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118 Cheating Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Cheating is a pervasive issue that affects students, relationships, and even society as a whole. It is important to explore this topic and understand its various dimensions in order to find effective solutions. To help you get started, here are 118 cheating essay topic ideas and examples that can serve as a foundation for your research and writing:

  • The consequences of cheating in school.
  • How cheating affects academic integrity.
  • The psychological impact of cheating on students.
  • Reasons why students resort to cheating.
  • The role of technology in facilitating cheating.
  • Plagiarism: A widespread form of academic cheating.
  • Cheating in online classes: Prevalence and prevention.
  • The impact of cheating on students' moral development.
  • Cheating and its correlation with poor study habits.
  • The social stigmatization of cheaters.
  • The impact of cheating on students' self-esteem.
  • Preventing cheating through ethical education.
  • How cheating undermines the value of education.
  • The role of parents in preventing academic cheating.
  • Cheating in standardized tests: Strategies and consequences.
  • Cheating in sports: Ethical implications and consequences.
  • The impact of cheating on students' long-term success.
  • The role of teachers and educators in preventing cheating.
  • Cheating in professional fields: Ethical considerations.
  • The impact of cheating on the credibility of academic institutions.
  • The relationship between cheating and competitiveness.
  • Cheating: Is it a learned behavior or an inherent trait?
  • Cheating as a response to high academic pressure.
  • Cheating in relationships: Causes and consequences.
  • The impact of cheating on trust in a romantic relationship.
  • Emotional infidelity: A form of cheating in relationships.
  • The role of social media in facilitating relationship cheating.
  • Cheating: A reflection of dissatisfaction in relationships.
  • The impact of cheating on marriage and family dynamics.
  • The psychology behind serial cheaters.
  • Cheating in the workplace: Ethical considerations.
  • The consequences of cheating in business and finance.
  • The role of technology in enabling workplace cheating.
  • Academic cheating: Cultural differences and perspectives.
  • The impact of cheating on students' future career prospects.
  • Cheating as a form of rebellion against authority.
  • Cheating as a coping mechanism for personal insecurities.
  • The relationship between cheating and low self-esteem.
  • Cheating: A consequence of a flawed education system?
  • The impact of cheating on the credibility of scientific research.
  • Intellectual property theft: A prevalent form of cheating.
  • Cheating: A reflection of societal values and ethics.
  • Cheating: Is it justifiable in certain circumstances?
  • The role of peer pressure in encouraging cheating.
  • The impact of cheating on students' critical thinking skills.
  • Cheating in college admissions: Scandals and repercussions.
  • Cheating in professional sports: Ethical considerations.
  • The role of technology in detecting and preventing cheating.
  • Cheating: A reflection of societal entitlement.
  • The impact of cheating on the mental health of students.
  • Cheating in politics: Ethical implications and consequences.
  • The relationship between cheating and academic dishonesty policies.
  • Cheating in research publications: Detection and prevention.
  • The impact of cheating on students' ability to learn from failure.
  • Cheating: A reflection of societal pressure for perfection.
  • The role of schools in fostering a culture of integrity.
  • Cheating in gaming: Ethical considerations and consequences.
  • The impact of cheating on students' motivation to learn.
  • Cheating: A consequence of a lack of personal values.
  • The relationship between cheating and the availability of resources.
  • Cheating in cross-cultural relationships: Challenges and solutions.
  • The impact of cheating on the reputation of educational institutions.
  • Cheating: A reflection of societal greed and materialism.
  • The role of technology in promoting academic honesty.
  • Cheating in the medical field: Ethical dilemmas and consequences.
  • The impact of cheating on students' ability to develop problem-solving skills.
  • Cheating: A consequence of a competitive society.
  • The relationship between cheating and the desire for instant gratification.
  • Cheating in the music industry: Plagiarism and copyright infringement.
  • The impact of cheating on the quality of education.
  • Cheating: A reflection of a lack of personal responsibility.
  • The role of teachers in detecting and preventing cheating.
  • Cheating in the financial sector: Fraud and unethical practices.
  • The impact of cheating on students' ability to collaborate effectively.
  • Cheating: A consequence of a lack of consequences.
  • The relationship between cheating and the fear of failure.
  • Cheating in the entertainment industry: Scandals and repercussions.
  • The role of parents in teaching ethical behavior and preventing cheating.
  • Cheating in the art world: Plagiarism and forgery.
  • The impact of cheating on the emotional well-being of students.
  • Cheating: A reflection of a lack of personal integrity.
  • The relationship between cheating and the desire for recognition.
  • Cheating in the gaming industry: Hacking and cheating tools.
  • The impact of cheating on students' ability to trust others.
  • Cheating: A consequence of a lack of accountability.
  • The role of schools in creating an environment of trust and integrity.
  • Cheating in the fashion industry: Counterfeit products and intellectual property theft.
  • The impact of cheating on students' creativity and originality.
  • Cheating: A reflection of a lack of moral compass.
  • The relationship between cheating and the pressure to conform.
  • Cheating in the film industry: Plagiarism and copyright infringement.
  • The impact of cheating on students' ability to develop ethical decision-making skills.
  • Cheating: A consequence of a lack of empathy.
  • The role of schools in promoting a sense of fairness and honesty.
  • Cheating in the food industry: Mislabeling and adulteration.
  • The impact of cheating on students' sense of personal achievement.
  • Cheating: A reflection of a lack of respect for others.
  • The relationship between cheating and the desire for success at any cost.
  • Cheating in the automotive industry: Emissions scandals and safety issues.
  • The impact of cheating on students' ability to take responsibility for their actions.
  • Cheating: A consequence of a lack of moral education.
  • The role of schools in teaching ethical behavior and preventing cheating.
  • Cheating in the technology industry: Intellectual property theft and patent infringement.
  • The impact of cheating on students' ability to develop a strong work ethic.
  • Cheating: A reflection of a lack of personal values.
  • The relationship between cheating and the pressure to achieve high grades.
  • Cheating in the pharmaceutical industry: Clinical trial misconduct and data manipulation.
  • The impact of cheating on students' ability to develop authentic relationships.
  • Cheating: A consequence of a lack of consequences in society.
  • The role of schools in fostering a sense of integrity and accountability.
  • Cheating in the fashion industry: Sweatshop labor and unethical manufacturing practices.
  • The impact of cheating on students' ability to learn from mistakes.
  • The impact of cheating on the quality of artistic expression.
  • The role of schools in promoting ethical behavior and preventing cheating.

These essay topic ideas and examples provide a wide range of perspectives on cheating, allowing you to delve into specific areas that interest you. Remember to conduct thorough research, support your arguments with evidence, and propose feasible solutions to address this pervasive issue in our society.

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Essays About Cheating: Top 5 Examples and 9 Writing Prompts

Essays about cheating show the value of honesty, see our top picks for examples and prompts you can use in writing.

In the US, 95% of high school students admitted to participating in some form of academic cheating . This includes exams and plagiarism. However, cheating doesn’t only occur in schools. It’s also prevalent in couples. Psychologists say that 50% of divorce cases in the country are because of infidelity . Other forms of cheating exist, such as cheating on a diet, a business deal, etc.

Because cheating is an intriguing subject, many want to read about it. However, to write essays about cheating appropriately, you must first pick a subtopic you’re comfortable discussing. Therefore, we have selected five simple but exemplary pieces you can read to get inspiration for writing your paper.

See below our round-up of top example essays about cheating.


1. Long Essay On Cheating In School By Prasanna

2. the reality of cheating in college essay by writer kip, 3. why cheating is wrong by bernadette mcbride, 4. what counts as cheating in a relationship by anonymous on gradesfixer, 5. emotional cheating by anonymous on papersowl, 1. types of cheating, 2. i was cheated on, 3. is cheating a mistake or choice, 4. tax evasion and cheating , 5. when i cheated, 6. cheating in american schools and universities, 7. review a famous book or film about cheating, 8. a famous cheating quote, 9. cause and effects of cheating.

“Cheating is a false representation of the child’s ability which he may not be able to give without cheating. It is unfair to everyone involved as it deprives the true one of the chance to come on the top.”

Prasanna begins the essay by defining cheating in schools and then incorporates how this unethical behavior occurs in reality. She further delves into the argument that cheating is not learning but an addiction that can result in students losing self-confidence, sanity, and integrity. 

Apart from showing the common causes and harmful effects of cheating on students, Prasanna also adds parents’ and teachers’ critical roles in helping students in their studies to keep them from cheating.

“It’s human nature to want to win, and some of us will go against the rules to do so. It can be harmless, but in many cases, it is annoying, or even hurtful.”

Kip defines cheating as human nature and focuses his essay on individuals who are hell-bent on wanting to win in online games. Unfortunately, these players’ desire to be on top is all-consuming, and they’re willing to go against the rules and disregard their integrity.

He talks about his experiences of being cheated in a game called AoE. He also incorporates the effects of these instances on newbies. These cheaters will humiliate, dishearten, and traumatize beginners who only want to have fun.

Check out these essays about cooperation .

“A cheater is more than likely lying to themselves more than to the people around them. A person can only go so far before their lies catch up to them, begin to accumulate, and start to penalize you.”

Mcbride dedicates her essay to answering why cheating is wrong, no matter the circumstance. She points out that there will always be a definite punishment for cheaters, whether they get caught. Mcbride believes that students who cheat, copy, and have someone else do their work are lazy and irresponsible. These students will never gain knowledge.

However, she also acknowledges that some cheaters are desperate, while some don’t realize the repercussions of their behaviors. At the end of the essay, she admits to cheating but says she’s no longer part of that vicious cycle, promising she has already realized her mistakes and doesn’t want to cheat again.

“Keep in mind that relationships are not based on logic, but are influenced by our emotions.”

The author explains how it’s challenging to define cheating in a relationship. It’s because every person has varying views on the topic. What others consider an affair may be acceptable to some. This includes the partners’ interaction with others while also analyzing the individual’s personality, such as flirting, sleeping in the same bed, and spending time with folks.

The essay further explains experts’ opinions on why men and women cheat and how partners heal and rebuild their trust. Finally, examples of different forms of cheating are discussed in the piece to give the readers more information on the subject. 

“…emotional cheating can be described as a desire to engage in another relationship without physically leaving his or her primary relationship.”

There’s an ongoing debate about whether emotional cheating should be labeled as such. The essay digs into the causes of emotional cheating to answer this issue. These reasons include lack of attention to each other, shortage of affectionate gestures, and misunderstandings or absence of proper communication. 

All of these may lead to the partner comparing their relationship to others. Soon, they fall out of love and fail to maintain boundaries, leading to insensitivity and selfishness. When a person in a relationship feels any of these, it can be a reason to look for someone else who can value them and their feelings.

9 Helpful Prompts in Writing Essays About Cheating

Here are some cheating subtopics you can focus your essay on:

Essays About Cheating: Types of cheating

Some types of cheating include deception, fabrication, bribery, impersonation, sabotage, and professional misconduct. Explain their definitions and have examples to make it easier for readers to understand.

You can use this prompt even if you don’t have any personal experience of being cheated on. You can instead relay events from a close friend or relative. First, narrate what happened and why. Then add what the person did to move on from the situation and how it affected them. Finally, incorporate lessons they’ve learned.

While this topic is still discussed by many, for you, is cheating a redeemable mistake? Or is it a choice with consequences? Express your opinion on this matter. Gather reliable evidence to support your claims, such as studies and research findings, to increase your essay’s credibility.

Tax evasion is a crime with severe penalties. Explain what it is and its punishments through a famous tax evasion case your readers can immediately recognize. For example, you can use Al Capone and his 11-year imprisonment and $215,000 back taxes . Talk through why he was charged with such and add your opinion. Ensure you have adequate and reliable sources to back up your claims.

Start with a  5 paragraph essay  to better organize your points.

Some say everyone will cheat at some point in their life. Talk about the time you cheated – it can be at a school exam, during work, or while on a diet. Put the perspective that made you think cheating was reasonable. Did you feel guilt? What did you do after, and did you cheat again? Answer these questions in your essay for an engaging and thrilling piece of writing.

Since academic cheating is notorious in America, use this topic for your essay. Find out which areas have high rates of academic cheating. What are their penalties? Why is cheating widespread? Include any measures the academe put in place.

Cheating is a frequent cause of conflict on small and big screens. Watch a film or read a story and write a review. Briefly summarize the plot, critique the characters, and add your realizations after finishing the piece. 

Goodreads has a list of books related to cheating. Currently, Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens has the highest rating.

Use this as an opportunity to write a unique essay by explaining the quote based on your understanding. It can be quotes from famous personalities or something that resonates with you and your experiences.

Since cheating’s cause and effect is a standard prompt, center your essay on an area unrelated to academics or relationships. For instance, write about cheating on your diet or cheating yourself of the opportunities life presents you.

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Argumentative Essay About Cheating

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Published: Mar 14, 2024

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Research Topics about Cheating

  • The Auditor and the Firm: A Simple Model of Corporate Intermediation and Cheating
  • Cheating, Incentives, and Money Laundering
  • Marriage and High Technology: Cheating Behavior in Relationships
  • Separating Will From Grace: An Experiment in Cheating Awareness and Conformity
  • Individual and Group Cheating Behavior in Adolescents: A Field Experiment
  • Cheating and Loss Aversion: Do People Lie More in Order to Avoid Loss?
  • Firm-Oriented Policies, Tax Fraud, and Negative Outcomes
  • Is it True That Bad Company Taints Good Morals? Teens’ Social Bonding and Academic Cheating
  • Cheating, Its Consequences, and Research on Cheating
  • Upward Social Comparisons Motivate the Poorly Paid to Cheat More for Less
  • People Prefer to Cheat Groups Rather Than Individuals
  • Infidelity Investigations Into Cheating Spouses
  • Efficient Redistribution Using Subsidies and Quotas in the Presence of Cheating and Misrepresentation
  • Cheating: The Economics of Tax Evasion
  • “But Everyone Is Doing It!”: A Peer Effects Model of Student Cheating
  • An International Experimental Study of Decision Frame and Opportunity as Determinants of Tax Cheating Cheating, Market Power, and Marketable Permits
  • Academic Fraud: Internet Cheating
  • Cheating and Technology: How Has Modern Technology Impacted Education?
  • Honesty and Intermediation: Corporate Cheating, Auditor Involvement, and Development Implications

Cheating Essay Titles

  • Can the Cheater Cheat? : Cheating Consequences
  • College Students’ Attitudes Toward Cheating Behavior
  • Cheating and Incentives: Learning Through a Policy Experiment
  • Cheating for Profit and Pleasure: If You Overfill, You Cheat Yourself; If You Underfill, You Cheat the Customer
  • Cheating Described Using Sociological Concepts
  • Academic Dishonesty and the Most Common Cheating Strategy
  • Students are Dismissed From the College for Cases of Cheating or Plagiarism
  • Cheating for the Common Good in the Game of Macroeconomic Policy
  • Cheating Rationally or Making an Emotional Decision?
  • Sabotaging Another: Increasing Cheating Behavior in Tournaments by Priming Competition
  • Extrinsic Motivation and Competition as Predictors of Academic Cheating
  • Detecting Cheating Teachers Through an Unusual Experiment
  • The Effect of the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal on the Interdependence of Large Automakers’ Equity and Credit Markets
  • Cheating, Emotions, and Rationality: A Tax Evasion Experiment
  • Disguising Lies—Partial Lying and Image Concerns in Cheating Games
  • All-Time Cheaters vs. Cheaters in Distress: An Investigation of OPEC Cheating and Oil Prices
  • Cheating: An Ethical Conundrum for All Junior Officers
  • Episodic Future: Thinking About the Ideal Self Reduces Discounting, Which Leads to a Lower Tendency to Cheat
  • The Cheating Culture: Why Are More Americans Doing Wrong to Advance?
  • Revisiting Revise: Examining Unique and Combinatorial Effects of Reminding, Visibility, and Self-Engagement Manipulations on Cheating Behavior

Questions About Cheating

  • Are Extrinsic Motivation and Competition Reliable Predictors of Academic Cheating?
  • Are Students Cheating Because They Are Under Pressure?
  • Does Competition Improve Performance or Encourage Cheating?
  • Does the Emotional Intelligence of Generation Z Encourage Cheating?
  • Has Cheating Replaced Fair Play?
  • How Are Chinese Students Cheating to Enter the United States?
  • How Can Educators Prevent High-Tech Cheating?
  • How Do Income and Tax Rates Encourage Cheating?
  • What Causes Academic Cheating?
  • Why Is There an Increase in Cheating and Plagiarism?
  • Why Should Schools Punish Cheaters?
  • What Is the Most Common Reason for Academic Cheating?
  • How Can School Cheating Affect Your Future?
  • What Are the Consequences of Cheating?
  • How Should You Handle a Cheating Student?
  • When a Student Cheats, What Should a Teacher Do?
  • What Does Cheating in School Mean?
  • What Are the Five Different Kinds of Cheating?
  • How Common Is School Cheating?
  • What Causes School Cheating?
  • Why Should Students Stop Cheating?
  • Why is School Cheating on the Rise?
  • What Are the Benefits of Cheating?
  • How Frequently Are Students Caught Cheating?

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The Morals and Ethics of Cheating

Cheating is becoming an alarming culture for academia.

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Loss of Integrity Through Plagiarism

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The Mundanity of Cheating and Unethical Behavior

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Motives and Causes of Cheating on Significant Others

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Best topics on Cheating

1. Cheating with Cell Phones in School: Challenges and Solutions

2. Why Cheating Is Getting Worse: My View on the Problem

3. Cheating in Education: How it Affects School or College Performance

4. Freakonomics and the Incentives of Cheating Behind One’s Actions

5. Cheating as the Primordial Act of Economy in Freakonomics

6. The Morals and Ethics of Cheating

7. Cheating is Becoming an Alarming Culture for Academia

8. The Academic Fraud and Cheating Among Students

9. Loss of Integrity Through Plagiarism

10. The Mundanity of Cheating and Unethical Behavior

11. Motives and Causes of Cheating on Significant Others

12. Cultural Differences of Cheating in Western and Eastern Countries

13. How To Prevent Investment Scams In Cryptocurrency

14. Interesting Information About Banking And Financial Fraud

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  • Exchange Student
  • High School
  • American Education System

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  • Academic Dishonesty Classification The definition of academic dishonesty is as follows: “The first type of academic dishonesty is cheating, which includes the intentional use or attempted use of unauthorized materials or information in an examination.
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  • Analysis of trends of Academic Dishonesty He concluded that academic dishonesty is on the rise and students perceived that most institutions and faculties had failed to institute a strong culture of integrity.
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  • Academic Dishonesty and Language Department Student
  • The Relationship Between Attitudes Towards Academic Dishonesty, Infidelity, and Normalization of Unethical Behavior
  • Academic Dishonesty on the Internet and Suggested Strategies
  • Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism to a Significantly Higher Level
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  • Ethics and the College Student Composition – Education, Academic Dishonesty
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  • Academic Dishonesty Among High School Students and College Students
  • Plagiarism: The Most Common Form of Academic Dishonesty
  • Academic Dishonesty, Material Assignment, and Its Causes
  • Academic Dishonesty: The Relationship Between the Internet and Academic Fraud
  • Cheating: Academic Dishonesty and Honor Code
  • Narcissism and Academic Dishonesty: The Exhibitionism Dimension and the Lack of Guilt
  • Academic Dishonesty and Academic Integrity
  • Academic Dishonesty Among Public School Teachers
  • Academic Dishonesty and the Impact on Higher Education
  • The Impact of Technology on the Academic Dishonesty
  • Academic Dishonesty and Strategic Sourcing Process
  • The Learning Process and Academic Dishonesty
  • Academic Dishonesty and Designated Rescue Area
  • Sex-Role Socialization and Perceptions of Student Academic Dishonesty by Male and Female Faculty
  • Academic Dishonesty and Finding Assignment Answers
  • Secondary Education and Academic Dishonesty
  • Academic Dishonesty and Studies on Cyber-Plagiarism in Higher Education
  • Friendship and In-Class Academic Dishonesty
  • Internet and Used by Academic Staff to Minimize the Trend of Academic Dishonesty
  • Never-Ending Dilemma in All Institution: Academic Dishonesty
  • Academic Dishonesty and Fraud: Discussion Among Universities Faculties
  • Cheating: Academic Dishonesty and Academic Misconduct
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  • Cheating: Academic Dishonesty and Strict Christian Household
  • Academic Dishonesty and an Attempt to Gain Academic Advantage by Doing Something Misleading or Unfair
  • Cyber-Plagiarism Amongst Students: Academic Dishonesty and the Internet
  • Academic Writing and the Internet: Cyber-Plagiarism Amongst University Students
  • Academic Dishonesty: Decreasing Cheating in Classrooms
  • Is Academic Dishonesty a Crime?
  • What Can Professors Do to Decrease Academic Dishonesty in Their Class?
  • How Would You Convince People Not to Plagiarize?
  • What Are Reasons People Commit Academic Dishonesty?
  • Is Academic Dishonesty Morally Wrong?
  • How Does Cheating Affect the College’s Reputation?
  • What Are the Ethical Issues Associated With Academic Dishonesty?
  • How Would Academic Dishonesty Help the Development of the Students?
  • What Are the Form of Academic Dishonesty?
  • Why Is Cheating in School a Moral Issue?
  • What Are the Most Common Reasons Students Plagiarize?
  • Is Academic Dishonesty the First Step in Corruption?
  • How Can We Improve Honesty Among Students?
  • What Are the Possible Effects of Academic Dishonesty?
  • How Can We Avoid Different Forms of Dishonesty?
  • Is There a Way to Promote Academic Honesty in Schools?
  • Why Do We Care About Academic Dishonesty?
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  • How Does Academic Integrity Impact Students?
  • What Are 3 Reasons That Students May Be Tempted to Be Academically Dishonest Quizlet?
  • How Can You Improve Your Academic Integrity?
  • Can Academic Dishonesty Affect Your Career?
  • How Common Is Academic Dishonesty?
  • What Do You Think Should Be Done About Cheating or Academic Honesty?
  • How Can You Encourage Students to Maintain Their Integrity?
  • Why Should Cheating Be Allowed?
  • How Many Students Plagiarize Each Year?
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IvyPanda. (2023, September 26). 77 Academic Dishonesty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/academic-dishonesty-essay-topics/

"77 Academic Dishonesty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Sept. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/academic-dishonesty-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '77 Academic Dishonesty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "77 Academic Dishonesty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/academic-dishonesty-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "77 Academic Dishonesty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/academic-dishonesty-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "77 Academic Dishonesty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/academic-dishonesty-essay-topics/.

Cheating - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Cheating refers to acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, particularly in the realm of academic or competitive settings. Essays might explore the psychological, social, and systemic factors contributing to cheating, its consequences, and the measures to deter and address cheating behaviors. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Cheating you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Cheating on Assignments

Though cheating on assignments is frowned upon, it is a very common occurrence in all schools. There are numerous causes of students choosing to cheat such as exuberant amounts of stress, lack of time, and unpreparedness. It may seem like a simple solution to a difficult task, but there are many negative effects of cheating that many individuals are either unaware of or see themselves as immune to. For example, suspension, expulsion, and failure are just a handful of many […]

Why Cheating and Plagiarism are on the Rise

Donald McCabe, Center for Academic Integrity's cofounder at Clemson University, reported that, "In national surveys of more than 80,000 college students conducted from 2002 until this spring, nearly half admitted they cheated via the Internet" (McCandless). This statistic raises an alarm about a recently dramatic rise in cheating and plagiarism in the United States. In an attempt to stop students from cheating and plagiarizing, schools nationwide carry out academic integrity policies to punish violating students by giving them zero for […]

Jealousy: Men, Women and Infidelity

Morality and ethics are of great importance for determining the essence of a society or culture. Morality and ethics are used as complementary concepts, but literally have different meanings. Morality defines the personal character and refers to the beliefs that a person practices when interacting in personal and social relationships. Morality identifies the way a person lives. Ethics are the rules or standards of conduct expected of the group to which the person may belong. Every day we are tested […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Coping with Infidelity and Cheating

Some people seem to have the mistaken impression that relationships and cheating go together like peanut butter and jelly. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but if that is the way you think...you're serously buggin. Cheating is never ok, period. There is no excuse in my opinion. So, if you are in a relationship with a cheater you might want to reconsider the relationship, especially if they are a serial cheater and have cheated more than […]

Emotional Cheating

Emotional Infidelity has become a very renown topic in terms of causing and creating disputes between spouses or couples worldwide. Various definitions of emotional infidelity have created this very predicament. Due to the prevalence of technology and forms of communication, it has created a greater amount of availability for emotional cheating. What is considered emotional cheating? According to Michael Formica in 2008, "Emotional infidelity is an expression of either the need or the desire to absent oneself from one's primary […]

Cheating has Deadly Consequences

Engineering is a branch of science and technology concerned with building and designing, as well as the use of engines/structures to make scientific discoveries (Engineering). It is the cornerstone of the STEM section of education, which focuses on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students are able to have a STEM based education as early as middle school, which allows them to have a deeper understanding of the core curriculum (Engineering). Engineers are often thought about as cheaters. They are well […]

Cheating and Plagiarism in Schools

Cheating and plagiarism, with the introduction of the internet, have become much more commonplace. In fact, 59% of high school students admitted cheating on a test during the last year, and 34% self-reported doing it more than two times. Being caught cheating on a test will most certainly have a bad consequence but the punishments differ from school to school. Plagiarizing on a paper will also come with certain punishments. Different punishments are given depending on the school you go […]

Lying Cheating Also Deception

The word "lying" originates from the Latin word "lectus", which means “bed”. However, the modern-day definition pertains to speaking falsely, misleading others or telling untruths with the purpose of deceiving someone or something. The term made its entrance into the English vernacular around the end of the twelfth century, originally as the word "licgan". Lying has been prevalent throughout the entire span of human history. It has been seen in the Bible, in medieval times, and has even been the […]

Cheating in Education Today

In the paragraph: "Universities Simply Have to Do Better" of Maclean in Cultures in Contrast: Student Life at U.S Colleges and Universities by Myra Shulman, the author claims that universities seem to value their integrity more than students' appropriateness and achievement by showing that students still received graduation certificates even though they have cheated on their papers. The author indicates that cheating can be in several types: copying work or on exams, and this issue has increased over the years. […]

The Effects of Cheating on Exams

Cheating on exams has become more prevalent throughout the 21st century as the importance of learning is eliminated. It disobeys the expectations for a well-behaved Stuyvesant student, and the offense becomes a violation of the morals of society. In highly-competitive schools, such as Stuyvesant, students are prone to running after success through their academics. Everybody is so concerned over competing to be the best in the class that most students have actually forgotten that a school's purpose is to educate. […]

Cheating in Schools and Colleges

To begin, Merriam- Webster defines cheating as, "to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud" Although I define cheating as taking someone else's work, thoughts, ideas, or privileges and claiming them as your own. First of all, cheating is wrong because it creates a disadvantage for others and you. This creates a disadvantage for others when you have cheated on a test. If your tests are curved then if you cheat you would disrupt the curve […]

Why Cheating in Academics is on the Rise at all Levels

Over the past years, cheating in academic has been rising at an alarming rate. While this is not a new phenomenon, a lot of experts have agreed that it has been on the global rise across all discipline. This kind of contract cheating has raised the level of concerned among communities about the trustworthiness or rather the credibility of student qualification in higher education including all other academic inputs. It has also reached the heights of changing the nature of […]

Decoding the Concept of Cheating: a Comprehensive Analysis of its Definitions and Implications

Cheating is a concept often bound by the confines of morality and legality, yet it remains subject to varied interpretations and contentious debate. In essence, cheating involves breaking rules or agreements in order to gain an unfair advantage. This can occur in various contexts, including academic, romantic, sports, and business environments. The act of cheating not only questions individual integrity but also impacts societal norms and the fundamental principles of fairness and justice. In academic settings, cheating is understood as […]

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Doing away with essays won’t necessarily stop students cheating

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Honorary Fellow, The University of Melbourne

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It’s never been easier for university students to cheat. We just need look to the scandal in 2015 that revealed up to 1,000 students from 16 Australian universities had hired the Sydney-based MyMaster company to ghost-write their assignments and sit online tests.

It’s known as contract cheating – when a student pays a third party to undertake their assignments which they then pass off as their own. Contract cheating isn’t new – the term was coined in 2006 . But it’s becoming more commonplace because new technologies, such as the smart phone, are enablers.

Read more: 15% of students admit to buying essays. What can universities do about it?

Cheating is taken seriously by universities and the national regulator, the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency . Much of the focus has been on changing assessment tasks to ones deemed to be harder for a third party to undertake. This is called “ authentic assessment ”.

This type of assessment has been widely adopted at universities . They are comprised of tasks that evaluate knowledge and skills by presenting students with real-world scenarios or problems relevant to the kinds of challenges they would face following graduation. But new research found authentic assessment may be as vulnerable to cheating as other more obvious examples, such as essays.

What the research shows

This new study was conducted by academics from six universities, led by Tracey Bretag and Rowena Harper from the University of South Australia. The research – part of the federal government’s Contract Cheating and Assessment Design project – surveyed 14,086 students and 1,147 staff.

The goal of this research was to collect and understand student’s perceptions of the likelihood of cheating on 13 different assessment tasks. The research then asked teaching staff which of the 13 tasks they used.

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The researchers have previously reported from this data set that 6% of students admitted to cheating. The purpose of the current round of analysis was not to understand the extent of cheating, but perceptions of how easily it might be done, and if that correlated with the tasks educators set.

They found, for both students and teachers, assessments with a short turnaround time and heavily weighted in the final mark were perceived as the tasks which were the most likely to attract contract cheating.

Assessments perceived as the least likely to attract contract cheating were in-class tasks, personalised and unique tasks, vivas (oral explanations of a written task) and reflections on practical placements. But these tasks were the least likely to be set by educators, presumably because they’re resource and time intensive.

Contract cheating and assessment design

The research confirms the relationship between contract cheating and assessment design is a complex one. There was no assessment tasks for which students reported a 0% likelihood of contract cheating. Students who engage in contract cheating both see and look for opportunities to cheat regardless of the assessment task.

For universities, that means they must assume cheating is always possible and simply changing what assessments they use will not combat the problem.

essay title about cheating

Many experts have advocated the use of supervised exams to combat cheating. But this new research adds to a growing body of evidence that exams provide universities and accrediting bodies with a false sense of security. In fact, previous data has shown students reported engaging in undetected cheating on supervised exams at higher rates than other types of cheating.

Another common approach is to use a series of small, graded tasks, such as spontaneous in-class tests, sometimes called continuous assessment . Even here, students indicated these were the third most likely form of assessment to be outsourced.

Who’s most likely to cheat?

There has been much attention , particularly during the MyMaster scandal , on international students’ use of contract cheating. The new research suggests both international students and domestic students from non-English speaking backgrounds are more likely to engage in contract cheating than other students.

Read more: Don't assume online students are more likely to cheat. The evidence is murky

The research also found business and commerce degrees were more likely be perceived as attracting contract cheating. Engineering was also particularly vulnerable to cheating.

Students from non-English speaking backgrounds hypothesised cheating would be most likely to occur in assessments that required research, analysis and thinking skills (essays), heavily weighted assignments and assessments with short turnaround times.

essay title about cheating

Perhaps unsurprisingly, students who indicated they were satisfied with the quality of teaching were less likely to think breaches of academic integrity were likely. In other words, this confirms previous research which showed students dissatisfied with their educational experience are more likely to cheat.

So what do we do about it?

This research provides yet more compelling evidence that curriculum and changes to teaching strategies and early intervention must be employed to support students’ academic endeavours.

The researchers also point out high levels of cheating risks undermining the reputation and quality of Australia’s A$34 billion export sector in international education.

The data demonstrates assessment tasks designed to develop relevant professional skills, which teachers are highly likely to set, were perceived by students as tasks that can easily be cheated on. These might include asking accounting students to memorandums, reports or other communication groups to stakeholders, such as shareholders. In fact, among students from a non-English speaking background, the risks of cheating might actually increase for these tasks. This means authentic assessment might run the increasing risk of being outsourced.

Read more: Assessment design won’t stop cheating, but our relationships with students might

This research shows the relationship between contract cheating and assessment design is not a simple product of cause and effect. In fact, the nature of the task itself may be less relevant to the prevalence of cheating than other factors such as a student’s from non-English speaking background’s status, perceived opportunities to cheat or satisfaction with the teaching and learning environment.

All educators must remain vigilant about cheating. Teachers must be properly resourced by their universities to ensure they can create rich learning environments which uphold the integrity of the higher education system.

Burdened with large debts and facing a precarious job market after graduation, it’s perhaps unsurprising some students, particularly those who are struggling academically, take a transactional approach to their education. This new research provides more clear evidence contract cheating is a systemic problem that requires a sector-wide response.

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  • Exam cheating
  • Essay writing
  • Contract cheating

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Honorlock Online Proctoring

How to Talk to Students Suspected of Cheating

  • August 6, 2024

Cheating happens.

It happens at all levels of education. From the anxiety-inducing timed multiplication test in 3rd grade to high-stakes final exams in college.

It happens more often during online exams. A survey 1  found that students are about 50% more likely to cheat in online courses than in live classes.

It happens for many reasons. Sometimes students cheat because of competitiveness and pressure. Other times, they don’t feel prepared, or it may just be because they can.

It happens in different ways. Whether it’s sneaking a quick Google search on their cell phones, whispering questions to Siri and Alexa, or having entire essays written by AI chatbots, technology makes cheating quick and easy.

From anxiety-inducing timed multiplication tests in 3rd grade to high-stakes final exams in college.

A survey 1  found that students are about 50% more likely to cheat in online courses than in live classes.

Sometimes students cheat because of competitiveness and pressure. Other times, they don’t feel prepared, or it may just be because they can.

Whether it’s sneaking a quick Google search on their cell phones, whispering questions to Siri and Alexa, or having entire essays written by AI chatbots, technology makes cheating quick and easy.

Click below to skip ahead

Find what you need

Talking to students about cheating is difficult but necessary.

No instructor looks forward to talking to a student about cheating ( we really hope not ). And while these are the last conversations you want to have with your students (and they feel the same), they’re necessary— no matter who, what, when, where, why, or how cheating happens.

But to make these conversations effective, you need to approach them thoughtfully. Talking to a student about cheating requires careful planning, consistency, emotional intelligence, solid evidence from the online proctoring software, and a deep understanding of disabilities and accommodations, which are often overlooked.

The ripple effect of addressing academic dishonesty

Responding to cheating the right way helps build a culture of academic integrity among your students.

“Instructors at our partner institutions have told us that addressing suspected cheating has an impact beyond each individual case,” said Jordan Adair, VP of Product at Honorlock. “Providing consistent feedback to students on their proctored exam results helps reduce future incidents and sends a clear message to students and their peers that academic integrity is valued at their institution.”

So, what's next?

  • How do you start the conversation?
  • What should you say, and what should you avoid saying?
  • What evidence do you need to prove they cheated during the proctored exam?
  • What if their story is believable, but you still have concerns about academic dishonesty?
  • Have you considered how disabilities may play a role?
  • Are your test rules as objective as they should be?

This article provides strategies for preparing for a conversation with a student about cheating, practical approaches for discussing it effectively, and templates for what to say in different situations.

Preparing to talk to a student about cheating

Review the institution’s academic integrity policy, determine the purpose of the conversation.

What do you want out of this conversation? Be more specific than just “to discuss cheating.” Establishing a clear goal helps guide the conversation and your preparation for it.

Do you want to…

  • Inform the student that the exam proctoring software flagged certain behaviors and discuss how to avoid them next time?
  • Determine if the student needs additional support and resources?
  • Hear their side of the story before deciding how to proceed?
  • Discuss the next steps in the academic misconduct investigation process and potential consequences?

Notify the student via email

Instructor note: If multiple students are involved in the same instance of misconduct, email each student individually and do not mention the other students’ names. This protects student privacy and addresses each situation individually.

Templated email to request a meeting with the student

Subject line: Meeting Request: Important Discussion Regarding [Course Name]

Dear [Student First & Last Name],

I am writing to inform you of my concerns regarding your recent submission for the [exam/assignment name] in [course name] this semester (Semester 20__). 

During the [exam/assignment], the proctoring software flagged behavior that appeared inconsistent with the provided rules and academic integrity policies at [Institution Name].

To ensure a fair process, I would like to meet with you to discuss the software’s findings, hear your perspective, and clarify any questions before taking further steps.

I am available [virtually or in my office] on [list dates and times]. Please reply with a date and time by [date and time].

I’ve included [links/attachments] to [Institution Name]’s Academic Integrity Policy and the course syllabus:

  • [Institution Name] Academic Integrity Policy [link and/or attach document]
  • [Course Name & Number] Syllabus: [link and/or attach document]

Thank you for your cooperation.

Example from email: “ … the proctoring software flagged behavior that appeared inconsistent…”

Example from email: I would like to meet with you to discuss the software’s findings, hear your perspective, and clarify any questions before taking further steps.

Example from the email: I am available [virtually or in my office] on [list dates and times]. Please reply with a date and time by [date and time].

Example from the email: I’ve included [links/attachments] to [Institution Name]’s Academic Integrity Policy and the course syllabus:

Templated email for other conversation purposes

Use this to inform the class of commonly flagged behavior:

The proctoring software flagged several behaviors among quite a few students during the last exam. I wanted to share these issues with you all and offer some tips on how to avoid them in the future. Please take a look before your next exam. [Add a bulleted list after this of the behaviors with specific tips to avoid them]

Use this text at the beginning of the email if the purpose of the conversation is to determine if the student needs additional support and resources:

Review your test rules and instructions

Two example test rules that aren’t as objective as they seem:

1. Do not use any AI chatbots to write any portions of your essay.

This rule work because it includes “any” chatbots writing “any” portions of their essay, but students might think:

  • I can’t use AI chatbots to write my essay, but I can use them to edit it.
  • I can use Grammarly to rewrite and improve my essay because it’s an AI writing assistant, not an AI chatbot.

Do not use any artificial intelligence (AI), including chatbots, voice assistants, writing assistants, or editing software, to write, edit, or improve any part of your essay. All essay content must be your original work, created entirely by you, without assistance from any external electronic technologies.

2. Do not use a cell phone, tablet, or other computers during the proctored exam.

Seems pretty clear, right? Well, students might think:

  • I can’t use my phone, tablet, or another computer, but it doesn’t say I can’t use my smartwatch.

With those examples in mind, play devil’s advocate as you review. This helps prepare for the conversation and refine your test rules. If updates are needed, inform students via email and LMS tools like messages, forum posts, and announcements.

Instructor Tip

You can use an unscored question at the beginning of the next test to confirm their acknowledgment of any updates to test rules and instructions.

Consider disabilities when reviewing evidence from the proctoring software

If the evidence (exam reports and video recordings from the remote proctoring software) shows suspicious behavior, it’s natural to assume it’s cheating. However, this “suspicious” behavior could be related to disabilities and accessibility needs.

For example, a student might be repetitively looking off-screen during the exam.

At face value, this behavior seems suspicious—like they might be looking at notes or receiving help from someone off-camera.

But what if the student has a condition, such as Tourette Syndrome (TS) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), that causes involuntary head movements?

Another thing to consider is that many college students don’t disclose disabilities to their instructors 2 , often due to unawareness 3 and stigma 4 :

  • Unawareness: many students don’t know they need accommodations, aren’t aware accommodations are available, and/or don’t know how to find help at their institution.
  • Stigma: fear of judgment and being treated differently by peers and instructors prevents students from disclosing disabilities; some are even ashamed to seek accommodations.

If the evidence (exam reports and video recordings) from the proctoring software shows suspicious behavior, it’s natural to assume it’s cheating. However, this “suspicious” behavior could be related to disabilities and accessibility needs.

“Understanding ADA guidelines and different accommodations that students need is invaluable in education and academic integrity,” said Dr. Lee Conerly, Director of Academic Instruction at Coastal Alabama Community College, “Students’ behaviors during exams may look like cheating, even when they absolutely are not cheating.”

Dr. Conerly gave an example of how the behaviors of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), like repetitive head twitching and fidgeting, can be mistaken for cheating, “I watched the exam recording, and the student was repeatedly looking off to the right, which makes it easy to assume they were looking at something or someone for answers. But I recognized signs of ADHD in their behavior. So, instead of jumping to conclusions, our conversations with the student focused on the human elements to learn more about them and their accommodation needs.”

However, the student didn’t disclose this information to the instructor before this conversation, which is common among college students 2 , mainly due to unawareness 3 or stigma 4 .

Tips for instructors to increase awareness and reduce stigma related to accommodations:

1. Talk about accommodations often

Engage in open conversations with students to increase awareness and understanding of disabilities and accommodations. Discuss accommodations before each assessment and encourage the use of campus support services. Share anonymous examples (to protect students’ privacy) of students who have successfully used accommodations in your courses.

Be very clear: accommodations are support, not special treatment.

2. Make it easy to find support

Provide links to campus support services in various areas of your online course, such as Announcements, Discussions, Chat, and syllabus.

3. Use anonymous surveys

Ask students to complete an anonymous survey in your LMS or through a tool like SurveyMonkey. This helps identify common challenges without revealing specific student needs.

For example, if several students report mobility disabilities that impair typing, you could allow talk-to-text dictation options for tests and other assignments.

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How to talk to a student about cheating

There’s no way around it: talking to a student about suspected cheating is inherently awkward, challenging, and even emotionally draining for both of you.

While we provide practical strategies and scripts for various situations, it’s important to recognize that each case is unique and rarely straightforward. However, being direct and sticking to the facts—firm and factual—keeps emotions in check and the discussion focused.

Focus on the objective information

Prevent opinions and biases from getting in the way by focusing on objective information:

  • The evidence you’ve gathered from the online proctoring software
  • Your course policy and the exam/assignment rules
  •  The institution’s academic dishonesty policy

Explain the flow of the conversation

Thank the student for meeting with you, then tell them that you’ll discuss your concerns, present evidence from the online proctoring solution, and review academic integrity policies for your course and/or institution.

You also need to tell them they’ll have an opportunity to share their side of the story and ask questions. After that, the conversation can be similar to the email you sent them.

Discuss your concerns

Tell the student exactly what your concerns are. Be specific and concise.

Example: “During the [exam name], the test proctoring software flagged you for [specific behavior, such as using a cell phone off-screen], which is against academic integrity policies.”

Present the evidence

Then, you can transition to presenting the evidence:

“I watched a recording of the behavior, which the remote proctoring software flagged and was reviewed by one of their trained proctors. We can watch the recording together right now if you’d like.”

If they want to watch the recording:

“I have the video ready. Feel free to explain your actions as we watch. Let me know if there are times you’d like to pause or parts you’d like to rewatch.”

Instructor tips:

  • Have the video cued and ready
  • e.g., The student’s cell phone is visible at :20, :33, :45
  • For example, instead of asking a leading question like, “Were you looking at your cell phone here?” ask, “Can you describe what you were doing here?”

If they don’t want to watch the recording:

  • Acknowledge their decision “I understand you’d rather not watch the video of the proctored exam, and that’s perfectly okay. We can discuss the flagged behavior based on what I observed.”
  • Be highly descriptive (and accurate) when describing the flagged behavior

Always be direct and concise, but give as much detail as possible when describing the flagged behavior, like in the examples below.“During the exam, the proctoring platform flagged several instances where you…”

  • covered your mouth and asked Siri for answers, which can be heard in the video. I’ll read them from the transcript provided by the Voice Detection software within the proctoring platform, [read transcript].
  • used a cell phone, which the AI detected was nearby , to search for answers to test questions.

Ask for their explanation

Whether they choose to watch the recording or not, ask open-ended questions to get their side of the story, such as:

  • “Can you help me understand what was happening during when [specific behavior]?”
  • “Can you describe what you were doing when [specific behavior]?

Responding to different explanations

Responding when the explanation resolves the situation

“Thank you for explaining what happened. Based on your explanation, it seems this situation can be resolved. I appreciate your honesty and cooperation. Let’s continue to follow the guidelines to avoid any future misunderstandings.”

Responding when you’d like to seek guidance from another expert

“Thank you for your explanation. Hearing your perspective helps me understand the situation better. To ensure fairness and handle the situation appropriately, I’m going to consult with [specific expert, department, etc.] to better understand [specific topic]. I’ll follow up with you once I have more information.”

Responding when students accept responsibility for cheating

The conversation can be difficult even when the student admits to cheating and accepts responsibility. Your response may depend on the institution’s academic integrity policy, which could require you to report it, or it may be left up to you. 

“I appreciate your honesty in admitting to cheating. However, academic integrity is fundamental, and I’m required to follow the academic integrity policy, which means reporting this incident. The appropriate office will determine the consequences. I understand this isn’t ideal, but it’s necessary to maintain fairness for all students.”

Responding when students deny cheating

The best response when students deny cheating (even with clear evidence in the video recording) is to use neutral language, stick to the facts, and ask clarifying questions.

“I understand that you have a different perspective, but the video shows repeated instances where you [state the observed behaviors]. We can address each instance individually. Can you explain why you were [first observable action].”

If there’s little progress, explain the next steps: 

“Given the evidence and your explanation, I need to follow the university’s academic integrity policy. This involves reporting the incident to the academic integrity office for further review. They’ll evaluate the evidence, and you’ll have an opportunity to share your perspective and ask questions.”

Address the integrity policy, next steps, and consequences

Unless their explanation resolves the situation, you should review your institution’s policies for addressing acts of academic dishonesty, the next steps in the investigation and/or process, and the potential consequences for violations.

Instructor note: continue using neutral language, regardless of what you learned in the conversation.

For example, i nstead of saying, “Since you cheated on the exam, you’ll be [insert consequence],” say, “Violations of this policy can lead to these consequences…”

Dealing with cheating is difficult but worth it

Talking to students about suspected cheating isn’t easy, but it’s key to maintaining academic integrity and protecting your reputation.

Take the time to prepare: review your course policies, the institution’s academic integrity policies, the evidence from the online proctoring platform, the objectivity of your own test rules, and consider disabilities.

Consider the student’s perspective: these conversations can be stressful for students, so remember to give them the opportunity to share their side of the story while actively listening.

Every word matters: from the first email you send to request a meeting to the conversation itself, stay objective, focus on the evidence, and have a real dialogue with your student to keep the process fair and constructive.

Proctor online exams effectively: use the right proctoring solution to deter and prevent cheating while keeping the test experience fair, customizing exam settings to accommodate students’ needs, and making it as stress-free as possible.

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1 Newton, P.M., Essex, K. How Common is Cheating in Online Exams and did it Increase During the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Systematic Review. J Acad Ethics 22, 323–343 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10805-023-09485-5

2 Adam, T., & Warner-Griffin, C. (n.d.). Use of Supports among Students with Disabilities and Special Needs in College. Data Point. NCES 2022-071. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED618477

3 Driving Toward a Degree 2023: Awareness, Belonging, and Coordination – Tyton Partners . (2023, November 16). Tyton Partners. https://tytonpartners.com/driving-toward-a-degree-2023-awareness-belonging-and-coordination/

4 Herrick, S. J., Lu, W., & Bullock, D. (2020). Postsecondary Students With Disabilities: Predictors of Adaptation to College. Journal of College Student Retention , 24 (2), 603–624. https://doi.org/10.1177/1521025120941011


Essay on What Should Be The Punishment For Cheating

Students are often asked to write an essay on What Should Be The Punishment For Cheating in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on What Should Be The Punishment For Cheating

The consequences of cheating.

Cheating in exams or assignments is a serious offense that can have severe consequences for students. It undermines the integrity of the education system and devalues the hard work of honest students.

Academic Penalties

Loss of trust.

Cheating breaks the trust between students and teachers. When a student cheats, they are not only cheating themselves, but also the teacher who trusts them to be honest. This betrayal of trust can lead to a strained relationship between the student and the teacher.

Damaged Reputation

Cheating can damage a student’s reputation. If they are caught cheating, they may be seen as dishonest and untrustworthy. This can make it difficult for them to get into college or find a job.

250 Words Essay on What Should Be The Punishment For Cheating

What should be the punishment for cheating.

Cheating can have a negative impact on students’ academic performance. When students cheat, they are not actually learning the material. This can lead to poor grades and a lack of understanding of the subject matter. Cheating can also damage students’ reputations. When they are caught cheating, they may be seen as dishonest and untrustworthy. This can make it difficult to get into college or find a job.

The Punishment for Cheating

The punishment for cheating should be severe enough to discourage students from doing it again. The punishment should also be fair and consistent. Some common punishments for cheating include:

The type of punishment that is given will depend on the severity of the cheating offense.

Cheating is a serious offense that can have lasting consequences. It is important to punish cheating in order to deter students from doing it again and to protect the integrity of the educational process. The punishment for cheating should be severe enough to discourage students from doing it again, but it should also be fair and consistent.

500 Words Essay on What Should Be The Punishment For Cheating

Cheating: a grave offense.

Cheating is an act of dishonesty that undermines the integrity of assessments and competitions. It involves attempting to gain an unfair advantage by using unauthorized materials, information, or assistance. Cheating can manifest in various forms, including copying answers, plagiarizing content, using prohibited electronic devices, or colluding with others.

The Impact of Cheating

Academic dishonesty.

In the context of education, cheating is considered a form of academic dishonesty. It violates the principles of integrity, fairness, and respect for intellectual property. Cheating not only harms the individual who engages in it but also jeopardizes the integrity of the educational system as a whole.

Professional Misconduct

Cheating can also constitute professional misconduct in various fields. For instance, in the medical field, cheating may involve falsifying patient records or misrepresenting one’s qualifications. In the financial industry, it may involve manipulating data or engaging in insider trading. Cheating in professional settings not only undermines the integrity of the profession but also puts the public at risk.

Penalties for Cheating

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Will OpenAI's new AI detection tool put an end to student cheating?


According to a BestColleges survey, more than half of students use AI to cheat . Those numbers are in line with a Stanford University study that found 60 to 70 percent of students cheat . However, AI may soon cease to be the lazy student's answer to writing papers. A Wall Street Journal (WSJ) story reports that "OpenAI has a method to reliably  detect when someone uses ChatGPT to write an essay or research paper" -- with 99.9% accuracy. 

Also: How AI lies, cheats, and grovels to succeed - and what we need to do about it

As my colleague David Gewritz has pointed out, many programs already promise to detect AI-written text . However, he concluded, "I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable threatening a student's academic standing or accusing them of cheating based on the results of these tools."

OpenAI hasn't revealed in any detail how its new method can be near-perfect in identifying AI-written text. It certainly isn't because it can spot AI hallucinations. It can't.  As OpenAI co-founder John Schulman said last year, "Our biggest concern was around factuality because the model likes to fabricate things. "

That will never change. According to Mohamed Elgendy, co-founder and chief executive of Kolena , a machine learning testing service, "The  rate of hallucinations will decrease , but it is never going to disappear -- just as even highly educated people can give out false information."

Instead of some magical deep way of spotting AI text, it appears OpenAI is using a much simpler way of identifying AI-written text: The service may be watermarking its results.

In a newly revised blog post, Understanding the source of what we see and hear online , OpenAI reveals it's been researching using classifiers, watermarking, and metadata to spot AI-created products. We don't know yet how this watermarking works exactly.

Also: The best free AI courses (and whether AI certificates are worth it)

We do know that OpenAI reports it's "been highly accurate and even effective against localized tampering, such as paraphrasing." However, the watermarking is "less robust against globalized tampering." 

That means the feature doesn't work well on translated text or something as mindlessly simple as inserting special characters into the text and then deleting them. And, of course, it can't spot works from another AI model. For instance, if you feed the ChatAPT AI-text spotter a document created by Google Gemini or Perplexity , it probably won't be able to identify it as an AI-created document. 

In short, with a little more effort, students and writers will still be able to pass an AI chatbot's work off as their own. Well, they can try anyway. In my experience with AI, the results still tend to be second-rate at best. But if that's good enough to get you a passing grade, it may be all you need. 

At least one self-professed professor on Reddit isn't impressed: "The problem is that you can just copy-paste the text into another program, translate it into another language, and then translate it back. But honestly, most students aren't going to do that, so it would catch pretty much everyone. "

Also:  How Pearson's AI assistant can help teachers save time

Of course, that might not bother OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who told The Harvard Gazette, " Cheating on homework is obviously bad . But what we mean by cheating and what the expected rules are does change over time."

I don't know about that. Cheating is cheating, but this new tool in the OpenAI arsenal doesn't sound like it will help much to prevent it. 

Oddly, while OpenAI is still wrestling with when -- or indeed if -- it should release this new service, the company will soon release a DALL·E 3 provenance classifier. This means that, eventually, almost every image you make with DALL-E  will be marked as a DALL-E AI creation. OpenAI relies on C2PA metadata, a digital content standard, to mark and identify images. If you're a graphic designer who's been relying on DALL-E to make "original" graphics, it may be time to return to Photoshop.

Artificial Intelligence

Openai launches searchgpt - here's what it can do and how to access it, beware of ai 'model collapse': how training on synthetic data pollutes the next generation, how pearson's ai assistant can help teachers save time.

My wife isn't 'just' a stepmom to my son. He sees her as his other mom.

  • My wife has been in my son's life since he was 6 years old.
  • She has taken on a parental role, stepping in whenever I need extra help.
  • Even though she's his stepmom, my son considers her his other mom.

Insider Today

After Vice President Kamala Harris announced she was running for president, one criticism lobbed against her was that she is not a parent because she has never given birth to children. But she is the stepmother to her husband Doug Emhoff's two children.

Like Harris, my wife is a stepmother to my son.

I am no longer in a relationship with his father and have been in a new relationship for four years. My wife came into my son's life when he was 6 years old and quickly stepped into a parental role. It was a role she enthusiastically took on.

Although she didn't give birth to my son, my wife is absolutely his second mother.

My son and wife's relationship started friendly

My wife didn't immediately take an authoritative role or force him to treat her like a parent. At first, she was more like a grown-up friend — someone he knew he needed to respect, but someone who would take him on drives to get ice cream or let him pretend to drive her car while I was inside the grocery store.

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I was worried about parenting with another person all the time. As the primary parent, I wasn't used to dividing parenting duties . My wife was aware of that and always deferred to me as the primary parent.

But the bond between my son and my wife was instant. He had never met someone I was dating before, but he liked her immediately.

My wife has taken on more responsibility as a stepmom

Over the last four years, she's taken on more parental responsibility but never tried to act like she was more of a parent than myself or my son's father. She is a bonus mom, someone there to kiss him goodnight , help him with his homework, and love him unconditionally.

During the pandemic, my wife volunteered to take the lead in helping my son with virtual school so I could focus on work. She created a schedule for him, made him lunch, and ensured he kept up with assignments. When the playgrounds opened, she would take him to play, armed with a backpack full of whatever was needed.

I have gone on several overnight trips , leaving the two of them alone together. My son doesn't even call or text me when I'm gone because he's having so much fun hanging out with my wife. I never have to worry about him; I know my wife will make sure he takes a bath and goes to bed on time.

There are days when I will ask her to tag in and do the bedtime routine because I'm working or want a break, and she does it without question. My son knows that if he needs something, he doesn't have to come to me all the time.

Seeing my wife willingly step into a parental role with my son has strengthened our relationship. I knew I loved her almost immediately after we met, but seeing how my son responded to her made me more secure in my decision.

Sometimes, she still refers to him as mine, and I always remind her that she's his mom, too. We do everything as a team: school meetings, performances, birthday parties . Everyone knows us as his two moms, and there's no one else I could imagine doing this with.

My son now sees my wife as the missing piece to our family puzzle. He proudly claims her as his other mom.

"You're my mom too," my son will say when my wife calls herself his stepmom. He made that decision. My wife never wanted to force a close relationship on him, but he pushed for it.

Media has warped the perception of stepmoms

Popular media depictions of stepmoms are largely negative. The common trope is that they're evil.

For example, you have characters like Meredith Blake in the Lindsay Lohan version of "The Parent Trap," the Baroness von Schraeder in " The Sound of Music ," and, of course, the prototype: Cinderella's Evil Stepmother.

These women are always seen as temptresses who come in and seduce the father into marrying them before revealing they intend to get rid of his daughter so that she will be the only woman in his life.

Maybe there are stepmoms out there who fit this description, but by and large, stepmoms are there to be whoever their step kids want them to be.

I know that's exactly the role my wife plays, and my son and I are all the more lucky for it.

Watch: Why one mother fled Texas to keep her child safe

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Canada's Olympic spying scandal: Everything you need to know

Sophie Lawson assesses how Canada's six-point deduction over the drone spy scandal could impact the remainder of the women's Olympic football tournament. (2:28)

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MARSEILLE, France -- The Olympics can be a whirlwind, with one event rolling right into the next. But the rapid investigation -- and severe punishment -- of Canada 's women's soccer team for spying on an opponent's closed practice session has remained a dominant, if complex, storyline.

Here's everything you need to know about the situation.

What's the basic timeline of this?

On Monday, July 22, New Zealand 's women's soccer team reported to French police that a drone had been flying over their practice sessions in Saint-Étienne. French authorities were able to trace the drone back to Joseph Lombardi, a staff member of Canada Soccer. Canada and New Zealand were set to play each other on Thursday.

On Wednesday, July 24, the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) said it had sent home Lombardi and the assistant coach to whom he reported, Jasmine Mander . Head coach Beverly Priestman released a statement that while she did not "direct" the staffers who operated the drone, she was "voluntarily" removing herself from coaching in the game and apologized to New Zealand for behavior that she said "does not represent the values that our team stands for." Canada Soccer announced an investigation into the incident. FIFA announced it was opening disciplinary hearings.

On Thursday, July 25, Canada beat New Zealand 2-1 . Assistant coach Andy Spence led the team.

On Friday, July 26, Canada Soccer's chief executive, David Blue, told reporters that based on preliminary conversations, the federation believed this was not an isolated incident but rather the latest example of a "systemic culture." He also said Priestman would not coach at all during the Paris Olympics.

On Saturday, July 27, FIFA announced that Priestman and the two staff members "were each found responsible for offensive behavior and violation of the principles of fair play." All three were banned from working in soccer for one year and the Canadian team was penalized six points at these Olympics , making it very difficult for them to qualify for the knockout rounds.

What do we know about that 'systemic' culture that Canada Soccer referenced?

The extent -- and duration -- of Canada engaging in this kind of behavior is at the heart of what the federation is trying uncover, Blue said, but news reports indicate it is an extensive pattern.

ESPN reported that U.S. Soccer has been aware of Canada's teams (both men and women) attempting to view their closed practices for years. TSN , among other outlets, has reported on numerous previous incidents involving a variety of opponents, including instances of spying at CONCACAF Nations League matches, World Cup qualifiers, this past summer's Copa América tournament and the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 -- when Canada's women's team won the gold medal.

David Shoemaker, chief executive of the COC, said, "It makes me ill, it makes me sick to my stomach to think there could be something that calls into question ... one of my favorite Olympic moments in history."

What are the Canadian players saying?

Blue, the Canada Soccer executive, has been adamant that no Canadian players ever saw any footage obtained in France. Vanessa Gilles , a defender on the team, told reporters after the New Zealand game that "there was a lot of emotion, frustration and humiliation because as an athlete, it didn't reflect our values ​​and what we want to represent as athletes at the Olympic Games." She added, "We are not cheaters."

When asked what she had heard about how Canadians back home were reacting, forward Adriana Leon told reporters that she was staying off social media because, "I don't want to think about it."

Team captain Jessie Fleming told the media, "This tournament moves so quickly and we just don't have time to dwell on our feelings too much."

What about former players?

A number of former players have spoken out on social media or elsewhere to defend their accomplishments as being legitimate. Christine Sinclair , generally considered to be the greatest player in Canadian soccer history, referenced the Tokyo gold medal in a statement on Instagram , writing: "It's unfortunate that the players of our National Team have had to play through condemnable actions by some of their staff as they attempt to defend our gold medal. Actions players have no control over."

Sinclair added that "having been a national team player for 23 years, we were never shown or discussed drone footage in team or individual meetings I've been present for."

Stephanie Labbé, a former goalkeeper who was part of the gold medal team in 2021, wrote on social media that her success in saving penalties in Tokyo was due to intense studying of her opponents and making "educated guesses" during two critical shootouts. "Do not confuse great goalkeeping with cheating," she wrote.

If this was a pattern, does that mean other coaches could be implicated?

Yes. Canada's men's team "attempted drone usage" during the Copa America this year, according to Blue, although he added that new coach Jesse Marsch only became aware of it afterward and "denounced it as a practice to his staff." Still, that incident is part of Canada Soccer's larger investigation.

More significantly, John Herdman -- who coached Canada's women's team from 2011 to 2018 and its men's team between 2018 and 2023 -- was in a position of authority for many of the alleged instances of spying. (The links between Herdman and Priestman also run deep: Herdman was Priestman's youth futsal coach in England -- where both were born -- and Priestman went on to coach Canada's U17 and U20 national teams when Herdman was senior team coach.)

Herdman, who now coaches Toronto FC, said he would cooperate with any investigation, adding in a statement that "I'm highly confident that in my time as a head coach at an Olympic Games or World Cup we've never been involved in any of those activities."

It is worth noting, however, that a vast majority of the alleged instances of spying took place during games that were neither in the Olympics nor the World Cup.

Could there be other penalties for Canada or its staff?

It's unlikely there will be further sanctions against Canada at the Paris Games, but FIFA could consider more discipline in the future if an investigation turns up new evidence.

It also seems unlikely, but not impossible, that previous medals -- including the gold the women's team won in Tokyo in 2021 -- would be at risk. However, the International Olympic Committee did not respond to ESPN's request for comment on the matter.

Ali Krieger reacts to Canada sending home women's soccer manager Bev Priestman for a drone cheating scandal.

Who are Lombardi and Mander, the two staffers sent home?

Lombardi, 43, is a technical coach/analyst who worked on Canada's staff at six FIFA youth tournaments from 2012 to 2022. He also was part of the staff at the Women's World Cup in 2023.

Mander, 29, is an assistant coach who was part of Priestman's staff at the 2021 Olympics and the 2023 Women's World Cup.

Are there any pending criminal charges related to the incident?

The usage of drones and potential invasions of privacy are serious issues in France, and law enforcement immediately became involved in the situation. Without naming the person, a French court announced on July 24 that a 43-year-old Canadian man had been given an eight-month suspended sentence for filming two of New Zealand's closed training sessions with an aerial device.

What happens next?

Most immediately, Canada plays its second group stage game against France on Sunday night. With the six-point penalty applied, it enters the match with minus-3 points. It still has a small hope of making the knockout rounds because two of the third-place finishers in the three-group, 12-team tournament will qualify for the quarterfinals.

It is also possible that Canada could successfully appeal its point penalty and have it reduced. The Court of Arbitration for Sport, which has jurisdiction, operates an ad hoc court at each Olympics in order to hear time-sensitive cases like this one.

For Priestman, Mander and Lombardi, it may be possible to appeal their FIFA-issued suspensions. In the absence of a change, however, the three are prohibited from taking part "in any football-related activity for a period of one year."

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OpenAI Grapples With Unreleased AI Detection Tool Amid Cheating Concerns (msn.com) 24 --> 24

Openai grapples with unreleased ai detection tool amid cheating concerns more | reply login, openai grapples with unreleased ai detection tool amid cheating concerns.

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if it is based on hidden data from ChatGPT... ( Score: 3 )

How could it work on text generated by other AI tools?

  • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.

Number One Rule In Business ( Score: 5 , Insightful)

I know you know i know you know i know, but... ( score: 2 ), mandate they release and open source this ( score: 3 ).

challenge of determining appropriate access to the detection tool, as well as its potential impact on non-native English speakers and the broader AI ecosystem.

Why would access be such an issue? If you are worried about students using the tool to check their work ahead of time, that's sortof the point? If this actually does work the recourse will be "add in enough of my own original work to pass the tool".

If people develop workarounds then you have to work around those workarounds in the software. If the worry is about an AI vs AI-Detection arms race, well too bad, we're already in one.

The second one is a total nonissue because I doubt anyone would care if you use and AI tool for translation. If it's not used for translation, see above.

Maybe I am being cynical but I see the hesitancy in releasing this is the impact on it's bottom line as it seems to me a large, (overly large I would say) profit area for AI is basically deception, have people beleive they are communicating with a human when they are not.

Some form of AI registration or detection should be legislated IMO. It should be illegal for people to not be informed when they are working with AI versus a person.

ftfy ( Score: 3 , Interesting)

"we have this tool to identify AI content... but we're kinda scared to let you see how much AI content has already taken over..."

Why is using AI considered as cheating at all? ( Score: 1 )

Honest question!

It's just like other tools, right? Sure you must not use it in exams where you are not allowed to use any help or e.g. a calculator, but thats not the problem imho.

What's the genereal difference to other tools like spell checkers, syntax checkers, or even compilers that proove your code?

It's a tool available to everyone, and thus it should be learned to be used correctly.

If you simply use AI at its current state, and don't check the references, than your work might be wrong and you don't pas

Re: ( Score: 2 )

the same logic would apply if i used another student to write my paper for me. anything i can buy/pay for is a tool for my use.

Re: ( Score: 1 )

Ok, you got a point here.

But imho AI is more similar to a tool than a human beeing. Exams (mostly) have to be done by yourself only. So the border between tools like compilers and AI to humans is quite clear. I don't understand why the border should be between compilers and AI. I don't see a way to distinguish between all the tools that exist, do you draw the border before or after spell correction? before or after using google? before or after template engines? before or after ChatGPT 3 or 4? The boarder to

The big difference is that LLMs make a superficial impersonation of a knowledgeable person, meaning mistakes are much harder to see than with other tools, while making superficial competence easy to fake. So for example, someone passing their driver's test with the help of a spell-check is fine, someone passing their driver's test with the help of a LLM is a danger. Same for interviews, which are essentially an informal test.

An alternative is redesigning all such tests to take into account available tools,

one method I have seen is using time-limited complex questions. Like 0.5-2 minutes top. You either know the answer or you dont. Most LLM output is just too slow.

AI output should be watermarked ( Score: 2 )

Watermarking is a must for AI generated content. Otherwise we will all drown in a sea of misinformation. Specially for images/video/audio.

Relying on bad guy to set evil bit is a bad idea.

I mean, that's how all laws work. We require food producers to accurately label their products, other manufacturers to follow required standards, drug manufacturers to follow an established approval process, citizens to follow laws, etc.

With food and manufacturing there are explicit known chains of trust and liability. This necessarily doesn't exist for speech. Speakers do not require a license or prior approval to speak and don't even have to disclose their identity.

Not the only fish in the sea ( Score: 2 )

Students could simply have one of a bazillion other LLMs rewrite OpenAIs response or better still just use a different model.

Workaround: Imperfect round-trip translation ( Score: 2 )

Pipe the OpenAI output round-trip through two independent language translators, e.g. Google Translate English->Spanish then someone else's translator Spanish->English.

The results will look horrible but a native-speaker looking at the crappy round-trip-translation could re-phrase the "crappy back to English round trip translation" back to coherent/native-speaker-sounding English, then compare it to the original OpenAI output to make sure the meaning stayed the same.

If the goal is to prevent people from

Copy paste to text ( Score: 2 )

Not so easy re:copy paste to text ( score: 1 ).

watermarking technique that subtly alters token selection in ChatGPT's output, creating an imperceptible pattern detectable only by OpenAI's technology

Just copy/paste the output to a text editor and I would think their "watermarking" would not paste in.

If I understand "alters token selection" correctly, the very words of the output will be selected to include subtle patterns, such as a slightly-higher or -lower-than-typical use of 6-letter words or words beginning with a vowel, unusually high or low use of adverbs, or some other pattern or combination of patterns. For output of "scientific data" we may be talking about encoding the watermark in least-significant-digits or in the choice of color or line spacing of a graph or table.

tl;dr: Cutting and pasti

Delve into the journey of AI detection! ( Score: 1 )

The journey of AI detection is a captivating exploration into the intersection of technology, ethics, and education, where innovation meets responsibility. OpenAI's sophisticated anticheating tool, with its groundbreaking watermarking technique, exemplifies the incredible potential and complex challenges of identifying AI-generated content. As we navigate this evolving landscape, the balance between safeguarding academic integrity and ensuring fairness for non-native English speakers becomes paramount. This journey is not just about technology but about understanding its impact on society, promoting transparency, and fostering a world where AI and human creativity coexist harmoniously. The path forward requires thoughtful deliberation, open dialogue, and a commitment to ethical principles as we embrace the possibilities and responsibilities of AI detection. ..--..--..

Q: How can you tell if something is written by a flesh-and-bone marketing droid or a silicon-based marketing droid?

A: I don't know either.

Hesitating because it makes them money ( Score: 2 )

The only reason they'd hesitate on this is because they have customers that don't want their users to know they're speaking to a robot. They already deliberately disabled the "ignore previous instructions" Voigt-Kampff test and they're dangling this to try to pretend they're going to do the right thing.

But the reality seems to be their paying customers don't want this feature - they want to have the freedom to deceive end users into thinking they're talking to a human, or reading human output.

So, just by co

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  1. Cheating as a Violation of Objectivity Essay Example

    essay title about cheating

  2. Essay on Cheating in EXAM

    essay title about cheating

  3. Cheating as a Serious Issue in Todays Schools Essay Example

    essay title about cheating

  4. ⇉Cheating Research Paper Cheating Essay Example

    essay title about cheating

  5. ⇉The Issue of Cheating Today Essay Example

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  6. Cheating In Relationships

    essay title about cheating


  1. How to Write an Excellent ToK Essay Pt 1

  2. TOK

  3. What is Cheating? #relationship #love #positiveattitude #positivemindset #dating #happylifehacks

  4. ALS Essay Tutorial: How to center-align your title

  5. Cheating Hack in Essay Writing Exam🥴🤣#shorts

  6. essay cheating Kaun karta hai 😱#Dhoni sar#aaganwadikebacche #comedy#funny #viral #🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


  1. 94 Cheating Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    👍 Simple & Easy Cheating Essay Titles. Need a 100% original paper? Trust an expert for top-quality best results. Learn More . Can Cheat the Cheater: Consequences of Cheating; Attitudes Toward Cheating Behavior Among College Students; Cheating and Incentives: Learning From a Policy Experiment;

  2. Paragraph About Cheating: [Essay Example], 616 words

    At its core, cheating involves the violation of rules or norms in order to gain an unfair advantage. This can manifest in a multitude of ways, from copying someone else's work on an exam to using performance-enhancing drugs in sports. Cheating can occur in academic settings, professional environments, and even personal relationships.

  3. 118 Cheating Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    These essay topic ideas and examples provide a wide range of perspectives on cheating, allowing you to delve into specific areas that interest you. Remember to conduct thorough research, support your arguments with evidence, and propose feasible solutions to address this pervasive issue in our society. Instantly access industry insights.

  4. Essays About Cheating: Top 5 Examples and 9 Writing Prompts

    The essay further explains experts' opinions on why men and women cheat and how partners heal and rebuild their trust. Finally, examples of different forms of cheating are discussed in the piece to give the readers more information on the subject. 5. Emotional Cheating By Anonymous On PapersOwl.

  5. ≡Essays on Cheating. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics, Titles

    Plagiarism: The Negative Side of Cheating. 2 pages / 1025 words. This is the act of deceiving, behaving dishonestly for a specific purpose. Children may cheat in schools, while playing and also at home. It is the act of ignoring the rules in a competitive situation and gains the advantage.

  6. Argumentative Essay About Cheating

    Cheating, a prevalent issue across educational institutions, has sparked debates about its moral implications and consequences. From cheating on exams to plagiarizing assignments, the act of dishonesty raises questions about the values and integrity of individuals. In this argumentative essay, we will delve into the various aspects of cheating ...

  7. Essay on Cheating

    Cheating is when someone acts dishonestly or unfairly to gain an advantage. It can happen in many places, like schools, sports, and games. In school, it often means breaking the rules to do better on a test or homework. For example, a student might look at someone else's paper during a test or use a secret note when they're not supposed to.

  8. Research and Essay Topics about Cheating

    0. Spread the love. Research Topics about Cheating. The Auditor and the Firm: A Simple Model of Corporate Intermediation and Cheating. Cheating, Incentives, and Money Laundering. Marriage and High Technology: Cheating Behavior in Relationships. Separating Will From Grace: An Experiment in Cheating Awareness and Conformity.

  9. Essay on Cheating In A Relationship

    Cheating in a relationship means being unfaithful. It's when a person breaks a promise to stay loyal to their partner. This can hurt feelings deeply and damage trust. Cheating isn't just about being with someone else; it can also be when someone flirts or hides things from their partner.

  10. Cheating Essays: Samples & Topics

    Why Cheating Is Getting Worse: My View on the Problem. 3. Cheating in Education: How it Affects School or College Performance. 4. Freakonomics and the Incentives of Cheating Behind One's Actions. 5. Cheating as the Primordial Act of Economy in Freakonomics. 6. The Morals and Ethics of Cheating. 7. Cheating is Becoming an Alarming Culture for ...

  11. Cheating Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Cheating Both Men and Women Consciously or. PAGES 2 WORDS 654. Cheating. Both men and women, consciously or subconsciously, dream of connecting with a soul mate. Or, in other words, the archetypical dream is of an intimate relationship where each partner feels complete in the presence of the other.

  12. 77 Academic Dishonesty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Moral Identities, Social Anxiety, and Academic Dishonesty. In his works, the scholar establishes two explanations for why students indulge in malpractices; the Social anxiety hypothesis and the moral anxiety hypothesis. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 183 writers online.

  13. Cheating Essay

    Cheating Essay; Cheating Essay. Sort By: Page 1 of 50 - About 500 essays. Decent Essays. Cheating Is Cheating. 1236 Words; 5 Pages; Cheating Is Cheating. Cheating Is Getting Worse Cheating is a problem worldwide, everyone can admit they've cheated before or at least say they've witnessed someone cheat before. The term "cheating" can be ...

  14. Cheating Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    13 essay samples found. Cheating refers to acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, particularly in the realm of academic or competitive settings. Essays might explore the psychological, social, and systemic factors contributing to cheating, its consequences, and the measures to deter and address cheating behaviors.

  15. Paragraph on Cheating

    Essay on Cheating; Paragraph on Cheating in 250 Words. Cheating is a dishonest action that is not fair to others. It is just like stealing someone else's work or ideas. When a person cheats, they are not showing respect for themselves or the people around them. It is something that is seen in many places, like school, sports, and even in our ...

  16. Cheating In A Relationship Essay

    The term "cheating" can be interpreted in different ways, according to (Webster's Dictionary) cheating has several meanings "a deception to profit yourself", "not faithful to a spouse or lover" and "violating accepted standards or rules". People have been caught red handed while cheating, while others were lucky enough to ...


    Microsoft Word - Honors Thesis - Draft 7.docx. Infidelity Beliefs and Behaviors: A Broad Examination of Cheating in Romantic Relationships. Taylor Camp. The University of Arizona. Author Note. This paper was prepared as an Undergraduate Honors Thesis for Fall 2016. An Institutional.

  18. Essay on Cheating

    966 Words. 4 Pages. 4 Works Cited. Open Document. Cheating. Cheating used to be considered an unmentionable sin. However, in this day and age, it has become more common and somewhat of a daily occurrence. Cheating is more widespread today than in the past. According to the article titled Education: The New Morality, cheating has not been an ...

  19. Cheating on exams: Investigating Reasons, Attitudes, and the Role of

    As for age, Jensen et al. (2002) found that younger students were more inclined to cheat than older students. In a similar vein, Franklyn-Stokes and Newstead (1995) found that students' cheating was the function of their age. Petrak and Bartolac (2014) conducted a study with health students and found that cheating was moderately prevalent among the 1,088 students with whom their survey was ...

  20. PDF Friends with Benefits: Causes and Effects of Learners' Cheating ...

    Cheating on examinations in academic institutions is a worldwide issue (Berhan & Desalegn, 2014). Adolescents are at a time in their lives where peer influence and peer pressure are high (Rettinger & Kramer, 2009). Student habits and views on cheating are developed in high school (Mccabe, Butterfield, & Trevino, 2012). In the advent

  21. Doing away with essays won't necessarily stop students cheating

    Published: December 19, 2018 2:06pm EST. It's never been easier for university students to cheat. We just need look to the scandal in 2015 that revealed up to 1,000 students from 16 Australian ...

  22. How to Talk to a Student About Cheating

    Responding when students deny cheating. The best response when students deny cheating (even with clear evidence in the video recording) is to use neutral language, stick to the facts, and ask clarifying questions. "I understand that you have a different perspective, but the video shows repeated instances where you [state the observed behaviors].

  23. OpenAI has anti-cheating technology ready to launch, so why won't it?

    ChatGPT has become a popular tool for cheating on essays in school, but OpenAI has yet to roll out a crucial anti-cheating tool. Here's how teachers are spotting ChatGPT-generated homework.

  24. Essay on What Should Be The Punishment For Cheating

    The punishment for cheating should be severe enough to discourage students from doing it again. The punishment should also be fair and consistent. Some common punishments for cheating include: Failing the assignment or test. Suspension from school. Expulsion from school. The type of punishment that is given will depend on the severity of the ...

  25. OpenAI Holds Back Tool That Detect Academic Cheating via ChatGPT

    OpenAI has developed a text watermarking tool capable of detecting essays authored by ChatGPT with significant accuracy. This development follows a report from The Wall Street Journal suggesting ...

  26. Will OpenAI's new AI detection tool put an end to student cheating

    OpenAI claims its new method can identify - with 99.9% accuracy - when someone uses ChatGPT to write an essay or research paper. Here's why I'm skeptical.

  27. There's a Tool to Catch Students Cheating With ChatGPT. OpenAI ...

    Essays about Batman. ... That same month, OpenAI surveyed ChatGPT users and found 69% believe cheating detection technology would lead to false accusations of using AI. Nearly 30% said they would ...

  28. My Wife Isn't 'Just' a Stepmom to My Son; She's His Other Mom

    Essay by Sa'iyda Shabazz. 2024-08-03T11:14:02Z An curved arrow pointing right. Share. The letter F. Facebook. An envelope. It indicates the ability to send an email. Email. A stylized bird with an ...

  29. Canada's Olympic spying scandal: Everything you need to know

    How Canada's point deduction affects the women's Olympic tournament (2:28) Sophie Lawson assesses how Canada's six-point deduction over the drone spy scandal could impact the remainder of the ...

  30. OpenAI Grapples With Unreleased AI Detection Tool Amid Cheating

    OpenAI has developed a sophisticated anticheating tool for detecting AI-generated content, particularly essays and research papers, but has refrained from releasing it due to internal debates and ethical considerations, according to WSJ. This tool, which has been ready for deployment for approximately a year, utilizes a watermarking technique that subtly alters token selection in ChatGPT's ...