Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Essay

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Essay | Essay on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers for Students and Children in English

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Essay: To deal with this subject one must first understand what ‘happiness’ means.

Long Essay on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers 500 Words in English

Short essay on are we happier than our forefathers 100 words in english, 10 lines on are we happier than our forefathers.

  • How are we happier than our forefathers?
  • Who is happier we or our forefathers?
  • Are we better than our forefathers?

Long and Short Essays on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers of 400-500 words. This long essay about Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers is suitable for students of classes 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Below we have given a long essay on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

We have not to misunderstand ‘pleasure’ with ‘happiness’. A lavish lifestyle, a rich home a big bungalow, and a luxurious car are today treated as the means of ‘happiness’. We are very ‘happy’ if we have all this. But it is such a mistaken belief. All these are ‘pleasures’ and ‘comforts’ of life. Physical comforts are the mirage which gives a false sense of ‘happiness’.

Man has three parts of his being the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. Physical comforts are the lowest in the ladder. Healthy thoughts, right behavior give one the mental well-being. Serving others, being good to people, gives one a miner solace and satisfaction that is a spiritual well being.

Essay on Are we happier than our forefathers

So here lies the difference between ‘pleasure’ and ‘happiness’. To have a lot of eating and drink is all enjoying the pleasures of life.

A hermit living in a hut may have so much self-satisfaction. He serves people who go to him with words of high thoughts and advice on worthy living. He is a man in rags, eats whatever he gets as a charity, still he is ‘happy’. He does not have the ‘pleasures’ of life but he has the ‘happiness’ of his mind and soul.

We today have everything at our command, Science is at our beck and call. We have all the comforts of life which our ancestors never could even dream of. Means of transport, means of communication, means of entertainment — Cinema, T.V. with so many channels — phones, E-mails, Fax, Internet whatnot. Still, if you ask even the richest of men if he is really ‘happy’, he may just shake his head to show ‘no, not that’. There are worries, there are anxieties, there is no sense of satisfaction or contentment.

Men of the past had little but they lived all in a joint family serving each other, one another in their needs sharing whatever they could produce or earn. They lived a life of frugality but contentment. They worked hard and could have a sound sleep at night. The home housed cousins, brothers, uncles, aunts all under one roof. Now there are two room cubicles in large busy towns no space even for parents to come and stay. There had been an affectionate bond binding all in the past; there is a distance now even among the brothers. ‘What is this life so full of care’ is what can be said of today’s living.

Below we have given a short essay on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Happiness comes from within. It is a sense of contentment that comes from the core of the heart. “There is a couplet in Hindi which when translated says ‘All the wealth cows, elephant, horses and all the jewels their treasure.

Nothing equals contentment everything turns meaningless in measure.

It is this contentment which is the basis of ‘Happiness’ and it is this that lacks in today’s life while that was there is the past.

That tilts the balance of ‘Happiness’ in favor of our ancestors.

Students can find more English  Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

  • It is necessary first to understand what is ‘Happiness’.
  • Let us not mistake ‘Pleasures’ with ‘Happiness’.
  • Physical comforts do not and cannot give ‘Happiness’.
  • ‘Happiness’ is a state of mind that comes from contentment.
  • We today have everything at our command, Science is at our beck and call. We have all the comforts of life which our ancestors never could even dream of.
  • But the point is are we really happy? There are worries, there are anxieties, there is no sense of satisfaction or contentment.
  • Men of the past lived together, lived for one another, worked hard, and slept soundly. They were contented with their lot.
  • Even the richest man of today is not contented.
  • Wealth and riches cannot bring ‘Happiness’ — mind and soul are its seats.
  • Our ancestors enjoyed that ‘Happiness’ which we today fail to find.

who is happier we or our forefathers

FAQs on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Essay

1. How are we happier than our forefathers?

We should be happier because we have our forefathers’ experience to learn from. We should be using their experiences and sacrifice to teach us how to be better.

2. Who is happier we or our forefathers?

Today we have everything that life can offer, but neither do we have joy, love, certitude, peace nor help from pain. Our ancestors had nothing in comparison, but strength derived from faith in God. Thus, they were happier than we are in the present day.

3. Are we better than our forefathers?

We can’t just blatantly say yes or no to this question. According to me on some basis, they were happier and on some basis, we are happier. It’s just about on what basis we define happiness. Polonious Advice Summary

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Firstly we are happier than our fore-fathers because the present generation enjoys sound health brought about by science and technology. In the olden days, many people died rather untimely due to some undiagnosed diseases but today, medical technology has improved tremendously that it now postpones death. Recently, computer technology has been brought into medical field and so future diseases can be easily detected and prevented. Today, little children are immunized against childhood diseases and this has brought about rising population at a geometric progression. It was very much unlike the era of our fore-fathers when outbreak of any epidemic could n early wipe out a whole area. You see, our fore-fathers lived rather sad life due to a very high death rate brought about by their primitive herbs which has less value.

Secondly, we live happier life than our fore-fathers in the area of agriculture. In the olden days our ancestors practiced crude form of agriculture. They were wandering fruit gatherers. At their best they practiced subsistence agriculture. However, the modern generation practices mechanized and intensive agriculture. Today, the government allocates  huge sums of money every fiscal year to boost agriculture. We now engage in co-operative farming to raise enough capital to buy sophisticated machinery to boost production as against crude implements of the old. Today we export cahs crops such as cocoa and coffee, to other advanced countries of the world. This is a means of taking part in international trade thereby getting industrial goods from advanced countries, unlike our ancestors who never enjoyed all these. So we live a happier life than them because we enjoy better standard of living.

Thirdly, in the area of telecommunication technology, the modern generation lives a happier life than our fore-fathers. In the olden days the means of communication was not only manual but primitive. Information was disseminated by trekking long distances as against today when modern information systems are in place. These among others, include computers, television, radio, fax and others. it is not uncommon today to watch live a football match played thousands of kilometers away. Today, we can telephone Russia or America, distance notwithstanding, and get reply within few minutes. All these were unknown to our fore-fathers. The modern telecommunication technology has brought about cross fertilization of ideas which fosters economic development of the modern world. This perhaps has brought about inter-dependence in the modern economic system. With this, one knows very well that we live a happier life than our fore-fathers.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I heard my learned opponent say that our fore-fathers lived happier life because they ate fresh food and lived longer life but I dis-concur. This is because today, we get variety of food from all over the world, even those food items not produced in our continent. Also, modern medicine has brought about longevity due to the contents and components of imported food items which were not available to our fore-fathers who did not enjoy balanced diet as we do. Our fore-fathers only ate what they produced locally so the modern generation lives a happier life.

In conclusion, there is no shadow of doubt in my mind that I have convinced the audience, including my learned opponent and the doubting Thomases beyond doubt, that we live a happier life than our fore-fathers who only lived primitive life by crude and unscientific means, and had no contact with modern civilization.

Life is good

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Essay on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers?

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers?

Are we happier than our forefathers? It is difficult to answer this question because the meaning of the word “happiness” differs from person to person and from time to time even with the same person.

No doubt, we produce and consume at present plenty of goods which our forefathers might not even have dreamt of. We have speedier means of transport and communication, a wide variety of entertainment media, an improved system of public health and hygiene, better medical facilities, better civic amenities, and greater social and political stability and security. Modern man enjoys comforts, luxuries, and pleasures that even kings and emperors of the past did not even think of.

But against all this, we have slums, pollution, organized crime, and social and political conflicts. The majority of people live in abject poverty under degrading living conditions. There is noise and congestion, hustle and bustle, hurry and worry. Life is full of stress and tension. There is a pleasure but no contentment. There is progress, but no peace of mind. In the midst of affluence, we feel a vacuum that we try to fill with more and more pleasures and excitement. But as we are totally divorced from nature, we are unable to enjoy the simple beauties of nature. We are so much engrossed in the dull and drab work that we have no time to stand and stare at the natural beauty around us. Neither do we enjoy simple things of life. The food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe are all polluted and contaminated. We are so much used to comforts and luxuries that we have become soft, pleasure-seeking people, averse to physical labor. The result is that those of us who eat rich food cannot digest it. On account of worries, tension, over-excitement, and the absence of physical labor, we do not get sound sleep at night. We do not have peace of mind which is an essential condition of happiness.

As against this, our forefathers lived a simple life. They had fewer wants which they satisfied by working hard. They had sound sleep at night. They were strong sturdy and healthy people who fully enjoyed the simple things of life. Their life was in tune with nature. They liked and enjoyed the beauties of nature. They lived contented and peaceful life.

If we think that happiness consists of material comforts, we are, no doubt, happier than our forefathers. If pleasures are called happiness, we are, indeed, happier. But if contentment and peace of mind are considered to be an essential condition of happiness, surely our forefathers were far more happy than we are.


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English Essay Example on: Are we Happier than our Forefathers?

  are we happier than our forefathers.

  Some people believe that we are happier than our forefathers. Others hold a view contrary to this one. It is true that in certain respects our forefathers were happier than us. But in certain other respects, we are happier than them. The solution to this controversial point lies in deciding the real definition of happiness. Again, it is not easy to define happiness. If luxuries, wealth, and possessions are to be considered the objects and means of happiness, then, of course, we are far happier than our forefathers. But if peace of mind, contentment, simplicity, and such things are to be deemed as objects of happiness, our forefathers must have been happier than us. Of course, now we have so many comforts in life. Our life span has been prolonged, thanks to research in medical sciences. We can get food articles and vegetables and fruits in all seasons which even great emperors like Ashoka and Akbar who had so vast empires couldn’t do. In this pursuit of wealth, luxuries, and comforts, however, we have lost certain things. We cannot get the old sun and fresh air in congested urban areas, just to give one example. The most conspicuous loss to us is in the field of the mind. We now lead a life of stress and strain. We are always in a hurry as we are too meticulous about the movements of the hands of the watch. In this process, we have lost our peace of mind. Thus, though we have so many articles that our forefathers didn’t have, we may not intrinsically be happier than them. Our forefathers must never have even dreamt of such things as the train, the bus, the airplane, the spaceship, the computer, the telephone, the television, the refrigerator, and the air-conditioners. Still, our happiness though great, is circumscribed by other considerations. Life may be more comfortable of ours but we cannot say that we are hapier.

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Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Expansion of Idea- 200 Words

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Expansion of Idea- 200 Words

There are many factors that can contribute to happiness, and it’s difficult to compare levels of happiness between different groups of people. However, some studies suggest that people today may be less happy than their ancestors. One reason for this could be that people have higher expectations for happiness now than in the past. With more access to information and opportunities, we may expect more from life and be disappointed when things don’t go as planned. Another possibility is that we are more aware of the suffering in the world now than in the past. With news and social media, we are constantly exposed to stories of conflict, natural disasters, and other forms of misery. This can make it difficult to appreciate the good things in our own lives. It’s also worth noting that happiness is relative. What makes one person happy may not have the same effect on another. So, even if overall levels of happiness have declined, some people may still be just as happy as their ancestors were. In the end, it’s hard to say definitively whether we are happier than our forefathers. However, there are some indications that suggest we may be less satisfied with our lives than they were.

Are We Happier than our Forefathers Speech

Are We Happier than our Forefathers Speech

Our forefathers fought for our independence and built this country from the ground up. They worked hard every day to provide for their families and make a better life for themselves. Even though they didn’t have much, they were still happy. Nowadays, we have more than our forefathers could ever imagine. We have technology that allows us to do things that they could only dream of. We live in a time of comforts and prosperity. So, are we happier than our forefathers? The answer is yes and no both. If we say Yes, the reason would be that we have more material possessions and opportunities than our forefathers did. But if we say no, the reason would be we aren’t necessarily happier because of the possessions. In fact, some studies show that we are less happy than previous generations. There are several factors that contribute to our happiness, or lack thereof. One reason may be that we have higher expectations for our lives. With all the possibilities that exist now, we expect more out of life than our forefathers did. And when we don’t meet those expectations, we can end up feeling disappointed and unhappy. Another reason may be that we are more disconnected from each other than ever before. With all the technology at our fingertips—phones, laptops, social media—we can go days without talking to another human being face-to-face. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can impact our happiness negatively.

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Essay 500 + Words

How were our forefathers happier than us?

Our forefathers were happier than us for several reasons. They didn’t have the stresses and worries that we have today. They didn’t have to worry about money, bills, or working long hours. They also didn’t have the distractions of technology that we have today. They had more time to enjoy life and spend time with family and friends. Additionally, they didn’t have the health concerns that we have today. They lived in a simpler time when life was more carefree. We can learn a lot from our forefathers about how to live a happier life.

Is your life better than our forefathers?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes! Our forefathers lived in a time where there were no computers, no cell phones, no internet, and no cars. They had to walk everywhere they went, and if they wanted to communicate with someone far away, they had to send a letter through the mail. Can you imagine not being able to Google something when you’re curious about it? Or not being able to call a friend when you’re bored? Our forefathers didn’t have it easy. Nowadays, we have all of those things and more. We can go anywhere we want with the click of a button. We can talk to anyone we want, anytime, anywhere. We have access to so much information that it’s almost impossible to not find what we’re looking for. In short, Our lives are better than our forefathers’ in almost every way imaginable but materially. So next time you’re feeling down about your life, just remember how good you have it!

Why are older generations happier?

It is widely accepted that older generations are generally happier than younger generations. There are several reasons for this happiness gap, including increased life experience, wisdom, and perspective. Older people have had more time to develop a sense of who they were and what they wanted out of life. This self-knowledge can lead to a greater sense of contentment and satisfaction with life. Additionally, older adults often have a better understanding of what is truly important in life and what is not worth worrying about. This perspective can lead to increased happiness and peace of mind. Wisdom also plays a role in the happiness of older adults. With age comes the accumulation of knowledge and understanding. This wisdom can help people make better decisions, solve problems more effectively, and navigate life’s challenges with greater grace. Finally, older adults often have a stronger sense of social support than younger people. They have had more time to develop deep and lasting relationships with family and friends. These supportive relationships can provide love, comfort, and a sense of belonging – all essential ingredients for happiness.

Were older people more positive?

There is a lot of research that indicates that older people have always been more positive than younger people. One study has found that older people were more likely to rate their lives as “very good” or “excellent” when compared to younger people. Another study has found that older people were more likely to report higher levels of satisfaction with their lives. There are several possible explanations for why older people might be more positive than younger people. One possibility is that older people have had more time to reach a point of acceptance and understanding in life. They may also be more grateful for what they have, and less focused on what they don’t have. Additionally, older people may have developed better coping mechanisms for dealing with life’s challenges. Whatever the reasons, the evidence suggests that older people are generally more positive than younger people. This can be a valuable perspective to draw from, especially in times of difficulty or stress.

What Age is the Most Happiest?

There is no definitive answer to this question as everyone experiences happiness differently. However, a recent study by the University of Chicago found that people tend to be happiest in their early 20s. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including increased independence and decreased responsibility at this age. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule and there are plenty of people who find happiness later in life. Ultimately, it is up to everyone to decide what age they are happiest.

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Quotes

1. “Happiness is not a destination. It is a journey.” – Unknown 2. “The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.” – William Saroyan 3. “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.” – Unknown 4. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi 5. “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” – J.R.R. Tolkien 6. “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” – Epictetus 7. “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln 8. “The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.” – William Saroyan 9. “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.” – Unknown 10. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi

10 Lines on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers

10 Lines on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers

1. Our forefathers lived in a time when the world was a much simpler place. 2. They had a strong sense of community and togetherness that we often lack today. 3. They were more in touch with nature and the natural world around them. 4. They had a greater appreciation for the simple things in life. 5. They didn’t have to contend with the same level of stress and anxiety that we do today. 6. They had more time to enjoy life and pursue their passions. 7. They weren’t bombarded with 24/7 news and media coverage of all the bad things happening in the world. 8. They didn’t have to deal with the constant pressure to be “connected” and available online at all times. 9. they didn’t have to worry about things like climate change or global warming daily. 10. Overall, our forefathers had a much simpler and happier existence than we do today.

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Essay on “ Are we Happier Than Our Forefathers? ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Are we Happier Than Our Forefathers?

Are We Happier Than Indians of 2000 Years ago?

Essay No. 01

                “Happiness  depends on what you can give, not what you can get.” Mahatma Gandhi

`Turning back the pages of history to ancient times, a modern man feels wonderstruck to see the hard life of human brings a few centuries ago. Our ancestor used to live in caves, ate uncooked food or depended upon fruit and leaves, walked long distances on foot.  They could not get any clothes to cover their body and had not thought of getting shelter to hide their head.  Their standard of living was no better than that of beasts.  Like animals, they used to live in groups and fight other groups with bows, arrows and sticks for food, clothing or shelter.

But everything is destined to undergo a change in this world.  The things of the past have become outdated today.  Man used his scientific imagination, made a number of inventions and revealed the mysteries of nature.  He started controlling the forces  of nature.  With the passage of time he went on marching ahead and soon became the master of the universe.  He can now fly across the sky like a bird, swim across an ocean like a fish and communicate over long distances in no time.  Today, with modern technology, man has been able to enjoy all facilities of life.  Life is exceedingly comfortable, smooth and easy-going for him.  The word ‘impossible’ does not find a place in his dictionary.  He is able to get all the necessities of life.

A modern man enjoys himself in different ways.  He is the master of the whole universe.  When bored with his dull, mechanical routine, he has lots of means for entertainment.  He has the video-cassette recorder to entertain himself.  He has beautiful restaurants and hotels to go to.  He has melodious musical extravaganzas and dance sequences packed up in his cassettes.  His fertile creative mind had made him what his ancestors could never have thought of becoming in their entire life time.

But are we really happier than our forefathers? Definitely not.  We have gained physical comforts at the cost of moral and spiritual values.  We do not believe in God.  We do not think of our moral upliftment.  We think of our own comforts, not of others.  We are too much entrapped in the snare of money.  We are greedy, selfish, isolated, perturbed, dis-appointed and addicted to all sorts of vices.  We have so many aspirations that life is full of frustration and depression.  We have no pleasure or leisure, rest of peace, joy or contentment.

Man, today is, angry, proud, hypocritical, dishonest, insincere and tense. His life is full of frustration, agony and terror.  He has no love for life and he does not brother to heed to the teaching to the teachings of great men like Guru Nanak Dev who once said:

                            Why hast thou forgotten God?                             Anger has thou not forgotten                             Not falsehood,                             Why has thou forgotten truth?

Our ancestors enjoyed that inner joy that a modern man does not dream of having. The modern man has struck a very bad bargain.  He has earned name, fame, position, status and physical comfort at the cost of inner joy, spiritual contentment and moral values.  He has ascended the throne of God Himself.  He knows how to fly in the air but has not learnt to live gracefully on the earth like a civilized citizen.  The moral and spiritual progress is negligible as compared to the scientific progress.

Man, today, has money but he does not know the right use of it.  He used his money to buy others and make them betray their conscience or their country.  He has scientific knowledge but he is using it to create bombs, missiles and deadly armaments and this increases tension, fear and suspicion.  He want to enjoy himself at the cost of others.  He does not mind indulging in a sort of cut-throat competition.  He is as cruel, callous and unscrupulous in his ways as ever.  No doubt, he is blessed with physical comforts but he is certainly far from being really contented and happy.  The divinity in him is losing ground every day and he is becoming more and more a child of mere flesh and blood.  May be he realizes his follies only when it is too late.

                            “O ! my good lord, that comfort comes too late,                             This like a pardon after execution;                             That gentle physic, given in time had cured me,                             But now I am past all comforts here but prayers.”

Essay No. 02

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers?

The question, ‘Are we happier than our forefathers?’ is being repeatedly asked and discussed among educated circles. This is done in context of our phenomenal advancement in science and technology. Scientific development has given us such comforts as were unimaginable in the days of our forefathers. We have conquered the forces of nature, tamed the atom, reached the moon, pierced through the space, and yet we are not happy, contented, satisfied and actually pleased.

But why? is the big question. And perhaps, it is not so easy to answer.

There is a lot of controversy over the question. Why we are unhappy in spite of our great progress in every walk of life. Because of so fast means of communication, the distances have shrunk, the world has become smaller and more united. In the field of medicine and surgery we have made wonderful discoveries leading to eradication and control of many diseases which were considered fatal by our forefathers. Machines of various kinds, shapes and sizes have almost revolutionised our life. There are machines for domestic use, machines for agriculture and farming, for office use, machines for mining and excavation, machines for recording, reproduction, etc. Then there are radio, television, electricity, space-shuttles, satellites, nuclear-powered-ships, and atomic mactors producing much needed energy. And in comparison to this life full of luxury, comfort, convenience and ease, think of the life of our forefathers, say a hundred years .ago. We are virtually in a brave new world, having a life full of all comforts, leisure and pleasure. We need not shed our sweat in work. Our life has become longer, healthier and more comfortable, but certainly not happier.

We should draw a dividing line between comforts, convenience, ease and real happiness. No doubt with the so wonderful gifts of science life has become very comfortable; the world has almost turned into a fairy land, but happiness is a state of mind. It does not lie in things of comfort and convenience. All these so-called amenities and wonders of life have made our lives artificial, hollow and devoid of real charm and delight.

Our inner and real-self is being starved and stiffed. In this world of scientific advancement, the human values such as love, affection, sentiments, sympathy, compassion, etc., have been gradually marginalised. Man has become more and more selfish. He has become too much money-minded. The world is too much with us. Of what use is the possession of the whole world, if the soul is lost? The curse of King Midas has descended on mankind. Because of gross material pursuits, spiritualism and religion are on the wane. We have no time for beauties of nature, for poetry and arts, and for culture. Science without religion and spiritualism is blind. As such, it has led us to more and more unhappiness and discontentment. The rich hurry and divided aims are the real bane of our present day life. We are going at a great speed, but do not know what is our destination. This blind race leads us to no-where  to no purpose. We have produced various types of nuclear bombs. These. monstrous weapons can destroy the whole world in no time many times over. The human race has arrived at a point where a slight mistake, a single miscalculation, a wrong move can destroy it forever. In such gloomy and devastating circumstances how can we feel happy and glad. The chances of the third World War are menacingly hovering over the horizon. Gas and bacteriological warfare has further added to the gloom and hopelessness. The misuses of scientific discoveries and inventions have turned our life into a bitter one. We feel so dehumanised and disillusioned. Is it not an irony of fate?

No doubt our forefathers had no such amenities and com-forts. They suffered from many fatal diseases, epidemics and  ignorance in matters of hygiene. They did not have schools, colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning and professional training. They were superstitious. There were no good means of communication and entertainment. They had no control over such calamities as floods, famines, earthquakes, storms, fires, etc. But at the same time, they did not suffer from the many ills and evils of modern life. They were simple, honest, loving, charitable, compassionate, sympathetic and sensible. They possessed their soul and were ever guided by ethical, moral and human values in all their doings and thinking. And so they possessed their inner poise, calm happiness and contentment in spite of many handicaps in the realm of materialism and possession. Modern life, full of scientific gadgets and devices, has become a curse than a blessing. The ever increasing material pursuits have shaken our faith in God and ourselves at the very foundation. Sans happiness, spiritual joy and moral satisfaction, man has been drifting aimlessly, overawed by the wonderful comforts of life, in the vast sea of gross materialism and possession.

When the human values are at a stake, the very existence of mankind is uncertain, how one can be happy, contented or satisfied. Those who think that they are happier than their forefathers are really living in a fool’s paradise. The sooner they are disillusioned the better. Surely material possessions have never been a recipe for happiness. Because of this materialism our hearts no more leap up at the sight of a rainbow, the glorious sun rise or the other charms of nature. See what William Wordsworth has said: The world is too much with us; late and soon,

Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours.

Essay No. 03

If we are to judge happiness in terms of ease of living, the answer to the question would undoubtedly be “yes” : no one can deny. Modern science has achieved so much to lighten our day-to-day jobs that if our forefathers were to return today, they would not recognize the conditions as belonging to the same planet. Man today finds everything ready for him. An electric switch moves a fan above him giving him far more comfort and coolness than the punkha of our forefathers. The motor-car of today can carry us to a far greater distance and in a much shorter time. We have not to burn the Kerosene oil or the linseed oil to read in the night; we can just switch on the light without any bad smell. There are innumerable inventions of science which have made our lives easy and happy.

But are we really happy ? Are we happy in the real sense of the term ? Are we healthier than our forefathers ? The answer to all these questions, we all feel in our hearts is ‘no’. We have become ease-loving idle persons. We do not like to do any manual work. Manual work lowers our dignity these days. We do not want to give our bodies a physical exercise. The result is that we are not healthy. We suffer from various diseases. No doubt, medicine has advanced a lot but what of that ? Do we not know the proverb of our forefathers, “Prevention is better than cure” ?

Our forefathers used to get everything pure. They had cereals. Today it seems that everything and even man is adulterated. The people have to use Dalda; they have to remain content with milk adulterated with about 60 per cent of water, condiments mixed up with so many harmful substances. As a result, the people suffer from various diseases. Did our forefathers ever hear of the complicated diseases like cancer or pleurisy?

In the olden days, when a man wanted something, he set to work upon it. When he had finished, even though the work was not very good, he had the sense of satisfaction and got the joy of a creator. This made the people’s lives adventurous. Now-a-days everybody in this world expects to have things “ready-made” for him and so the spirit of adventure has gone out of life.

But all this does not mean that we should become disappointed and discard what has been achieved so far. There are still a great many things to be made, discovered and invented. We should not forget our spiritual values. And if we continue to use our minds and hands in searching after beautiful things, the day will not be far when we will be as happy as our forefathers.

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an essay on we are happier than our forefathers


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Nice and very good one.

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very nice in simple words and easy to understand.

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True this is awesome and very easily to understand

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Easy to understand

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Good points.

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Essay On Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers

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To deal with this subject one e must first understand what ‘happiness’ means.

We have not to misunderstand ‘pleasure’ with ‘happiness’. A lavish life style, a rich home a big lay treated bungalow and a luxurious s car these are today as the means of ‘happiness’. We are very ‘happy’ if we have all these. But it is such a mistaken belief. All these are ‘pleasures’ and ‘comforts’ of life. Physical comforts are the mirage which give a false sense of ‘happiness’. Man has three parts of his being the physical, the mental and the spiritual. Physical comforts are the lowest in the ladder. Healthy thoughts, right behaviour give one the mental well-being. Serving others, being good to 8.15 people, gives one an miner solace and satisfaction – that is a spiritual well being.

So here lies the difference between ‘pleasure’ and ‘happiness’. To have a lot of eat and drink is all enjoying the pleasures of life.

A hermit living in a hut may have so much of selfsatisfaction. He serves people who go to him with words of high thoughts and advice on worthy living. He is a man in rags, eats whatever he gets as charity, still he is ‘happy’. He does not have the ‘pleasures’ of life but he has the ‘happiness’ of his mind and soul.

We today have everything at our command, Science is at our beck and call. We have all the comforts of life which our ancestors never could even dream of. Means of transport, means of communication, means of entertainment Cinema, T.V. with so many channels – phones, E-mails, Fax, Internet what not. Still if you ask even the richest of men if he is really ‘happy’, he may just shake his head to show ‘no, not that’. There are worries, there are anxieties, there is no sense of satisfaction or contentment.

Men of the past had little but they lived all in a joint family serving each other, one another in their needs – sharing whatever they could produce or earn. They lived a life of frugality but contentment. They worked hard and could have a sound sleep at night. The home housed cousins, brothers, uncles, aunts all under one roof. Now there are two room cubicles in large busy towns space even for parents to come and stay. There had been an affectionate bond binding all in the past; there is a distance now even among the brothers. ‘What is this life so full of care’ is what can be said of today’s living.

Happiness comes from within. It is a sense if contentment which comes from the core of the heart. There is a couplet in Hindi which when translated says

‘All the wealth cows, elephant, horses and all the jewels their treasure.

Nothing equals contentment everything turns meaningless in measure.’

It is this contentment which is the basis of ‘Happiness’ and it is this that lacks in today’s life while that was there is the past. That tilts the balance of ‘Happiness’ in favour of our anscestors.

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English Essay on “Are we Happier Than Our Forefathers?” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Are we happier than our forefathers.

“Happiness depends on what you can give not what you can get.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Turning back the pages of history to ancient times, a modern man feels wonderstruck to see the hard life of human beings a few centuries ago. Our ancestors used to live in caves, ate uncooked food or depended upon fruit and leaves, walked long distances on foot. They could not get any clothes to cover their body and had not thought of getting shelter to hide their head. Their standard of living was no better than that of beasts. Like animals, they used to live in groups and fight other groups with bows, arrows and sticks for food, clothing or shelter.

But everything is destined to undergo a change in this world. The things of the past have become outdated today. Man used his scientific imagination, made a number of inventions and revealed the mysteries of nature. He started controlling the forces of nature. With the passage of time he went on marching ahead and soon became the master of the universe. He can now fly across the sky like a bird, swim across an ocean like a fish and communicate over long distances in no time. Today, with modern technology, man has been able to enjoy all facilities of life. Life is exceedingly comfortable, smooth and easy-going for him. The word ‘impossible’ does not find a place in his dictionary. He is able to get all the necessities of life.

A modern man enjoys himself in different ways. He is the master of the whole universe. When bored with his dull, mechanical routine, he has lots of means for entertainment. He has the video cassette recorder to entertain himself. He has beautiful restaurants and hotels to go to. He has melodious musical extravaganzas and dance sequences packed up in his cassettes. His fertile creative mind had made him what his ancestors could never have thought of becoming in their entire lifetime.

But are we really happier than our forefathers? Definitely not. We have gained physical comforts at the cost of moral and spiritual values. We do not believe in God. We do not think of our moral upliftment. We think of our own comforts, not of others. We are too much entrapped in the snare of money. We are greedy, selfish, isolated, perturbed, disappointed and addicted to all sorts of vices. We have so many aspirations that life is full of frustration and depression. We have no pleasure or leisure, rest or peace, joy or contentment

Man, today is, angry, proud, hypocritical, dishonest, insincere and tense. His life is full of frustration, agony and terror. He has no love for life and he does not bother to heed to the teachings of great mea like Guru Nanak Dev Ji who once said:

Why hast thou forgotten God? Anger has thou not forgotten Not falsehood, Why has thou forgotten truth?

Our ancestors enjoyed that inner joy that a modern man does not dream of having. The modern man has struck a very bad bargain. He has earned name, fame, position, status and physical comfort at the cost of inner joy, spiritual contentment and moral values. He has ascended the throne of God Himself. He knows how to fly in the air but has not learnt to live gracefully on the earth like a civilized citizen. The moral and spiritual progress is negligible as compared to the scientific progress.

Man, today, has money but he does not know the right use of it. He uses his money to buy others and make them betray their conscience or their country. He has scientific knowledge but he is using it to create bombs, missiles and deadly armaments and this increases tension, fear and suspicion. He wants to enjoy himself at the cost of others. He does not mind indulging in a sort of cut-throat competition. He is as cruel, callous and unscrupulous in his ways as ever, No doubt, he is blessed with physical comforts but he is certainly far from being really contented and happy. The divinity in him is losing ground every day and he is becoming more and more a child of mere flesh and blood. May be he realizes his follies only when it is too late.

Shakespeare’s words in Henry VII are very aptly applicable to a modern man:

“O! my good lord, that comfort comes too late, This like a pardon after execution; That gentle physic, given in time had cured me, But now I am past all comforts here but prayers.”

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  • Blurting: Another great way which students can choose to do is by the blurting method. In this technique, a student has to read 31. Are we Happier than Our Forefathers Class 10 Notes repeatedly to memorise them. After following the blurting method, make sure that you test yourself by writing down the topics which you remembered so far during the revision time. 
  • Take short breaks between your exam preparation: Students are always advised to take short breaks between their exam preparation as it will ensure effective learning. Taking short breaks while studying 31. Are we Happier than Our Forefathers Class 10 Notes also improves memory and recalling power. So, make sure to follow this revision tip while doing exam preparation. 
  • Pomodoro Technique: Another important revision tip which is advisable for all the students is to follow the pomodoro technique as it helps to reduce distractions and improves the concentration of the students. This technique can be used by all the students to increase their accuracy and concentration when they are using 31. Are we Happier than Our Forefathers Class 10 Notes. 

How to Prepare for Annual Exam from 31. Are we Happier than Our Forefathers Class 10 Notes?

There are various tips which students should follow to prepare from 31. Are we Happier than Our Forefathers Class 10 Notes. The tips are:

  • Start reading or rewriting your Notes: The first tip which students should follow is that they should start reading their 31. Are we Happier than Our Forefathers Notes repeatedly. After reading, they can write them to stick in their memory and remember them for a longer period of time. There are also various ways which you can use to rewrite them.
  • Start studying in advance: It is always advisable for all the students to start studying for their examinations in advance from 31. Are we Happier than Our Forefathers Class 10 Notes. If they study at the last moment, they will not be able to study effectively and chances of getting stressed and anxious will also increase. Studying in advance also helps to create a strong base of each and every concept. 
  • Always take food breaks in between your exam preparation: Students are advised to take short food breaks of 15-20 minutes in between their exam preparation to revive their energy levels and also to improve their memory. 
  • Get a good night’s sleep: All the students are advised to get a good night’s sleep as it will help the students to improve their brain function which will automatically improve the learning power of all the students. 

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There are various Advantages of Class 10 31. Are we Happier than Our Forefathers Notes. Some of the most important of them are:

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Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers?

1. The conquest of happiness has meant different facts to different generations. Our forefathers took pride in scholarship, a spirit of sacrifice and solicitude for the welfare of others. Gone are those days. Today we live only for ourselves. We are jealous of the advancement of our neighbours. We end up tense and unhappy. 2. The term 'happy' has a variety of meanings. It stands for the lucky, fortunate, content, glad or apt. Happiness lies withing the mind of the individual. No amount of external wealth may be helpful in making him happy. 3. Our forefathers had life styles, very much different from those we have today. Their life was bases mainly on the concept of "Simple living and high thinking". People were satisfied with whatever they obtained after working hard. Excessive material wealth did not mean much for them. They derived mental satisfaction and enrichment which they aimed at. 4. The structural framework of our forefathers families was different from those of ours. They lived in a cohesive joint family structure where they were happier than we. They cared for one another. The siblings grew up with their cousins. The bond of love which they shared can not be easily found in the nuclear family of the day. The family provided an emotional cushioning effect against tension and stress. 5. However, in the nuclear family, we are detached from the feelings towards our kith and kin. At times even the cousins do not recognize one another, when they happen to be self-centered. Disputes in the family may lead to divisions. This may finally destroy the family psyche. 6. But today we are happy only if we attain our coveted material ends. We are ready to resort to any means to achieve that end. Our philosophy of life has turned out totally Machiavellian. 7. Our forefathers had a vision to make India the best. To attain their ambitions, they were ready to make all sorts of personal scarifies. Their happiness lay in that of the millions of Indian brothers and sisters. 8. On the other hand, today people are ready to migrate to the west, to enjoy a comfortable life. They run away from the evils of the Indian society without trying to remedy them. Often they become successful in foreign lands. But in the process, they become alienated from their motherland. The nostalgic feeling of their childhood and the relationship they left remained which cannot make them happy. Distance from their ailing parents is a worrying factor and keeps them disturbed. It is not easy for them to return, as their children will not be able to adjust to the Indian environment and the way of life.

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English Essay on “Are we any happier than our forefathers?” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Are we any happier than our forefathers?

Modern life has become synonymous with requiring more, consuming more, and destroying more. The quality of life has deteriorated and has become starved of human values. The satisfaction of life comes not so much from creature comforts as from the smile of a loved one, from sharing the joys and sorrows of our neighbours from helping a blind man cross the road and from seeing children grow up in a clean and safe environment. How simple and attractive all these images are and yet so far and difficult to achieve in today’s confused and mixed up world.

We do not have to go far to see the rot that has set into modern life. However, it is not unlikely, that on looking around, we might find our vision obscured by smoke and smog owing to the symbols of prosperity and progress the bars and buses; factories and power plants, etc. We are systematically destroying the very air that gives us life and the earth that sustains us.

Today, we have a wide variety of foods to choose from but the truth of the matter is that modern food growing techniques use pesticides and fertilizers and produce food that is positively unhealthy, if not dangerous. Heart-related ailments—blood pressure and hypertension—are offshoots of this diet. Is it not ironical that in spite of advancement in techniques of growing food, the world has never been as hungry and starved as now?

Sociologically, the obsession with material acquisition, the hallmark of so-called success, has created tremendous conflicts in society. The security of the joint family has been replaced by individualism of nuclear families. Alienation loneliness and maladjustment—these have led to neurosis. People are ready to sacrifice health and happiness, love and caring relationships and prefer to pursue material things.

The joy of knowledge and learning has been replaced by burdensome loads of books, stress and anxiety to perform better. Longevity has improved—but what kind of longer lives are these? Lives prolonged by chemicals, lives exposed to HIV virus, smoke, smog and pollution; lives on tenterhooks threatened by crimes and insecurity that lurk around the corners.

It is time for introspection. Perhaps our lives arc longer but certainly not better than what our forefathers lived.

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Are we happier than our forefathers

Are we happier than our forefathers? Is life getting better or worse?

As life progresses, things around us progress, and this makes life different. Through the centuries, life has become different, and people can now access different things that have made life more comfortable. During our forefather’s time, things were not advanced as today, but life was considered more superficial. In the following essay, I am going to show whether our forefathers we happier than us and if life is getting better or worse?

Happiness is brought by three compositions, which are our physical, spiritual, and mental. One important thing that should not be noted is that happiness is not brought by material things or living lavishly. During the time of our forefathers, life was not advanced as today. During this time, the ancestors were happier; there was no pressure to get contentment. People worked so hard, and they strived to live together in harmony, which brought happiness to them. The family was important for our ancestors because people lived near each other, and they embraced each other’s presence. During this time, people were not as malicious as today, and they could not kill me. People had more social standing, and this made them more peaceful and happier.

However, in today’s world, it can also be argued that people are happier. In today’s world, we have more freedom to make choices that make us happier. During our forefathers’ time, leadership was oppressive mostly to women, but today women can make choices, which makes them happier. In the modern-day we have more facilities that bring more comfort, bringing some people happiness.

In conclusion, our forefathers were happier than us. According to this, it can be said that life is getting worse than before. Nowadays, many factors hinder people from being happy, such as social media and the pressure to bet content. Even with all comfort that comes with life today, without happiness, life seems to be meaningless.

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Why our forefathers were much happier than us

Anaisa Arora


Turning the annals of history back to ancient times, a modern man feels overwhelmed to see the challenging lives of human beings a few generations earlier. Our predecessors used to live in caves, consume uncooked food, travel thousands of miles on foot. They couldn’t get clothing to cover their bodies, and they didn’t care about finding shelter to cover their heads. Their quality of living was no different than that of beasts. Yet they were satisfied.

Scientific advancement has equipped us with many luxuries that were unprecedented throughout the days of our forefathers. A modern man pleasures himself in numerous ways. We have overcome the elements of nature, we have tamed the atom, we have reached the moon, we have conquered space, and yet we are not complete, content or fulfilled.

At the expense of moral and ethical principles, we have acquired physiological convenience. We dream of comforts of our own, not of others. We’re so engrossed in the capital snare. We are wasteful, lazy, depressed, angry and susceptible to all manner of indulgences. We have so many expectations that dissatisfaction and despair fill life. We have no recreation, no rest, no harmony and no joy

Humanity today  arrogant, hypocritical, deceptive, disingenuous and irritated today. ⠀

A dividing line should be drawn between warmth, convenience, ease, and true happiness. With the so-called marvellous gifts of scientific life, no doubt, it has become very comfortable; the universe has just about transformed into a supposed utopia, but satisfaction is a state of consciousness. It does not lie in the warmth and ease of items. All these so-called amenities and miracles of life have made our lives artificial, hollow and devoid of true happiness.

Our forefathers unquestionably had no other accommodations and facilities. In the field of sanitation, they have had numerous deadly illnesses, epidemics and negligence. There have been little higher education and vocational training in schools, colleges, institutions of higher education, but at the same time, they have not suffered from the many ills and evils of contemporary civilization. They were transparent, frank, compassionate, concerned, pitying, polite and sensitive. They had their soul and in all their actions and thought were they  always motivated by ethical, spiritual and human ideologies. They had their inner harmony, pleasure and actualization. In the domain of materialism and possession, a modern man lives.

Our inner and true selves are starving and hardened. The human ideals like love, empathy, emotion, fellowship, kindness etc. have increasingly been marginalised in this world of scientific advancement. Man is becoming increasingly egoistic and too money-minded.What is the use of possession of the universe the spirit is abandoned? King Midas’ curse has come down on the human race. The exploitation of knowledge has turned our future into a bitter one. our existence is dehumanised and disillusioned.

Everything that has been stated so far actively demonstrates that our ancestors were much happier than ourselves.

an essay on we are happier than our forefathers

they really enjoyed in the past than we do now

it is really a fact that our forefathers were happier than us. in the times of our forefathers life was so simple. science was not so advanced and con...

they really enjoyed in the past

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an essay on we are happier than our forefathers

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Write a composition (in approximately 450 − 500 words) on the following subjects: "We are happier than our forefathers." Express your views on the given statement.

It can’t be denied that the world has progressed in all spheres of life by leaps and bounds. our life, these days, is certainly more comfortable than that of our forefathers . and yet, the question is we happier than them a comparison the life at the time of our forefathers and the life as it is lived today will, undoubtedly, raise the mystery-curtain. in the by-gone days, our forefathers had to travel on foot for long distances, or used the bullock-carts for this purpose; therefore, communication and personal contact between people of different villages was very limited. but now the situation is absolutely changed. today, we have the most sophisticated means of transport and communication. we can travel long distances not only on land by means of a motor car or a bus but over the sea in ships and through the air in aeroplanes. the barriers of distance, high mountains or long stretches of deep water, have lost their importance. we can converse with our friends and relatives anywhere in the world using telephone, telegraph, fax, e-mail, or internet. happiness is a state of mind. if there's something money can't buy, its happiness. compared to these days, i strongly feel, that out forefathers were happier. their life was simple, their needs minimal. they had less expectations. their days started with the morning sun and ended with the setting sun. they listened to the chirping of birds as they tilled their fields, breathing the fresh air around. the pristine beauty of nature, with its greens, the golden harvests, the flowers, the fragrance-added colors and substance to their lives. in short, they had time and the sensibilities to appreciate and marvel at the wonderful things god has blessed us with. after a day's hard work, the simple meal served on the home platter was relished by our forefathers. organic food with unpolluted water-fresh and healthy what would we not give for such a luxury the simple life-style our forefathers led, kept them away from diseases. the sheer routine of their life with oodles of exercise never allowed them to become obese. diabetes and heart burns were unheard of cooling devices and heaters never sucked up the oxygen around. a big fire in the center kept their huge family warm; the fronds above fanned them in summer to keep them cool and fit. the big joint families of the olden times shared their joy and sorrows, helped each other in hours of need, and shared responsibilities. children grew up in the lap of nature, under the protective supervision of their elders. how unlike the children of today's nuclear families where parents go to work and children are left to the care of domestic help or in the company of modern gadgets festivals and weddings used to be occasions for the huge extended family to come together and enjoy. they were extended holidays; unlike the hurried two day affairs in five star hotels amidst filmy settings festivals like holi were played with natural ingredients made from fragrant flowers and leaves. it kept away skin rashes and eye sores. spurious drinks did not take away lives on diwali nights. what if our forefathers had to walk miles to reach their destinations, what if they had to till their land in scorching sun, what if they were not able to travel around the world the truth is that they led a contented life. contentment, the chief ingredient for happiness do we have it can we ever hope to get it coming to think of it, i feel, our forefathers were stress free, guilt free, more innocent, led uncomplicated life and consequently were much, much happier than us..

English Summary

100 Words Essay On Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers In English

This is a question that is being put up by many. There are a lot of critique openings as well” to this very question. However, It can be said that life has gotten so much easier than the life of our forefathers. The technology has made it an even easier task.

This is the root cause of being ungrateful. Technology has brought rise to anxiety and depression. If material pleasures are called happiness then no doubt we are but if they happiness comes from within us then I must say that our forefathers were so much happier than we are.  

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Modern civilization has advanced by leaps and bouds. We ahve progress in every sphere of life, and our life is certainly more comfortable than that of our forefathers. And yet, are we happier than them? a comparison of the life in the time of our ancestors and life as it is lived today should help us arrive at an answer to this question.

Our forefathers had to travel on foot for long distances, or they used the bullock cart for this purpose. Therefore, communication and intercourse between people of different villages was very limited. Today, we have the most sophisticated modes of transport and communication. We can travel long distances not only on land by means of motorcar and bus but over the sea in ships and through the air in aeroplanes. There is no limit to where we can travel. We can communicate with people anywhere in the world by virtue of the telephone, and now via Internet.

We have strong sturdy houses in which we live in comfort, where as our ancestors lived in mud houses, which were of course naturally warm in winter and cool in summer. However, they tended to crumble and dissolve druing the rainy season. We have amenities like refrigerator to preserve and cool perishable foodstuffs. We have all kinds of electrical gadgets to help us swiftly complete our work with the least labour. But, our forefathers could not even have dreamt of such machines. Now-a-days, we ahve different means of occupying our leisure hours. We have television and video to entertain us. We can engage in hobbies like photography, which again was unknown to our ancestors.

The progress in medicine, which has increased our life span and conquered most of the dreadful diseases like small pox, cholera and TB, which were fatal in earlier days. Also progress in technology has given us the best roads and bridges, aeroplanes which are contributed to industrial development. All these were absent in ancient times.

Our entire life style has undergone a sea change. The position of women is very different now. They are no longer confined to four walls of the hoe but work shoulder to shoulder with men. Art and culture is all now highly developed. In fact, there no sphere of life, which has remained, untouched by modernization.

And yet, with all this progress, which has made life more, comfortable and secure, are we happier than our forefathers? The answer is no; for we have lost the pease of mind, the content and tranquility that was the hall mark of the life of our ancesters. They had none of the tensions of twentyfirst century life and therefore none of the high stress medical problems of today. Today we have everything that life can offer, but neither do we have joy, love, certitude, peace nor help from pain. Our ancestors had nothing in comparison, but strength derived from faith in God. Thus, they were happier than we are in the present day.

No, I think that we are not became happy than our forefather. Technology is advanced day by day. Our life became very nuclear. Our life is bounded in virtual friendship world. We don't have time to go out with friends. What we do when we want to talk with friends? we do whatsapp, chat in message. In the time of our grandparents the life may be not easy, not might be as digital as now but the real happiness was their what comes when you be with ur family and friends.

Though we are enjoying a great comfort now in our living but the basic requirement of our lives is still missing. That is peace and self satisfaction. Even after paying an arm and a leg for particular items, we still fail to feel halcyon. we now have houses with A.C.s, well furnished goods and furnitures but still we are unable to find peace in our hearts instead we keep on running for gaining more.i accept that our forefathers had to walk miles for their works but that also helps them keep fit and healthy. they didn't call it encumbrance.they were happier because they used to receive a tight sleep. They used to believe in harmony and finds their strength in the same, we on the other hand fails to manage the same. we don't even have time for our families. In the end, i would like to conclude that advancements in technologies alone would not help us in living our lives happier.

We are very happy in this time.our forefathers had to travel on foot for long. To travel on foot for long distances, or they used the bullock cart for this purpose.

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673 Words Essay on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers

It can’t be denied that the world has progressed in all spheres of life by leaps and bounds. Our life, these days, is certainly more comfortable than that of our forefathers . And yet, the question is we happier than them? A comparison the life at the time of our forefathers and the life as it is lived today will, undoubtedly, raise the mystery-curtain.

In the by-gone days, our forefathers had to travel on foot for long distances, or used the bullock-carts for this purpose; therefore, communication and personal contact between People of different villages was very limited. But now the situation is absolutely changed. Today, we have the most sophisticated means of transport and communication.

We can travel long distances not only on land by means of a motor car or a bus but over the sea in ships and through the air in aeroplanes. The barriers of distance, high mountains or long stretches of deep water, have lost their importance. We can converse with our friends and relatives anywhere in the world using telephone, telegraph, fax, e-mail, or internet.

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We have strong, sturdy, comfortable houses in which we live in, whereas, our ancestors lived in mud houses, which were, of course, naturally, warm in winter and cool in summer. However, they were airless and far less comfortable than modern houses. They also tended to collapse and dissolve during the rainy season.

We have amenities like the refrigerator to preserve and cool perishable food stuffs. We have all kinds of electrical gadgets to help us swiftly complete our work with ease and speed. The washing machine, the dish washer, the vacuum cleaner, the mixer-grinder, the micro-wave oven and so on have all been designed to help the housewife complete her work in the shortest possible time. Our ancestors could not even dream of such highly useful appliances.

And to keep us joyfully busy during our leisure-time, we have the television and video to entertain us, if we do not have inclination to go to a cinema show. We can pursue hobbies, like photography, which again was unknown to our ancestors.

The highly sophisticated inventions at our disposal today would seem like miracles to our forefathers. The progress & medicine has increased our life-span and conquered the most devastating diseases like smallpox, cholera, polio and tuberculosis, which were considered fatal in earlier times.

We have the most remarkable machinery such as the CAT scan, electro cardio-gram and so on to check-up the organs of the human body. The x-ray gives an accurate photograph of any internal part of the body. Progress in technology has given us the best of roads, bridges, cars, buses, trains, aeroplanes and contributed a lot to the industrial development. All this was missing in ancient times.

Our entire life-style has undergone a complete transformation. Even the position of women is very different now. They are no longer confined to the four walls of the home but work shoulder to shoulder with men. Art and culture are now highly developed. In fact, no aspect of life has remained untouched these days by modernization.

But the tragedy is that in spite of all this progress, happiness and contentment are still eluding us. We have lost peace of the mind, contentment and tranquility that was the hall-mark of life of our ancestors. They had to labour for their food and shelter. They had to endure the hardships brought on by unpredictable, hard weather conditions but managed it all beautifully.

They had never seen the modern world of today, yet they were content with the little that they had. They thanked God for the bread they ate only with an onion or a green chili, and the shelter they had over their heads. Not for them was the selfish, capitalist rat-race of making money. Today, we have everything that life can offer, but the world:

“Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light

Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help from pain.”

Our ancestors were indeed, far happier than we are in the present-day world.

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    Modern civilization has advanced by leaps and bouds. We ahve progress in every sphere of life, and our life is certainly more comfortable than that of our forefathers. And yet, are we happier than them? a comparison of the life in the time of our ancestors and life as it is lived today should help us arrive at an answer to this question.

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