousand words. Or gift your BFF something small – which you know they’ll love – with a short note of appreciation (aka: a favorite aromatherapy candle, a funny coffee mug, a friendship book )

Nice Samples of Long Paragraphs to Send to Your Best Friend

Don’t have the right words to express gratitude to your best friend ? A long best friend paragraph with words of appreciation is appropriate to use.

We bet your loyal friend will be over the moon to receive these long best friends paragraphs on a special occasion (for example, as a birthday gift or a happy national best friends day paragraph) or on a typical day, simply because you wanted to make them happy.

  • There will be times when we will no longer see each other as often as we used to; there will be a moment of ups and downs in our journey on the path of friendship; there will be a time when the stormy weather of life will seem to break the bond between us and there will be a moment when we would want to call it quits between us. I want you to know that I will not give up on us, at least not without a fight, because you’re the best thing that ever happened to me in life and I won’t trade you for the finest pearl in the world. Come rain or the sunshine, you will always be my best friend forever. I love you, bestie.
  • Hello my sweetest friend, I want you to know that I’m blessed to have a great friend like you. Your friendship is invaluable to place a price tag on, and it’s more precious than the finest gold and silver in the entire universe. You’ve touched my heart in so many ways that I could never have thought of your care and love and I will always treasure our friendship with every breath in me. I love you, my beautiful friend.
  • One million memories, ten thousand inside jokes, one hundred shared secrets, one reason: best friends. I hope that as we grow older we make even more memories, jokes, and shared secrets. I can already imagine us becoming old biddies who take our morning walks together as we gossip about what’s going on in our lives. Your friendship is for keeps, and I intend to keep it forever.
  • We’ve been together and we’ve been apart. There have been miles between us, and even hours in some cases, but we’ve always stayed friends. No matter what obstacles have been thrown in our path or how many other people have tried to tear our friendship in two, we’ve stood the test of time. Most people aren’t lucky enough to have such a strong friendship in their lifetimes, but I know how lucky I am to call you my best friend.
  • You’ve always been by my side since we were little kids. From youngsters with scraped knees to teenagers with broken hearts, we’ve always had each other’s backs. You’re the best friend anyone can ask for, and I just want to thank you for being with me through all this time. I love you best friend!
  • I have a life filled with phenomenal and unforgettable memories thanks to you. You are one lovely human being who never judges me, who always supports me despite all the crazy things I have on my mind. You are such a blessing in my life, and I hope we will remain the same crazy best friends forever. I have many friends, but only you have a special place in my heart. We met when we were little kids and grew up together. I am so happy to enjoy this wonderful adventure called life with you. You inspire me to be a better person and a better friend. I love you so much!

Useful Paragraphs for Him or Her to Say ‘You Are My Best Friend’

Friendship is not about a one-sided relationship. It is such a rare bond with a special person that both of you cherish and nurture every day. Is your best friend a rare treasure?

Is he or she the only person you can count on? Are you thankful for all the support your awesome friend provides? Prove this to your sweet friend by actions as well as with words. Reminders, such as long and short paragraphs are appreciated.

  • You have inspired me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be and I hope that I can somehow repay you for everything that you have done for me. Without you, I would be a completely different person. You have taught me so much about life and because of you, I truly know what love is.
  • Saying that you’re special is an understatement. I hope that you know this, and not just know it, but really believe it. We’ve been through ups and downs, so I can honestly say what makes you stand out as the amazing friend that you are. I’m one of the few lucky ones that get to know every single shade of you.
  • I love you for all that you are, for all of our memories, all of the fun times, all of the times we’ve supported each other, all of the times we’ve grown. We’ve really become a part of each other’s journey, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  • I would have given you a concert ticket or a car because that’s what you wished but I only have a heart that can love you until the end. And this sweater I brought because you will look good on it.
  • Friends like you are hard to find, which is why I am everyday grateful that I have found you a long time ago. We had a lot of ups and downs but still, you never left my side. I just want you to know that I will always be here for you.
  • I am infinitely thankful to the Universe that I have such a great friend. You are the only person who knows all my secrets but never tells anyone about them. You are the only friend who cried with me in childhood from disappointment and had fun in my teens. You have been with me all my life, and I cannot imagine my future without you. Thank you for being such a good friend and a supportive person. I want you to be in my life forever.

best friend essay copy and paste

Cute Paragraphs to Write to Your Best Friend to Keep Contact

Having a best friend is such a huge blessing since friendship is one of the most significant connections we may have in life. Yet, it’s simple to get caught up in our busy lives and lose contact with the people that mean the most.

No matter how far away you may be or how hectic your schedule may get, it’s crucial to make an effort to keep in touch with your close friend. One simple method to achieve this is by sending emotional deep best friend paragraphs to your worthy friend, telling them how much they mean to you and how thankful you are to have their support no matter what happens.

  • Thank you for letting our friendship be known. There is nothing I value more than my relationship with you, and it seems that everyone knows that. Thank you for sticking by my side, even if we don’t see each other as much as we did before, and for never forgetting about me. I appreciate that more than you could ever know.
  • Like peas in a pod, we bond. We have transcended the realm of friendship, we have become family. To my friend who sticks closer than a sister, I love you and here’s saying I’ll always be here for you.
  • You have always been a source of succor to me and well, I to you. I’ll always be there for you darling just as I know you’ll always be there for me. Nothing can break this bond of friendship. I love you so much.
  • I hope you know how much you mean to me. You are my world, and I would do anything for you. You’re one of the biggest reasons I found what my calling was and am following my own dreams. If you ever need me for anything, I do mean anything, know that I’ll be there in a flash.
  • Honestly, I can talk about you all day and all through the night, and even now I have a million more things to say. Be that as it may, too many words get to be good for nothing, so I’ll simply end it at “you’re the most magnificent individual I’ve ever met, and I can’t envision not having you in my life.

Cute Paragraphs to Send to Your Friend for Pleasure

The following sweet paragraphs for your best friend are ideal to send to those people who are with you in joy and sorrow.

  • Blessed is the one who has a friend to help him up when he falls. I’m indeed blessed to have found a helping hand in you. Thanks for always being there, for always giving listening ears, for always wiping my tears. Thanks for everything. You’re the best best friend.
  • Not any friendship lasts forever, but I am sure that we will remain friends for the rest of our lives. How can I be so certain? You are the second half of my soul, you are my partner in crime, you are my role model, and my greatest support. A friend like you is one in a million, and I am so happy to have you in my life. I love you so much.
  • You have taught me so much and I only wish you have the best. I know that things might get rough, but I am always here for you. Please, don’t change yourself for anyone. You are great as YOU. You will go and do great things. I will see you soon.
  • I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you. Friendship is one of the most rewarding things life has to offer, and I refuse to take it for granted. I refuse to take you for granted. You, my best friend, my sister, my partner-in-crime. Even when all I can see is the worst in me, you still see the best. You remind me who I am, and who I want to be. You make me a better person.
  • I can honestly say I’ve found a true friend in you and I hope in 20 years we’ll be able to look back at our past together and just be so happy we had such a close and meaningful friendship. You are truly the best friend I’ve ever had and I love you to bits!
  • Our friendship is more than just whether or not you come shopping with me or want to go sing karaoke with the girls. Our friendship is about you and me, ever-changing human beings who have decided we are going to love each other through this life.

Nice Funny Bff Paragraph with Emojis

Funny paragraphs to send your best friend are a special way to communicate with your best friends.

  • These years have been some of the best of my life. Every time we hang, talk, bond I will cherish those moments for the rest of my life. You are the one I can truly trust with everything that I own because that’s where our friendship has taken us and I could never ask anyone else for a best friend. I hope maybe one day we can add another “f” to the end of “BF” cause’ that’s the way I hope it’s meant to be and your friendship is one in a trillion and I would never change it. I will always be there for you through thick and thin and that’s a promise.
  • You are one of the most intelligent young women I have ever met, not to mention sweet, kind-hearted, happy, hilarious, loving, and absolutely beautiful. You have a heart of gold and a personality that should be cherished and preserved in a glass box. You have such an amazing effect on me and my life daily. You make me laugh when I all I want to do is cry. Your smile is as contagious as the flu and whenever you’re sad I feel like I should be too. You really are an absolutely incredible individual. I have never in my whole life been so lucky and proud to have someone like you. You, and only you, are my best friend.
  • With you by my side the world is a better place. The sun shines a little bit brighter, my smile grows a little bit wider, and in that moment, my problems are no more. You are the most beautiful person, inside and out. You are selfless, compassionate and wise beyond your years. I truly believe I hit friendship gold when you skipped into my life and filled my days with laughter, happy tears, and enchantment.
  • I met you as a stranger, then took you as my friend. Our friendship is something that will never end. When I was in darkness that needed some light, You came to me and hugged me tight.
  • Thank you for being my partner-in-crime, my drinking buddy, my road trippin’ companion, my telepathic pal, my gossip girl, my personal life coach, my dancing partner and so much more. Thank you for all the glorious memories, wrapped up in a bow of nostalgia, so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye. Thank you for the times when we laughed so hard a little bit of wee popped out, the times we danced like no one was watching, the times we talked until the cows came home, milked into a thousand saucers, and said ‘Screw this, I’m going to bed!’.
  • Even though I may be having the worst day ever, you always manage to make me laugh. You are the cheese to my macaroni and vinegar to my oil.
  • I love how we can talk about anything and everything, from our deepest fears to the most ridiculous memes . I appreciate all the kind gestures and your inspiring words that always lift me.

Sweet Paragraphs for Your Best Friend to Wake Up to

Is your best friend about to celebrate a special occasion? Wake him or her up with the help of one of these girl or boy best friend paragraphs copy and paste to bring a spark to the new day.

  • Know what, pal? Life is great. Sitting here, drinking coffee and watching the sunrise brings me so much pleasure. There is only one little thing I regret: you’re not here with me. Hope you are having a delightful morning too.
  • People can’t imagine life on the planet without the sun, but I can’t imagine my life without you, my friend. Good morning and have an exciting day!
  • They usually wish a happy birthday or a happy new year, but I want to wish you a happy day. Because you can turn each new day into a wonderful and remarkable holiday. It’s up to us. Good morning to the best of the best!
  • Good morning! I hope you have an amazing day today. May your worries and fears be non-existent. May people see just how amazing you are. May you be showered with exciting new opportunities and prospects. There’s no other person who deserves it more than you. If there’s anything I can do to make your day easier and happier, you know where to find me!
  • This morning I awoke and was reminded of the preciousness of life. I realized I should express my gratitude to those who are so very important to me. Thank you for all you have done and have a great day!

What to Write in Best Friend Paragraphs for Him?

These ideas of what to write in a paragraph for your best friend will help you quickly find the right words. These short and long best friend paragraphs are suitable for both him and her.

  • If you need to be spontaneous, call me at 3 p.m. on a Tuesday and tell me what you want to do. Even if I can’t get away, I can give you a few minutes so we can daydream about the adventures we’re going to have one day.
  • Our friendship is perfect which makes me so happy. It seems as though we were meant to be best friends and I’m glad we’ve finally figured that out because I don’t think I would make it through high school without you. You are my shoulder to cry on and my arm to lean on and I am the same for you. There are not that many people in my life that I would die for, but when it comes to you I would die a million times over if that was what you wanted me to do. You are the best, best friend anyone could ever ask for and I appreciate everything about you
  • We’re best friends because I can take you anywhere and you’ll adapt. Whether it’s the chicest party or some insufferable family gathering, you’ll deal with it like a champ. I don’t have to worry about leaving you alone or keeping you entertained. You go do your thing. I do mine.
  • You’re my best friend because you’re not afraid to call me out on my crap or disagree with me. I can’t get away with anything when I’m with you. You’ll tell me things that I need to hear but everyone else is too afraid to tell me. Your honesty is so damn refreshing albeit a bitter pill to swallow sometimes.
  • Best friendships are like soccer matches. Many more goals are achieved when we work together. You know me so well and yet you stick around. You are either a sensational friend or a little bit crazy. Either way, you are here! I hope to reciprocate your devotion of friendship in the years to come.

Long Paragraph with Beautiful Words for Boy Best Friend

Forget the idea that men only like reading short comments. Try one of these cute notes to write to your best friend and watch him read and appreciate them:

  • No matter where life takes us to, I will always be there for you, because true friends always stick together and never leave each other. No matter what obstacles life may throw at us, we will always overcome it all, because two is always better than one. And you plus me equals an unbeatable and unstoppable team. I cherish you so much, my dearest friend.
  • To my dear friend, today like every other day, I pray that our friendship will always blossom and knows no end. It will always stay fresh like the early morning river. Each and every day will be another chance to cherish and love each other so much more than ever before and we will always be together till the end of time. I love you beyond the stars, my adorable friend.
  • I feel so blessed to have an emotional best friend like you. I never thought angels could exist in this world, but here you are in the flesh. Your friendship is so precious to me that I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, not even a million bucks! I wouldn’t trade it for a chance at becoming famous or for an all-expenses paid trip to anywhere. I’d rather be poor, untraveled, and unknown than be without a friendship as wonderful as yours.
  • Thank you for believing in me when I was too weak and exhausted to believe in myself. Thank you for pushing me, for repeating those affirmations that don’t mean anything in inspirational films but mean everything when someone who cares about you says them. Thank you for not judging me when I did something really stupid, but also thanks for telling me I was an idiot and probably shouldn’t have done the stupid thing. Thank you for always being honest.
  • Thank you for celebrating all of the exciting moments of my life with me. I can’t imagine not having you in my wedding or by my side when I hold a little human in my arms that I magically created.

Heartwarming Letters to Best Friend That Make You Cry and Laugh

Sometimes our friendships face challenges that may make you sad. Now is the time to stand together. Show your support. Warm letters, expressing the essence of true friendship, are available below:

  • You truly are one of the sweetest people I’ve met – if not the sweetest. You have a way of making sarcasm sweet, which I didn’t even know was possible. Being selfless comes so natural to you and I fucking love you for that.
  • You always tell me that I am the strongest and bravest person you know. You always say that you admire my courage for taking risks and starting from nothing. But the truth is, I have that strength because I have you. I know you would not let me fall, and if I do, you will always be there to catch me. You are the brave one, you just haven’t realized that yet.
  • I have met a friend, you were not the first… But how your friendship played out to be the best is just beyond words. I wake up each day with your thoughts and I just wouldn’t stop to wonder how you have come to amass such virtues. You showed up in each of my ways, your counsels were so strong in each of my plans. The more I looked back to see how glorious it’s been since we met, the more I find it difficult to describe your love for me. Yes, we are not lovers, but your friendship is more than I see and hear of romantic relationships. Then I asked myself if I can stop being your friend… And the answer is No, No and No. Thank you for being such a jewel to me. I love you.
  • They say you don’t get to pick who you’re related to. That’s true. But you do get to pick who your family is. You’re real family. And you’ll always be my family. We’re closer than sisters could be, thicker than any thieves. You know all my secrets, all my wild ambitions. You support every one of my craziest fantasies. What would I do without you?
  • Dear Best Friend, we have gone a long way, we have grown up, changed, had battles, lied, and most likely all that anybody could consider. Be that as it may, there is a motivation behind why are companions, your dependably there for me when I fall, and dependably knows how to make me grin when I’m down, it’s the little and basic things you do to make me chuckle, continuously know will dependably be there for you and I will dependably be the shoulder to incline toward, on the off chance that you require me I’m a telephone summon. I got you and you got me that’s why were closest companions.

Great Paragraphs for a Girl’s Best Friend to Wake Up to

How about having your girlfriend wake up to your good morning paragraphs ! A minute of your morning time is enough to choose a cheerful paragraph for your bestie.

  • You aren’t just a friend, you are my morning sunshine. Every morning I think of you and every good times we have had over the years and I hope our friendship continues to go stronger. Have a great day!
  • Time to rise and shine! We have this wonderful day to show the rest of the world just what you are made of. I want you to know that you have been such a big part of my journey. I would’ve given up a long time ago if it weren’t for your constant badgering and nagging. Sometimes I think you and my mom should hang out more often because you would totally hit it off! You have so many things in common! Just kidding. You know I love you. I am very blessed to have a friend like you who just cares and loves me so much. See you in a bit!
  • Good morning, my beautiful friend! How are you this morning? I hope that waking up today is so much better than your most wonderful dreams. I hope that sharing your morning coffee with me is so much better than drinking it alone in your kitchen apartment. Get dressed because I will be coming by and picking you up so we can have a quick cup before heading for work. Obviously, I missed you very much. You know I miss you every day anyway. See you!
  • Romantic relationships are based on expectations and responsibilities. Professional relationships are based on gains and losses. But friendship is based on smiles and laughter. Good morning my friend.
  • It is a myth that you need to rise and shine to have a good start to a day. You can roll around in bed thinking about friends like me and you will still have a great start to the day. Good morning.
  • Whether it is a hangover, headache, or sickness, even the worst of mornings become happy and cute when I think of friends like you. I hope this message makes you happy too. Good morning.


  • The Friendship Report . (2020). Snapchat.Com. https://forbusiness.snapchat.com/blog/the-friendship-report
  • ‌‌Ortega, T. (2016, May 2). This Is How Many Best Friends You Can Have At One Time . Elite Daily. https://www.elitedaily.com/news/science-number-best-friends-one-time/1480552
  • ‌You Share Everything With Your Bestie . Even Brain Waves. (2018, April 16). The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/16/science/friendship-brain-health.html
  • ‌ When Teens Need Their Friends More Than Their Parents . (2017). Greater Good. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/when_teens_need_their_friends_more_than_their_parents

Best Friend Images and Quotes

best friend essay copy and paste

Last Updated on March 9, 2023


80 Apology Paragraphs Straight From The Heart

By Author Lauren Levine

Categories Quotes

80 Apology Paragraphs Straight From The Heart

Choosing the right words to say sorry to someone you hurt can be tricky. So I collected the best apology paragraphs available online and I’m sure they’ll help you restore much-needed trust, peace, and harmony. Let’s take a look!

Best Apology Paragraphs

1. “My tears are dropping as looking at the raindrops. I remember the moments we shared. As the rain soaks in my skin, I remember our love and realize how stupid I am for hurting you. I’m sorry.”

My tears are dropping as looking at the raindrops

2. “You’re the only person I can tell all my secrets to, the first person I want to talk to when I wake up, and the last person I want to talk to before I drift off to sleep. I am so sorry for betraying your trust. Your trust is a treasure that I did not treat well. I will work hard to earn that trust back from you.”

3. “Every time I hurt you, I put blisters in myself. Every time I make you angry, I am belittling myself, Every time I complain to you, I downgrade myself. Please forgive me, my love.”

4. “I am sorry for being such a fool. But I am a fool who is in love with you. I am sorry for what I did. I will wait forever if that is how long you need to forgive me. Please accept my sincere apology.”

5. “I am an imperfect being, but this does not justify the mistakes that I have made. I understand that even if I say sorry, it will not change anything. However, I will keep my promise that I will change because I want to become a better person for you.”

6. “You helped me to become a better person. Honestly, I am trying hard to become better for you. I’m sorry that I have hurt you. I humbly ask for your forgiveness.”

7. “I am the luckiest person on this planet to have a partner like you. But I always cause you some headaches. I promise to become the best person that you can be proud of. I’m sorry for the wrongdoings I did.”

8. “I miss the moments when we laugh together, cry together, and tap our backs together. But I hurt you and caused pain you pain. Please remember the happy moments we shared and forgive me.”

9. “You are my priceless love. I’m sorry for not listening to you and going the other way. I realize the huge mistake I commit. I am sorry for hurting you my love .”

10. “I can make the ground shake because of my love. My love can shatter the earth. My heart broke when you left me. I regret and am angry with myself for doing such a stupid act. Please forgive me.”

I can make the ground shake because of my love

11. “I may be too late. You may already be gone. Or should I say that I am the one who may be gone from your heart?”

12. “I wish I could travel back in time and not make a mistake. I wish to take back the pain. I wish to fill those pains with joy. I am sorry.”

13. “I feel shame for what I said to you. A simple I’m sorry message may not be enough. But I am willing to do everything to get you back and be my one and only true love.”

14. “How I wish I could turn back the hands of time and unsay everything I said back then. I never meant to be mean. Please, forgive me.”

15. “I don’t deserve you, and that’s why I am apologizing with this sorry message. You are my only true love. If we are meant to be, then somehow, we will make it work. Please forgive me.”

16. “I know sorry is not enough, but you cross my mind every single day. Life without you is difficult and meaningless. Making you happy is my only motto. I’m afraid to lose you. I promise this is the last time. Forgive me, my baby!”

17. “Words can’t describe how sad I’m that I broke your heart. Please forgive me and give me a place in your heart. I cannot live like this. I apologize for everything I did. Without you, my life is nothing.”

18. “I was such a fool to make an argument. Please forgive me, and let me right all my wrongs. I feel like you are miles away from me. After this argument, I realized how much you mean in my life. I’m sorry, baby!”

19. “The biggest mistake I ever made was allowing pride to come in between us. How I wish I had let it off earlier, we wouldn’t be here today. I’m willing to do anything to get back to you again.”

20. “I am in the park, and the sunlight reminds me of your beautiful hair. It reminds me of the laughter and smile we had. I am still waiting for you. I will never stop waiting for you. I am deeply sorry.”

I am in the park, and the sunlight reminds me of your beautiful hair

I’m Sorry Paragraphs

1. “My world breaks apart when I see you crying. My heart breaks into pieces realizing I hurt you. I can neither bear this pain nor see you like this. My heart has already been shattered into pieces. I’m sorry!”

My world breaks apart when I see you crying

2. “I know you are mad at me right now. I hate seeing you cry. I have myself realizing that I have hurt you. Please, give us a chance to fix this.”

3. “Can we, please, bury the argument and move on? I know this is unforgivable. I know you can never love me like before, but I cannot lose you, baby. Sorry, the love of my life!”

4. “Baby, we promised not to allow anything to get in our way. I’m sorry for the mistake I did that disappointed you and made you angry. I hope and pray that you can forgive me.”

5. “I’m so sorry that I hurt you. I’m sending you this love message in a card to let you know that I love everything about you, always, every single day.”

6. “Yesterday was the saddest moment for me as I cannot believe that we made a fight last night. I’m sorry for whatever the cause is. I promise that I will change and become good to you.”

See also: 100 Couple Love Fight Quotes To Share With Your Partner

7. “Since the time you accepted me and allowed me to love you, all I ever wanted was to make you happy. I think my effort is not enough, as it did not appear that much. I am sorry for being insensitive. I ask for your forgiveness.”

8. “Our relationship is tested like gold in a fire. It becomes more refined and stronger. May you give me your forgiveness.”

9. “Please excuse my behavior last week. Your criticism was completely justified, and I should have reacted differently to it.”

10. “When we made our vows, we both accepted that we both have small potholes in life. These potholes are the challenges in the freeway of our married life. Can we fix our potholes together?”

When we made our vows, we both accepted that we both have small potholes in life

11. “When we made our promises in front of the minister, I knew at that time that half of me was in you. Now that we are in this situation, I feel down and cannot function well. Please forgive me.”

12. “Our relationship is still sweet, even if you add a little saltiness. I’m sorry for the silly mistakes that I have made. I know what I did wasn’t cool. I’m sorry.”

13. “Yesterday was the best time of my life. Thank you for hugging me despite the wrong actions that I have done. You are truly my best friend and lover. I’m truly sorry for hurting you.”

14. “Your presence is like heaven to me. You comforted me. Now that a single mistake made it dull, I feel alone and sorry. Please forgive me.”

15. “It’s not easy to apologize. I hope you see my apology comes from the heart. And I hope you put our love above my mistake.”

16. “They say the best apology is to change your behavior. Let’s spend time together again so that I can show you my new behavior.”

17. “I’m sorry I’m not perfect, and I haven’t been working on it. But you are perfect to me, and I could still learn from you if you let me.”

18. “I truly care about you and love you like crazy. I know a huge amount of sorry messages cannot fix your heart. But I will try my level best to make you happy. I’m sorry, my love.”

19. “I should never say those words to you. I cannot lose you, baby. The only thing I can do right now is to think about you. Seeing you like this shatters my heart. Sorry for breaking your heart, baby.”

20. “I’m sorry that I messed up. But I’ll fix everything, sweetheart. I can live without your love and care, baby. I can fix everything if you give me a last chance. I realized that I was wrong, and so I’m sorry!”

I’m sorry that I messed up

Apology Paragraphs For Her Copy And Paste

1. “You are the only person who taught me that asking for humble forgiveness is the bravest thing I can ever do. It frustrates me because I hurt the feelings of the number 1 woman in my life. That is you, sweetheart. I’m sorry, and I ask for your forgiveness.”

You are the only person who taught me that asking for humble forgiveness is the bravest thing I can ever do.

2. “I’m sorry for the wrongdoings I did that disappointed you. You are the best girlfriend in the world, for you never stop being on my side despite my inequities. Please forgive me.”

3. “I’m sorry, my dear, for the pride of my heart. It took time for me to realize that being proud is also breaking you as my wife. I promise to do my very best never to let it happen again.”

4. “May you feel the sincerity of my apology? I’m very sorry for hurting you so much. I’m sorry for the hurting words that came out of my mouth. Please, I am asking for your forgiveness.”

5. “Without you, my life is falling apart. I am a hopeless, miserable man who doesn’t know what to do with his life anymore. Please don’t leave me in this abyss. Forgive my mistakes and stay with me.”

6. “I feel like an idiot, thinking that everything that happened is because of my immature mindset. I regret what happened. I wish I could still have the chance to come back and give you my warm, loving arms. I love you so much, and I am deeply sorry.”

7. “Every day and every night, I am haunted by my thoughts because of the pain I caused you. I regret giving you tears instead of laughter. I really messed up. Please forgive me.”

See also: 90 Best I’m Sorry Paragraphs For Her When You Messed Up

8. “I am too much of an idiot to make such a mistake and cost you to lose your trust in me. Believe me, it is never my intention. I’m sorry, and please forgive me.”

9. “My sweet wife, I’m sorry for being rude and hurting you with my bad mouth. The stress I have in my work is not a good reason for doing such cruelty. Please give me your forgiveness.”

10. “I love you more deeply as you showed me how strong you are as a woman who stood up and corrected me for the mistakes I made. It helped me change my heart and mind. Thank you. I’m sorry for being immature.”

I love you more deeply as you showed me how strong you are as a woman who stood up and corrected me for the mistakes I made

See also: 100 Best I’m Sorry Paragraphs For Her To Make Her Forgive You

Apology Paragraphs For Him

1. “For the last few days, I have felt so lonely. I’m missing the sweetest hug from my man. I miss the nice words while my man is talking. I miss the kindest smile of my man. I am sorry, honey, please forgive me for my actions that hurt you.”

For the last few days, I have felt so lonely

See also: 190 Heartfelt I Miss You Baby Quotes For Emotional Souls

2. “I am ready to do anything. I am ready to do everything. I am ready to take away all the hurt I made you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

3. “You are the hottest guy that deserves the most understanding girlfriend. I’m sorry for the tantrums that caused you to be annoyed. I promise to throw them away and choose you to be my comfort.”

4. “I’m sorry about the mistrust I give you. I realize that I have been so unfair towards you. Can I put my fingers in the spaces between your fingers back again? I love you.”

5. “I’m sorry for making you annoyed with my jealousy and possessive attitude. I am just afraid of the other girls. I promise to work out my temper and trust in your love.”

6. “I feel the pain of realizing that such a small mistake made us suffer like this. What a stupid act of mine. Can we not let our relationship end this way? Please accept me. Please forgive me.”

7. “I am now feeling the emptiness. How can I function now without you? I’m shedding tears because of the stupid mistake. I’m sorry, my love. Please forgive me.”

8. “Dear, I am guilty of what I have done. I beg your forgiveness. You are a man with a big heart. I love you even in times of challenges like this. This will never happen again.”

9. “A handsome, stunning, and loving man can never be mad at me. Please forgive me. I hope we can be back to normal mode because I miss you now.”

10. “Ever since we decided to date, we have met plenty of setbacks, bad times, and challenges. Yet, we never give up and never allow those to rotten our relationship. Can we not let it happen this time?”

Ever since we decided to date, we have met plenty of setbacks

See also: Top 120 Most Emotional Sorry Messages For Boyfriend

More Love Paragraphs To Say Sorry

1. “My dearest love, I don’t deserve forgiveness, but I request you to forgive me this time. I know my faults are huge, and I am a bad person to love. But trust me, you were always my first priority and will forever be. I’m sorry.”

My dearest love, I don’t deserve forgiveness

2. “I know I’m imperfect, and I make mistakes. I promise not to make the same mistake again to hurt you. I never meant to tell you those words. I’m extremely sorry, and please forgive me, baby.”

3. “I want to enjoy the rest of my life with you. Please forgive me, baby. I won’t hurt you again. No one in this world cannot replace you, and I’m ashamed of myself.”

4. “I’m sorry for neglecting you while giving priority to other people and things. All I can say is I’m ashamed of myself for not treating you properly. Please give me another chance and let me fix everything in the right place.”

5. “While I hurt you, I hurt myself two times more. My heart is filled with sorrow. I’m always ready to make you happy, and I will make you happy in the future. Just give me one chance.”

6. “I’m sorry, babe, for hiding the truth from you. Please believe in me, and I will make everything like before. I am reassured that I will always be there for you, no matter what comes my way. I’m begging you to forgive me.”

7. “I love you, and I want you to know that I am very sorry, babe, for everything I did. You are the perfect partner anyone could ask for. I’m ashamed that I made an argument with you. Please give me time, and I’ll make everything like it used to be.”

8. “I don’t know what to do, knowing that I am the reason behind your tears. I just cling on to the hope that one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

9. “You know how much I hate writing love letters, but for you, I can do anything. Whether it is writing a hundred apology letters. I am writing to let you know that I admit I did wrong to you, and I am sorry. I keep on disappointing you, but you keep on loving me. Please give me one last chance.”

10. “You are my sunshine. You light up my world as no one else can. I am sorry for letting you go. Without you, it’s darkness everywhere. Please forgive me. I will do anything to win your heart back.”

You are my sunshine. You light up my world as no one else can

11. “You’ve occupied all of my thoughts. Things are beginning to fall out of place because the only person that gives me life isn’t here with me. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you.”

12. “I am so sorry that my words and actions made you cry. I was not thinking. What can I do to make things better? I would do anything to make you smile again.”

13. “I always believe you are a person with a big heart. I would like to ask for another chance. I am asking humbly for your forgiveness for the things that disappoint you. I will never do this again.”

14. “Since the day you left, my life has crumbled into pieces. I find nowhere to go, and I am so lost. I have realized that without you in my life, it’s empty and incomplete. Please come back. I promise never to break your heart again.”

15. “You know I have never been good at words. So I don’t know if I am choosing the right words or not, but I know that what I feel is true, and I am truly ashamed of what I did. I am sorry.”

16. “My life is a mess without you. How on earth did you think I could live without you being by my side? I miss your good morning messages and your good night wishes. Please forgive me.”

17. “I don’t care how many times I have to say sorry to get your apology. I will do anything to make you happy again. Please never stop loving me. I am sorry for my stupid behavior. Please respond to my text message and let me prove it.”

18. “Before meeting you, I never knew life could be this beautiful. And now, when you are mad at me, there is nothing in this world that makes me happy. All I want is another chance.”

19. “I didn’t know my words would only push you further away. Please forgive me. Just give me one more chance to right my mistake. And I promise, my love, you won’t ever regret doing that.”

20. “My love, I just wanted to let you know that there is nothing in this world that is more dear to me than you are. I know things are not good between us right now, but I know that the love between us will not let you stay angry. I am sorry.”

My love, I just wanted to let you know that there is nothing in this world that is more dear to me than you are

Final Words

No matter the wrongdoings you may have done, don’t hesitate to use one of the great apology paragraphs from this list to say sorry and ask for forgiveness.

Your sincere apology paragraph will be much appreciated and will definitely get you closer to being forgiven.

Until next time!

80 Apology Paragraphs Straight From The Heart


Essay on Value of Friendship

Students are often asked to write an essay on Value of Friendship in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look

100 Words Essay on Value of Friendship

The importance of friendship.

Friendship is a precious gift in our lives. It provides us with love, support, and companionship. Friends stand by us in our happiness and sorrow, becoming our pillars of strength.

Friendship: A Source of Joy

Friends bring joy and excitement into our lives. They help us create beautiful memories that we cherish forever. They make our journey of life more enjoyable and meaningful.

Friendship: A Support System

In times of trouble, friends become our support system. They lend us a shoulder to cry on, provide advice, and help us overcome challenges. Their presence makes our lives easier.

In conclusion, friendship adds immense value to our lives. It is a bond that we should always treasure and nurture.

250 Words Essay on Value of Friendship

The essence of friendship.

Friendship is an invaluable treasure that enriches our lives in countless ways. It is a bond that transcends the limitations of race, religion, or social strata, and is the cornerstone of emotional and mental wellbeing.

Friendship: A Pillar of Support

Friends offer an unmatched level of support during times of distress. They are our confidantes, providing a safe space to express our emotions without fear of judgment. This emotional support is crucial for maintaining mental health, especially among college students who often grapple with stress and anxiety.

The Role of Friendship in Personal Growth

Friendship also plays a pivotal role in personal growth. Friends challenge us, encouraging us to step out of our comfort zones and explore new perspectives. They help us evolve by offering constructive criticism and motivating us to strive for better.

Friendship and Social Development

Friendship contributes significantly to our social development. It helps us understand the dynamics of interpersonal relationships, respect for diversity, and the importance of empathy. These skills are vital in a globalized world where interaction with diverse cultures and viewpoints is the norm.

Conclusion: The Enduring Value of Friendship

In conclusion, the value of friendship is immense and multifaceted. It provides emotional support, fosters personal growth, and aids in social development. As college students, we must appreciate and nurture our friendships, for they are a source of strength, inspiration, and wisdom. The value of friendship is indeed priceless, making our journey through life richer and more meaningful.

500 Words Essay on Value of Friendship


Friendship, a bond that spans across all cultures, religions, and ages, is a universal concept that holds immense value in human life. It is the foundation of empathy, understanding, and mutual respect between individuals. This essay aims to delve into the value of friendship, emphasizing its significance in personal growth and societal harmony.

Friendship is not just about socializing or spending time together; it is a profound connection that transcends superficial interactions. It is a relationship built on trust, mutual respect, and shared experiences. Friends serve as mirrors, reflecting our strengths and flaws, thus aiding us in self-realization and personal development.

Friendship and Emotional Well-being

In the realm of emotional well-being, friendship plays a pivotal role. Friends provide emotional support in times of distress, acting as a cushion against life’s harsh realities. They share our joy in moments of triumph and provide solace in times of sorrow. The emotional stability offered by friendship contributes significantly to mental health, reducing feelings of loneliness and depression.

Friendship as a Catalyst for Personal Growth

Friendship is a catalyst for personal growth. Friends challenge us, provoke our thoughts, and inspire us to broaden our horizons. They encourage us to step out of our comfort zones and strive for betterment. Through constructive criticism and unwavering support, friends contribute to our character development and the enhancement of our personal skills.

Friendship and Societal Impact

Friendship in the digital age.

In today’s digital age, the concept of friendship has evolved, with online friendships becoming increasingly prevalent. While these friendships offer convenience and global connectivity, they also pose challenges in maintaining authenticity and depth in relationships. It is crucial to navigate this digital landscape with discernment, ensuring that the value of friendship is not compromised.

In conclusion, the value of friendship is immeasurable. It enriches our lives, contributing to our emotional well-being, personal growth, and societal harmony. It is a bond that, regardless of its form or medium, holds the potential to transform lives. As we navigate through life, it is essential to cherish and nurture our friendships, recognizing their profound impact on our lives.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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My Best Friend Essay, Paragraph In English 200 Words -_0.1

  • My Best Friend Essay, Paragraph In English 200 Words

My Best Friend Essay is very useful in lower classes to get good marks. My best friend in the group is Nick. He has brown eyes and black hair. My best friend is funny and is friendly by nature.

my best friend essay in english for class 2-8

Table of Contents

My Best Friend

When referring to “my best friend,” it typically means a person who holds a special and significant place in your life. A best friend is someone with whom you have a strong bond, deep trust, and a sense of understanding and companionship. They are someone you can rely on, confide in, and share both the joys and challenges of life. A best friend is often considered a close companion, a person you can be yourself with, and someone who supports you through thick and thin. They are someone you value and cherish, and their friendship brings immense happiness and fulfillment to your life.

My Best Friend Essay

My Best Friend Essay : Friendship is a precious bond that adds immense joy and support to our lives. Among all the people I have had the pleasure of knowing, my best friend holds a special place in my heart. We have been friends for as long as I can remember, and our friendship has stood the test of time.

My best friend Ramesh is a remarkable individual. They possess qualities that make them stand out from the crowd. They are kind, caring, and always ready to lend a helping hand. Whenever I need someone to talk to or seek advice from, my best friend is there for me. They listen attentively and offer thoughtful insights, helping me see things from different perspectives.

One of the reasons why our friendship has thrived is our shared interests and hobbies. We enjoy spending time together, whether it’s going on adventurous outings, watching movies, or simply having deep conversations. Our laughter echoes in the air whenever we are together, and we create memories that I will cherish forever.

What sets my best friend apart is their unwavering support and belief in me. They encourage me to pursue my dreams, pushing me to overcome challenges and strive for success. During times of difficulty, they provide a shoulder to lean on and offer words of encouragement that uplift my spirits.

In moments of celebration, my best friend is the first person I want to share my joy with. They celebrate my achievements with genuine happiness and make even the smallest victories feel significant. Their presence adds an extra sparkle to every milestone I reach.

my best friend is a true treasure in my life. They bring warmth, laughter, and support, making every day brighter. I am grateful for their friendship and the beautiful bond we share. They have become an integral part of my life, and I cherish the moments we spend together. I am truly fortunate to have such an incredible My Best Friend by my side

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My Best Friend Essay in English and Hindi 200 Words PDF

My Best Friend Essay is gievn below in PDF form.

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My Best Friend in English 200 Words

The world would become a dull place to live without friends. Friends are the ones who fill our lives with joy and are an inevitable part of our lives. They help us during our crucial times as the saying goes “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

For Class 3 – 8 students, below we have written an essay they can refer to.

I met my best friend at the time of admission to Class 1. At first, we were hesitant to talk with each other but as days passed by, we used to share our lunch and began helping each other in solving homework.

I have a lot of friends in school. My best friend in the group is Nick. He has brown eyes and black hair. My best friend is funny and is friendly by nature. He also loves to help others. He is gentle and respects others.

He is intelligent. We study, eat and play together. He stays near my home. We also play cricket in the evening. My best friend is good at outdoor sports and is the monitor of our class. We attend all the functions together. He visits my home daily. I love the food prepared by his mother.

I wish our friendship stays like this forever. He always helps me to escape from problems. I love him for all his qualities.

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My Best Friend Essay 10 lines

  • My best friend is a person who holds a special place in my life and my heart.
  • We share a deep bond of friendship that has grown stronger over time.
  • They are always there for me, offering support, guidance, and a listening ear.
  • We have created countless memories together filled with laughter, adventures, and shared experiences.
  • Trust is the foundation of our friendship, and I know I can confide in them with my deepest secrets.
  • They bring joy and happiness into my life, making even the simplest moments extraordinary.
  • In times of difficulty, they provide comfort and encouragement, helping me overcome challenges.
  • We understand each other like no one else, and our connection is built on mutual understanding and acceptance.
  • Whether we are exploring new places or simply spending time together, every moment is cherished.
  • I am grateful to have such an amazing best friend who enriches my life and makes it more meaningful.

My Best Friend à€šà€żà€Źà€‚à€§ in Hindi 200 words

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My Best Friend Paragraph

My Best friend paragraph is explained here. My best friend holds a special place in my heart. They are not just a friend but someone who understands me like no one else. We have shared countless moments of laughter, tears, and adventures together. From the moment we met, there was an instant connection that has only grown stronger over time.

What makes my best friend so incredible is their unwavering support. They are always there for me, offering a listening ear and a comforting presence. We can talk about anything and everything, knowing that our conversations are safe and judgment-free. They have a way of making me feel understood and accepted for who I am.

Beyond their emotional support, my best friend brings so much fun and excitement into my life. We have embarked on countless adventures together, whether it’s exploring new places, trying new activities, or simply going on spontaneous road trips. They have a knack for turning the ordinary into extraordinary moments filled with laughter and joy.

Trust is the foundation of our friendship. I know that I can confide in my best friend with my deepest secrets, and they will always keep them safe. We have been through thick and thin together, and their loyalty has never wavered. They are someone I can rely on, no matter the circumstances.

But it’s not just about the good times. My best friend has stood by me during the toughest moments of my life. They have provided comfort, strength, and a shoulder to lean on when I needed it the most. Their unwavering support has helped me navigate through challenges and come out stronger on the other side.

In the end, my best friend is not just a friend; they are family. They have become an integral part of my life, and I cannot imagine my days without them. Their presence brings joy, love, and an indescribable sense of belonging. I am truly grateful to have such an amazing person by my side, and I cherish our friendship more than words can express.

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Essay on Best Friend

Friendship is a priceless gem that enriches our lives in countless ways. Among the many friends we encounter throughout our journey, there is always one who stands out as our closest companion, confidant, and partner in crime. For me, that special person is my best friend. Our bond is not merely a friendship; it’s a connection that transcends time and distance, and I am grateful for the presence of this remarkable individual in my life.

The Foundation of Friendship

My best friend and I first crossed paths during our school days, and little did I know that this encounter would lay the foundation for an unbreakable bond. Our friendship was built on shared interests, common values, and a mutual understanding that made us feel comfortable in each other’s presence.

Unconditional Support

One of the most remarkable aspects of my best friend is their unwavering support. Through the highs and lows of life, they have stood by my side, offering a shoulder to cry on during difficult times and celebrating my achievements with genuine joy. This unwavering support has made the challenges of life feel less daunting.

Shared Memories

Over the years, my best friend and I have accumulated a treasure trove of memories. From childhood escapades to teenage adventures and beyond, we’ve shared laughter, tears, and everything in between. These memories are a testament to the depth of our friendship, and they continue to bring a smile to my face.

Trust and Understanding

Trust is the cornerstone of any strong friendship, and my best friend and I trust each other implicitly. We can confide in one another without fear of judgment, knowing that our secrets are safe. This trust has created an atmosphere of openness and honesty that has deepened our connection.

Complementary Qualities

While we share many similarities, my best friend and I also possess complementary qualities. Where I may be hesitant, they are bold, and where I may lack certain skills, they excel. This balance has allowed us to learn from each other and grow as individuals.

Supportive Criticism

True friendship isn’t just about offering support; it’s also about providing constructive criticism when needed. My best friend has never hesitated to point out my flaws or mistakes, but they do so with kindness and the genuine intention of helping me become a better person.

Lifelong Friend

My best friend is not just a friend for a season but a friend for a lifetime. Our friendship has weathered the storms of change, distance, and life’s various challenges. No matter where life takes us, I am confident that our bond will remain intact.

In conclusion, my best friend is a treasure in my life. Their unwavering support, shared memories, trust, and complementary qualities have enriched my journey in countless ways. This friendship is a source of joy, comfort, and inspiration, and I am truly grateful for their presence. As we continue to navigate the twists and turns of life together, I cherish the fact that I have a best friend who is more like family.

Sharing is caring!

What is a true best friend?

A true best friend is the one who is always there during your tough times, helps you to understand your weaknesses, and at the same time is also proud of your achievements and success.

What do we call a best friend?

There are many nicknames people give to their best friends. You can call them any one of these bosom buddy, close friend, companion, or create a new one.

What does bestie mean?

Bestie is the short form of a best friend.

What are 3 best friends called?

There are a lot of names you can call for 3 best friends. The most common ones are Charlie's Angels, The Power puff Girls, Takes Three to Spill the Tea, Trio Chat's Popping'

Why do I look like my best friend?

People unconsciously try to mimic their friends as they spend most of their time with friends. They tend to copy their look, accent, and behaviors.

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My Best Friend Essay

In this My Best Friend Essay , we had described Friendship is the most precious gift of life, indeed an asset in life, it gives us the strength to fight!

A person who has a true friend in life is lucky, it makes our life full of sweetness and pleasant experience.

In this article  Essay on My Best Friend , we had provided the essays in different word limits, which you can use as per your need:

Short Essay My Best Friend 200 words:

My favourite friend’s name is Vishal. I and my friend go to study together in a school named Adarsh Vidya Mandir.

Vishal is a friend of very big heart like his name, he is always happy and makes me happy too. We both study in the same class.

My friend is very good in great nature. We both eat together in school and also share food.

Vishal is also very clever in studies, he passes the first class every time, at first I was very weak in studies, but since Vishal and my deep friendship have formed, I also pass the first class every time.

My friend also comes to my house sometimes and my parents like him very much. Vishal’s father is a teacher and mother is a housewife.

Essay on My Best Friend 500 words:

I have many good friends but the best friend is Amit, he lives near my house. Amit is from a middle-class family but is very promising and honest.

He always respects the elders, his best habit is that he sleeps early in the night and get up early in the morning to go for a walk together.

He always tells me new stories and jokes, we have a good friend since childhood, if I ever make a mistake, and he forgives me.

Amit’s father is an Engineer & his mother stays at housewife; he has a smiling face, which makes anyone smile, who sees him happy.

Whenever I am in trouble, he always stands with me and plays with me, we both go to the same school to study.

Amit is very intelligent in reading, he comes first in class every time, and he is such a good boy that teachers of our school also praise him.

Whenever I am frustrated, he encourages me and advises never to give up; we both play cricket together in the evening after coming from school.

Amit is very punctual, he never misuses time. Amit brother is a lawyer and he will also want to grow up to become a lawyer, whenever I visit her house she gives me a lot of affection.

Amit has a younger sister, who studies in class 3. She is just like my sister and I love her very much. She also ties me a rakhi on every Rakshabandhan.

He plays the cricket game best and goes to play on behalf of the school every time and wins the gold medal.

He is liked by all the students in the school and our teacher’s s also consider his talent as iron.

One day, he made an old man cross the road, he always thinks about the happiness of others.

 He always talks positively, he is so virtuous yet does not boast about anything.

Essay on My Best Friend 1000 Words

Essay on My Best Friend 1000 Words:

My dearest and true friend is Ravi, he is very simple. Ravi always respects elders and talks to them politely.

I have never heard him talk in a loud voice to anyone. I study with him in the same school and we together go to school every day.

First, we visit the temple of Mother Saraswati built in the school and then bow to the teachers.

Ravi’s talking style is so amazing that he talks to everyone so well that everyone loves me.

He never hates anyone, whereas I used to hate him earlier, but now my habit has also changed due to being with Ravi.

Ravi’s father is a doctor in a big hospital in the city. He is very good. Whenever I go to his house, he loves me very much and sometimes takes us to the market.

Ravi’s mother is a teacher, she is a very quiet and humble woman. Whenever I go to Ravi’s house, she always gives me breakfast and also asks about our studies.

Ravi’s grandparents also live with him, he always tells us enlightening stories and also loves us very much.

Ravi also serves his grandparents a lot and obeys every one of his commandments.

Ravi’s grandparents are very good-natured, meeting me makes me feel as if I am meeting my grandparents.

Ravi too wants to grow up and become a big doctor just like his father

Ravi always has a love for everyone, he always helps me. Also, read my best friend essay FAQ.

 At first, I was weak in studies but since Ravi has become my friend, I too pass the first class.

Ravi and my house are in the same locality, so we get up early in the morning and go for a walk in the garden and after coming from school, all of us friends meet and play Kho-Kho, it is our favourite sport.

Every time Ravi comes first in class, Ravi is interested in sports along with being intelligent in studies.

Ravi’s favourite game is chess, whenever a chess game is organized, Ravi always participates in it and wins & always brings up the name of the school.

He always wears clean clothes and we took part in the healthy campaign of India and also cleaned our neighbourhood, for this we were also honoured by the residents of the neighbourhood.

Ravi and I love to participate in cultural events, so we recite poems every year at the school’s annual festival.

Last time I had recited poems on the sun and Ravi on the moon, people are very happy to hear poems for us.

Ravi is in harmony with everyone, he never degrades anyone and does not lie to anyone, and he hates the people who lie.

We both eat food together in school and share it & we never hide anything from each other.

He is always full of confidence, he is very eager to receive new education, he has a different sharp face on his mouth due to which all people love him.

He always serves everyone selflessly, there has never been any selfishness in our friendship and perhaps that is why we are such good friends.

He is my true friend because he did not leave me even in adversity. Also, read my best friend essay Conclusion.

Once upon a time, I became very ill, as soon as he came to know that he ran to serve me, ran to the hospital & he used to call me continuously until I was discharged from the hospital.

Ravi is very fond of painting, as soon as he gets time, he keeps making different kinds of paintings.

One day we were sitting in the garden, then he made a perfect painting of the garden, it was nice.

Whenever he comes to my house, he touches my parent’s feet first and takes blessings, it shows how much he respects and respects the elders.

He always asks my parents about his health, sometimes I get tears in my eyes to see how someone can be so good.

He has always been my inspiration because of that there has been such a big change in my habits today, if it does not happen, then maybe today I would not have been so good.

He is truly my dearest friend as well as a good brother & I am proud that I had a dear friend.

You may have many friends in life, but make friends who will never leave you in any trouble.

Also read: 1. My School Essay 2. My Mother Essay 3. My Favorite Teacher 4. Essay on My father


In the end, make good friends, who never hurt or deceive your friends, whether sorrow or happiness always support each other and always help each other. This is the real form of friendship.

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51 Birthday Paragraphs to Make Your BFF Feel Special on Their Big Day

They've been by your side through it all – now it's time to make your best friend feel extra special on their birthday! 

Finding words to express how much your BFF means to you can be challenging. 

That's why we've crafted 51 thoughtful paragraphs to help you put your unique friendship into words. 

These heartfelt messages will remind your bestie just how much their friendship means to you. 

Get ready to celebrate your number one pal with birthday wishes they'll cherish forever. 

What Should I Write in My Best Friend's Birthday Paragraph?

51 birthday paragraphs for your best friend, 1. through thick and thin, 2. forever friends, 3. lucky to have you, 4. meant to be, 5. perfect pair, 6. kindred spirits, 8. strength in you, 9. bonded souls, 10. god's gift, 11. how to celebrate your bff's birthday, 12. birthday blunders, 14. partner in crime, 15. bff soulmates, 16. my day one, 17. astrologically incompatible, 18. you do you, 19. my unpaid therapist, 20. social butterfly, 21. shine bright, 22. adventures await, 23. my muse , 24. the yin to my yang, 25. my favorite hello, 26. we go together, 27. thanks for the memories, 28. quirk queen, 29. truly yourself, 30. kindred spirits , 31. the heart in my day, 32. spread your wings, 33. love like you've never been hurt, 34. courage to be you, 35. strength and resilience , 36. free spirit , 37. success and passion, 38. laughter always , 39. lifelong health  , 40. fearlessly forward, 41. limitless love, 42. birthday bash, 43. day full of light, 44. toast to you , 45. better together, 46. lifelong besties, 47. endless light, 48. epic birthday coming, 49. birthday gal pal , 50. bff soulmate , 51. sweet wishes , what should you not write in a best friend birthday paragraph, write them in a card , text or email them  , post on social media, read aloud in person, make a video, bake your paragraph into a cake, final thoughts.

Let’s start with some general topics to consider as you craft a birthday note or message.

You want your words to capture what this person and your friendship mean to you.

woman smiling reading phone walking Birthday Paragraphs for Your Best Friend

Here are some ideas to help you create a thoughtful, meaningful birthday paragraph:

  • Express your gratitude – Start by sharing how grateful you are for their friendship and everything they add to your life. Recount favorite memories that showcase why you value them so much.
  • Celebrate their uniqueness – Highlight your bestie's personality quirks and talents that make them so special. Compliment who they are as an individual.
  • Share hopes for the upcoming year – Wish for their happiness, success, health, and adventure in the year ahead. Let them know you'll be by their side through it all.
  • Make them laugh – Include a funny memory, inside joke, or good-natured teasing to give them a laugh on their big day.
  • Speak from the heart – Most importantly, your words should be authentic. Sincerely share what this friend means to you.

Make your BFF's birthday extra special this year with these 51 thoughtful paragraphs. 

Tailored just for your number one pal, these genuine messages perfectly capture your unique friendship.

Get ready to touch your bestie's heart!

Emotional Best Friend Birthday Paragraphs

Where would I be without you by my side? You've been there for me through it all – the ups and downs, tears and triumphs. Having a friend as caring, supportive, and loyal as you means the world to me. Every new memory we make together becomes an instant favorite. You make me laugh harder than anyone else. You're the first person I want to call when I have exciting news to share. Thanks for being the best friend a girl could ask for – may all your birthday wishes come true this year!

We've come a long way from our playground days, but what hasn't changed is how much your friendship means to me. You've become family, my sister from another mister! I couldn't imagine my life without our unforgettable adventures, endless laughs, and 2 a.m. conversations. No one gets me or puts up with my quirks like you do. I'm so grateful I get to celebrate another year of your life. Let's vow to keep making each other smile every single day. Happy birthday to my forever friend!

They say good friends are hard to find, but I lucked out when I met you. Whenever we're together, the hours fly by, and my face hurts from laughing! Being vulnerable and real with someone is a gift; you've seen all my flaws and love me anyway. I wish I could capture our inside jokes and special moments in a bottle to keep forever. You deserve the best birthday yet, beautiful soul. I love you more than words can say!

I'll never forget the first time we met – everything just clicked. Flash forward to today, and you're still my best friend. You've become family and have a permanent place in my heart. We've been through so much together already, and I can't wait to see what the next chapter brings! Wherever you go, I'll follow. Whatever you face, I'll be right beside you. I'm endlessly grateful for our late-night chats, ridiculous adventures, and wine nights. Let's keep making magical memories. Happy birthday, my soul sista!

We finish each other's sentences, crack each other up, and share the kind of bond people search forever to find. I count myself so lucky to call you my best friend! You make every day brighter. Looking back on our countless inside jokes and wild adventures makes me smile. Please never change or lose that contagious zest for life that lights up any room you walk into. I hope you're showered with love and joy on your special day!

Since meeting you, I've become a better person in so many ways. Your kind heart, fearless spirit, and loyal friendship inspire me daily. Laughing with you until I can't breathe and sharing my deepest thoughts are some of my favorite things. We've both grown over the years, but what ties us together remains – trust, laughter, memories, and love. There's no one else I'd rather navigate life with by my side. May all your hopes come true this year. Happy birthday, my kindred spirit!

women laughing outdoors Birthday Paragraphs for Your Best Friend

I've hit the friendship jackpot with you! Life is infinitely better because you're in it. Thanks for the endless hugs when I need them most, patient advice when I'm unsure what to do, and the ability to turn any bad day around. Your free spirit lifts me up and helps me take risks. The songs that remind me of you, inside jokes only we understand, and adventures around the world are etched in my heart forever. I can't wait to create more perfect memories! Wishing you the happiest birthday.

You see the best in me when I can't see it in myself. Even during my lowest moments, you remind me of my strength and ability to overcome anything. I'm endlessly grateful for our midnight conversations, spur-of-the-moment getaways, and unconditional support. You've become the sister I've always wanted! My only wish for your birthday is that this year brings you endless laughter, love, and adventures – you deserve it all.

I can't imagine life without our impromptu dance-a-thons, laughs that lead to tears, and profound 3 a.m. talks. You've become family to me, and I'm thankful for our connection every single day. We lift each other up and share a bond few will understand. Wherever you go next, I'll be right by your side. I hope this birthday is your happiest, most magical one yet. May all your dreams come true, my soul friend! 

God knew exactly what he was doing when he brought us together. I can't imagine sharing life's ups and downs with anyone but you! Thanks for the constant shoulder to lean on, words of encouragement when I need them most, and the ability to turn any bad day around with one corny joke. Simply put, you make my life better every day. I wish I could stop time so we could live in this moment forever. Happy birthday to my beautiful best friend. Love you.

Funny Best Friend Birthday Paragraphs

Get the cake, decorations, and gifts ready to celebrate the most awesome person on the planet – you! But be warned, this birthday girl is no ordinary human. We're talking surprise parties that start at dawn, hundreds of balloons filling every room, piñatas stuffed with glitter…you better be prepared! Seriously though, you deserve the most epic and magical birthday celebration for being the best friend anyone could ask for. Now, let's get this party started! 

Remember the time we tried baking you a birthday cake and almost burned down the kitchen? Or when we got lost driving to your surprise party? Okay, so maybe we're not the best at pulling off birthday plans. But hey, at least we always laugh hysterically about our birthday blunders after the fact! The only thing that matters is celebrating you on your special day. Even if our attempts at birthday surprises don't go as planned, they sure do make some great memories. Here's to many more funny birthday stories to come.

Of all the weird couples and friendships we know, we're obviously the OTP – one true pairing! We're pretty much the definition of “true friendship.” Everyone knows our names together: [Your Names]. We even have our own emoji! Other friends wish they had the connection we do. But ours is one of a kind. Happy birthday to my number-one friend and partner for life! Let's set sail on another year of adventure.

From childhood shenanigans to adult adventures, we've been partners in crime through it all! Thanks for always being down for another crazy scheme or spontaneous road trip. My life would be so boring without you pushing me out of my comfort zone and bringing out my wild side. We'll be 80 years old and still creating wild mischief together! Happy birthday to my OG partner in crime – here's to many more years of adventures!

Can you believe we've been tied at the hip for so long now? It must be because we're friendship soulmates – two peas in a pod! No one else gets my weird quirks and awful jokes like you do. And I totally accept your questionable taste in music and TV shows. We just click! I can't imagine life without our silly hangouts and nonstop laughter. Here's to celebrating many more birthdays with my amazing best friend and soul sister!

A lot of things have changed over the years, but one thing's stayed the same – you being my number one ride-or-die bestie! We've been through every milestone together and have a million amazing memories. No matter where life takes us, I'm grateful to have my day one by my side. Happy birthday to the realest friend I'll ever have! Let's keep making magic.

According to astrology, we should be the worst match ever. A fiery Aries and chilled-out Libra? No way! But somehow, we make the perfect pair. You balance out my intensity, and I pull you out of your shell. We complement each other so well. I wouldn't change our “incompatible” friendship for the world! Thanks for proving horoscopes wrong with me. Happy birthday, astrological opposite and true soulmate!

You've always followed the beat of your own drum, and that's what I love about you! Like when you wore mismatched shoes to prom or got that wild dye job. You're unapologetically YOU. Thanks for the constant inspiration to embrace my quirks and live authentically, too. Never stop being your awesome, weird self! Wishing the happiest birthday to my favorite weirdo .

You've listened to me vent and overanalyze things for hours without complaint. Not to mention talked me through every crisis under the sun! Thanks for being my unpaid therapist over the years. I know I can always count on you for honest advice and a shoulder to lean on, even when I'm being totally irrational. Sorry for always info-dumping on you! Here's to celebrating the world's most patient BFF. Happy Birthday, girlfriend!! 

woman sitting at desk writing a card Birthday Paragraphs for Your Best Friend

You've always been the social butterfly of our duo – the one chatting with strangers in line and making new friends everywhere you go. Meanwhile, I'm hiding behind you, horrified! But I'm so grateful you push me out of my introverted shell to have new experiences. My life would be so small without you expanding my horizons. Thanks for keeping things exciting! Happy birthday, my favorite social butterfly.

Sweet Best Friend Birthday Paragraphs

Your inner light and magnetic energy are impossible to ignore. When you walk into a room, you make it brighter instantly. We all feel drawn to your vibrant spirit and enthusiasm for life. When I need a boost of optimism or cheer, I know your shining presence will lift me up. Thanks for sharing your glow! Don't ever stop radiating your one-of-a-kind light. The world sparkles more because you're in it. Happy birthday, luminous soul!

Every day with you feels like an adventure! I have so much fun by your side, whether we're road-tripping across the country or making pancakes in our PJs. You make life exciting and full of memories I cherish. Here's to all of our future escapades, big and small! I can't wait to explore more of this beautiful world with my adventure buddy. Wherever you roam next, I'll be right beside you. Let the adventures continue. Happy birthday!

Your free spirit, fearless authenticity, and zest for life never fail to inspire me. My creativity flourishes when we spend time together! You're like a muse that makes me realize what I can achieve. I could listen to your ideas, stories, and wild dreams for hours. Promise me you'll never lose that imaginative sparkle in your eyes or stop seeing magic in the world. I'm so grateful our paths crossed. Please keep sharing your light. Happy birthday, my dear friend!

We're total opposites, yet perfect counterparts – the yin yang to each other's energy! While I overthink, you live spontaneously. When I stress out, your calm steadies me. My heart is brighter thanks to your optimism and spirit. Though different, we strike the perfect balance as BFFs. Thanks for keeping me grounded while I encourage you to dream big! Here's to many more years of friendship symbiosis. Happy birthday! 

Hearing your enthusiastic “hello!” when we meet up is my favorite sound ever. No matter how long it's been, you greet me with that huge smile and infectious excitement! Talking and laughing with you always feels like coming home. Our marathon phone chats fly by in seconds. Thanks for being my number one person to share news with, rant to, and laugh with every single day. I can't wait for a lifetime more of hellos together!

Like peanut butter and jelly, mac and cheese, or socks and shoes – we simply go together! Everyone knows us as a set; where there's one of us, the other's close by. I'm so grateful to have found the perfect companion for life's journey. Thanks for all the special memories so far and the millions more to come! Happy birthday to the other half of my matching pair.

Every memory with you is special.  I wish I could bottle them up to relive forever! Falling asleep at sleepovers, giggling, belting out songs on road trips, and late nights full of secrets and dreams. We've made so many magical memories already, and I can't wait to make a million more! Thanks for always being down for spontaneous adventures, even now that we're “adults.” Here's to a lifetime of friendship memories!

Don't ever stop embracing your wonderfully weird quirks because they make you, YOU! I love it when you spontaneously break into song and dance, speak in funny accents, or come up with imaginative new vocab words. Your one-of-a-kind self brightens the world. Stay shining, quirk queen! Wishing you the quirkiest birthday celebration full of whatever makes your soul happy.

You live so authentically, never afraid to be your quirky, one-of-a-kind self. That bold spirit inspires me daily. Don't let anyone ever dull your shine! The world is brighter with you spreading joy as the amazing person you are. Stay true to yourself always. Here's to celebrating your beautiful, unique soul. Keep rocking your authentic you this birthday and for years to come!

Rarely do you meet someone and instantly click – two kindred spirits destined to be friends. That's how it felt when we met! Our senses of humor, deepest values, and worldviews just aligned. With you, I never have to filter myself or pretend. I trust you completely. I'm so grateful the universe brought us together. My soul is better for knowing yours. Here's to more midnight talks and future adventures with my kindred spirit!

Even on the most stressful days, talking to you restores my spirit and recharges me with positivity. Your beautiful heart and empathy make you so easy to confide in. Thanks for being an oasis of kindness! No matter where we are, keep spreading your light. Wishing you a birthday as special as you are – the heart in all of my days.

Best Wishes Birthday Paragraphs for Your Best Friend

You have so many beautiful dreams, and I know with your determination, all of them can come true! This next year is full of infinite possibilities. Follow every heart's desire that calls you. Take big risks without fear. Say yes to new adventures that light you up inside. The world is ready for everything wonderful you have to offer. Reach for the stars, beautiful dreamer. Spread your wings – the sky's the limit this year! 

You give love freely with your whole heart. Never lose that ability to care deeply, dream wildly, and trust fully, even if you get burned. Stay soft and open because you deserve an extraordinary love story. This birthday, may you continue believing in romance, magic, and lifelong partnerships. Keep your heart kind, eyes bright, and spirit hopeful. Here's to you finding the match for your beautiful soul who can celebrate many birthdays to come with you. 

Live boldly as your authentic, wildly wonderful self – always! It takes courage and inner strength to embrace all that makes you special without apology. But please keep shining bright in this world. Stay true to your dreams, values, and vision, no matter what. My birthday wish is for you to feel pride in who you are, unbreakable confidence, and the bravery to take up space as your amazing self. The world needs your light!

Obstacles in life are inevitable, but I know you can tackle any challenge with your perseverance and grit. You're the strongest person I know inside and out. When tough times come your way, remember your courage and know you have an inner warrior. Stay resilient through the ups and downs. I believe in you always. Wishing you endless strength on your journey! Happiest of birthdays, my amazing friend.

My wish for you this year is that you stay wildly free and true to your adventurous soul! Dream with abandon, live spontaneously, explore without limits, and never ignore a restless spirit. The whole beautiful world is yours to roam. Say yes to all the crazy schemes that make your heart soar! Here's to embracing your inner gypsy. Never stop wandering.

I hope this year brings you great success in pursuing your passions! You have so many talents to share. Keep reaching for dreams that light your soul on fire. Say yes to growth and opportunities, and take pride in how hard you've worked. You're capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. Here's to crushing goals and living purposefully. I believe in you, my dream chaser friend!

Through good times and bad, may your bright spirit stay playful and joyful. You have the best laugh that instantly uplifts everyone around you! I hope you never lose that contagious giggle. Keep spreading smiles and happiness everywhere you go. The world could use more of your optimism and laughter. Stay glowing! I wish you endless reasons to chuckle this year.

As you celebrate this trip around the sun, I wish for you incredible health and energy to live life to the fullest! Take good care of your mind, body, and spirit. You deserve to thrive and feel your personal best. Make self-care your word for the year and prioritize it because you're so worth it! I'll always be cheering you on in prioritizing your well-being. Here's to a year of feeling amazing in your heart, body, and soul. Happy Birthday!

I love how you keep moving forward through life boldly without letting fear hold you back! My birthday wish for you is that you continue to take risks, leap into new experiences, and say yes to growth. Don't let doubt or worry stop you from living your biggest life. Feel proud of how far you've come already! I'll always be your cheerleader, urging you on as you charge ahead fearlessly. Let this birthday mark the beginning of a year of living fearlessly!

I hope your heart stays open to receive boundless love and kindness this year. You have so much warmth to give, and you deserve it all in return! Keep your spirit hopeful for a lifelong partnership and utterly devoted friendships (but no one as devoted as me!). May you be surrounded with support and affection. Here's to your most heart-full year yet – you deserve all the love in the world!

Text Happy Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend

Wishing the happiest birthday to my bestie and partner in all fun and crazy things! I hope your day is as bright and awesome as you are. Get ready for the most epic virtual birthday bash ever tonight! I've got balloons, cake, confetti, music, and some slightly embarrassing surprises! Clear your evening plans because we're celebrating you in style with all your faves. You deserve the world today. I love you and can't wait to celebrate!

Happy birthday, sunshine! Here's to a day as bright and joyful as your beautiful soul. My wish for you is laughter, love, and good vibes all day. You make the world a little warmer just by being you. Celebrate yourself today because you're amazing, and I’m so lucky to count you as my best friend . Let's make magical memories soon. Sending the biggest virtual hug and all my love!

Cheers to another year around the sun – you're officially leveling up in life today, bestie! I'm so proud of you and all you've accomplished. You amaze me more each day. I wish I could raise a birthday toast to you in person, but know I'm celebrating you in spirit! You deserve the best day. Sending all my love on your special day!

Happy birthday to my partner in crime and ride-or-die bestie! Thanks for always being my plus one to life's adventures, big and small. They're a million times better with you. I wish I could deliver your birthday cake personally today. Just know I'm thinking of you! Let's plan a duo celebration ASAP. Enjoy your day, soul friend! Love you.

We've been besties for life's ups and downs, and every day in between. I'm so grateful for our memories and endless laughs over the years! You truly feel like family to me – the sister I never had. Wish we could toast to your birthday in person, but know I'm celebrating you in spirit today! Here's to a lifetime more of friendship. Love you so much!

Wishing you a day filled with as much joy and light as you bring to my life, bestie! Thanks for always knowing how to make me smile. Celebrate yourself – you're so worthy of a magical day. Sending the biggest virtual hugs and so much love! Can't wait to party with you soon. Have your happiest birthday yet!

My favorite person ever was born today – HAPPY BIRTHDAY, bestie!! I hope your day feels as special as you are! I've got big celebratory plans for us soon so be prepared for some serious birthday madness! For now, relax and enjoy your day. You deserve the world! Sending lots of virtual hugs and love on your special day!

Happy birthday to my number-one gal pal! Thanks for the endless laughs, adventures, and memories over the years. I wish I could be with you to celebrate today. Just know I'm sending so much bday love from afar! Let's plan a get-together ASAP to celebrate my fave person! You deserve the best day. Love you so much!

My dearest friend ever, I hope you have the most magical birthday! I wish we could hang out in person, but I'm thinking of you and sending you so much love today. We've made so many amazing memories over the years. Can't wait to make a million more! You deserve the world, so let’s celebrate in style soon!

Wishing the sweetest friend ever a very happy birthday! Thanks for always knowing how to make my day brighter. I hope your birthday is as happy and bright as you make me feel all the time! Let's have a crazy celebration to remember soon. For now, relax and treat yourself like the queen you are! Sending virtual hugs and so much love today!

Figuring out the perfect words for your best friend's birthday paragraph can be tricky. While you want the message to be meaningful, there are some things you'll want to avoid including. Here's what not to write:

  • Forgetful wishes – Don't open with something like “Oops, I missed your birthday again. I’ve been so busy.” You want to show you care, not that you forgot.
  • Dry or impersonal messages – Don't just write a quick “Happy Birthday!” Avoid generic phrases that could be for anyone. Make it specific to your friendship.
  • Overly critical jokes – Teasing is fine, but don't roast them too harshly. Avoid phrases like “Can't believe you're even older!”
  • Sentimental stories they weren't part of – Don't reminisce about memories you didn't share together. Keep it focused on your friendship.
  • Anything negative or pessimistic – Don't dampen their day with sad stories or complaints. Keep it upbeat!

The goal is to make your bestie feel special, loved, and celebrated. Focus on positive memories and uplifting messages to do just that!

Fun Ways to Share These Birthday Paragraphs for Your Bestie

No matter how you decide to deliver your thoughtful birthday message, make it special for your number one pal! Here are some fun ideas for sharing these b-day paragraphs:

Nothing beats a heartfelt handwritten card to make someone feel special. Choose a silly or sentimental card that fits your friendship. Copy your favorite paragraph inside by hand so your bestie can read your personalized message over and over. 

If you can't be there in person, sending your birthday paragraph via text or email is a great way to brighten their day from afar. Feel free to share multiple paragraphs spaced out throughout their birthday for an extra dose of love!

In addition to a private message just for them, share your birthday love publicly on social media. Paste your paragraph in their birthday post on Facebook or in an Instagram story tribute. Tag them so they're notified.

For ultimate impact, read your touching paragraph out loud when you're together to celebrate their big day. Make eye contact while you share from the heart for a meaningful moment.

Record yourself reading the paragraph aloud and send them a cute video message they can replay. Get creative with fun backgrounds, props, or edits!

For a tasty surprise, have your paragraph iced or written in chocolate on top of their birthday cake. Or write it on a small paper you baked inside the cake. They can read while they eat!

However you choose to share your personalized message, your bestie is sure to feel the love and thought you put into brightening their special day!

This collection of 51 thoughtful birthday paragraphs covers it all – funny quips, sweet memories, sincere wishes, and everything in between. With so many genuine messages tailored just for your number one pal, you're sure to remind your best friend how much they mean to you. Share from the heart to spread smiles on their special day!

Happy Birthday Paragraphs for Your Best Friend

Friends bring out the true essence of life and make our time on earth pleasant, memorable and meaningful. But apart from all the friends, a best friend surely takes a special place in one’s life. A best friend understands you without words, makes you smile without effort, and loves you without any condition!

If today is your best friend’s birthday, check out some sweet birthday paragraphs for best friend below!

Heart Touching Birthday Paragraphs

Happy Birthday, dear best friend! You have always been a part of my happiest moments, as well as my gloomy ones. I am lucky to have a friend of a lifetime with whom I can express my thoughts and share my dreams. On your special day, I hope you will receive the love and care you deserve!

Happy birthday bestie (Put Name)! You deserve nothing more than all the success and happiness in your life. I hope you have an amazing day filled with the things you love. Wish you many many happy returns of the day! Love you baby ❀

birthday paragraph for best friend

Having you as a friend means walking around with my personal guardian angel! My best friend, you are a companion like no other! I cherish our friendship to the moon and back, and I wish we would always remain like this! Happy Birthday to you! May you spend a really meaningful day filled with happiness!

Happy Birthday, (Best Friend Name)! Thanks to you, I can go on my day without any worries as you’ll always have my back, no matter what! I wish we can keep making wonderful memories together and support each other till the end of the road! Hope you have a great time today!

True friends are rare to find, and my best friend is one of a kind! Happiest birthday to my partner in every crime and craziness. I can’t imagine how dull my life would’ve been without you. So, stick around and have a great year ahead.

Friends are the family that we choose, and I’m so glad that I chose you as my soul sister. You comfort me, motivate me, and care for me unconditionally. You know me better than I do, and yet you never judge me. Even when we’re old and gray, I want you and only you as my best friend. Wishing you the best birthday, prettiest girl (Insert Name)!

May your life be full of sunshine and rainbows. May you stay surrounded by love and peace. May you get all the triumphs that you deserve. May each of your dreams turn into reality. Wish you a superb birthday, best friend.

Best friend, Happy Birthday to you! Since a very young age, you have been very dependable and perceptive. You always took care of me in your own ways and cheered me up to become my best version. I am truly grateful to have found a friend like you! Let’s be friends for life!

Happy Birthday to my dearest friend! Nothing makes me happier than to see you jubilant and content on this day. I hope you carry on forward with that wonderful smile on your face. I wish you the happiest birthday. You’re one of the greatest friends I could ever ask for. You have made my life a joy ride and I hope you find the same joy and many more on this day.

From bickering nonstop about silly things to preserving each other’s secrets with loyalty, we surely have grown up! Dear best friend, only a few people are fortunate enough to share their whole lives with the same friend, and thankfully, I am one of them! You and I must be goals! Happy Birthday to you!

text happy birthday paragraph for best friend

One year older, wiser, and more fabulous than ever before! Happy birthday, dear best friend. Keep aging like fine wine; keep adding colors to my world. Enjoy the many adventures that await in your path. I will always be right here, cheering for you.

Congratulations on completing another delightful trip around the sun! May you get a hundred more trips, and may all of those bring you happiness. I hope life throws nothing but the best things at you, my dear. Have a terrific day!

Happy Birthday, my grumpy best friend! Thank you for being the mature one in this friendship and stopping me from doing dumb adventures! If it were not for you, I wouldn’t be the same person I am now. I hope we can stay as each other’s anchors for a long time ahead!

Friends are special, but you are the most special. Happy birthday, best friend! Thank you for coming into the world and my life; having you by my side is a blessing! Stay wild, and have an exciting year ahead.

You are not only my best friend but also my sibling from another mother. You are my partner in crime; nobody understands me the way you do. You are truly the best friend one could ask for. Happy birthday to you, buddy.

My friend, I am thankful that we met so early in our lives and spent our best day together! All my childhood memories are marked with laughter, fun, and love because of you. To this day, you are still sunshine in human form- brightening up my days effortlessly! Happy Birthday to you, buddy!

Happy Birthday, dear! I wish on this merry occasion I could make you feel as happy as you make me every single day! The times we have spent together might not be big in numbers, but they are special with the laughter we shared, the care we showed, and the memories we weaved!

emotional best friend birthday paragraphs

Being your friend has taught me how precious this everlasting bond can be! Even if the whole world turns its back to me, I know you will still look out for me. I am so thankful for all that you do for me with your kind heart! Happy Birthday, my dear!

Happy Birthday, my best friend! You have always dealt with my moods, listened to my tantrums patiently, and adored me with your arms wide open! You have always been my lighthouse in a blinding storm, spread happiness even in the darkest hours, and held my hand throughout everything! I am really lucky to have you in my life!

In a world full of strangers, you are the shoulder I can blindly rely upon. You don’t know how blessed I feel to have you. You can’t imagine how special you are to me. All I can say is, you are my favorite human on earth. Have a splendid birthday, best friend.

You’ve picked me up whenever I needed it. You’ve put uncountable smiles on my face. You’ve taught me what real friendships look like. I’m so proud to call you my best friend, and I wish you the happiest birthday ever. May your life ahead be as euphoric as you are.

Happy birthday to my best friend and my strongest support system. You’ve been there for me through every laughter and sorrow, and I wish to be the same to you. May you get showered with joy and success on your special day and forever.

Happy birthday to my human diary, the one I can tell anything and everything about. Life might not be a bed of roses, but your existence makes it worth bearing. Thank you for being my forever companion, buddy. Love you.

Also Read: 100+ Birthday Wishes For a Friend (Sweet and Touchy)

Birthday Paragraphs for Best Friend Girl

Happy birthday to the cutest girl in our friend squad. You are the most wonderful person I have ever met in my life. I hope everyone loves you as much as I love you. Wishing you happiness and good fortune for today and every day.

The way we make each other laugh and tolerate each other’s shenanigans is beyond words! I am the craziest around you, and my life would’ve been so boring if you weren’t in it. So, get old but don’t die yet! Happy birthday!

From being childish together to wiping each other’s tears, we have formed the strongest bond in the world. You are an inseparable part of my heart, bestie. There’s no one like you and there’s no one to ever replace you. I love you too much! Wish you the happiest birthday so far.

You are strong, kind, smart and beautiful. You are one hell of a lady, and I would never miss a chance to celebrate you. So, happy birthday, best friend. Party hard, eat loads of cake and have all the fun in the world because today is all about you!

birthday paragraph for best friend girl

Happy birthday, and cheers to the most fabulous girl I know! From sharing makeup to wiping each other’s tears, we have made the most beautiful memories, and many more are yet to come. For now, stay blessed and have a magical life ahead.

Your existence makes me so happy, which is why your birthday is one of my most special days. Happy birthday, gorgeous! Conquer every trouble and keep shining like you always do. And if you ever need me, I am right beside you.

Happy birthday girl! You always spread happiness with your bubbly personality and gorgeous smile. I feel proud to be your best friend and I appreciate how you always put others before yourself and make everyone feel special. On this special day, I’m wishing you a special celebration. Eat sweet cake, pop up your favorite drink and enjoy with your friends and family.

Happy Birthday to the sweetest person I know! You are not just a friend but a sister to me. Thank you for teaching me the true meaning of friendship, always being my trusted company, and always making me smile. Love you from the bottom of my heart!

My charming best friend, no one else understands, cares, or listens to me like you do. You’re the one and only soulmate I can find in this universe, so I’m never letting you go! Your values, principles, and insights inspire me to live freely and chase my dreams. Wishing you immense laughter ahead! Happy Birthday!

Religious Birthday Paragraphs for Your Best Friend

Friendship must be a heavenly blessing from God because my life has drastically taken a positive turn after you arrived into it! May our friendship only strengthen with time, teach us righteous ways to lead a fruitful life, and allow us to leave a good influence on each other! Happy Birthday, dear best friend!

My best friend, Happy Birthday to you! You are one of the kindest persons I know because your golden heart always holds compassion, bravery, empathy, and generosity for others! On your special day, I pray that God rewards you generously for the love you spread and the kindness you show!

birthday wishes paragraph for best friend

Happy Birthday to you, dear best friend! Birthdays definitely get better when they start with gifts, but what better gift I can bring other than my never-ending prayers for you? Buddy, I earnestly wish that all your dreams will be heard, all your goals will be achieved and all your good deeds will be returned to you!

God has given me enough blessings to be thankful for, but you are the brightest one among my rewards! I am sure that we crossed paths because we were meant to become best friends for a whole lifetime! So, Happy Birthday, best friend! May God look upon us with His merciful eyes and always guide us towards our rightful destiny!

I’m wishing my beautiful friend a very special birthday. May your beauty never fade and age adds wisdom to your life. May God bless you and keep you safe always. Even if I can’t be there to personally wish you a happy occasion right now, know that you are one of the lucky few to have me on your side. A very happy birthday to you!

Read: 135 Religious Birthday Wishes and Messages

Funny Birthday Paragraphs for Your Best Friend

Happy Birthday, partner-in-crime! I would not bloom into such a charming person if not for you! Thank you for supporting my conspiracy theories, adventure ideas, and fictional crushes all through my life! Our friendship puts ‘mean girls’ on shame! Let’s grow old together and keep having fun till the end!

Hey, Happy Birthday! I can never understand how incredible it must feel to have a caring, adorable, gorgeous, and intelligent best friend. Well, that’s until I put myself in your shoes! I am sure you feel grateful to be in my company every day and feel star-struck whenever I decide to acknowledge your presence!

My best friend, there is truly nobody else I care for more than you. I will never do anything that can hurt you, offend you, or put you in a difficult place. That is why I have decided that I will not burden you with a birthday present this time! You are satisfied with my love already, I’m sure! Happy Birthday!

Dear best friend, this is the umpteenth time that I am signing you the ‘Happy Birthday song, so aren’t you bored of it yet? Let’s pretend that growing old, having back pain and grey hairs are thrilling and fun! I hope on this birthday, you can count your blessings and find me to be the number one there!

Happy birthday, bestie. I’m ready to add fun and thrill to your party, just as I do to your boring life. No need to thank me. Also, you can either give me the biggest piece of the cake, or the whole cake, I don’t mind.

Happy birthday to you, buddy! You’re one of the best parts of my life, and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. Or maybe I would, for a thousand bucks or so. Then again, who would pay a thousand dollars for you?

When you have been friends with someone for almost your whole life or share a deep unspeakable bond with your best friend, sometimes you can take them for granted without any intention. But just like other significant people in your lives, your best friend deserves a lot of appreciation and care as well! And birthdays are the perfect occasion to have a heart-to-heart with your best friend! Grab this chance if your best friend’s birthday is coming soon and make them feel special in your own unique way! Send a long paragraph on your best friend’s birthday- because the more words, the merrier!

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  • Your Apology Letters

Apology Letter To A Friend

This made me almost cry!

This helped so much. Thank you very much to the one who wrote this, my friend just forgave me in one second.

I wrote this to my friend and it made a big difference. I am still bff with her ya thanks PS. Copy and paste and send to a friend that your wanting to be friends with I am so happy!

Wow, I wish I could use this letter to apologise to my ex best friend ... But it's too late she's gone forever. I loved her.

Thank you so much for this letter. Maybe now I can write a letter to my best male friend. Letting him know how sorry I am. THANKS

This helped me SOOOOO much, thank you

I just told my friend that I feel excluded and like an annoying and clingy girl when she’s with me. I asked her what I can do to be a better friend, but she didn’t respond. I guess she was really hurt, but I couldn’t find a really sincere apology in me; no apology I could think of was going to cure this. I instantly went to this site and now I send my apology. Praying that it works. đŸ€ž

TIP: If you are in a fight with your friend, look at their point of view. If my friend told me that she felt like an annoying person around me, I would be pretty hurt.

Bro this apology actually helped... who ever wrote this needs to get paid ASAP.

This letter makes our friendship survive!

This really helped me.

I don't know if this letter will help me or not but I am sure that after seeing these beautiful lines she will come and speak to me. This letter is very nice, thanks for this.

My former BFF hates me but this letter actually helped me a lot. I mean me and her don't talk as much but we still say hi now. Thank you so much for your help on this letter.

My guy best friend aka crush hates me for telling me our friendship is fake at a basketball game where apparently he was going to ask me out. I was really mad at someone else and let it out on him. I have been sending so many texts and I have been crying non stop, not just because I lost his chance to ask me out but I lost our friendship.

This letter helped me get so many ideas. Instead of copying it, it inspired me to write a 3 page long letter of my own, and yes I hand wrote it... me and my girl are hopefully going to be happy for a long time to come.

The letter is very useful and it helped me to fix a problem with my good friend

I was a receiver of a part of this apology letter and I am insulted that the person who copied and pasted it off this website couldn't take the time out of their life to actually come up with their own apology! Think of how you'd feel if you received a heartfelt apology and forgave your friend only to find out she had googled it and sent it to you without a second thought or even any alterations. Come on! Think of your own apologies instead of taking the easy route and googling it!

Thank you!
I can feel your pain. This letter was really helpful. Your points and conditions matched mine, completely! I thank you for your words.

My friend still hates me but hopefully she won't after reading this type of letter.


This letter helped me a lot, thank you so much! Now I can apologize to my bestie.

Wow, great one... was looking for a perfect example like this.

Thank you so much for this letter of apology to a friend, it's a great help!

Wow that was so helpful!

Thanks for the letter it really helped me a lot for apologizing to my babe.

Thanks its awesome

Wow! This letter that you wrote was so interesting and helpful. I hope the person that I offended will accept this apology because if he doesn't, I guess that I don't have any other options...

Thx for the interesting letter. I used part of it on my best friend, a girl and it works. Just to let you know I'm also a girl that's why I could only use part of the letter.

When I went through these gorgeous and stunning words, I was so happy because I really wanted some words like this to send to my ex-girl. Hopefully it works for me and I want to use this time to say thanks.

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Apology Paragraphs for Best friend

Touching Apology Paragraphs for Best Friend (2024)

These touching apology paragraphs for best friend are here for this cause. You can pick any one of them and send to your best friend, telling him or her how sober you are.

Emotional Sorry Paragraphs for Best Friend

10. Truth be told, I value our friendship too much, than to just let it end like this. We have built a lot together, over the years. We shouldn’t waste everything, not this way. I am truly sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.

Best Friend Apology Paragraphs

Read also: How to know if your friend is no more loyal

12. I have never dreamed of losing you, so it will never happen. I want you to know that I am deeply sorry, and I regret every single thing I’ve done that has made you unhappy since we started our friendship. Please, forgive me.

20. I mean, who would have ever thought that we wouldn’t be together forever? I know you’re still hurt, but I was only being human. From the bottom of my heart, I am really sorry. Please, let it go.

Sorry Paragraphs for Girl Best Friend

21. I am so sorry for everything I’ve done. Please forgive me. I know that you have always been the bigger one between the two of us. So I hope that you allow forgiveness, once and for all.

24. I feel a lot of shame, right now. O am only acting as if all is well. My life hasn’t been the same, ever since I hurt you. I am truly sorry for all I have done, and I hope you can forgive me.

Sorry Paragraphs for Boy Best Friend

Do you have a male best friend and you have done something very bad to wrong him? Retrace your steps with just one of these paragraphs, by telling him how sorry you are.

Read also: Steps to becoming a better friend to your best friend

31. I am truly sorry, I wasn’t just in my best behaviour, last night. I wish I were more careful with my words. I love you, my friend. Please accept my apology for the last time.

35. How I wish I could turn back the hands of time, and unsay everything I said, back then. I never meant to be mean. Please, forgive me, dear best friend.

38. I will never make you sad again, I will never cause you any more pain. From henceforth, I will be more cautious about what I say and do to you. Please forgive me.

40. Ever since I hurt you, I have not felt good at all. I feel like for me to feel this way, then you’re feeling a lot worse. Please, let’s come back together, so I can do things right.

Forgiveness Paragraphs for Best Friend

41. I know there’s no amount of words I can say, that will make you better. But please, I am very sorry. I have sent different people to plead on my behalf, but it’s still the same old story. Please forgive me.

Written by Olalekan Adebumiti

Opening prayers for 4th birthday party celebration (2024), happy birthday quotes for celebrity crush 2024.

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Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend for Male and Female Friend

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Table of Contents

Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend

Celebrating a best friend’s birthday is a special occasion, filled with joy, laughter, and heartfelt emotions. Writing the perfect birthday paragraph for your best friend can truly express your affection, gratitude, and the unique bond you share. Whether it’s a touching birthday paragraph for best friend that tugs at the heartstrings, a funny anecdote that brings a smile, or a thoughtful reflection on your journey together, each word can make your friend’s day even more memorable. In this, you’ll find a diverse range of birthday paragraphs like long paragraph for best friend birthday or short birthday paragraph for best friend tailored for different moods and relationships—from the deep and emotional to the light-hearted and humorous. These paragraphs are perfect for sharing on Instagram , adding to a card, or simply sending as a text to celebrate your best friend’s special day. You’ll find options for both male and female best friends, with options to personalize with emojis, adapt in Hindi, or use ready-to-copy templates for those seeking instant inspiration. Each happy birthday paragraph for best friend is crafted to capture the essence of friendship and the joy of celebrating another year in your best friend’s life journey.

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Importance of Friend

Friends, the pillars of our existence, offer immeasurable support and joy in our lives. They stand by us through thick and thin, sharing in our laughter and easing our sorrows. The bond we share with friends is unique; it’s a blend of affection, understanding, and loyalty that enriches our lives in countless ways. True friends are not just companions, but they are confidants, cheerleaders, and sometimes, our wise counselors. They celebrate our triumphs and stand steadfast during challenges, making every moment more meaningful. The importance of a friend lies in the depth of the connection, the comfort in being understood without the need for words, and the shared journey through the tapestry of life. In essence, friends are more than just a part of our life’s narrative; they are integral to our personal growth and happiness, shaping our experiences and memories in profound ways.

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Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend in English

Short birthday paragraph for best friend.

Happy Birthday to my amazing best friend! Your friendship is a treasure, and I cherish every moment of laughter, support, and adventures we’ve shared. You’re more than just a friend, you’re family. May your birthday be as fantastic and special as you are, filled with joy, love, and endless happy moments. Here’s to creating more unforgettable memories and looking forward to a wonderful year ahead! Best wishes on your special day!

Birthday Wishes for Best Friend Paragraph

When it comes to celebrating the birthday of someone as special as your best friend, finding the right words can be a heartwarming journey. A birthday paragraph for your best friend is more than just words; it’s a tapestry of memories, laughter, and the unique bond you share. Whether your friend is a girl or a boy, these birthday wishes are crafted to touch their heart deeply. For those who love to share their feelings on social media, an Instagram-friendly birthday paragraph can make your best friend feel cherished in front of the whole world. If your preference leans towards something humorous, a funny birthday paragraph can add a splash of joy to their special day. And for those moments when you’re looking for something profound and touching, a heartfelt birthday paragraph can beautifully articulate your feelings. This compilation offers a variety of birthday paragraphs, from short and sweet messages to longer, more detailed wishes, ensuring that you find the perfect words to convey your deepest birthday wishes for your best friend.

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Touching Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend

On this special day, I want to express how much you mean to me. Happy Birthday to not just my best friend but the one who brings out the best in me. Your presence in my life is like a beacon of hope and joy. You’ve been there through thick and thin, making every moment memorable. Your laughter, support, and unwavering faith have been the pillars of our friendship. As you celebrate another year of life, I hope all your dreams come true and your journey ahead is filled with happiness and love. You’re more than a friend; you’re a part of my life’s beautiful story. Happy Birthday to the most amazing person I know!

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Birthday Wishes Paragraph for Best Friend

On your best friend’s birthday, finding the right words to convey your deepest wishes and thoughts is essential. A birthday is more than just a celebration of age; it’s a tribute to the journey, experiences, and memories shared. Whether you’re looking for a long, heartfelt paragraph to express your undying friendship, a funny birthday paragraph to bring laughter, or a simple yet touching message to show your love and appreciation, it’s all about personalizing your feelings. For those moments when you want to share your wishes on social media like Instagram or through a text, a well-crafted birthday paragraph can resonate deeply with your best friend. Be it for a male or female friend, these birthday paragraphs are designed to strengthen the bond you share and make their special day unforgettable. No emojis are needed when your words carry the weight of your affection, gratitude, and joy for having them in your life. Here, you’ll find various birthday paragraphs that you can copy and paste or modify to suit your friendship’s unique tone, ensuring your best friend feels cherished on their remarkable day.

birthday paragraph for best friend

Happy Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend

When it comes to celebrating the birthday of someone who means the world to you, finding the right words can be a joyful yet challenging task. A best friend’s birthday is more than just a date on the calendar; it’s a celebration of the moments, laughter, and memories shared together. In this section, we offer a variety of heartwarming and cheerful birthday paragraphs designed to brighten your best friend’s special day. Whether your friend appreciates a long, touching message that deeply reflects your bond, a funny birthday paragraph that brings out the laughs, or a simple yet meaningful text that conveys your wishes, you’ll find just the right words here. Tailored for both best friends who are girls and boys, these paragraphs are crafted in a way that can be shared across different platforms, be it a heartfelt Instagram post, a thoughtful card, or a personal text message. Without the use of emojis but with plenty of warmth and sincerity, these birthday paragraphs aim to make your best friend feel truly special and loved on their birthday.

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Text Happy Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend

When it comes to sending a happy birthday paragraph for your best friend via text, it’s all about finding the right words that resonate with your unique bond. This is the perfect opportunity to let them know just how much they mean to you. Whether your friend prefers a long, heartfelt message, a funny and light-hearted note, or a simple yet touching sentiment, the key is to make it personal and sincere. Here, you’ll discover various birthday wishes paragraphs that are ideal for a text message, reflecting your friendship’s warmth and the joy of celebrating their special day. From deep and meaningful to playful and witty, these messages are tailored to suit different personalities and relationships. They are crafted to convey your feelings without the need for emojis, yet still encapsulate the essence of your friendship. So, pick the one that resonates most with you and your best friend’s relationship, and make their birthday a little brighter with your thoughtful words.

Instagram Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend

When it comes to celebrating your best friend’s birthday on Instagram, finding the right words is key to making their day extra special. A well-crafted Instagram birthday paragraph can reflect the depth of your friendship and the many memories you share. Whether you’re aiming for a touching tribute that speaks to the heart or a light-hearted message filled with inside jokes, the perfect words can turn an Instagram post into a memorable gift. Ideal for both best friend boys and girls, these paragraphs can be a blend of fun, affection, and sincere wishes, perfectly capturing the spirit of your bond. Remember, the best messages are those that come straight from the heart, making your best friend feel cherished on their special day. No need for emojis here – let your words paint the picture and convey your warmest birthday wishes.

Happy Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend Girl

Celebrating the birthday of a best friend is always a joyous occasion, especially when it’s for a special girl who means the world to you. A heartfelt happy birthday paragraph can beautifully express the depth of your friendship. Whether it’s a long, touching message that reminisces about your cherished memories, a humorous note that reflects the fun times you’ve shared, or a simple yet profound wish that speaks to the heart, each word is a tribute to the bond you share. Perfect for sharing in a card, as an Instagram caption, or through a heartfelt text, these birthday paragraphs are designed to convey your warmest wishes and deepest appreciation for your best friend. Each message is tailored to celebrate her uniqueness, reflecting on the joy she brings into your life and the countless ways she enriches your days. So, as she celebrates another year of wonderful moments and adventures, let your birthday paragraph be a mirror of the love and laughter you share as best friends.

Below are the list of all paragraphs on different topics available at IL

Funny Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend

Birthdays are the perfect time to remind your best friend just how much they mean to you, and what better way to do it than with a dash of humor? For your best friend’s special day, here’s a funny birthday paragraph that will not only bring a wide smile to their face but also remind them of the fun and laughter you’ve shared. Whether you’re sending this as a text, writing it in a birthday card, or sharing it on social media, this light-hearted and witty message is sure to add an extra spark to their celebrations. So, get ready to poke a little fun and spread some joy, because a birthday is all about happiness, and what’s a celebration without a good laugh? Remember, the best gift you can give your friend is the joy of laughter, especially on their birthday!

Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend Boy/Male

When it comes to celebrating the birthday of your best friend who is a boy or male, finding the right words can make all the difference. A birthday is more than just an occasion; it’s a milestone that reflects the journey you have shared and the memories you’ve created. For your male best friend, a heartfelt birthday paragraph can convey your appreciation for his presence in your life. Whether it’s reminiscing about the adventures you’ve had, the challenges you’ve overcome together, or simply expressing gratitude for his support and friendship, your words can add a special touch to his day. In this birthday paragraph, without the use of emojis but with sincere sentiments, let your best friend know just how much he means to you. This message can be a touching tribute to the bond you share, making his birthday not just a celebration of another year, but a celebration of the friendship that enriches your lives.

Best Friend Birthday Paragraph Copy and Paste

When it comes to celebrating the birthday of someone who means the world to you, finding the right words can sometimes be challenging. That’s where the idea of a “copy and paste” birthday paragraph for your best friend comes in handy. This thoughtful, pre-written message is designed to convey warmth, affection, and the deep connection you share with your best friend. Whether your friend is a girl or a boy, these paragraphs are versatile, heartfelt, and can be easily customized to reflect your unique friendship. They are perfect for sharing on social media platforms like Instagram, sending as a text, or including in a birthday card. So, if you’re looking for a way to express your feelings without the stress of crafting the perfect message from scratch, these ready-to-use birthday paragraphs offer a simple yet touching way to celebrate your best friend’s special day.

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FAQs on Birthday Paragraph for Best Friend

What should i write in my best friend's birthday paragraph.

In your best friend's birthday paragraph, express your heartfelt wishes, recount special memories, mention their qualities that you admire, and let them know how much they mean to you.

What do you caption a best friend paragraph?

Caption a best friend paragraph with something like 'To the one who's been there through it all, Happy Birthday, my rock!' or 'Celebrating another year of adventures with my partner-in-crime!'

What should I write for my BFF birthday?

For your BFF's birthday, write a heartfelt message, share inside jokes, express gratitude for their friendship, and wish them a year filled with happiness, love, and success.

What do you write in a birthday paragraph?

In a birthday paragraph, write warm wishes, mention their special qualities, recall memorable moments, and convey your love and appreciation for the person celebrating their birthday.

What is a heartfelt birthday message?

A heartfelt birthday message is one that expresses genuine emotions, love, and best wishes for the birthday person. It should reflect your appreciation for their presence in your life and your hope for their happiness and success in the coming year.

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