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PhD in Economics

  • Advanced Diploma in Economics
  • MPhil in Economics
  • MPhil in Economic Research
  • MPhil in Finance and Economics
  • MPhil in Economics and Data Science

phd accounting cambridge university

This is the most advanced programme of graduate studies in Economics at Cambridge. Upon its completion, candidates are awarded a PhD degree for producing a thesis of high-quality, original, and publishable research over a period of four years (full-time) and seven years (part-time).

A good number of our PhD students receive full or partial funding for their studies, from a variety of funding bodies, such as the ESRC and the Gates Foundation .

Our PhD students receive high quality training on a variety of research methods and are exposed to cutting edge research conducted by our own Faculty members, as well visitors to the Faculty (via the Cambridge-INET Institute , seminars, PhD workshops, locally organised conferences, etc.). Faculty members can supervise a wide range of topics from six broadly defined research areas: microeconomic theory, macroeconomics, econometrics, applied microeconomics, economic history and alternative approaches to economics.

PhD students in Cambridge benefit from a high faculty-to-student ratio and therefore form close relationships with many Faculty members. They also forge strong links with our post-doctoral researchers, and they actively participate in the Faculty’s vibrant research life. They have access to a wide range of facilities, such as their own desk/office space in the same building as regular Faculty members, computing equipment, a variety of software and access to a wide range of databases.

PhD students are encouraged to attend academic conferences and showcase their research work in a variety of ways. Upon completions of their studies, many of our PhD students become academics, or researchers at international or government research institutions (see recent job market placements here ).

Explore here the profiles of our current PhD students.

To obtain the degree of PhD in Economics, students need to:

1. Obtain the Certificate of Postgraduate Study (CPGS) . If accepted for the PhD degree, you will be registered initially for the Certificate of Postgraduate Study (CPGS) in Economics. Students registered for the CPGS are required to:

  • Attend the 'How to do Economics' lecture course. Other postgraduate courses in research methods are organised by the Schools of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Physical Sciences, and are available to all PhD students.  
  • Undertake a minimum of four courses from PhD or MPhil Modules from at least two subject areas. You must achieve a pass mark (60%) on each component of the coursework. Students who fail any examinations will be called for a viva on the coursework.

Course Requirements

  • Write a research proposal (maximum length 10,000 words) that should include a review of the relevant literature, a research question, and outline of a research design and methods. The expectation is that this proposal will be for a piece of research that could form the basis of one chapter of a PhD dissertation. You will be given an oral examination on this piece of work and must perform to a satisfactory standard.  
  • Attend (a) one of the three research workshops (on microeconomics, macroeconomics or econometrics) at which research students present both their own work and recent papers in the literature - assessment of workshops will be arranged by course organisers; (b) attend at least one of the Faculty's general seminars in which papers are given both by outside speakers and Faculty members;  
  • To be registered for the PhD submit an acceptable piece of research (first year chapter) of not more than 20,000 words. The piece of research submitted must be of a standard that would enable it to form the basis of one-third of your eventual PhD thesis. This means that it must contain research that could be expanded upon to constitute one-third of the PhD thesis.

2. Once upgraded to PhD status, a student concentrates on her or his PhD dissertation. In general the thesis format is either in the form of a book divided into chapters, or of three or more connected articles; in either case, the Faculty has a strict limit of 60,000 words. As research progresses, there will be opportunities to present work in progress at research workshops attended by Faculty members and research students. PhD students will also be required to attend research seminars given by outside speakers and Faculty members. 


Upon completion and submission of the PhD thesis, students do an oral examination (viva) with two examiners, one internal to the University of Cambridge (not the supervisor or research advisor), and one external (from any other University in the UK or the rest of the world).

After a successful thesis defence, the examiners recommend awarding the degree of PhD.

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Accounting & Management

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  • Health Policy (Management)
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  • Program Requirements

Accounting & Management

Curriculum & coursework.

Our programs are full-time degree programs which officially begin in August. Students are expected to complete their program in five years. Typically, the first two years are spent on coursework, at the end of which students take a field exam, and then another three years on dissertation research and writing.

Students in the Accounting and Management program must complete a minimum of 13 semester-long doctoral courses in the areas of business management theory, economic theory, quantitative research methods, academic field seminars, and two MBA elective curriculum courses. In addition to HBS courses, students may take courses at other Harvard Schools and MIT.

Research & Dissertation

Students in accounting and management begin research in their first year typically by working with a faculty member. By their third and fourth years, most students are launched on a solid research and publication stream. In Accounting and Management, the dissertation may take the form of three publishable papers or one longer dissertation.

Recent questions students have explored include: the ways in which managers use retail-level marketing actions to influence the timing of consumer purchases in relation to their firms’ fiscal calendars and financial performance as well as those of their competitors; the role of accounting information in strategic human resource decisions; the evolution, consequences and institutional determinants of unregulated financial reporting practices; the effects of adopting rolling forecasts on forecast quality.

phd accounting cambridge university

Elliot Tobin

“ I’m constantly inspired to look into new research angles by the brilliant people I run into on campus every day. ”

phd accounting cambridge university

Current HBS Faculty

  • Brian K. Baik
  • Dennis Campbell
  • Srikant M. Datar
  • Aiyesha Dey
  • Susanna Gallani
  • Brian J. Hall
  • Jonas Heese
  • Robert S. Kaplan
  • V.G. Narayanan
  • Joseph Pacelli
  • Lynn S. Paine
  • Krishna G. Palepu
  • Ananth Raman
  • Clayton S. Rose
  • Ethan C. Rouen
  • Tatiana Sandino
  • David S. Scharfstein
  • George Serafeim
  • Anywhere Sikochi
  • Robert Simons
  • Eugene F. Soltes
  • Suraj Srinivasan
  • Adi Sunderam
  • Charles C.Y. Wang
  • Emily Williams

Current Accounting & Management Students

  • Ji Ho Kim
  • Yiwei Li
  • Trang Nguyen
  • Konstantin Pavlenkov
  • Ria Sen
  • Terrence Tianshuo Shi
  • Albert Shin
  • Elliot Tobin
  • Wenxin Wang
  • Siyu Zhang

Current HBS Faculty & Students by Interest

Recent placement, yaxuan chen, 2024, hashim zaman, 2022, wei cai, 2020, matthew shaffer, 2019, botir kobilov, 2024, patrick ferguson, 2021, jihwon park, 2020, wilbur chen, 2022, alexandra scherf, 2021, jody grewal, 2019.

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MIT Sloan Campus life

Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.

Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.

A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.

Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.

Apply now and work for two to five years. We'll save you a seat in our MBA class when you're ready to come back to campus for your degree.

Executive Programs

The 20-month program teaches the science of management to mid-career leaders who want to move from success to significance.

A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.

A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.

Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers.

A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.

Students in the Accounting research group are expected to push beyond the boundaries of traditional accounting and incorporate a thorough knowledge of economics and finance in their work on contemporary issues in financial reporting, disclosure, and contracts using financial information.

In addition to seminars in accounting and finance, students acquire the economics depth required of MIT Sloan's Finance PhD students. The accounting doctoral courses give students the opportunity to tap into recent faculty research and expertise on a wide range of topics that are of particular interest to accounting academics, practitioners, and standard-setters.

Accounting Faculty

Accounting Overview

Accounting Graduates

Example Thesis Topics

Courses at University of Cambridge


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Aerosol Science

University of Cambridge

PhD · 5 Years · Part-time · Cambridge · 2024

Tariff points: N/A

2 course options available

PhD · 3 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2023

Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic

PhD · 3 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2024

Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2025

30 course options available

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2024

Tariff points: 152/152

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2023

Antarctic Studies

PhD · 7 Years · Part-time · Cambridge · 2024

PhD · 4 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2023

Application of Artificial Intelligence to the study of Environmental Risks

PDIS · 4 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2024

PDIS · 4 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2023

Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics


29 course options available


26 course options available

University of Cambridge

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The PhD programme

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Finance overview    Funding    How to apply

The PhD is awarded after three to four years of full-time research (or five to seven years of part-time study) on the basis of a dissertation of 80,000 words (exclusive of footnotes, appendices and bibliography, but subject to an overall word limit of 100,000 words exclusive of bibliography, table of contents and any other preliminary matter). Examination for the PhD involves an oral examination (viva) by two examiners.

Research students who intend to undertake PhD research are in the first instance automatically registered for a one-year research training programme leading to the Certificate of Postgraduate Study (CPGS) in Legal Studies. They are assigned a supervisory team by the Degree Committee of the Faculty, ordinarily consisting of a supervisor (who is principally responsible for directing and assisting the research) and an advisor (who provides a second point of contact for academic advice). At the end of the first year, the Degree Committee decides whether students should be registered for the PhD. This decision is taken on the basis of the student’s personal progress log, first-year dissertation of 15,000 words, viva conducted by two assessors from within the Faculty, and outline of plans for the full research project. Candidates who successfully complete the requirements of the CPGS and the first-year progress review are retrospectively registered for the PhD.

All full-time PhD students are ordinarily required to be resident in Cambridge for the duration of their research (save where given leave to work away from Cambridge for academic reasons or whilst undertaking fieldwork), and during the first year in particular must attend weekly research training sessions in the Faculty.

This overview of the PhD programme must be read in conjunction with the detailed information available under the 'Courses' section (see, in particular, the Course Directory) of the Postgraduate Admissions website . Further information on postgraduate admission to research courses in the Faculty of Law is available from [email protected] or +44 (0)1223 330039.

The Faculty of Law The David Williams Building 10 West Road Cambridge CB3 9DZ United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 1223 330033 Email: [email protected]

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Accounting  Bachelor of Science

The online BS in Accounting is a hands-on degree with three concentrations that helps you build a strong financial knowledge foundation.

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Bachelor of Science in Accounting Overview

Cambridge College's Bachelor of Science in Accounting (BSA) is the right online accounting degree to help you advance in the field of business.

In this dynamic program, you'll engage in an in-depth, well-rounded exploration of the accounting profession. You will learn key theoretical constructs and apply those theories through hands-on practice.

The Bachelor of Science in Accounting also offers a seamless transition from the Associate Degree in Accounting program , as all credits obtained in the associate program will transfer into the BS in Accounting.

Online Bachelor of Science in Accounting Program Highlights

The online Bachelor of Science in Accounting degree serves as a strong foundation for those interested in financial work, which is the underpinning of all organizations. With a focus on building the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be successful, this accounting degree offers:

  • Critical thinking skills
  • Functional business acumen
  • Deep dive into a broad range of accounting topics including auditing, taxation, and financial analysis
  • Opportunity to deepen study/concentrate in either public or management accounting.

This 40-course program consists of nine foundational business courses, 10 accounting core courses, 9 business courses, 3 accounting concentration courses, and 17 general education courses.

Online Accounting Degree Tuition Information

* See curriculum sheet for a breakdown of credits and credit ranges.

Accounting Concentrations

Choose from three areas of concentration for an intensified focus on your area of interest.

Management Accounting

Public Accounting

Course List

Admission requirements for undergraduate programs.

  • Choose your program of study. Browse our Program Finder to find your program.
  • Complete and sign the online application .
  • Pay the $50 application fee ($100 for international students) by the term start date.
  • Send official transcripts directly to Cambridge College in a sealed, unopened envelope. Learn How to Send Transcripts
  • Fulfill any additional program-specific admissions requirements.
  • Ensure you have internet access , and a fully functional laptop or desktop computer that can play audio and video and access Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint).

Note: Your admission file must be complete and accepted before your financial aid may be awarded, before your transfer credit may be evaluated, and before you may register for classes.

Cambridge College undergraduate admission also requires at least one of the following:

  • Original high school transcript showing graduation or a recognized equivalent such as a General Educational Development (GED) or HiSET certificate
  • Or an affidavit confirming high school program completion in a state-approved homeschool setting.
  • Or , if not required by state law, proof of high school education in a homeschool setting meeting state attendance exemptions
  • Or enrollment in an eligible career pathway program
  • Or proof of passing scores on an approved ability-to-benefit test (such as the Accuplacer Test administered by Cambridge College)
  • Or nine credit hours of Cambridge College course work, applicable toward an undergraduate degree or certificate, completed with grades of B or better. (Non-matriculated students may not receive aid while earning credits.)
  • Or 24 or more credits earned from a regionally or nationally accredited college or university. Note: Official college transcripts are evaluated for transfer credit. Courses not included in an earned associate degree must be earned at a grade of C or better to be eligible for transfer.

Careers in Accounting

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the yearly median salary for an accountant is $78,000.* To prepare for a career in the accounting field, you need a bachelor’s degree that is hands-on. Cambridge College's online BSA is designed with a particular emphasis on acquiring highly targeted skills required by today’s accounting professionals.

Median annual salary for accountants*

Job openings projected per year over the next decade*

*Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Accountants and Auditors, (visited October 11, 2023).

Fast-Track to a Master’s Degree

Cambridge College encourages students to earn both their undergraduate and graduate degrees through the Fast-Track program. Undergraduate students may apply to the Fast-Track program if they have 90 credits and a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Accepted students may apply up to 12 graduate credits earned in the Fast-Track program towards the requirement for both degrees. Please discuss your academic plans with your advisor early in your degree.  

Accounting Jobs

Several occupations require a minimum of a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field. Careers for those who obtain a Bachelor of Science in Accounting include entry-level positions in nearly all industries. Common entry-level positions held by those with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting include:

  • Auditing clerk
  • Cost estimator
  • Budget analyst
  • Staff accountant

Faculty Spotlight

Matthew F. Fowler

Matthew F. Fowler

Program chair, msa, bsa, asa, mshrm, msf.

Matthew is the Chief Financial Officer at RAA, Inc. in the vibrant city of New York. RAA, Inc. is the largest exhibition and museum designer globally, and he is proud to have played a pivotal role in leading the company and assembling a financial team that consistently adds substantial value to the bottom line. His professional journey has been diverse, encompassing roles as a Controller and CFO in fields such as professional services, logistics, architectural/engineering, SaaS, and design...

Douglas G. Kildsig

Douglas G. Kildsig

Adjunct faculty.

Douglas Kildsig is a seasoned management education specialist with a focus on online and distance learning management systems (LMS). His extensive experience encompasses various facets of management, including a distinguished education in management from Purdue University in W. Lafayette, IN (BS Management, MS Management). With a background spanning employment in large corporate settings, entrepreneurship, and small business startups, he brings a wealth of practical knowledge to his role.

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PhD with Integrated Study in Accounting entry requirements

Admission to our doctoral programmes are highly competitive. While academic credentials are important for a successful application we also pay great attention to the fit of students to both the programme and the research interests of our academic faculty.

Apply early. Supervisors can accept students on a first-come, first-served basis, and the programme may close early if it reaches capacity.

Full details of the Academic, English Language, and Application Requirements for your application are detailed below.


  • English language
  • Application

Applicants for the PhD with Integrated Study in Accounting should hold a postgraduate masters degree from an accredited institution in the UK or overseas, showing evidence of above-average academic achievement. This includes:

  • a degree classification with a mark of 65% or more overall (University of Edinburgh level, or overseas equivalent).
  • normally, a masters dissertation at the distinction level (University of Edinburgh level, or overseas equivalent)
  • Applicants with a masters degree without a dissertation component worth a third of degree credits will require a distinction or equivalent.

If you do not have a masters degree you may still be considered if you have a UK undergraduate degree at a First, or international equivalent, with a mark of 70 or more in the dissertation module.

Applicants with significant industry experience (10+ years at a senior level) in the accounting sector, or with relevant professional qualifications, will be given due consideration on a case-by-case basis. However, these applicants must also have a minimum of a Bachelor's degree in accounting or a related discipline.

You must demonstrate English language competency at a level that will enable you to succeed in your studies, regardless of your nationality or country of residence. You can do this either by providing an approved English certificate, or providing a degree certificate.

English language certificates

We accept the following English language qualifications as evidence when they meet the minimum grades:

  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System) including IELTS Online: 7.0 (at least 6.0 in each section)
  • Oxford ELLT Global and Digital: 9 overall (at least 7 in each component)
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) iBT (including Home Edition): total 100 with at least 20 in each component. We do not accept TOEFL MyBest Score to meet our English language requirements.
  • C1 Advanced (formerly CAE) and C2 Proficiency (formerly CPE) : total 185 (at least 169 in each module)
  • Trinity ISE (Integrated Skills in English) : ISE III with a Pass in all four components
  • PTE (Pearson Test of English) : total 70 (at least 59 in each section) (Please note that we have suspended acceptance of PTE Academic Online with immediate effect)

Your English language qualification must be no more than two years old from the start date of the programme you are applying to study, unless you are using C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency, in which case it can be no more than three and a half years old.

Degrees taught and assessed in English

For evidence of English competency we accept an undergraduate or postgraduate degree that has been taught and assessed in a majority English speaking country, as defined by UK Visas and Immigration:

  • UKVI list of majority English speaking countries

We also accept a degree that has been taught and assessed in English from a university on our list of approved universities in non-majority English speaking countries.

  • Approved universities in non-majority English speaking countries

If you are not a national of a majority English speaking country, then your degree must be no more than five years old at the start of the month in which your programme of study begins.

More on English language requirements

In order to apply for a PhD you need to consider:

1. What is your research proposal?

Your research proposal

2. Who do you intend to work with while undertaking your research?

We strongly recommend you make contact with a potential supervisor before applying. In your application, you must name your preferred supervisor (or up to 3 in order of preference) and the academic research area you wish to work in.

Choosing a supervisor and research area

3. Do you have the supporting documents needed for your application?

Required documents guidelines

Please be aware that only complete applications will be considered. Complete applications must contain all necessary documents, including a proposed supervisor or indicating a research group in the Business School.

Joining from overseas

If you are an international student, you may need to apply for permission to study in the UK. Our Edinburgh Global office provides information on immigration and visa requirements for students.

Immigration information

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The 25 Colleges With The Highest Payoff

From mit to the city college of new york, these 25 schools send graduates out into the world with high earnings potential and little if any student debt., by francesca walton , forbes staff.

C ollege is an investment , and one more and more Americans are leery of. Most now say a college degree isn’t worth taking on student debt . A new Gallup poll finds a third of Americans—triple the number of a decade ago—have little to no confidence in higher education, with costs (along with politics) underlying this growing disenchantment.

So here’s the good news: There are lots of schools on Forbes’ America’s Top Colleges list that actually produce an excellent return on investment. This is about more than just the sticker price. Go to a cheap school that produces lousy job prospects and taking on even a few thousand in debt (plus the lost time you spent studying) may not be worth it. Pick an “expensive” school that reduces the net cost with generous aid and catapults its graduates into lucrative careers and your investment could pay off, big-time.

To determine which of Forbes ’ top 500 colleges offer the best return on investment (ROI), we looked at each school’s price-to-earnings premium, a calculation by the think tank Third Way that shows the number of years it takes graduates to recoup the net cost of their education. We also factored in the schools’ debt-to-percent-borrowed index, a figure that Forbes created for the top 500 colleges list that takes into account how many students take on debt to attend the school, and how much debt those graduates leave with.

Combined, these measures gave us 25 schools that offer a low-debt education and promise high earnings potential. In other words, a high average ROI. Some of them come as no surprise—science and technology heavy-hitters Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , for example, both offer their students stellar ROIs. Others, like the nine City University of New York (CUNY) schools on this list, are less well known, particularly outside of New York.

To learn more about each school, click on the college name. To see where each school ranks in the top 500, click here .

Princeton University

Princeton University continues to take the #1 spot not only in the top 500, but also in terms of students’ return on investment. The New Jersey Ivy League university offers nearly 40 majors and certificate programs; the most popular majors are computer science, economics, and public policy. Over the years, more graduates have gone into the finance and technology sectors than any other industry (with business, consulting, and hedge funds also being well represented). The median salary for a Princeton graduate ten years after receiving their diploma is just under $200,000, and the university’s generous financial aid (backed by a huge $34 billion endowment) ensures that students graduate with little to no debt.

Stanford University

“Ivy-plus” Stanford University in California is known nationwide for its focus on STEM programs and its pipeline to high-paying Silicon Valley jobs. Many students end up in the technology and startup space, and within a few years of graduating, the median Stanford grad brings home $100,000 or more per year. Only around 5% of students take out federal loans to attend the university, with the median loan amount totaling $9,851.

CUNY City College of New York

CCNY is the first of nine City University of New York schools on this list, and the oldest in the 25-college public system. It was also the first free public institution of higher education in America. It’s no longer free, but undergraduate tuition for New York state residents is just $6,930 a year. Psychology, biology and computer science are popular majors at the public college in midtown Manhattan, and graduates recoup their net cost in just six months, according to Third Way data.

California Institute of Technology

Graduates of the California Institute of Technology earn a median salary of $132,140 six years after enrolling (and for many bachelor’s-degree holders, two years after graduating). The science and technology-oriented school in Pasadena, California offers its graduates a price-to-earnings premium of 0.73, meaning it takes graduates about nine months to recoup the cost of their education.

CUNY Hunter College

CUNY’s Hunter College, located on the upper east side of Manhattan, offers more than a hundred undergraduate and postgraduate majors across its five schools. Only 6.5% of students take out loans to attend the college, and their median loan balance is $8,812. Hunter College graduates typically recoup their net cost within half a year, per Third Way data.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology boasts high salaries for its graduates—MIT alumni earn a median $105,000 six years after graduating. A tiny 4% of MIT students take out federal student loans (with their median debt being $12,462) and 95% of borrowers are able to make a dent in their loan principal within five years of graduating. The Cambridge-based university is known for its intense science and technology programs, with computer science, mechanical engineering and math among the most popular majors.

CUNY Brooklyn College

Only 7% of students take out federal loans to attend CUNY Brooklyn College, and their median loan total sits at $9,218. Once graduated, Brooklyn College students make up the net cost of their education in just over half a year, according to Third Way data. The school accepts 55% of applicants, and popular majors include psychology, accounting, and business administration and management.

CUNY York College

CUNY York College in Jamaica, Queens, offers its undergraduates 60 majors to choose from, including nursing, social work and health services. About 5% of students take out federal loans to attend York College, and their median loan total is just $7,500, one of the lowest figures of the 25 schools on this list. Graduates recoup their net cost in just over a year, according to Third Way.

CUNY Queens College

CUNY Queens College, neighbor to York College, also offers its students a stand-out ROI: graduates recoup their net cost within nine months (low-income students do so within six months), and just 8% percent of students take out loans, with a median student debt of $8,580. The college accepts 70% of its applicants, and enrolls nearly 12,400 students.

CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice

The CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice offers students an education in criminal justice and forensic science, and many graduates go on to work in local police forces, earn law degrees, or work in public policy. The 7% of students who borrow to attend the school take out a median $9,250 in loans, and graduates recoup their net cost in about 10 months. Low-income students recoup their cost in around half a year.

Harvard University

Less than 3% of students borrow federal dollars to attend America’s oldest college, Harvard University, thanks in large part to the comprehensive aid packages the school grants to all students showing financial need. Like Princeton, Harvard’s generosity is funded by its $50 billion endowment. After graduation, Harvard alumni need a little over a year to recoup their net cost, and low-income students specifically take about six months to do so.

Rice University

Rice University in Houston, Texas, which made its top-ten debut on this year’s Forbes ’ America’s Top Colleges list, is known for its engineering and computer science programs. Graduates earn a median salary of $88,000 six years after graduating, and an impressive $152,100 ten years out. Rice alumni recoup their net cost in just about a year after graduating, per Third Way data.

CUNY Bernard M Baruch College

Noticing a trend? CUNY Bernard M Baruch College is the seventh CUNY school on this list, cementing the New York system’s reputation as a cost-effective option for bachelor’s degree seekers. The Manhattan college offers 29 majors, with finance and accounting being the most popular. Graduates recoup their net cost within about five months, and low-income graduates do so in about two months, the fastest of any school on this list. About 10% of students borrow to attend the school, taking out a median $10,000 in loans.

Berea College

The median loan balance for students at Berea College in Kentucky is a low $3,516, which is no surprise given the school charges $0 in tuition. About 10% of students take out federal loans to cover other costs, such as room and board, books and supplies. Graduates of the small school take about 15 months to recoup their net cost, per Third Way data.

CUNY Lehman College

Popular programs at CUNY Lehman College in the Bronx include psychology, healthcare administration and accounting. Nearly 11% of students take on debt to attend the school, with a median federal loan balance of $8,500. It takes graduates about nine months to recoup their net cost, and low-income students need about seven months to do so.

Yale University

Thanks to generous Yale financial aid, only 5% of students take out federal loans to attend this Ivy League school in New Haven, Connecticut and the median debt load for those graduates sits at $11,648. But paying back those loans shouldn’t be too hard, since two years after graduating with a four year degree, Yalies have a median salary of $81,765 and eight years later, the median is $168,300. Graduates take about 14 months to recoup their net cost, according to Third Way.

University of Florida

The University of Florida is the largest school on this list, counting nearly 33,000 undergraduates, 12% of whom take on student loans. Students who borrow take out a median $14,000 to attend the public university in Gainesville, and five years after graduating, three-quarters of those borrowers are able to make a dent in their loan principal. Popular majors among Gator Nation include engineering, marketing and communications. Earlier this year, the University of Florida was named one of Forbes ’ New Ivies , in part because of its high reputation among employers.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide

For students interested in aviation and aerospace programs, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida offers a great return on investment. Graduates need about 14 months to recoup the net cost of their degree, and low-income graduates specifically take about 16 months. Ten percent of students borrow federal dollars to attend the university, with a median loan amount of $14,250.

CUNY College of Staten Island

Only 9% of students borrow to attend the College of Staten Island, and their median federal loan burden is $8,846. Graduates, including low-income graduates, can recoup their net cost within about a year and a half. Popular majors at the New York university include psychology, social science, and business.

University of Chicago

The rigorous University of Chicago, often dubbed an “Ivy-plus” school, is popular for its social sciences, mathematics and economics programs. Graduates recoup their net cost within about a year and a half, though low-income students can do so in less than a month, thanks largely to sizable financial aid packages that bring tuition, fees and housing costs to near-zero. About 5% of students borrow to attend the university, with a median debt load of $13,368.

Brigham Young University

Mormon mainstay Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, offers popular programs in business, biomedical science and engineering. About 10% of students borrow to attend the university, taking on median federal student debt of $8,310. Graduates need about a year and a half to recoup the net cost of their education, and low-income students can do so in a little less than a year.

University of Pennsylvania

Graduates of the University of Pennsylvania earn a median $89,100 six years after graduating, and a median $171,800 ten years out. These high salaries allow graduates to recoup their net cost within about a year and a half, though low-income students can do so in less than a month because of the university’s comprehensive financial aid. Popular majors at the Ivy League university include finance (at Penn’s Wharton School of business), social sciences, biology and nursing.

Claremont McKenna College

Claremont McKenna College, part of the seven-school Claremont College consortium in southern California, enrolls about 1,400 students. Around 16% of students take out federal loans to attend the college, with a median debt balance of $11,948. Six years after graduating, alumni earn a median of $86,700, and $167,000 ten years out.

California State University-Dominguez Hills

California State University-Dominguez Hills in Carson, California enrolls around 12,000 undergraduates. After walking away with their degree, graduates need about 10 months to recoup their net cost, and low-income students specifically take about eight months. One in five students borrow money to attend the university, with an average federal loan balance of $11,902. Popular majors at the state university include business administration, psychology and criminal justice.

Vanderbilt University

At Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, just under 10% of students take out federal loans and they end up with a median debt of $12,913. The university offers 70 undergraduate majors, including economics, social science and computer science. It takes graduates about a year and a half to recoup the net cost of their degree, and low-income students can do so within about eight months.


Francesca Walton

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Bachelor of Science in Accounting – Second Degree

Bachelor of science in accounting - second degree.

School of Business

(502) 585-7120

Join us at 12PM to learn more about our School of Business Graduate programs.

Virtual Info Session: School of Business Graduate Programs

Join us at 6PM to learn more about our School of Business Graduate programs.

If you are looking to make a career change and have a bachelor’s in a field other than accounting, the second degree bachelor’s in accounting prepares you with the financial know-how and technical competencies to transition to the accounting field. You’ll be eligible to work in non-profit, government or the private sector. Additionally, this degree could be your first step towards passing the CPA exam when combined with our master’s degree in business communication – accounting concentration.

  • Earn your bachelor’s degree in accounting in as few as 12 months
  • Enjoy job security and a higher salary with a degree in accounting
  • Take classes in evening in our six-week block format and continue to work while you earn your degree

Pathway to the CPA: Combine the second degree in accounting with the Master in Business Communication – accounting concentration and be prepared and sit for the certified public accountant (CPA) exam.

Employment of accountants and auditors is projected to grow 11 percent from 2014 to 2024 .

Career Options

With a bachelor’s degree in accounting, you will be eligible to sit for certified public accountant (CPA) examination. Or you can use your degree to land one of a variety of positions in the private sector:

  • Accounting analyst
  • Accounting manager
  • Audit manager
  • Bank executive
  • Chief financial officer
  • Cost accountant
  • Forensic accountant
  • Tax manager


The School of Business at Spalding University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road, Suite 300, Overland Park, KS 66213 USA.

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Taking a nontraditional route to an accounting career with the Gies iMSA

September 3, 2024

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Stephen is a proud graduate of the online Master of Science in Accountancy (iMSA) from Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Since earning this degree, he has moved into a senior role with an accounting firm, where he manages other analysts and production workflow. But before advancing professionally, Stephen had to succeed academically—something he believes he was able to do thanks to the program from Illinois and its delivery in partnership with Coursera.

Stephen recognizes his background is somewhat unconventional for a CPA. By the age of 22, he had already secured a finance degree and an MBA. However, his family owned a group of radio stations, and he got involved in broadcasting for about ten years. Stephen operated in various capacities and managed the stations until his family sold them, at which point he shifted his focus back to finance and business.

In the years that followed, Stephen landed a job working with an economic analyst, returned to school for a certificate in programming, and obtained a real estate broker’s license. In 2015, he was an office manager and a paralegal, and in 2016, he gained a certified fraud examiner credential. It was with this varied background that Stephen chose to continue his education once again. He wanted to grow his accounting knowledge to handle more complex business cases, which led him to pursue a Master of Science in Accountancy.

Combining a high-quality education with a seamless learning experience

Stephen heard about the iMSA from a previous employer who praised the University of Illinois for its credibility—and soon, he would discover even more about the reputation of Illinois and Gies. “The iMSA is an incredible program. I did not realize how highly it was ranked until I started the application process. I knew Illinois was an excellent school beforehand, but to learn about the program’s ranking made it the perfect choice,” he explains.

Additionally, Stephen decided the program’s structure and support through its partnerships with Coursera were a great fit for him. Upon beginning his studies, Stephen found he could manage the challenges of balancing work and school due to the online platform. He reveals, “Coursera was really tremendous because it was so well organized and coordinated with the instructors at the University of Illinois that it was a great way to learn.” Among the things Stephen enjoyed most were the videos and quizzes that he felt integrated well into the courses.

Reflecting on the many ways to impact your trajectory with the iMSA

Having graduated in 2020, Stephen has seen his hard work pay off. He shares earning the iMSA was crucial for him to pass the CPA exam and fulfill the required 2,000 hours of practice. Stephen notes that on top of building essential knowledge and confidence, he learned to adapt and find solutions. He mentions, “The courses not only teach you the skills you need, but [they] also give you the tools to find the answers regardless of the scenario you encounter at work.” With the iMSA, Stephen opened doors to jobs in forensic accounting and business valuations, significantly expanding his career path beyond traditional accounting roles.

After obtaining his iMSA and CPA, Stephen initially worked for himself before joining a valuation firm as a senior analyst. He recently moved to a mid-size CPA firm, where he serves as a VFL manager, overseeing a group of analysts in valuation, forensics, and litigation. Today, he offers future students this advice: “For someone considering the program, I would say to trust the system and apply yourself fully because the system works. The professors are there to help and are always available.” If you think you may be ready to follow Stephen’s guidance, check out the Gies iMSA and remember, you can take a nontraditional route to an accounting career.

Discover the unique advantages of the Gies College of Business iMSA program.

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  • Preparing learners around the world for in-demand jobs with Career Academy and new entry-level certificates from Meta and IBM
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  • Good with money? Add that skill to your resume
  • A skill you’ll use your entire career: Writing
  • Progress your career with the iMBA from Gies College of Business

Tepper School of Business

Tepper School

Tepper Online Hybrid MBA: Part-Time Program. Full-On Experience.

The tepper online hybrid mba allows you to earn a stem-designated mba in a part-time, online format that’s laser-focused on the future of business — informed by data, powered by humans..

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A Top-Ranked Online MBA

#2 online mba program, u.s. news & world report (2024), fortune (2024), #2 online mba program, u.s. schools, financial times (2024), why choose the tepper online hybrid mba.

In this top-ranked online program, you’ll work in collaborative teams alongside whip-smart peers with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. 

Guided by the same dynamic faculty who teach our Full-Time MBA program, you’ll pursue an analytics-focused curriculum as you learn to harness emerging technologies and wield data to fuel better decisions.

Have you completed undergraduate business coursework in the past 10 years? You may be eligible for our Online Hybrid Accelerated MBA format. In our Online Hybrid Accelerated MBA format, you’ll earn the same degree, faster. See if you’re eligible.

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In our Online Hybrid MBA format, you can count on the same challenging and rewarding core coursework taught by our professors who lead the Tepper Full-Time MBA program. You will graduate with an identical STEM-designated MBA — ready to lead at the speed of change.


Follow 7 steps to progress toward admission and earn an application fee waiver!


Have you completed undergraduate business coursework? You may be eligible for our Online Hybrid Accelerated MBA format.

Explore an Accelerated MBA

“With an online program, you want to feel you’re part of something, not out there on your own. During the application process, Tepper was so responsive and accommodating. It felt like people really cared about me personally, and that has continued during my time here.”

-  Amarachi Ude, MBA 2024, Industrial Engineer, FedEx Ground

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Lasting Connections

Community is a hallmark of the Tepper School experience. 

You’ll complement your Online Hybrid MBA with in-person Access Weekends  — immersive opportunities to forge close ties with your colleagues, take classes, and participate in professional development activities. Both in Pittsburgh and online, you'll tackle team-based projects, soak up diverse perspectives, and strengthen bonds with faculty and fellow students that will continue throughout your career.

Professional Growth

Working with your own leadership coach , you’ll create a customized leadership development plan to guide you to greater empathy, self-awareness, and effectiveness — preparing you to lead tomorrow’s workforce with insight.

It’s where you’ll realize your leadership potential. You’ll graduate ready to manage people, build networks of influence, inspire others to join in your pursuit of a common goal, and execute that goal with excellence.

Application Deadlines

  • Round 1: Oct. 1, 2024
  • Round 2: Jan. 6, 2025
  • Round 3: March 3, 2025
  • Round 4: May 5, 2025
  • Round 5 (Online Hybrid Only): June 9, 2025

Deadline details

We are offering GMAT/GRE/EA waivers on a case-by-case basis.

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The Index (AMI) — a free, automated profile review for MBA candidates — gives you a candidate profile score, details of what affected your score, and recommends opportunities to strengthen your candidacy. 

Get your report in  just 5 minutes   and  see how your profile compares to the "perfect" candidate and to the schools you are targeting. The score is not expressly indicative of your likelihood of being admitted into the Tepper MBA program and we encourage you to contact our admissions team to discuss your results.

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Flexible Format

Not much room in your life for the challenges of a master’s degree? Our Online Hybrid flexible format is for you.

Live, interactive classes meet just two evenings a week and include offline content that you’ll complete at your own pace. You'll also come to campus multiple times per year, where you'll strengthen the online connections you’ve made. 

Part-Time Schedule, Full-Time Benefits

Personalized leadership training. Professional career services . Access to many professional clubs. An international alumni community that’s there for you. Enjoy all the Tepper MBA advantages as you pursue a flexible online MBA. No matter how you pace your studies, you get the full Tepper School experience.

Find answers to the most common questions about the online MBA in our  Online Hybrid MBA FAQs .

MBA students working together at Access Weekend

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MPhil in Finance

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Course closed:

Finance is no longer accepting new applications.

The MPhil in Finance is an intensive, research-focused, and advanced degree. The programme is distinctive because the electives are drawn from three Cambridge faculties – the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Mathematics, and Cambridge Judge Business School. The programme is particularly suitable for those intending to continue to a PhD at Cambridge or elsewhere. The programme also provides a strong academic background for those opting for a career in finance, but it is not designed to be a vocational programme. In the past few years, our graduates have been admitted into PhD programmes in finance and accounting at MIT, LBS, and Cambridge. Students have two options: nine taught modules, or six taught modules and a dissertation of 12,000 words.

Combining advanced study and research, this programme is designed for students who wish to extend their knowledge of finance or financial engineering. The programme provides research-led teaching and is particularly suitable for those intending to continue to a PhD. The degree also provides a strong academic background for those aiming for a career in finance.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course students should have:

  • developed a deep knowledge of their chosen area of Finance and of the academic debates within it;
  • a conceptual understanding that enables the evaluation of current research and methodologies;
  • acquired or consolidated statistical, mathematical and other skills appropriate for research in their chosen area;
  • demonstrated independent judgement, based on their own research; and
  • presented their own ideas in a public forum, and learned to contribute constructively within an international environment.

Students may apply to continue to the PhD, but success is subject to satisfactory performance at the admissions interview in the Lent Term 2024, and achieving a minimum average grade of at least 70 per cent on the MPhil in Finance programme. Students are required to also achieve at least 70 per cent in their dissertation (if any). 

The Postgraduate Virtual Open Day usually takes place at the end of October. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions to admissions staff and academics, explore the Colleges virtually, and to find out more about courses, the application process and funding opportunities. Visit the  Postgraduate Open Day  page for more details.

Cambridge Judge Business School also hosts Experience Days throughout the year. Please see Cambridge Judge Business School wide-events page for further information.

Key Information

9 months full-time, study mode : taught, master of philosophy, judge business school, course - related enquiries, application - related enquiries, course on department website, dates and deadlines:, michaelmas 2024 (closed).

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Funding Deadlines

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2024, Lent 2025 and Easter 2025.

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New scholarships at Cambridge Judge thanks to very generous alumnus donation

The donation pledge of £750,000 over 5 years from Dimitris Tsikopoulos (MBA 1994), CEO of Greece-based maritime technology firm Navarino, funds the Navarino CJBS Masters Studentships for outstanding candidates to attend Cambridge Judge Business School.

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Biotech lab.

Fighting cancer: how biotech companies are making an impact

Amid rising cancer concerns, scientists and entrepreneurs worldwide are racing to develop novel treatments.

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The iconic Lecture Theatre 1 (LT1) is due for a refurbishment, and with it comes the opportunity for alumni, friends and other supporters of Cambridge Judge Business School to claim their seat in LT1.

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Cambridge Execu…

Cambridge Executive Master of Accounting

Preparing change leaders in the accounting world.

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September 2025



Advance your career as a leader in accounting and finance

Gain the skills and knowledge to tackle the most pressing issues in the accounting and related fields with the Executive Master of Accounting, a 2-year part-time programme delivered over 8 residential weeks in Cambridge.

Sharpen your problem-solving skills and learn to identify innovative solutions on a global scale. Apply the principles you learn here in real-time in your current role and develop your leadership-track career opportunities.

We will educate you to become a global thought-leader in the accounting or finance professions. 

Executive Master of Accounting student smiling.

I joined this programme because I believe it equips me with multiple skills that I can apply wherever I go.

Why Cambridge Judge?

Cambridge Judge is uniquely placed to provide a perfect bridge between academia and the dynamic world of business. As the business school of the prestigious University of Cambridge, we leverage the teaching expertise of our faculty and its world leading research and take advantage of our close ties with Silicon Fen, the most successful technology, innovation and entrepreneurship cluster in Europe.

At Cambridge Judge, you’ll:

  • immerse yourself in a comprehensive and stimulating business environment
  • develop your global network and socialise with friends and colleagues of amazing diversity and talent
  • benefit from studying at one of the world’s foremost academic institutions with an over 800-year history of excellence, producing over 90 Nobel Laureates
  • elevate your status and graduate as an alumnus of the University of Cambridge
  • enjoy lifetime membership of your Cambridge College
  • get the full support of Cambridge Judge Business School Careers, our careers service
  • spend your residential weeks based in the dynamic, historic and beautiful city of Cambridge

The Executive Master of Accounting is an innovative global leadership programme for accounting and finance professionals. Our core curriculum centres around change leadership as it relates to complex issues in accounting and finance related fields.

Explore topics like how to grapple with the fallout from global crises and how to navigate the ever-changing financial regulatory landscape. Strengthen your data skills through training on predictive analytics, data visualisation and the ethical, cultural and strategic issues around implementations of analytics. Our elective portfolio, taken in conjunction with Executive MBA students, complements the core curriculum and allows you to focus on subjects that matter to you.

Explore our curriculum

Michael Willis-teaching.

Today’s organisations need accounting and finance leaders to be exceptional communicators with vision, who can innovate and collaborate, and who can channel data into strategy.

Who we’re looking for

The next generation of thought leaders in the field of financial information starts here. This programme is for you if:

  • you want to accelerate your career to a CFO-level position
  • you want to be better at tackling complex, ambiguous, data-intensive financial decisions
  • you’re the type of person who asks ‘why’ when challenging how financial information is developed and handled
  • you have a strong track record of impact in your professional performance
  • you want to rapidly accelerate to, or enter complex leadership career opportunities that generate, interpret, or analyse financial data.

Our community

The Executive Master of Accounting from Cambridge Judge Business School welcomes a diverse range of students each year, from all over the world.

Applying for the Executive Master of Accounting

We’re delighted that you are thinking of applying for the Executive Master of Accounting and we are excited to learn about you. Our application process is friendly, selective and thorough.

Application deadlines and process

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now open.

Fees and funding

Invest in yourself and the future career you aspire to. Learn more about course fees and apply early to secure funding.

Programme updates and news

Sign up to our mailing list for regular updates about the programme.

Want to find out if this programme right for you?

Programme Director, Dr Michael Willis, can help you assess the potential programme fit and personal impact. 

Book a profile review

Designed for students who want to accelerate their career trajectory or change how their current roles function, the programme prepares you for leadership role within accounting and related fields. Studying part-time allows to enhance your performance in your current employment, as you incorporate, in real-time, what you learn into your work environment. Based on your input, we facilitate new teaching cases and identify professional career advisors specifically for you.

The Cambridge experience

Join the vibrant Cambridge community, immersing yourself in cultural experiences and forging lifelong connections. Discover a world of opportunities, where history, stunning architecture, and academic excellence converge. 

Be inspired by the historic and dynamic city of Cambridge, during your residential weeks.

Studying at Cambridge Judge isn’t just about the work. The Cambridge community and your Collegiate experience will add an extra dimension of discovery to your Executive Master of Accounting as well as broaden your network and outlook.

Admissions events

Thinking about coming to study the Executive Master of Accounting programme at Cambridge Judge Business School? Meet us in person or join us online at an admissions event:

There are currently no upcoming events schedule. Please check back soon.

Read the latest news and features on our programme, faculty, students and alumni.

The pandemic and the digitalisation of the accountancy sector.

The pandemic and technology adoption: the new digital landscape and the next generation of accountancy professionals

In this article, we'll be exploring the state of tech adoption in the accounting space in the leadup to the pandemic, the technology trends currently dominating the industry, and the impact of digitalisation on the next generation of accountants.

Students on the Cambridge Master of Accounting (MAcc).

Cambridge Master of Accounting: curriculum, class profile and application

The Master of Accounting (MAcc) programme at Cambridge Judge Business School is designed for future leaders looking to lead change and disruption in accounting. Here’s everything you need to know. The Cambridge Master of Accounting (MAcc) programme at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School offers something different to traditional Master of Accounting programmes. Leveraging world class faculty and experience from a team of executive-level professional advisors, the Cambridge MAcc aims to develop a generation of leaders and decision makers in accounting, finance, policy and related fields looking to challenge the status quo. Here’s everything you need to know about the Cambridge MAcc, including its curriculum, its class profile, and information on applying. What are the benefits of a Cambridge Master of Accounting? The Cambridge Master of Accounting curriculum The Cambridge MAcc is taught part-time across a 24-month period, combining online learning with in-person week-long seminars every three months in Cambridge, taught by Cambridge faculty, expert advisors, and practitioners. The Cambridge MAcc differs from traditional MAcc programmes in its critical standpoint towards accounting standards and systems, and how it encourages students to challenge them. “We challenge the entire infrastructure. We question how and why it's structured in a certain way, and whether…

Kennedy Agyeman-Asiedu.

How can a Master of Accounting help you become a Chief Financial Officer?

Chief Financial Officer, or CFO, is one of the most coveted positions among financiers and accountants. So, what does it take to be a CFO? And how can a Master of Accounting (MAcc) help you get there? If you’re great with numbers, thrive when working on multiple projects, and love managing teams, you could be a chief financial officer (CFO) in the making. To get there, it’ll be about more than just understanding a business’ finances, as you’ll need to use an array of skills to reap success. So, what does it take to become a CFO? And how can a Master of Accounting (MAcc) from Cambridge Judge Business School help you get there? You’ll build strong leadership skills As a CFO, you'll be responsible for shaping your company's future financially. It’s crucial that you understand what qualities are needed to become an effective leader if you see yourself filling the boots of a CFO. “Accountants need to learn how to lead and influence, ensuring that they’re conscious of an organisation, and be able to spot problems so they don’t happen again,” says Ben Taylor, partner at EY and advisor to the Cambridge MAcc programme. “You have to elevate above technical…

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Start your application

Are there any pre-course requirements?

Before starting the Executive Master of Accounting programme, you’ll need to be proficient in accounting fundamentals. If you aren’t already familiar with them, we’ll provide pre-course work for you to complete.

Do I need to live in Cambridge during the Executive Master of Accounting year?

No, our students live and work across the globe. Attendance is required in Cambridge during the 8 residential weeks.

Do you offer a distance-learning Executive Master of Accounting?

No, there is no online option.

Can I work while I am enrolled on the programme?

Yes. Our Executive Master of Accounting is a 24-month, part-time programme designed to allow you to work while you study and implement what you’re learning in real-time.

Do I need work experience to join the programme?

Yes. We require you to have at least 2 years of work experience, though many candidates will have more. Our most recent class has an average of 10 years of work experience.


  1. The Accounting PhD pathway

    phd accounting cambridge university


    phd accounting cambridge university

  3. Cambridge igcse and o level accounting revision guide

    phd accounting cambridge university

  4. PhD in Accounting and Finance- 8+ Positions

    phd accounting cambridge university


    phd accounting cambridge university

  6. Exam Success in Accounting for Cambridge AS & A Level

    phd accounting cambridge university


  1. PhD in Accounting

  2. A week as a Cambridge PhD student

  3. O Level Accounting 7707

  4. Accounting Phd's Need Real World Experience

  5. Phd in Accounting and Financial Management (Honoris Causa)



  1. The Accounting PhD pathway

    Discover the Accounting PhD pathway. ... The Accounting group at Cambridge Judge Business School has vast international experience and diverse research interests, centred around how business managers utilise information to make strategic decisions and how public companies report financial and non-financial information to key stakeholders ...

  2. PhD & research masters

    Masters + PhD structure. Our PhD programme at Cambridge Judge Business School, starts with one of our 9-month research masters degrees, followed by a PhD degree of 3-4 years. From the start of your masters degree, you'll join one of 8 PhD pathways. Each leads you to specialise in a particular discipline of Management Studies. Explore our ...

  3. The Finance PhD pathway

    The Finance group at Cambridge Judge Business School covers a broad spectrum of issues in finance. We define finance as more than a set of financial transactions - it is the glue that holds together corporations, capital markets and the real economy. We pursue research on empirical and theoretical corporate finance, asset pricing, and ...

  4. Doctor of Philosophy

    The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the University's principal research degree for graduate students and is available in all faculties and departments. A Cambridge PhD is intellectually demanding and you will need to have a high level of attainment and motivation to pursue this programme of advanced study and research. In most faculties ...

  5. PhD in Management Studies

    Students only continue to the PhD in Management Studies from the MRes at CJBS, from a research MPhil programme at CJBS or occasionally from the Cambridge MPhil Economics Research. For full details please see the departmental website. For MRes students, continuation on to the PhD is immediate upon obtaining 70% or higher overall average and 70% ...

  6. Faculty of Business and Management

    The Master of Accounting is a 24-month programme delivered over eight-week-long teaching blocks in Cambridge. Between visits to Cambridge, you continue to be engaged in coursework through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The purpose of the Master of Accounting is to develop next-generation global thought-leaders in the field of financial ...

  7. PhD in Economics

    Our PhD students receive high quality training on a variety of research methods and are exposed to cutting edge research conducted by our own Faculty members, as well visitors to the Faculty (via the Cambridge-INET Institute, seminars, PhD workshops, locally organised conferences, etc.). Faculty members can supervise a wide range of topics from ...

  8. Accounting & Management

    The doctoral program in Accounting and Management, which falls under the PhD in Business Administration, focuses on understanding the role of information and measurement systems for: allocating resources among firms in the economy and between departments or divisions of individual firms; rewarding and monitoring the performance of managers; formulating, executing and evaluating strategy by ...

  9. Accounting (cambridge) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    FindAPhD. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Business & Management, Accounting, cambridge. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world.

  10. The Accounting subject group

    The Accounting group at Cambridge Judge focuses on the creation, dissemination, attestation, interpretation, use, and governance of financial and environmental, social, and governance information. We explore how business managers utilise information to make strategic decisions and how public companies report financial and non-financial ...

  11. MPhil in Finance Program By Cambridge Judge Business School |Top

    PHD. Founded in 1990, Cambridge Judge Business School is relatively young, but draws on centuries of academic excellence courtesy of Cambridge University. The one-year Cambridge MBA program aims to "transform individuals, organizations and society". Learn more about MPhil in Finance program with Cambridge Judge Business School including the ...

  12. Accounting

    The accounting doctoral courses give students the opportunity to tap into recent faculty research and expertise on a wide range of topics that are of particular interest to accounting academics, practitioners, and standard-setters. Accounting Faculty. Accounting Overview. Accounting Graduates. Example Thesis Topics. Additional Information about ...

  13. University of Cambridge courses

    University of Cambridge. PhD · 3 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2024. Tariff points: N/A. 2 course options available . Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. University of Cambridge. PhD · 3 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2023. Tariff points: N/A. 2 course options available .

  14. Entry requirements

    Academic. Postgraduate study at the University of Cambridge is intense and very intellectually demanding, so the University has high academic entry requirements. You are normally expected to hold or to have achieved by the start of your course: minimum of a good upper second class (good 2:1) honours degree from a UK university or an equivalent ...

  15. The PhD programme

    Further information on postgraduate admission to research courses in the Faculty of Law is available from [email protected] or +44 (0)1223 330039. Finance overview Funding How to apply The PhD is awarded after three to four years of full-time research (or five to seven years of part-time study) on the basis of a dissertation of 80,000 ...

  16. DPhil Finance

    The course fee in 2025-26 is £25,160 for both home and overseas students. The programme is four years in duration. Course fees are payable each year, for the duration of your fee liability (your fee liability is the length of time for which you are required to pay course fees). Please be aware that fees will usually increase annually.

  17. Accounting

    Cambridge College's Bachelor of Science in Accounting (BSA) is the right online accounting degree to help you advance in the field of business. In this dynamic program, you'll engage in an in-depth, well-rounded exploration of the accounting profession. You will learn key theoretical constructs and apply those theories through hands-on practice.

  18. PhD with Integrated Study in Accounting entry requirements

    Applicants for the PhD with Integrated Study in Accounting should hold a postgraduate masters degree from an accredited institution in the UK or overseas, showing evidence of above-average academic achievement. This includes: a degree classification with a mark of 65% or more overall (University of Edinburgh level, or overseas equivalent).

  19. Cambridge Master of Accounting: curriculum, class profile and

    The Master of Accounting (MAcc) programme at Cambridge Judge Business School is designed for future leaders looking to lead change and disruption in accounting. Here's everything you need to know. The Cambridge Master of Accounting (MAcc) programme at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School offers something different to traditional ...

  20. The 25 Colleges With The Highest Payoff

    The median salary for a Princeton graduate ten years after receiving their diploma is just under $200,000, and the university's generous financial aid (backed by a huge $34 billion endowment ...

  21. Bachelor of Science in Accounting

    Join us at 12PM to learn more about our School of Business Graduate programs. September 6 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 ... If you are looking to make a career change and have a bachelor's in a field other than accounting, the second degree bachelor's in accounting prepares you with the financial know-how and technical competencies to transition to the ...

  22. Postgraduate qualifications

    Master of Music. Master of Surgery. Postgraduate Advanced Certificate. Postgraduate Award. Postgraduate Certificate. Postgraduate Diploma. Learn about the different types of postgraduate courses and qualifications on offer at Cambridge, including PhD, MPhil, MRes, MASt, MLitt and more.

  23. Taking a nontraditional route to an accounting career with the Gies

    Stephen is a proud graduate of the online Master of Science in Accountancy (iMSA) from Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Since earning this degree, he has moved into a senior role with an accounting firm, where he manages other analysts and production workflow.

  24. Master of Finance

    New scholarships at Cambridge Judge thanks to very generous alumnus donation The donation pledge of £750,000 over 5 years from Dimitris Tsikopoulos (MBA 1994), CEO of Greece-based maritime technology firm Navarino, funds the Navarino CJBS Masters Studentships for outstanding candidates to attend Cambridge Judge Business School.

  25. Online Hybrid MBA

    Lasting Connections. Community is a hallmark of the Tepper School experience. You'll complement your Online Hybrid MBA with in-person Access Weekends — immersive opportunities to forge close ties with your colleagues, take classes, and participate in professional development activities. Both in Pittsburgh and online, you'll tackle team-based projects, soak up diverse perspectives, and ...

  26. MPhil in Finance

    The MPhil in Finance is an intensive, research-focused, and advanced degree. The programme is distinctive because the electives are drawn from three Cambridge faculties - the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Mathematics, and Cambridge Judge Business School. The programme is particularly suitable for those intending to continue to a PhD at ...

  27. Cambridge Executive Master of Accounting

    Advance your career as a leader in accounting and finance. Gain the skills and knowledge to tackle the most pressing issues in the accounting and related fields with the Executive Master of Accounting, a 2-year part-time programme delivered over 8 residential weeks in Cambridge. Sharpen your problem-solving skills and learn to identify ...

  28. PDF Paul A. Wong University of California, Davis Assistant Professor of

    University of California, Davis Assistant Professor of Accounting Graduate School of Management [email protected] One Shields Avenue (530) 752-4983 Davis, CA 95616 Education 2015 Texas A&M University, Mays Business School, Ph.D., Accounting 2007 DePaul University, Commerce, B.S., Accounting ...