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5S Training

5S Training will help you with implementing one of the most important lean manufacturing tools; that of 5S , it is also one of the simplest to implement. 5S is a methodical way to organize your workplace to turn it into a safer, ergonomic, more efficient environment through organizing your layout and introducing visual management and standard ways of working. 5S is a team approach and requires the participation of everyone within the area in which is applied to be effective. 5S works by helping the team to eliminate the seven muda of lean manufacturing, the seven wastes; Transport , Inventory , Motion , Waiting , Over-processing , Overproduction , and Defects . The five steps of 5S are;

Train your employees in the steps of 5S

  • 5S Seiri ;      Sort, Clearing, Classify
  • 5S Seiton ;     Straighten, Simplify, Set in order, Configure
  • 5S Seiso ;     Sweep, shine, Scrub, Clean and Check
  • 5S Seiketsu ;     Standardize, stabilize, Conformity
  • 5S Shitsuke ;     Sustain, self discipline, custom and practice

Some companies add safety as a 6th step making 6S .

Why 5S Training

Like any new discipline or skill it is important to ensure that your employees fully understand it and know how they should implement it. It is unlikely that if this is your first 5S program that all of your employees are fully conversant with 5S. Therefore you will need to either hire a 5S trainer or 5S consultant to help you with your 5S program, alternatively you could employ or train up an internal 5S training champion to lead your 5S program .

Free 5S Training Presentation

5S Training Exercise – Download free 5S training PDF

Training Exercise – Download free 5S training PowerPoint presentation

To access a full range of 5S training presentations and PDFs that are free to download visit our 5S Training Presentations .

5S Training Approach

5S is best learned through doing it, it is not a skill that lends itself to a few days away in a hotel training suite followed by several weeks of inaction and forgetfulness. I have run many 5S programs and seen others run them also and can say that in my opinion that by far the best approach is one of in-house 5S training and facilitation led by someone with experience in the disciplines of 5S. The 5S training should be preceded by ensuring that there are clear objectives for both the direction of the company and for the specific working area in which 5S is to be applied. Measures of performance should also be reviewed or set in place against which later improvements can be judged. 5S Training should then begin with an initial session to explain the aims of the 5S implementation in terms of the overall company as well as the individuals. This should then be followed with a brief presentation regarding the seven wastes of lean manufacturing and an overview of the steps of 5S. It is also useful at this point if you have a simple 5S simulation to run so that they can see the potential for improvement. The first session should very much focus on the first three of the 5S; 5S Sort, 5S Set in Order and 5S Shine. The team should be given an overview of what it is they are to be doing then let loose within the area with clear instructions to begin the first stage of 5S; Sort. The 5S trainer should aid the team and ensure that they stay on track, a deadline should be set for an hour or two (depending on the size and complexity of the area in question) and the team should sit to review what they have done and discovered. The team should progress through the first three stages over a period of 2 or three days at the end of which the 5S team should present back to management what they have achieved. They should also have at this stage a list of actions to be implemented over the coming weeks before implementing the next two stages. A break of a few weeks depending on outstanding actions should then be allowed, followed by the next session which should review and reinforce the first three stages of 5S then move onto the final 2 stages of 5S standardize and 5S Sustain.

Hiring an external 5S Consultant or Trainer

If you are hiring a 5S consultant be careful as the standards of 5S consultants vary considerably from your local expert who is trying to go it alone after losing his latest job to the big international consultants who will charge you something akin to your firstborn child but will deliver you their weight in gold. Unless you have a candidate in house or intend to hire a specific employee for the position I would recommend that you spend the money to have your employees trained professionally in the lean manufacturing tool of 5S.

In house 5S trainers

If you have a suitable expert or have someone that you intend to train up to be able train your employees then please ensure that you support them fully with the right tools and aids for their 5S training program;

  • 5S Books to use as either a shared resource with your employees or more in depth for your trainer. You can also download 5S books to read on your PC or even your phone.
  • 5S Posters to advertise and remind your employees as to what your aims are to train them in 5S.
  • 5S DVD s for individual and group training; very useful for seeing examples of 5S in action.
  • 5S Pocket Guides to use as giveaways in your training and as handy reminders.
  • 5S simulations and games to use as part of your training package.
  • 5S training materials that contain many of the above items.
  • 5S supplies such as 5S red tags which can be very useful when you begin your implementation.

Monitoring 5S training effectiveness

I mentioned earlier about ensuring that you have a set of objectives in place for your business and your 5S implementation program, these measures of performance will enable you to judge the improvements generated by your 5S training program. You should also use feedback from your employees as to what they feel was the effectiveness of the 5S training course, these 5S training courses can vary enormously and although they may generate benefits there may still be scope for far greater improvements. I have often run 5S training courses in a company where they have already gone through the 5S process and made huge improvements. Sing the praises of the implementation of 5S around your company, publicize and celebrate the improvements that have been made to ensure that those involved feel valued for their contribution and that the rest of your employees will be keen to participate and even compete.

If you have any questions about conducting lean training or would like to add anything to lean manufacturing tools please leave a comment below.

Related posts:

  • How to run an In House 5S Training Course
  • 5S Training Materials
  • 5S Training Simulations and Games

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2 comments for “ 5s training ”.

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Great article! If you are interested, I have posted instructions/video for a great 5S game/ice breaker at http://www.leanbestpractices.info

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I want to attend 5S Training Course. Plz share with me address and schedule in pakistan (if any)

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Top 10 5s Training PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 5s Training PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

Sapna Singh


Hewlett-Packard, an American multinational information technology business, began adopting the 5S method to keep storage locations for needed parts stacked and sorted for easy access a long time ago. Even Harley-Davidson used the 5S process to run their warehouses more efficiently.

Dive deep into the world of Kaizen Event Templates , highlighting their relevance and how these aid your continuous improvement efforts.

The 5S standardization process is now more critical than ever for building a more efficient workplace. This method has five pillars: Sort, straighten, shine, standardize, and sustain. It began on the factory floor and has extended to battleships, offices, warehouses, hospitals, and universities.

Transforming Office Operations

Do you want to improve the efficiency of your business processes? SlideTeam’s PPT Templates help you begin your 5S journey and experience its transformative influence on your business. Our Top 10 5S Training PPT Templates help you sort, straighten, shine, standardize, and sustain your workplace operations. These templates are an excellent training module for understanding 5S and creating an organized, clean, and bright work environment.

Get everyone on board with these pre-made PPT Templates if you’re interested in applying the 5S Methodology at your place of business.

The 100% customizable nature of the templates allows you to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.

Keep reading.

Template 1: Kaizen 5S Framework Training PPT

This PPT Deck describes the 5S methodology for achieving operational excellence in your firm. Kaizen, a Japanese concept for total quality management , facilitates continuous improvement or betterment. This deck explains the 5S methodology: seiri (sort), seiton (set in order), seisou (shine), seiketsu (standardize), and shitsuke (sustain). It also emphasizes the benefits that 5S Kaizen provides to businesses, such as greater production and efficiency, workplace safety, waste reduction, effective cost control, and increased employee dedication. Use this PowerPoint Presentation to progress toward a zero-waste environment and improve efficiency. Download it now!

Kaizen 5S Framework Training PPT

Download this template

Template 2: 5S Framework for Waste Elimination

The 5S System is a systematic and efficient way to cut waste and improve workplace efficiency and organization. Use this PowerPoint Template to demonstrate Toyota’s strategy for improving efficiency and reducing waste. It discusses the 5S process for designing and maintaining an orderly work environment. This boosts production, profits, and corporate morale. Download yours today.

5S Framework for Waste Elimination

Template 3: 5S Framework: Sorting

Help your team comprehend the first step in the 5S methodology: Sorting . The steps to clearing clutter from your workstation are shown in this PowerPoint Slide. Use it to categorize items as unusable, occasionally useable, broken/defective, obsolete/aged, redundant, or expired. This will help the team in clearing out scrap, broken tools, and extra raw materials and reclaiming important floor space. Get it right away.

5S Framework: Sorting

Template 4: 5S Framework: Setting in Order

The second phase entails logical and systematic organization of the necessary items. The Set in Order PPT Template focuses on building efficient and effective storage methods for arranging objects, labeling them, and outlining accessible places. This helps to shorten the search time and eliminates the need for extra inventory. Use this presentation to organize your business activities. Get it today!

5S Framework: Setting in Order

Template 5: 5S Framework: Shining

Employees who operate in a clean environment can identify equipment problems such as leaks, malfunctions, and errors. Use this PowerPoint Presentation to emphasize the significance of the third stage of the 5S system. This slide offers a checklist for frequent inspection and maintenance to check the conditions of tools/equipment. This will encourage people to take ownership of surroundings and become more invested in their jobs and the firm. Save it now!

5S Framework: Shining

Template 6: 5S Framework: Standardizing

This PPT Template enables you and your team to develop a set of criteria for future workspace maintenance . This fourth phase in the 5S system is critical to establishing a timeline for Six Sigma implementation. It will enable you to convert 5S from a one-time endeavor to a repeatable collection of activities. This presentation lists steps for capturing best practices for standardized work for your team, such as using visual components, communicating duties, and conducting audits. Get it today!

5S Framework: Standardizing

Template 7: 5S Framework: Sustaining

Maintaining discipline and operational excellence requires conducting audits and adhering to new procedures. This PPT Template shows the final stage of the 5S technique for fostering a culture of continuous improvement , which allows you to make progress. It entails using banners and signs to promote the benefits of 5S, involving staff, conducting audits, and communicating results, and rewarding and recognizing efforts and achievements. This phase of 5S includes training and effective communication to ensure that staff are comfortable with 5S. Grab it now!

5S Framework: Sustaining

Template 8: 5S and Kaizen Interrelationship

5S and Kaizen are tools that may be implemented in any industry. This PowerPoint Framework demonstrates the 5S and Kaizen interrelationship. It emphasizes the importance of a culture of continuous learning and innovation throughout both systems. The 5S concept is a component of Kaizen, assisting businesses in arranging workplaces, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring continuous improvement. Grab it now!

5S and Kaizen Interrelationship

Template 9: Benefits of 5S Kaizen to Businesses

This PPT Slide demonstrates the benefits that 5S Kaizen provides to enterprises. It highlights advantages such as higher production and efficiency, improved workplace safety, less waste, better cost control, and increased staff loyalty. When used well, 5S can help a firm develop, expand, and achieve tremendous success over time. Get it today!

Benefits of 5S Kaizen to Businesses

Template 10: Audit Checklist for 5S Kaizen Program

Need to create a 5S audit? Use this PPT Template to study your work processes and abilities to deliver a high-quality result. This slide shows an audit checklist for determining the effectiveness of the 5S Kaizen Program. It includes information about the checked item and describes each 5S, which stands for sort, place in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. This will allow you to assess your present working circumstances and make improvements in the workplace. Get it right away!

Audit Checklist for 5S Kaizen Program

Change for the better.

The 5S structure is a key component of the Kaizen approach for creating an ideal working environment. Use SlideTeam’s PowerPoint Templates to enhance your organization’s operations and results.

PS Learn about the Poka-Yoke , a Japanese method that can improve workplace safety.

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5s Diagram Presentation Templates

Knock knock 5s method - “a place for everything and everything in its place.” 5s stands for sort, straighten, shine, standardize, sustain. go for it get our free 5s diagram powerpoint templates and google slides themes with colorful shades to match your company's brand. it's that easy.

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5s Diagram PowerPoint Presentation

5s Diagram PowerPoint Presentation

How to Create a 5 Steps Infographic in PowerPoint

We're here to help you!

What is the 5s diagram.

A 5s Diagram provides an overview of a process, station, or work area. It is a five-step methodology for making a more productive and organized workspace: Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.

What are 5s Diagram PowerPoint Templates?

The 5s Diagram PowerPoint Templates can help to display growth and improvement strategies. It is an effective tool for communicating the five-step methodology.

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5s Diagram Slides can be used in any work environment to present floor plans, flowcharts, and more.

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Management professionals can use 5s Diagram PPT Templates to impressively present the five-step methodology.

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The 5s Diagram PowerPoint Slides can help you present information visually, which will help your target audience easily understand the concept.

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5S Training PowerPoint for Lean Workshops

Download your free 5s powerpoint presentation  .

This Powerpoint presentation introduces your team to the basic principles and benefits of 5S in just 40-60 minutes. It’s perfect training for groups in a workshop, for individuals, or as a traditional slideshow training presentation. As a native Microsoft Powerpoint format, all 43 slides can be easily customized so you can incorporate your personal presentation style and factors that are unique to your business.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background & History
  • 5S and Lean Manufacturing
  • Standardize
  • Visual Factory
  • Implementation
  • Knowledge Check

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Training Presentation/Powerpoint:

5s techniques, five disciplines for high workplace productivity.


5S good housekeeping and workplace organization is a set of basic management principles that are widely adopted in industries today. Also commonly known as "5S System," "5S Method" and "5S Pillars," the cornerstone of 5S is that untidy, cluttered work areas are unproductive. 5S is a powerful improvement process that gets impressive results. In a nutshell, the five principles or pillars are defined as Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain . Because these words begin with S, they are commonly referred to as 5S.

The 5S System

5S can be applied to make your workplace cleaner and safer and your job simpler and more satisfying. It is about how to create a workplace that is clearly organized, free of clutter, arranged so you can easily find things, and sparkling clean--a place where anyone would be proud to work. In addition, 5S principles form the core elements of Lean thinking and a visual workplace and are a fundamental platform for world-class manufacturing. 

In this 5S Techniques PPT training presentation targeted at both manufacturing and office staff, you will learn how to mobilize employees and align your management team to launch or improve a 5S and Visual Management implementation in your organization. The presentation covers 5S and Visual Management best practices, step-by-step implementation guidance, and the best ways to integrate lean 5S into the organization's culture to achieve sustainable world-class excellence.

Note: This training package includes:

5S Techniques PPT training presentation (PowerPoint format)

5S poster (PDF format, in color and monochrome, printable in A3 size)

​ Learning Objectives​​

Understand the benefits of working in a clean and neat environment

Define the 5S principles, and identify visual tools

Explain how to apply the 5S principles and visual tools to enhance workplace organization

Learn how to kick start and launch a 5S initiative

Define the critical success factors for 5S implementation

Introduction to 5S

The 5S Principles

Set In Order


How to Conduct a Red-tag Sort Event

The Visual Workplace

5S for the Operations

5S for the Office

Implementing 5S

Sustaining 5S

You may also be interested in the following 5S-related training presentations and checklists (sold separately):

5S Implementation Guidebook

5S Audit Checklist for Manufacturing

The 5S System.

Sign up free

Free 5S Training Presentations for Powerpoint and Mobile Courses

We've taken the best 5S PowerPoint decks and turned them into free microlearning content that you can deploy to your teams in minutes.

Free 5s training presentations for powerpoint and mobile courses

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5S workplace organisation

Published by Winfred Manning Modified over 6 years ago

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5s for the office

5S for the Office

Nov 13, 2022

520 likes | 7.47k Views

[To download this presentation, visit: https://www.oeconsulting.com.sg/training-presentations]

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Presentation Transcript

5S for the Office © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved. © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

NOTE: This is a PARTIAL PREVIEW. To download the complete presentation, please visit: https://www.oeconsulting.com.sg Learning Objectives 1. Understand the benefits of working in a clean and neat environment 2. Define the 5S principles, and identify visual tools 3. Explain how to apply the 5S principles and visual tools to enhance office organization 4. Learn how to kick start and launch a 5S initiative 5. Define the critical success factors for 5S implementation 2 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Outline 1. Introduction & Overview 2. The 5S Principles – Step by Step 3. The Visual Office 4. 5S Applications in the Office 5. Implementing 5S 6. 5S Audit & Maturity Levels 7. 5S & Kaizen 8. Supporting Lean Tools for 5S 9. Sustaining 5S 3 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

The office is a paperwork factory 4 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Many companies begin their Lean transformation with 5S… Why? § 5S exposes some of the most visible examples of waste § 5S establishes the framework and discipline required to successfully pursue other continuous improvement initiatives 5 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Introduction & Overview § 5S is a structured program to implement workplace organization and standardization Standardize Sort § 5S represents five pillars for maintaining a visual workplace Sustain Shine Set In Order § 5S is a foundation to Kaizen and Lean implementation 6 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

"A company that cannot successfully implement the 5S's cannot expect to effectively integrate JIT, re-engineering, or any other large-scale change. Good workplaces develop beginning with the 5S's. Bad workplaces fall apart beginning with the 5S's.” Dr. Hiroyuki Hirano © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

5S lays the foundation for a Lean Enterprise Goals: highest quality, lowest cost, shortest lead times Just-In-Time • Continuous flow • Takt time • Pull system • Flexible workforce Involvement Jidoka • Separate man & machine work •Abnormality Identification • Poka yoke •Visual Control Heijunka Standardized Work Kaizen 5S Toyota Production System (TPS) framework 8 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

5S establishes a baseline for Kaizen activities Kaizen A P D Standardize Act Plan Kaizen C Check Do Standardize Kaizen Kaizen (改 Continuous Improvement 善) = 改 善 Standardize 9 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

5S is a cornerstone of Employee Engagement 5S Continuous Improvement Teams Suggestion System 10 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

5S Helps to Eliminate Office Waste INVENTORY TRANSPORTATION MOTION WAITING Extra physical/mental motion that does not add value Employees waiting for another process, equipment or person Moving raw materials or documents or traveling from one place to another Building or storing extra products that the customer has not ordered OVER-PROCESSING OVER-PRODUCTION DEFECTS NON-UTILIZED TALENT Scrap, rework, data errors or missing information in documents Not using employees full intellectual contribution Adding extra value when the customer does not require it Producing more than what the customer needs 11 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

The 5S Seiri Seiton Seiso Seiketsu Shitsuke The 5 Japanese words that start with S 12 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

What Is 5S? SET IN ORDER SHINE SUSTAIN SORT STANDARDIZE Arrange essential items in order for easy access Keep things clean and tidy; no trash or dirt in the workplace Make 5S a habit and teach others to adhere to established standards Remove what is not needed and keep what is needed Establish standards and guidelines to maintain a clean workplace 13 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

What is the purpose of 5S? Immediately make problems visible 14 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

What 5S Is NOT § A thorough spring cleaning § Applies only to manufacturing companies § A program to impress visitors and customers § 5S is another “extra-curricula activities” § A way to make people work harder and faster 15 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Benefits of 5S Implementation § Cleaner and better organized workplace § Safer shopfloor and office operations § Visible results enhance the generation of more and better ideas § Improved morale § Higher productivity and quality § Higher customer satisfaction 16 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

1stS – Sort § Principle • Stratification management • Dealing with the causes § Meaning SORT • Distinguish between the necessary and unnecessary Remove what is not needed and keep what is needed • Get rid of what you do not need • “When in doubt, move it out” 17 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

1S : Sort § The first step in 5S is to get rid of what we do not need § Go through all the desks, shelves, cabinets, files, equipment, storage areas, etc. in the office • Keep only essential items • Everything else is stored away or discarded 18 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

2ndS – Set In Order § Principle • Functional storage • Search elimination § Meaning SET IN ORDER • Arrange essential items in order for easy access Arrange essential items in order for easy access • A place for everything • Everything in its place after use 19 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Office Desk – Before & After 5S After Before An office desk before and after conducting 5S Sort, Set In Order and Shine. Clutter and unused items have been removed leaving only what is needed. 20 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

2S : Set In Order - Examples All stationery items are clearly visible and easy to retrieve. On the left, there are forms for re-ordering supplies. On the right is a map of the items and their locations, forms for comments/suggestions, and contact information. 21 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Which is Cleaner – Your Keyboard or the Toilet Seat? A 2004 study by Dr. Charles Gerba of the University of Arizona found keyboards have on average 3,295 germs per square inch versus a toilet seat which has 49 germs per square inch. Gerba say, “Desks are really bacteria cafeterias.” Clean your keyboard. Researchers recommend that you should give your keyboard a good “spring cleaning” by dusting off crumbs and cleaning with an appropriate disinfectant. 22 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

3-Step Approach to Cleaning Common areas, walls, ceilings, lights, storage areas, toilets, “junk yards”, shelves, filing cabinets, etc. Macro Individual workstations, chairs, drawers, computers, cabinets, shelves, etc. Clear away things underneath your table! Individual Telephone, keyboard, mouse, calculator, hole puncher, stapler, etc. Micro 23 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Standardization is the Way to Sustain the Gains Improvement Without standardization, all my improvements will roll back with time… Future state Present state STANDARDIZATION Standardization is a tool that will ensure your improvements will be sustained. 24 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Reward & Recognition 25 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

5S your computer hard/shared drive 5S Principle Description • Check all your files and software, and get rid of any that are unnecessary Sort • • Organize your files and optimize the use of file folders Keep in mind how often you need them and how much time you need to store them Create specific shortcut icons for the most used files or programs Set In Order • • Eliminate any files under deleted items, sent items and the recycle bin Shine Standardize • Establish procedures for maintaining your computer 5S system • • Include hard drives in 5S audits Focus on how people maintain files and program organization, and the time they spend doing so Sustain 26 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Everyday Visual Management 27 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

3 Types of Visual Office • Label to make it perfectly clear where things belong and what the procedures are Visual Display • Quantify the path to targets for success • Graphs and Pareto charts Visual Metrics • Create an error-proofed environment to promote easy adherence to standards Visual Controls 28 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Visual Office – Examples 29 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Example of Visual Metrics Cycle Time Reduction On Time WIP Backlog 100% Internal Quality Product Profitability Rework Revenue Process Costs 30 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Visual Control Examples 31 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

5S for the Office Roadmap 1 Phase 1: Prepare the Project Phase 2: Perform an Office Scan Phase 3: Sort Through & Sort Out Phase 4: Set Things in Order & Set Limits 1. Get management involvement 4. Select project measures and collect baseline data 8. Determine criteria for sort 11. Map the current state 5. Photograph current conditions 12. Create a Set-In-Order plan 2. Identify target areas 9. Prepare a holding area 3. Form an implementation team 6. Apply the office scan checklist 10. Apply Sort 13. Apply Set-In-Order 7. Post a project storyboard • Define 5S zones • Assign responsibilities • Develop publicity materials • Educate everyone • Purchase cleaning equipment as needed • Set up 5S activity board • Define 5S project charter • Red tagging 32 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

5S : Getting Started 1 § 5S publicity materials • Booklets, badges, brochures, cups, pens, etc. § 5S training and education • Provide 5S training to managers and staff • 5S pamphlets § 5S notice boards/intranet • 5S news • ‘Before’ and ‘After’ photos 33 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Launching a 5S Day 1 § Set aside half a day for this event • Best on Fridays or before a festive season or public holiday • Everyone in casual attire, e.g. T- shirts § Prepare sufficient cleaning equipment, detergents, paints, etc. § Speech by CEO on importance of 5S to all staff 34 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

5S Launch Day in a Company Getting rid of things that are not needed 35 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Office 5S Audit Checklist & Results 36 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Example: 5S Kaizen Project type: 5S Area: Sales & Marketing Office Team Leader: John Smith Before After Reasons project chosen: • Difficult to move around a cluttered office • Difficult to find information and supplies Tools used on project: • Cleaning equipment and tools • 5S principles Results: • Unwanted materials were discarded • Less waste – e.g. transportation, motion, waiting, etc. • Improved staff morale Next steps: • Conduct monthly 5S audits • 5S for other common areas 37 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Critical Success Factors § Top management commitment § Involvement of all staff § Sufficient resources, manpower, training, publicity, etc. § Link with company goals and objectives § Regular 5S audit and management review § Recognition and reward for good 5S practices 38 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

About Operational Excellence Consulting § Operational Excellence Consulting is a management training and consulting firm that assists organizations in improving business performance and effectiveness. § The firm’s mission is to create business value for organizations through innovative operational excellence management training and consulting solutions. § OEC takes a unique “beyond the tools” approach to enable clients develop internal capabilities and cultural transformation to achieve sustainable world-class excellence and competitive advantage. For more information, please visit www.oeconsulting.com.sg 39 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

Operational Excellence Consulting is a management training and consulting firm that assists organizations in improving business performance and effectiveness. Based in Singapore, the firm’s mission is to create business value for organizations through innovative design and operational excellence management training and consulting solutions. For more information, please visit www.oeconsulting.com.sg 40 © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

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5S Housekeeping

5S Housekeeping

5S Housekeeping . Een plek voor alles en voor alles een plek. 5S. 5 stappenplan om orde en netheid op de werkplek te organiseren en te borgen. 5S Stappen. 1e S eiri : Scheiden / uitsorteren 2e S eiton: Sorteren (ordenen) 3e S eiso: Schoonmaken/ houden 4e S eiketsu: Systematiseren

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The Purpose of 5S

The Purpose of 5S

The Purpose of 5S. Enhance safety Increase quality and quality mindsets Remove waste from workplace Provide reduction in non-VA activities Create an environment for Continuous Improvement. 6S = 5S + 1*safety Activities. S ort: Seiri (separate) S traighten: Seiton (set in order)

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. . 5S . .

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父. 母. 親. 班. 夠. 語. 論. 將. 展. 容. 易. 惜. 並. 影. 童. 注. 談. 整. 報. 紙. 視. 底. 之. 故. 此. 爺. 實. 任. 何. 肯. 功. 習. 萬. 聖. 園. 內. 服. 裝. 課. 扮. 嚇. 被. 紀. 應. 該. 布. 單. 主. 室. 詩. 鐘. 背. 霜. 望. 低. 鄉. 獎. 圖. 松. 採. 深. 難. 識. 題. 禮. 準. 備. 冊. 券. 超. 級. 造. 幫. 痛. 順.

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The 5S Numbers Game

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Programa 5S

apresentau00e7u00e3o do programa 5S em power point

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    Open this page to download a full range of free to use 5S training presentations in PowerPoint pptx and PDF formats

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    Give your team the 5S foundation they need to get Lean with this ...

  3. Top 10 5s PowerPoint Presentation Templates WithExamples ...

    Download our 5s PowerPoint Presentation Templates to еducatе and inspire tеams on thе principlеs of Sort, Sеt in Ordеr, Shinе, Standardize and, Sustain.

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  6. Top 10 5s Training PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    Our Top 10 5S Training PPT Templates help you sort, straighten, shine, standardize, and sustain your workplace operations. These templates are an excellent training module for understanding 5S and creating an organized, clean, and bright work environment.

  7. Free 5s Diagram Google Slides Themes & PPT Templates

    Craft Successful 5S Presentations with Our Ready-Made Free 5s Diagram PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes! The 5S business model is a simple yet effective approach to organizing and optimizing workplaces for better efficiency and productivity. In the workplace, 5S refers to Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. These principles aim to create a clean, organized, and ...

  8. Free 5S and Lean Guides, Powerpoints and more

    Evaluate your facility with this free 5S audit card. Quality ...

  9. 5S Basic Training

    5S Basic Training Ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. 5S is a methodology for organizing and standardizing the workplace. It consists of five steps: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. Implementing 5S reduces waste and improves safety, quality and productivity. The document outlines the 5S ...

  10. 5S Basic Training

    5S Basic Training Ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. 5S is a methodology for organizing and standardizing the workplace. It consists of 5 disciplines: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. Implementing 5S leads to a cleaner, safer, and more efficient work environment by removing waste ...

  11. Lean and Quality Management The 5S

    What are the 5S? A methodology to workspace organization originated in Japan. Focuses on creating a clean and organized work environment to promote efficiency and less waste. Consists of 5 steps. Each steps starts with the letter S. Seiri (Sort) Seiton (Set) Seiso (Shine) Seiketsu (Standardize) Shitsuke (Sustain)

  12. 5S Powerpoint Training

    Download your free 5S PowerPoint Presentation. This ...

  13. PPT: 5S Techniques Training Presentation

    In this 5S PPT training presentation targeted at both manufacturing and office staff, you will learn how to mobilize employees and align your management team to launch or improve a 5S and Visual Management implementation in your organization. The presentation covers 5S and Visual Management best practices, step-by-step implementation guidance, and the best ways to integrate lean 5S into the ...

  14. Free 5S Training Presentations for Powerpoint and Mobile Courses

    Update your 5S training from boring PowerPoint presentations to mobile-friendly microlessons. Modernize your 5S PowerPoint training presentation and make it accessible anytime, anywhere. Save valuable company time by making your 5S training PowerPoint mobile-friendly and completable in 5 minutes. We'll take your PowerPoint courses and automatically turn them into our proven microlearning ...

  15. 5s (Workplace Organization) Implementation

    10 5S Workplace Organization. Key Items for Implementation & Success People must "let go" of personal preferences. Make the facility "VISUAL". Make the workplace "Easy to Use". Think of new methods to make work easy (don't criticize methods that fail). Think outside the box & don't accept excuses for "why it has to be that way".

  16. PPT

    5S training. Office Environments. What is 5S?. 5S is a process for implementing and maintaining a clean, safe, and organized work area. 5S provides a way for organizations to operate efficiently and effectively.

  17. 5S workplace organisation

    Download ppt "5S workplace organisation". 5S workplace organisation A place for everything and everything in it's place. 5S is a set of house-keeping disciplines designed to assist workplace organisation. The concept was developed by the Japanese: as a management tool to assist with continuous improvement in the workplace.

  18. PPT

    5S for the Office Roadmap 1 Phase 1: Prepare the Project Phase 2: Perform an Office Scan Phase 3: Sort Through & Sort Out Phase 4: Set Things in Order & Set Limits 1. Get management involvement 4. Select project measures and collect baseline data 8. Determine criteria for sort 11.