Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter for High School with Sample

How to write a motivation letter for a high school application.

There is no doubt of the importance of a good education. In fact, the importance of a good education is so indisputable that the ability to get into a good school is not only becoming more and more competitive, but that competition is starting at a younger and younger age. Today, even preschools have waiting lists so long that many parents will put their children on a number of different waiting lists before they are even born. Although it is still questioned just how much a good preschool or elementary education impacts collegiate opportunities, no question that attending a premiere high school will significantly impact those opportunities.  These applications can be very competitive. Use a motivation letter for high school applications to help show the admissions committee your passion for and interest in their school.

In today’s competitive educational marketplace, however, simply having the means or resources to attend a prestigious school does not automatically guarantee admittance. Even having a prestigious name or friends in high places will not always secure a position in some of the most elite schools. Similarly, many schools are far more egalitarian these days, which means a lack of prestigious contacts may not bar you from admittance.

This is why writing a motivation letter for a high school application is perhaps more important than ever. In today’s academia, having the right parents doesn’t carry as much sway as having the right motivations. Many of the top high schools are perhaps more committed than ever to building a diverse student body. In many cases, they care more about the student’s potential than the parents’ wealth or status. In fact, parents often want a child admitted into a certain school far more than the student themselves, which is why a motivation letter can be so valuable. A good motivation letter for high school can communicate a student’s passion for attending, which will often carry far more weight than a parent’s desire. Here are some tips for writing a great motivation letter for a high school application that will help you stand out.

1. Let them know what you feel you can gain from education from their institution

Applying to a good high school is similar to applying for a good job at a prestigious company. Just like good companies, good schools know what they have to offer and they want to make sure that the applicants they choose genuinely want to be there. The difference between a good school and a good company, however, is that most applicants that apply for a job at a good company do so because they genuinely want to work there, not because their parents want them to work there. To that end, it is important for the student to communicate in their motivation letter what their personal motivations are for wanting to attend the school.

While the most obvious answer might be to pave the way to getting into a good college, that doesn’t really communicate a strong desire to attend that specific school. Prestigious high schools are well aware of the power their name carries. They are generally looking for students who are interested in more than just being able to drop the name of their school on a college application. They are looking for students who genuinely desire what that school specifically has to offer, similar to the way in which companies are not looking for employees that simply want a job anywhere, they are looking for employees who genuinely desire to work for their company specifically.

To that end, the more you can show that you know what that school has to offer, the better your chances are of getting accepted. For instance, if you are a chess enthusiast and the school has an excellent competitive chess team, that is a good thing to mention in your letter. If you are avidly interested in science and the school employs a prestigious science teacher, that is also a good thing to mention in your letter. There is also nothing wrong with mentioning how excited you might be to attend the same school as your father, mother, grandfather, grandmother or any other relatives or close family acquaintances. Having relatives or family friends who attended the school is not a bad thing and when mentioned in the right context can be a plus, but it is unwise to name drop in a way that suggests it a student should be entitled to attend the school simply because their relatives or acquaintances did.

2. Share some of your accomplishments but be careful not to brag

Like most relationships, the relationship between a student and the school they attend should be a give-and-take. Elite schools obviously have a superior education to offer, which they also know they can only offer to a relatively small number of students. This means they are generally looking for the students they feel can best benefit from the specific educational opportunities they offer. It is both perfectly acceptable and important to share what you feel you bring to the table but it is also important to do so in such a way as to not imply that any school should be honored to have you attend.

It is important to share any special skills, accomplishments or achievements in such a way as to communicate that you hope the school can help you capitalize on those achievements and further develop those skills rather than presenting them in such a way as to imply that you are highly accomplished as you are and need no further growth. That would, in essence, completely defeat the purpose of attending an elite school in the first place. While is it important not to humblebrag, there is also great value in learning how to communicate your accomplishments or achievements very humbly.

3. Factually share any challenges you have faced

It is patently untrue that wealth, position or status are infallible barriers to struggle or hardship. Even the wealthiest and most privileged children face hardships such as medical issues or the death of a loved one and for children who are not wealthy or privileged, the list of hardships they have endured or overcome can be even longer. Many schools are looking for more than simply academic excellence or achievement. Slots in many elite schools are highly coveted, which means the competition is fierce and it doesn’t end once a child is admitted. This means that many elite schools are looking for more than academic excellence or a good pedigree, they are looking for signs of inner fortitude or that a young person has what it takes to undergo the rigors of education at their school.

The administration of most elite schools knows full well the challenges inherent in simply attending an elite school. Showing a level of perseverance can also demonstrate an ability to stick it out through the hard times, which will inevitably come at some point in time during a student’s tenure at almost any school. That being said, it is also important to shy away from over-dramatizing any struggles or challenges. Doing so is a form of manipulation and administrators who read dozens, if not hundreds of such letters every year are unlikely to be moved by a blatant attempt to gain a sympathy vote.

4. Write about what you are passionate about

There is probably nothing that educators love more than passionate and eager students. While passions may change over the years, almost all children develop a strong passion for something at an early age. In many cases, that passion actually leads to what they eventually do as a career. Whether you love dinosaurs, dragons, dance or drama; music, magic, mathematics or making mosaics, your passions will almost certainly guide your eventual career goals in some way. Even if you aren’t sure what you want to do for a career yet, looking at what you are passionate about is a good place to start looking for that path.

Some students may already know exactly the career path they want to follow, which can also be good information to communicate. For others that aren’t as certain, simply letting schools know what you are passionate about can actually get them excited about helping you find that path. When writing a motivation letter for a high school application, one of the very best things you can do is get people excited about wanting to help you. Giving them some idea of what you are trying to achieve or accomplish may be the best way to do just that. But first, you must know what you hope to achieve or accomplish.

Strike A Balance

When it comes to writing a motivation letter for a high school application, it is important to strike a careful balance. Of course, you want to be motivating but you also want to be careful to not go so far as to use manipulative or emotional strong-arm tactics. While you want to be persuasive, there is a fine line between persuasion and manipulation. It is far better to simply stick to the facts than also to try and communicate how you want readers to interpret those facts. Here are some examples of what to do and not do to strike that perfect balance.

  • Do let them know what you appreciate about their institution in a way that lets them know you have done your homework and know what that institution specifically has to offer
  • Don’t be so overly effusive that you come across as a suck-up. People appreciate being appreciated but no one likes a sycophant.
  • Do let them know about any relatives or acquaintances you may have that have attended school there and what types of things they have said about the school or the experiences they had there that make you want to attend as well.
  • Don’t simply bring up important people’s names or their relationship to you to make yourself seem very important and, therefore a valuable asset to the school.
  • Do be honest about a few traits, skills or qualities you feel you have to offer to their scholastic community.
  • Don’t go on and on about how great you are, creating the impression they are lucky to have you.
  • Do share some of your challenges and how you overcame them. Be honest and real about them. Some struggles may not seem as great as others but just be honest and real and let the reader be the judge.
  • Don’t communicate your experiences as if they were some kind of Greek tragedy. Some young people have, in fact, already experienced tremendous hardship in their young lives. If that is you, be honest and let the facts speak for themselves. Remember, the goal is to simply communicate the reality of your life, not emotionally manipulate the reader.
  • Do write about what you are passionate about, regardless of what that may be. Human beings are known to get excited about helping people who are excited to accomplish their goals and achieve their dreams. There may be no greater way to motivate people than to share with them where you want to go or what you want to do and ask for their help in getting there.
  • Do not ever simply make something up because you either don’t know what you want to do or don’t think that what you want to do is very impressive. Whatever your goals, dreams or passions are, simply be honest about them. People might surprise you.

When you write a motivation letter for high school, you want to show why they should just be you instead of another candidate.  There are often more applicants than positions and the student needs to stand out.  While the parent can help the student, a student-written letter is often more powerful and more passionate.  A good motivation letter for high school can set a great student up for an amazing education and more opportunities down the road.  This all starts with a great motivation letter as part of their application.

Other Resources to Help With Your Motivation Letter for a High School Application

We have written this guide to help you write your own letter or your child’s letter.  Sometimes, we get asked for more help from our readers.   Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources for that, but we want to give you any help we can.

The best resource we have found for such help is looking on  Fiverr to hire a freelancer to help you.  Fiverr is a marketplace where you can hire someone for a specific project.  They offer different projects at set prices that you can hire them for.  This link will take you to a search for freelancers that do motivation letters specifically.  We can’t offer any specific names on there because the freelancers change.  We do have a guide that gives you some help finding the right person for you, though.

We also offer a downloadable version of our sample motivation letter for high school that can help you get started. It’s affordable and easy to use. You can find that here .

We have also found that Grammarly is a great resource to help with the quality of your writing and phrasing. Grammarly has a terrific free spell checker that also gives you recommendations on phrasing. The true power of Grammarly, though, is in its recommendations for the tone and wording of your writing. It’s a truly incredible resource that can make your writing better immediately.

A Sample Letter Motivation Letter for High School Application

Below is a sample motivation letter for a high school application.  The goal is to get you started.  You don’t want to use this letter. You want to use the guidance above to write your letter.  We also offer an Editable Motivation Letter Template for High School that you can download and use to get started.  That is a Microsoft Word version of this letter that can help you get started on your letter.

Motivation Letter for High School Application

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Sample Application Letter for School Admission for Child

In this guide, I’ll walk you through a step-by-step process, share  customizable templates , and offer personal tips from my experience to help you create an effective application letter.

Key Takeaways Understanding the Purpose : Grasp the significance of the application letter in the school admission process. Personalizing the Content : Learn how to tailor the letter to highlight your child’s unique attributes and potential contributions to the school. Structuring the Letter : A step-by-step guide on the components of the letter. Template Usage : Access to proven templates to simplify your writing process. Expert Tips : Benefit from insights and tips based on real-life experiences in writing successful application letters.

Understanding the Purpose of the Application Letter

The application letter is your opportunity to present your child in a way that goes beyond grades and certificates. It’s about telling a story, your child’s story, and how it aligns with the values and ethos of the prospective school.

Personal Insights

In my experience, schools are looking for students who will not only benefit from but also contribute to the school’s environment. Hence, understanding the school’s values and ethos is crucial before you start writing.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing the Letter

Step 1: research the school.

Before you start writing, research the school. Understand its values, what it stands for, and what it seeks in its students. This information will be the foundation of your letter.

Step 2: Start with a Strong Opening

Begin with a compelling introduction that captures the essence of your child’s personality or a significant achievement that aligns with the school’s values.

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Example : “When Jane solved her first complex math puzzle, it wasn’t just about numbers; it was about problem-solving, perseverance, and the joy of learning – qualities that resonate with [School’s Name] ethos.”

Step 3: Highlight Key Attributes and Achievements

Discuss your child’s attributes, interests, and accomplishments. Connect these with how they can contribute to and benefit from the school.

Tip : Use specific examples to illustrate your points. Real-life instances make your letter more personal and impactful.

Step 4: Discuss the Alignment with the School’s Values

Explain why the school’s environment is the ideal setting for your child’s growth and how their presence can enhance the school community.

Step 5: Conclude Positively

End with a positive note, expressing enthusiasm about the possibility of your child joining the school community.

Template for Application Letter for School Admission

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [School’s Name] [School’s Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my child, [Child’s Name]’s, interest in joining [School’s Name] for [Grade/Year]. [Introduction – Briefly introduce your child and mention a standout quality or achievement relevant to the school’s ethos].

[Body Paragraph 1 – Discuss your child’s key attributes, interests, and how they align with the school’s values and offerings].

[Body Paragraph 2 – Highlight your child’s achievements and how they can contribute to and benefit from the school environment].

In conclusion, [Child’s Name]’s passion for [Key Interest] and their [Key Attribute] make them a fitting candidate for [School’s Name]. We are enthusiastic about the prospect of [Child’s Name] becoming part of your school community and contributing to its vibrant atmosphere.

Thank you for considering our application. We look forward to the possibility of [Child’s Name] joining [School’s Name] and contributing to its esteemed legacy.

[Your Name]

Personal Tips from Experience

  • Authenticity Matters : Schools can tell when a letter is genuine. Let your child’s personality shine through.
  • Be Concise : While it’s important to be thorough, keep your letter concise and to the point.
  • Proofread : Typos or grammatical errors can detract from your letter’s impact. Always proofread before sending.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: how do i showcase my child’s unique talents in an application letter for school admission.

Answer : In my application letter, I highlighted my child’s unique talents by giving specific examples of their achievements and creativity, like the time they won a local art competition, which showed their exceptional skills and passion for the arts.

Q: What should I include in the application letter to express my child’s enthusiasm for learning?

Answer : I made sure to include anecdotes of my child’s natural curiosity and eagerness to learn, such as their endless questions about space, which demonstrate their genuine interest in acquiring knowledge.

Q: How can I address my child’s special needs in the application letter?

Answer : In the letter, I openly discussed my child’s special needs, emphasizing how they’ve overcome challenges with resilience and determination, which I believe showcases their strength and character.

Q: Is it important to mention my child’s extracurricular activities in the school admissions application letter?

Answer : Absolutely, I included details about my child’s involvement in sports and music, illustrating their well-rounded character and teamwork skills, which are crucial for their overall development.

Q: How can I make my child’s application letter stand out to the admissions committee?

Answer : I added a personal touch by sharing a heartfelt story about my child’s kindness and empathy during a community service event, which not only reflects their character but also their potential as a valuable community member at the school.

Q: Can I discuss my child’s academic achievements in the application letter for school admission?

Answer : Yes, I showcased my child’s academic prowess by mentioning their consistent honor roll status and their inquisitive nature in class discussions, which highlights their intellectual capabilities and engagement in learning.

Q: How do I explain the reason for choosing a particular school in the application letter?

Answer : I articulated our family’s decision by explaining how the school’s unique approach to education aligns with my child’s learning style and interests, like their emphasis on experiential learning that suits my child’s hands-on learning preference.

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sample of high school application letter

School Admission Application Letter

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to express my interest in applying for admission to [name of school] for the upcoming academic year. After extensive research and personal reflection, I am confident that [name of school] is the perfect place for me to continue my education and achieve my goals.

First and foremost, I am drawn to the academic rigor and reputation of [name of school]. As someone who values education highly, I believe that [name of school] can provide me with the intellectual challenges and opportunities I need to develop my skills and knowledge. I am particularly excited about the [specific academic program or department] and look forward to exploring its offerings in-depth.

In addition to its academic excellence, [name of school] also stands out to me for its commitment to [specific values or principles, such as diversity, community service, or sustainability]. As someone who shares these values, I am eager to contribute to [name of school]'s culture of [specific value or principle] and learn from its diverse community of students and faculty.

Finally, I am impressed by the various extracurricular activities and organizations offered by [name of school]. As someone who is passionate about [specific interest or hobby], I am excited about the opportunities to pursue my interests and develop new skills outside of the classroom.

I believe that I would be an excellent fit for [name of school] and would make meaningful contributions to its community. I have enclosed my application, which includes my academic record, test scores, and other relevant information. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you.

[Your Name]

sample of high school application letter


High School Application Essay

High school application essay generator.

sample of high school application letter

Embarking on the high school application process can be daunting, but mastering the art of the application essay can set you apart. This comprehensive guide, enriched with essay examples , will navigate you through crafting an impactful and memorable high school application essay. From understanding the prompt to showcasing your unique story, we’ll provide practical tips and examples to enhance your writing skills, ensuring your essay stands out in the competitive world of high school admissions.

High School Application Essay Bundle

Download High School Application Essay Bundle

Essay writing as part of the application to enter the institution may sound kind of difficult. But it really wasn’t as the applicant was given a set of instructions on how to come up with what she or he had to write. They were given a topic to write and this was the test they had to take to see if they fit the qualifications to get admitted to the institution.  The most common topic to write in an essay was a career type. What you wanted to be when you grow up. It was a challenge but most of us have gone through that and could say, it was worth it.

3+ High School Application Essay Examples

1. high school application essay.

High School Application Essay

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Private High School Application Essay

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How to Write a High School Admission Essay

Embarking on the journey of writing a high school admission essay can be a significant step in your educational path. This piece of writing, often referred to as a college essay or application essay, is more than just a formality. It’s a chance for you to showcase your personality and aspirations, making it crucial for not only high school applications but also for college and scholarship applications.

Understanding the Essay’s Purpose

At its core, the admission essay is your chance to provide a glimpse into who you are beyond your academic scores. It’s not just about showcasing your achievements; it’s about narrating your story and aspirations. This narrative is what the admission committee will use to distinguish you from other candidates, making it a key component of your middle school application essay or any other educational application process.

Choosing the Right Topic

Selecting an appropriate topic is essential. Your topic should reflect an aspect of your personality or an experience that has played a significant role in your personal development. Whether it’s a challenge you’ve overcome, a unique experience, or a personal achievement, it should give insight into your character and how it has shaped you. For a short essay for high school , choosing a concise yet impactful topic is vital.

Crafting Your Essay

Organizing your thoughts is the first step in the writing process. Draft an outline to structure your essay effectively. Begin with a captivating introduction, followed by a body that provides a deeper insight into your topic, and conclude with a summary that ties back to your main thesis, demonstrating why you are a great fit for the school.

Engaging Introduction

The introduction is crucial in grabbing the reader’s attention. Start with an engaging hook – it could be a compelling anecdote, a question, or a surprising fact. This initial engagement is particularly important in a short essay for high school, as you have limited space to make an impact.

Body of the Essay

In the body of your essay, provide detailed accounts of your experiences or reflections. Use vivid descriptions to bring your story to life. This part of the essay is where you can elaborate on your experiences, making it relevant in a scholarship essay or any admission essay.

Concluding Your Essay

Your conclusion should leave a lasting impression. It’s not just about ending your essay, but about tying your narrative back to the main goal – to showcase why you are a suitable candidate for the school. A strong conclusion is essential in any application essay , whether it’s for high school, college, or a scholarship.

Revising and Editing

Revision is key in the essay-writing process. Pay attention to clarity, detail, and the flow of your essay. Grammar and spelling are equally important. Consider getting feedback from others, as a fresh pair of eyes can often catch things you might have missed.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Stay true to yourself in your essay. Avoid embellishing your experiences or straying from the essay prompt. Keep your language clear and straightforward, avoiding clichés and overly complex phrases.

Final Touches

Remember, your high school admission essay is a reflection of your personality. Let your individuality shine through your words. With a well-thought-out narrative essay , your essay can become a compelling part of your application, whether it’s a college essay, a middle school application essay, or a scholarship essay. Be honest, authentic, and let your unique story guide your writing.

4. High School Application Essay Template

High School Application Essay Template

Size: 65 KB

5. High School Academy Application Essay

High School Academy Application Essay

Size: 136 KB

6. Sample High School Application Essay

Sample High School Application Essay

Size: 775 KB

7. High School Admission Application Essay

High School Admission Application Essay

Size: 94 KB

Tips on Writing a Good High School Essay

To all students wishing to write a good high school essay to wow the right people. I have some tips for you to use. These tips of course vary with people but these are the common ways to writing a good high school essay to amaze the right people as well as to get you accepted to the institution of your choice.  So without further ado, let’s get right to it.

  • Think: It may sound cliché, but the best thing to do before writing a good high school essay is to think. Think of what you are planning on writing. Think of the topic and the subtopics you want to add in your essay.  Ask yourself what you wish to talk about. Make some notes in a different paper as a guide.
  • Planning : After thinking about what you wish to write, plan on it. This is often taken for granted. But when you get to plan on what you wish to write, everything goes smoothly. Just a reminder though, an essay does not have to be very long since that would be a different literary piece.
  • Short and Concise : As stated above, an essay does not have to be very long. Essays usually have one to three paragraphs long. Beyond that is usually unheard of, so make it short and concise as possible.
  • Make some notes:  A reminder when writing a good essay is to always make some notes. Make a draft if you wish. This helps with how you construct your sentences and construct what you wish to write about.
  • Review: after you write your essay, review. Check the necessary things like spelling, grammar, and sentence construction. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just as long as it follows the strict grammar guidelines.

How many sentences do I need to write to let it be considered an essay?

One to three paragraphs, with 5 to 8 sentences can already be considered an essay. The one thing you need to know is when writing an essay, all you need is one topic, and you talk about it.

What are the usual topics to write for a high school essay application?

The most common topic they often ask students to write is about career goals.

Is there a limit to how many words needed to write?

This may depend on the directions in the paper, but for a high school essay application it would range between 300 words to 1000 words.

Do I need to reach the word count for it to be considered a good essay?

It is not the word count that matters but what you have written. This is what counts.

What other types of essays are there?

There are a lot of types but the most common are career essays , narrative essays and argumentative essays

Writing an essay can be tiresome or difficult if you have no idea what to do or what to write. But with some examples shown above and some tips on writing them, it would be easier. Remembering how to write an essay and how to construct the right words would make a whole lot of difference. A few things to consider when writing, be creative but concise the same time.

Choose a topic you want to talk about and go from there. Do not make it too lengthy that you lose sight of what you really wish to convey. Lastly, you don’t need to reach the 1000 word word count, as long as you reach the minimum word count. For a high school student, that would be around 300 words. Now that you have some ideas on what to write and how to do it, I hope your next essay would be something to be proud of.


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How to Write a Letter for Applying to High Schools

Lane cummings, 27 jun 2018.

How to Write a Letter for Applying to High Schools

When it comes to public high schools, enrollment is often just a matter of having an address within a designated school zone. However, for private or prep schools, applying for enrollment is an entirely different matter. Enrollment depends upon test scores, letters of recommendation, application essays and a glowing letter to the admissions officials. The letter to the schools' boards or admissions departments generally requires that you explain why you wish to attend a particular school. Writing a good letter is crucial for a winning application.

Create the standard business letter format. Type your address in three or four lines at the top left corner of the page. Skip a line and type the date. Skip another line and type the full name of the board and the address of its headquarters in three or four lines.

Skip a line and write "Dear" plus the name of the chairman or director of the board. Skip another line and begin your first paragraph without indenting.

Identify yourself with your full name, explain that you are an applicant to a specific school or schools within the board's responsibility.

State your strongest reason for wanting to attend these particular schools. Be specific, stating programs, classes or activities that these schools offer that directly connect to talents or hobbies that you have or things you're interested in. For example, if a particular school has a strong classics department and you're interested in learning ancient Greek, mention that. Go through all these reasons in two to three paragraphs.

State what you will bring to the school. You want to avoid cliches like saying you're hardworking or highly motivated. Rather, you need to find new ways to express the positive aspects of your character without sounding like every other applicant. For example, if you are in fact hardworking, say something to the effect of, "I believe in conducting a thorough study, often completing more work or reading assignments than what the teacher assigns."

Close your essay with a quote from a famous leader, author or historian that addresses education. For example, Nelson Mandela's quote that "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" is suitable or something comparable.

Explore this article

Before you send your letter, make sure and proofread it carefully. Go over it a few times, paying special attention to grammar, tone and the general flow. You want to make sure the letter reads well and gives a glimpse into who you are. Once you're done proofing and editing it yourself, choose a teacher or other school staff member that knows you well, and ask them to look it over. If possible, avoid asking a parent or friend to read it. They may be reluctant to give you honest feedback or try to convince you to add things that don't need to be in the letter.

When the letter is ready to send, make sure you have the correct name and address of who to send it to. More than likely, you will be sending it to the Dean of Students, school counselor or main office. It's also a good idea to find out if the school prefers you to email or postal mail the letter.

  • 1 Think Exist: Education quotes

About the Author

Lane Cummings is originally from New York City. She attended the High School of Performing Arts in dance before receiving her Bachelor of Arts in literature and her Master of Arts in Russian literature at the University of Chicago. She has lived in St. Petersburg, Russia, where she lectured and studied Russian. She began writing professionally in 2004 for the "St. Petersburg Times."

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32 High School Recommendation Letter Samples

The letter of recommendation showcases a student’s character, abilities, morals, and interpersonal relationships at the high school level.

It is often written by a teacher, coach, counselor, or educator who has observed the student and spent a considerable amount of time with the student during their time in school or outside school hours.

It is often written in a concise, formal tone, explaining why the student will be a good fit for a job position or admission in a study program that the student is seeking by displaying the student’s activities, personality, accomplishments, and skills. The student will need to provide the necessary information that the teacher/recommender will require to write this letter, such as details about the job position that the student seeks or admission criteria. The teacher will fill the rest of the body of the letter with paragraphs describing the student.

This letter is often used to accompany work applications, college applications , or other positions requiring said letter to aid the student in acquiring that position or admission. It can also be used when a student is being transferred from one school to another. The letter will inform the new school about the student’s educational level and help them admit the student to the most suitable class.

High School Recommendation Letter Templates

Free High School Recommendation Letter Example 01 for Pdf File

Where a High School Student May Need a Recommendation Letter

A high school student may need a recommendation letter in many instances.

When the student needs to transfer from one institution to another , a recommendation letter may be needed. It is through this letter that the receiving teacher can know the type of student they are receiving. It is essential to know the strengths of a new student. Therefore, the recommendation would be necessary for placing the new student in the right class and group based on their strengths, which at this point is considered to be true as per the recommendation letter.

Additionally, high school students may need a recommendation letter when they want to join colleges. In case they want to start some training in small colleges immediately after high school, even before the high school results come out, the letter acts as a testimonial that the student in question is already done with their high school education.

Lastly, some people are lucky to start some small jobs before they pursue their degrees or diplomas. Such positions are a source of income and could also be used to pay for college and school fees. This, in this case, helps the students be considered for those positions.

Collect Information from the Student (Pre-writing Requirements)

Writing it is a time-consuming process that the teacher cannot do during their work hours. Thus, to make the process of writing the letter easier and faster for the teacher, the student will need to provide information regarding their grades and achievements, how the student has performed throughout the school years, and also provide the necessary information regarding the job position or school program that the student is applying for.

The recommender should acquire from the student the following before they write this letter:

Deadline for submission of the letter

The student should share the date by which it needs to be submitted and sent to the employer or the college where the student is applying. If more time is given before this date, it will prevent the letter from being rushed.

Details regarding the company or college applying for

The following information must be acquired from the student:

  • The name of the company or college
  • Where the letter needs to be sent, or email address in case of online applications.
  • The contact information of the company or college, such as their phone number or email address
  • The name of the person or department receiving the letter or the person’s name will interview the student. However, the name of the person who is conducting the interview is not always provided beforehand. Thus, the name of the interviewer is not necessarily included if it is not available.

Title and description

The teacher should also ask students to provide details about the position/subject that they are applying for.

Skills and qualifications

Ask about the skills and qualifications required by the company and any eligibility criteria that the student is required to comply with.

The student’s resume is preferred, even if the student does not have any work experience. However, mentioning the activities and accomplishments that the student has done can be sufficient.

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

It is written in a brief and formal manner to assist the student in being a more compelling applicant, whether the student is applying for a job, volunteering, or applying for a place in a college.

It consists of three sections, mainly:

Section 1: Introduction

It will start by listing the information regarding both the teacher recommending the student and the company or college that the student is applying to.

The required information is in this order:

The information of the recommender

Firstly, personal information is written, stating the name and title, home or school address, and contact information (phone number, email, and mail address). The date of drafting the letter is also written.

Name and title

Secondly, the name and title of the person, who will be receiving the letter, should be mentioned.

Name of college or company

Afterward, the name of the college or company that the student is applying for is stated, along with their address, including the city, state, and zip code.

Section 2: Body

This is the most crucial part of the letter. It should be written to convince the organization to accept the applicant as a student or an employee.

The title and description of the job position/admission program

A brief description of the position/subject is sufficient. Simply acknowledging the position applied for can be enough to make the letter seem authentic and genuine, regardless of whether the letter is intended for a job position or a different high school.

“I am writing this letter about (student’s name) who is applying for a place in your English honors class.”

The relationship between the teacher and the student is stated

The relationship between both the teacher and student is described briefly, including where and for how long.

“I have known (student’s name) for two years during mathematics classes during which the student exhibited excellent behavior and maintained high grades throughout the years.”

The applicant’s skills and qualifications

The student’s skills also need to be mentioned to convince the company or college that they can benefit from the student’s set of skills.

“(student’s name) has shown a capacity to aid others when they are in need. He has also shown that he is always eager to improve himself. I believe his set of skills and personality will be beneficial in a position/ school program.”

Reasons for recommendation

Any other good qualities should be mentioned, explaining why the student is recommended for the program or position.

“(student’s name) is competent. If their presence in class is to represent their personality and skills, then I am sure that they will be of benefit to you.”

Recommender’s contact details for follow-up questions

The recommender’s phone number or email is to be provided towards the end of the letter to encourage further contact regarding questions about the student.

“If you require any further information or have any questions regarding (student’s name), then contact me at (teacher’s phone number and email address).”

Section 3: Closing

At the end of the letter, the name and signature of the recommender should be added. There will be a space left for this purpose.

Free Templates

Free Reference Letter from a Teacher for Student Volunteer Program Sample for Word File

Recommendation Letter Template

[Your Full Name]

[Your Position/Title]

[Your Department/School Name, if applicable]

[Institution/Organization Name]

[Address Line 1]

[Address Line 2]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Today’s Date]

[Recipient’s Name or “To Whom It May Concern,” if the recipient is unknown]

[Recipient’s Title/Position, if known]

Dear [Recipient’s Name or “To Whom It May Concern”],

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend [Student’s Full Name] for [specific program, scholarship, position, college admission, etc.]. As [Your Relationship to the Student, e.g., “their high school teacher for X subject,” “the coordinator of their volunteer program,” etc.], I have had the pleasure of witnessing [Student’s First Name]’s remarkable growth and achievements over the past [number of years/months] and feel confident in their abilities to excel in this new opportunity.

[Student’s First Name] stands out for their [mention two or three qualities, such as dedication, leadership, creativity, etc.], which they have consistently demonstrated through [specific examples]. For instance, [describe an instance where the student showed these qualities, linking it to the relevance of the opportunity they are seeking].

Academically, [Student’s First Name] has shown exceptional prowess, particularly in [mention any relevant subjects or areas of interest]. Their ability to grasp complex concepts, combined with a genuine curiosity for learning, sets them apart. [Include a specific achievement or project if applicable, highlighting the student’s skills and work ethic].

Beyond the classroom, [Student’s First Name] has actively contributed to our school community through [mention extracurricular activities, volunteer work, sports, clubs, etc.]. Their role in [describe a specific role or achievement] underscores their [highlight qualities such as leadership, teamwork, service orientation, etc.], proving their readiness for the challenges and responsibilities that come with [the opportunity they are applying for].

[Optional paragraph: Discuss any challenges the student has overcome, demonstrating their resilience, growth, and positive attitude. This can add depth to the student’s character and showcase their determination and strength.]

In conclusion, [Student’s First Name]’s blend of academic excellence, personal integrity, and commitment to their pursuits makes them an outstanding candidate for [mention the opportunity again, such as “your undergraduate program,” “the XYZ scholarship,” etc.]. I am confident that [Student’s First Name] will not only benefit from this opportunity but will also contribute meaningfully to your [program/organization/school]. I strongly endorse their application and welcome any further questions regarding their candidacy.

Thank you for considering my recommendation.

Warm regards,

[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]

[Your Typed Name]

[Your Contact Information]

High School Student Recommendation Letters

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to recommend my student, Sarah Johnson, who is transferring to Maplewood High School due to her family’s relocation to Riverside. As Sarah’s English teacher for the past two years at Lincoln High School, I have had the pleasure of observing her academic growth, character development, and contributions to our school community. I am confident that Sarah will bring the same level of enthusiasm, dedication, and excellence to Maplewood High School.

Sarah has consistently demonstrated exceptional abilities in English Literature and Composition, showcasing a deep understanding of various genres, critical thinking skills, and a natural flair for creative writing. Her analytical essays on Shakespearean dramas and contemporary literature have been exemplary, reflecting her ability to engage with complex texts and articulate her insights with clarity and sophistication.

Beyond her academic achievements, Sarah has been an active participant in our school’s extracurricular activities. She served as the secretary of the Student Government Association, where she displayed remarkable leadership and organizational skills. Her ability to collaborate with peers, faculty, and administration to coordinate school events and community service projects speaks volumes about her commitment and ability to positively impact those around her.

Sarah’s resilience and adaptability are among her most commendable qualities. Despite facing the challenges of her upcoming relocation, she has maintained a positive attitude and continued to excel in her studies and extracurricular commitments. Her ability to embrace change with optimism and grace assures me that she will transition smoothly into her new environment at Maplewood High School.

In summary, Sarah is a motivated, responsible, and talented student who will undoubtedly contribute positively to Maplewood High School’s academic and community life. I wholeheartedly support her transfer and am confident that she will continue to achieve and exceed expectations in her new setting.

Please feel free to contact me at (555) 987-6543 or [email protected] should you require further information or wish to discuss Sarah’s application in more detail.

Ms. Angela Richardson

English Teacher

Lincoln High School

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend my student, Michael Thompson, for admission to Prestige University. As Michael’s Advanced Placement Calculus teacher for the past year at Westview High School, I have witnessed firsthand his exceptional mathematical abilities, relentless work ethic, and profound commitment to personal and academic growth.

Michael has consistently stood out as a top performer in a class of highly capable students. His aptitude for complex problem-solving, coupled with his genuine enthusiasm for mathematics, has not only earned him the highest grades in my class but also the respect of his peers. Michael’s keen insights and contributions during class discussions often elevate the level of discourse, fostering a richer learning environment for everyone.

Beyond his academic prowess, Michael has demonstrated remarkable leadership and initiative outside the classroom. He is the president of our school’s Math Club, where he organizes weekly meetings, tutoring sessions, and prepares the team for regional and national mathematics competitions. Under his leadership, the club has seen increased participation and has achieved its highest-ever placements in these events.

What sets Michael apart, however, is his unwavering dedication to community service. He has volunteered over 200 hours at the local community center, providing free tutoring to students in underserved neighborhoods. His ability to simplify complex mathematical concepts and his patience and encouragement have made a significant impact on these students’ academic performance and self-confidence.

Michael’s intellectual curiosity, combined with his ambition to leverage his knowledge to make a positive difference, aligns perfectly with Prestige University’s ethos of fostering academic excellence and societal contribution. I am confident that Michael will not only thrive in the challenging academic environment at Prestige University but will also enrich the campus community with his leadership, compassion, and drive for positive change.

I strongly endorse Michael Thompson’s application for admission to Prestige University and am eager to see the contributions he will undoubtedly make to your academic community. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for considering Michael’s application.

Mr. David Bennett

AP Calculus Teacher

Westview High School

[email protected]

Phone: (555) 123-4567

Final Thoughts

A teacher writes this recommendation letter for a high school student to aid the student in getting a good job position or secure admission in a school program where a teacher’s recommendation is valuable for showcasing the student’s skills and accomplishments. The letter often accompanies any applications that the student submits, such as a job offer, a college application , or volunteering at an organization. The letter will include information about the recommender, information about the organization, and a description of the student’s achievements and capabilities, all while providing a reason why the student earned such a recommendation from the teacher.

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4 Amazing Recommendation Letter Samples for Students

Letters of Recommendation


How important are recommendation letters in a college application? According to William Fitzsimmons, dean of admissions and financial aid at Harvard, they are "extremely important."

If you're a student, examples of great letters of recommendation can help you understand how to get strong letters yourself from your teachers. If you're a teacher, the examples in this guide will inspire you to support your students strongly as they apply to college. Keep reading for four excellent letters from teachers that will get anyone into college , along with expert analysis on why they're so strong.

Important Note: Are you looking for job recommendation letters? If so, check out my great post here!

First, let's understand the role of recommendation letters in your application.

Why are Recommendation Letters Important?

The majority of admissions officers at four-year colleges, especially private schools, emphasize that their process is holistic . They seek to gain a sense of the student as a "whole person," rather than focusing on pieces of who she is based solely on grades and test scores. Since they rarely meet the student in person, the recommendation letters, along with the student's own personal essay, play a huge role in illuminating her intellectual and personal qualities.

That's why recommendation letters from teachers, especially those who know their students well, carry a great deal of weight in applications. A letter that expresses a strong vote of support, as well as highlights a student's impressive academic and personal strengths , can have a powerful effect on that student's chances of admission.

Let's look at some samples of strong recommendation letters, one from an English teacher, another from a physics teacher, the third from a history teacher, and the final one from a math teacher. Then we'll break down exactly why these letters of recommendation are effective.

The first example recommends Sara, a senior who loves to write and read poetry.

Sample Letter #1: Sara the Poet

Dear Admissions Committee, I had the pleasure of teaching Sara in her 11th grade honors English class at Mark Twain High School. From the first day of class, Sara impressed me with her ability to be articulate about difficult concepts and texts, her sensitivity to the nuances within literature, and her passion for reading, writing, and creative expression- both in and out of the classroom. Sara is a talented literary critic and poet, and she has my highest recommendation as a student and writer. Sara is talented at considering the subtleties within literature and the purpose behind authors' works. She produced an extraordinary year-long thesis paper on creative identity development, in which she compared works from three different time periods and synthesized cultural and historical perspectives to inform her analysis. When called upon to give her thesis defense in front of her peers, Sara spoke clearly and eloquently about her conclusions and responded to questions in a thoughtful way. Outside of the classroom, Sara is dedicated to her literary pursuits, especially to poetry. She publishes her poetry in our school's literary magazine, as well as in online magazines. She is an insightful, sensitive, and deeply self-aware individual driven to explore art, writing, and a deeper understanding of the human condition. Throughout the year Sara was an active participant in our discussions, and she always supported her peers. Her caring nature and personality allow her to work well with others in a team setting, as she always respects others' opinions even when they differ from her own. When we held a class debate about gun laws, Sara opted to speak for the side opposite her own views. She explained her choice as motivated by a desire to put herself in other people's shoes, view the issues from a new perspective, and gain a clearer sense of the issue from all angles. Throughout the year, Sara demonstrated this openness to and empathy for the opinions, feelings, and perspectives of others, along with shrewd powers of observation, all qualities that makes her outstanding as a student of literature and burgeoning writer. I am certain that Sara is going to continue to do great and creative things in her future. I highly recommend her for admission to your undergraduate program. She is talented, caring, intuitive, dedicated, and focused in her pursuits. Sara consistently seeks out constructive feedback so she can improve her writing skills, which is a rare and impressive quality in a high school student. Sara is truly a stand-out individual who will impress everyone she meets. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at [email protected]. Sincerely, Ms. Scribe English Teacher Mark Twain High School

This is a thorough, glowing recommendation for a student that Ms. Scribe clearly knows well. What other features make it stand out as a strong letter of rec?


The Breakdown

Ms. Scribe has a high opinion of Sara and her skills at writing and literary analysis. One way that she expresses this is by using powerful and specific language. She doesn't merely say Sara is a good writer. She says she's articulate about difficult concepts and sensitive to the nuances within literature. She calls her insightful and self-aware with shrewd powers of observation.

These descriptors don't happen by accident. Ms. Scribe took the time to choose her words carefully , and that effort paid off with a strong letter that captures Sara's special qualities.

Ms. Scribe also supports her characterization of Sara with examples . She describes her thesis paper and how she responded to questions thoughtfully under the pressured situation of her thesis defense. She gives the example of the debate on gun laws to illustrate Sara's openness to many different points of view.

In addition to illuminating her intellectual and personal strengths and supporting them with specific examples, Ms. Scribe speaks to Sara's goals for the future. She points out that she is talented at writing, poetry specifically, and that she is committed to continuing to improve as a writer in her future.

This letter, by virtue of its wording, length, and specificity, shows that Ms. Scribe took the time and effort to recommend Sara thoughtfully and with conviction. The fact that she knows Sara well and is committed to helping her application succeed with a thoughtful letter further adds weight to her assessment.

This letter would be a boon to Sara's application, especially if she's applying to study writing or English. She clearly impressed her English teacher and, in return, got a memorable, complimentary letter of recommendation for her college application.

This next example is similarly enthusiastic and detailed. It's for a student applying to an engineering program.

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Sample Letter #2: Stacy the Engineer

Dear Admissions Committee, It is a great pleasure to recommend Stacy for admission to your engineering program. She is one of the most exceptional students I have encountered in my 15 years of teaching. I taught Stacy in my 11th grade honors physics class and advised her in Robotics Club. I am not surprised to find out she is now ranked at the top of an extraordinarily capable class of seniors. She has a keen interest in and talent for physics, math, and scientific inquiry. Her advanced skills and passion for the subject make her an ideal fit for your rigorous engineering program. Stacy is a perceptive, sharp, quick individual with a high aptitude for math and science. She is driven to understand how things work, whether they be the old computer hard drives in the school library or the forces that hold our universe together. Her final project in class was especially impressive, an investigation of frequency-dependent sound absorption, an idea that she said was sparked by not wanting to bother her parents with her hours of guitar practice at home. She's been a strong leader in Robotics Club, eager to share her knowledge with others and learn new skills. I have the students in the club prepare lessons and take turns leading our after-school meetings. When it was Stacy's turn, she showed up prepared with a fascinating lecture on lunar nautics and fun activities that got everyone moving and talking. She was our only student teacher to be met with much deserved applause at the end of her lesson. Stacy's personal strengths are as impressive as her intellectual accomplishments. She's an active, outgoing presence in class with a great sense of humor. Stacy's the perfect person to get a group project rolling, but she also knows how to sit back and let others take the lead. Her cheerful nature and openness to feedback means she's always learning and growing as a learner, an impressive strength that will continue to serve her well in college and beyond. Stacy is just the kind of driven, engaging, and curious student that helped make our classroom a lively environment and safe place to take intellectual risks. Stacy has my highest recommendation for admission to your engineering program. She has demonstrated excellence in all that she puts her mind to, whether it's designing an experiment, collaborating with others, or teaching herself to play classical and electrical guitar. Stacy's endless curiosity, combined with her willingness to take risks, leads me to believe there will be no limit to her growth and achievements in college and beyond. Please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ms. Randall Physics Teacher Marie Curie High School

Ms. Randall is clearly as much of a fan of Stacy as she is of Mileva Marić. How does she communicate her recommendation?


Ms. Randall plugs for Stacy right off the bat with a statement of outstanding ranking : Stacy is one of the most exceptional students she's had in 15 years of teaching. A statement like this is pretty extraordinary and will make an impact in the mind of its readers. Stacy sounds like a special student, and she chose her recommender well.

Like in the last example, this letter uses strong, specific language , calling Stacy a perceptive and sharp person who has the confidence and good humor to take intellectual risks. Through its accurate and expressive language, this letter helps Stacy come to life in the mind of the reader.

Beyond the evaluation, Ms. Randall gives specific examples of Stacy's academic and personal strengths. She talks about her successful teaching in Robotics Club, her leadership in group projects, and her dedicated practice to teaching herself to play the guitar.

Rather than spreading the letter too thin, Ms. Randall highlights a few core themes. She connects Stacy's love of music with her passion for physics by talking about the frequency-dependent sound absorption project. All the threads tie together in a nice, memorable bow.

This letter is a strong vote of support for Stacy's application to an engineering program. Her physics teacher admires Stacy's skills and goals, and she made it clear that Stacy had her highest recommendation in this letter.

This next example also comes from a teacher who's extremely impressed with his student. It focuses on the student's performance in class and his volunteer work outside the classroom.


Sample Letter #3: William the History Buff and Social Organizer

Dear Admissions Committee, It is hard to overstate the meaningful contributions that William has made to our school and surrounding community. As both his 10th and 11th grade History teacher, I've had the pleasure of seeing William make profound contributions both in and out of the classroom. His school and community service is motivated by a strong sense of social justice, which he informs through a nuanced and sophisticated understanding of historical trends and events. I can say with confidence that William is one of the most caring and driven students I've ever taught in my fifteen years at the school. As a child of immigrant parents, William is especially drawn to understand the immigrant experience. He produced an extraordinary semester-long research paper on the treatment of Japanese-Americans in the U.S. during WWII, in which he went beyond all expectations to conduct Skype interviews with relatives of his featured subjects to incorporate into his paper. William has a great capacity to draw connections between past and present and to ground his understanding of current issues in the context of historical events. He never retreats to a simple answer or explanation, but is comfortable dealing with ambiguity. William's fascination with U.S. and World History and skill for deep analysis have him an exemplary scholar, as a well as a motivated activist driven to promote civil rights and work towards social equity. In sophomore year, William noticed that the college planning seminars students attended included little information for first generation or immigrant students. Always thinking about how institutions can better serve people, William spoke with counselors and ESL teachers about his ideas to better support all students. He helped collect resources and design a college planning curriculum for immigrant and undocumented students to enhance their college access. He further helped organize a group that connected ESL students with native English speakers, stating his mission to be helping ELLs improve their English and increasing multicultural awareness and social cohesion at the school as a whole. William identified a need and worked with students and faculty alike to meet it in an extremely effective and beneficial way. Ever the history scholar, he did plenty of research to back up his ideas. William believes passionately in social progress and working for the common good. His own personal experiences, along with his profound grasp on social history, drive his advocacy work. He is a talented, intelligent student with the charisma, confidence, strong values, and respect for others to make a huge difference in the world around him. I'm looking forward to seeing all the good that William continues to do for his fellow humanity in college and beyond, as well as the excellent work that he will produce at the college level. William has my highest recommendation. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]. Sincerely, Mr. Jackson History Teacher Martin Luther King, Jr. High School

Mr. Jackson's letter makes William sound like a pretty amazing student and person. How does he go about expressing his admiration for William in this rec letter?


Like Ms. Randall did in her letter, Mr. Jackson provides a statement of outstanding ranking for William, calling him one of the most caring and driven students he's ever taught. Considering his long teaching career of 15 years, this says a lot about William as a student and a person.

Also like in the last example, Mr. Jackson focuses on a few core aspects of William's character. He talks about his love of history and how it informs his social activism. He comments on his exceptional historical scholarship, as well as his personal qualities of caring for those around him and working for the social good.

Mr. Jackson also gives insight into William's personal life , explaining how he has a personal connection to his projects and volunteer work as the child of immigrant parents. This letter reveals that William is a thoughtful, motivated individual who connects his own experiences with his learning and desire to contribute to his community.

The letter also showcases William's exceptional accomplishments by giving specific examples of William's research paper and his work supporting the academic and personal needs of ELL students. Mr. Jackson expresses his enthusiastic recommendation while illuminating William's love of learning and strength of character. This letter would be both impressive and memorable to admissions officers considering William for admission to their school.

This next example comes from a math teacher. Let's see what Mr. Wiles has to say about Joe.


Sample Letter #4: Joe the Hard Worker

Dear Admissions Committee, It is my pleasure to recommend Joe, who I taught in my 11th grade math class. Joe demonstrated tremendous effort and growth throughout the year and brought a great energy to class. He has that combination of a positive attitude and the belief that he can always improve that's rare in a high school student, but so essential to the learning process. I am confident that he will continue to display the same commitment and diligence in everything he does. I highly recommend Joe for admission to your school. Joe would not describe himself as a math person. He's told me on several occasions that all the numbers and variables make his mind go fuzzy. Joe did, in fact, struggle to comprehend the material at the beginning of the year, but his response to this is what really struck me. Where so many others have given up, Joe took on this class as a welcome challenge. He stayed after school for extra help, got extra tutoring at the nearby college, and asked questions in and out of class. Due to all his hard work, Joe not only raised his grades, but he also inspired some of his classmates to stay after for extra help, as well. Joe truly demonstrated a growth mindset, and he inspired his peers to adopt that valuable perspective, too. Joe helped contribute to our classroom environment as one where all students can feel supported and able to ask questions. Joe's strong belief in his ability to acquire new skills and improve through practice was likely shaped by his years as a baseball player. He's played all through high school and is one of the team's most valuable players. In his final for our class, Joe designed an impressive project calculating and analyzing batting averages. While he initially described himself as not a math person, Joe reaped the benefits of his tremendous effort and found a way to make the subject come alive for him in a way that he was personally invested in. As a teacher, it is incredibly fulfilling to witness a student make this kind of academic and personal progress. Joe is a trustworthy, reliable, good-humored student and friend who supports others in and out of the classroom. He was a pleasure to have in class, and his positive attitude and belief in himself, even in the face of difficulty, is an immensely admirable asset. I'm confident that he will continue to demonstrate the same diligence, perseverance, and optimism that he showed myself and his peers. I highly recommend Joe for admission to your undergraduate program. Please feel free to contact me with any further questions at [email protected]. Sincerely, Mr. Wiles Math Teacher Euclid High School

While the students featured in the first three examples were top of their class or demonstrated leadership in the school, Joe isn't a top achiever in the traditional sense. However, this recommendation is still a strong one, even if it says he struggled in the teacher's class. What does Mr. Wiles focus on to recommend Joe?


Mr. Wiles writes a strong letter for Joe, with the same kind of enthusiasm and specific examples as the other three letters. Even though Joe may not have gotten the strongest grades in his math class, he found an enthusiastic recommender in his math teacher. Mr. Wiles was extremely impressed with Joe's attitude, effort, and growth mindset , which he demonstrated throughout the year and inspired in his fellow classmates.

Mr. Wiles focuses on Joe's substantial personal strengths, ones that would likely be impressive to his future educators. Even in a subject that may not come naturally to him, Joe is diligent and committed. He's not self-conscious about asking questions or seeking extra help, and he retains a strong belief in himself that he can continuously learn, improve, and acquire new skills.

This letter, like the others, is effective because it is focused, supportive, and backed up with examples. As you can tell from these examples, recommendations can communicate a great deal about a student. Because of this, they can have a powerful impact on a student's chances of admission. So what can teachers and students do to make sure they are sending a strong recommendation letter that will help their chances?


Enthusiasm is key.

How to Get a Strong Recommendation Letter

While these letters are about different students with different interests, they share certain fundamental features. One, they sound excited and enthusiastic. The teachers clearly communicate that they are impressed by these students and eager to help them get into college.

At the same time, the letters don't go overboard because they have examples to back up their assessments. Specific examples and stories are key for backing up the assessment. Plus, they make a letter more interesting and memorable. Rather than just another engineering applicant, Stacy is the student who researched sound-absorption to spare her parents from hours of guitar scales.

Finally, the teachers all discuss their students' personal strengths , along with their academic strengths. They present the holistic view that admissions officers are looking for, along with their strong vote of confidence in the students' future success.

Teachers should incorporate all these features into their letters, and students should help provide them with the raw material to write about. While students should choose a teacher who knows them well and has stories and observations to share, they should also give their teachers a detailed "brag sheet" and let them know what would go into their ideal letter. That way it can be even more personalized and complement the story the student is telling in the rest of her application.

While recommenders may or may not share their letters with students, there should still be open, two-way communication when the student makes her request . That way students and teachers can work together to produce an insightful, enthusiastic, and specific letter of recommendation to send to colleges.

What's Next?

Are you a teacher writing recommendations for your students? Read all about how to write an outstanding recommendation letter for your students , along with what not to include.

Are you or a student you work with applying to a selective school, like Harvard? Learn about what kind of letter she should get for the Ivy League.

Now that you've read these examples of strong teacher recommendation letters, check out these examples of bad ones . Warning: rec letters may appear better than they actually are.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

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Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT.

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27+ Admission Letter Templates – PDF, DOC

An admission letter mainly informs any school of your request and reasons to enter a university, secondary school, high school, or college. The Formal letter also informs student applicants of a declining reply or a detailed confirmation of acceptance in a private school. Before checking your application letter on Jamb, you can try using our admission letter templates instead!

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  • Apple Pages

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Admission Acceptance Letter in PDF Format

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College Admission Letter

  • The date that the admission letter was given
  • The school where the student is subjected to admission
  • The sample program where the student planned to enroll
  • The conditions of the school admissions
  • The name of the student who passed the processes of admissions
  • The starting period of the program
  • The date that the program is expected to end for the specific school year or term
  • The entity that has granted the application for admission of a student
  • Other than our admission letters in google docs , you may also be interested to browse through our College Recommendation Letter samples.

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Admission Decline / Rejection Letter Template

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Primary School Admission Letter Template

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Teacher Admission Request Letter for Secondary School

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Hospital Admission Letter

  • A student may present a hospital admission letter template to validate the reason for his or her absence for a specific number of days in the school premises.
  • Employees also use a hospital admission letter as proof that they have used their paid sick leaves because they are not feeling well and they need to be admitted to a medical facility.
  • The name of the patient
  • The date that the patient has been admitted
  • The entire duration of the hospital admissions
  • The reason why a person has to be admitted
  • The care or medication the patient needs to improve their condition
  • The number of days that a person is suggested to rest
  • The attending doctor or medical personnel within the stay of the patient in the hospital

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Letter of Intent for Senior High School (Sample)

Start preparing your requirements aspiring DepEd teachers. We want to share with you a Sample Letter of Intent for Senior High School.  (You can also check out our sample application letter for elementary and application letter for junior high school .)

______________________________ Schools Division Superintendent [Address]

Thru: _____________________________ Principal [School] [School Name]

It has been a great honor to be a part of the teaching world. As the search and the need for educators increase, I would like to request you to consider my application for a teaching position in Senior High School in your institution.

I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in English. I rendered my first year of service at __________________School in __________________where I taught English subjects such as Speech, and Literature. Presently, I am a high school teacher at ____________________, which is located in _________________. Aside from teaching English subjects, I also handled Filipino, Personality Development and Public Relations (PDPR), Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) 7, and Foreign Language (Spanish and French) in the said school. I have taken 9 units for my Master in Education in English at _______________________. In addition to my qualifications, I have attended trainings and seminars that are relevant in my teaching career.

I can offer to teach specialized subjects covered by General Academic Strand and HUMMS. Attached herewith are pertinent papers as proofs for my qualifications. I am hoping for a positive response regarding my application. I am willing to be interviewed at your most convenient time. Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,

Signature Over Printed Name

Download Sample Letter of Intent for Senior High School

>> Check our Sample of Instructional Plan in English (SHS) <<

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

High School Student Cover Letter Template and Example

Crafting a cover letter as a high school student might seem challenging due to a lack of professional experience.

However, it’s an excellent opportunity to showcase your passion, adaptability, and eagerness to learn. A well-written cover letter can highlight your strengths, volunteer experiences, and relevant school activities that make you an ideal candidate for the job.

In this guide, you’ll find a customizable cover letter template specifically designed for high school students, along with a detailed example to help you get started.

Whether you’re applying for a part-time job, an internship, or a volunteer position, this resource will provide you the tools needed to create a strong, impactful cover letter.

Tailor these samples to highlight your unique experiences and the skills that make you the right fit for the role you are interested in.

Start impressing potential employers with a cover letter that stands out!

High School Student Cover Letter Template Banner

High School Student Cover Letter Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Company/Organization Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title/Role] at [Company/Organization Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. As a high school student at [Your High School’s Name], I have developed strong [relevant skills] and a keen interest in [related field/industry], which I believe makes me a suitable candidate for this position.

During my high school years, I have taken various courses that have equipped me with the necessary skills for this role. For instance, in my [specific class related to the job, e.g., Computer Science] class, I have learned [specific skills or knowledge, e.g., programming languages such as Java and Python]. Furthermore, I have been actively involved in [relevant extracurricular activities or clubs], where I have demonstrated my ability to [relevant action, e.g., work as part of a team, lead projects, etc.].

Additionally, I have gained practical experience through [mention any jobs, internships, or volunteer work]. At [place of work/volunteering], I was responsible for [specific tasks] and developed skills in [relevant skills]. My role there sharpened my abilities in [skill, e.g., time management, customer service, etc.], which I believe will be beneficial for the position at your company.

I am particularly drawn to [Company/Organization Name] because of [specific reason related to the company, e.g., its dedication to innovation, community involvement, training programs, etc.]. I am eager to bring my background in [relevant field] and my enthusiasm for learning and growth to [Company/Organization Name].

I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm can contribute to the success of your team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company/Organization Name] and am available at your earliest convenience for an interview.

[Your Name]

High School Student Cover Letter Sample Banner

High School Student Cover Letter Sample

Sarah Parker 789 Maple Avenue Townsville, TS 54321 [email protected] (555) 987-6543

June 21, 2024

Hiring Manager RetailMart 123 Shopping Blvd Townsville, TS 54321

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Cashier position at RetailMart, as advertised on your company website. As a high school student at Townsville High School, I have developed strong interpersonal skills and a keen interest in customer service, which I believe make me a suitable candidate for this role.

Throughout my high school years, I have taken business and math courses that have enhanced my understanding of monetary transactions and the importance of accuracy. Additionally, I have been actively involved in the Student Council, where I have honed my communication skills and ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team.

I have also gained practical experience through my volunteer work at the local community center, where I assisted in organizing events and managing the front desk. In this role, I was responsible for greeting visitors, handling inquiries, and managing cash operations. This experience has taught me the importance of providing excellent customer service and has improved my ability to handle cash transactions efficiently.

I am particularly drawn to RetailMart because of its reputation for outstanding customer service and its supportive work environment. I am eager to contribute my background in customer service and my enthusiasm for helping others to your team.

I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm can contribute to the success of RetailMart. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team and am available at your earliest convenience for an interview.

Sarah Parker

Remember to tailor this template to fit your unique experiences and the specifics of the job you’re applying for.

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  • Top 2 High School Student Resume Samples
  • 10 High School Student Resume Objective Examples
  • Recommendation Letter for High School Student Entering College

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Cover Letter Ninjas

Cover Letter Examples For High School Students

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For many high school students getting a job is a rite of passage. More importantly, it’s the first step towards financial independence, skills development, and some new life experiences. Whether you need a job to help your family financially, or just for some fun money, you must put together an impressive application package.

One of the most important elements of that package will be your cover letter. It’s your way to introduce yourself to a potential employer. You can really help yourself out by leaving a great first impression. Before you sit down to type out your next cover letter, read the paragraphs below. We’ve included some helpful tips and a sample cover letter for a high school student.

Do High Schoolers Need a Cover Letter?

As a rule of thumb, yes. If you are going through a formal job application process (think applying online for a waitressing job over being asked to babysit by a parent’s friend), it’s best to attach a cover letter. In fact, since you probably don’t have much work experience, a cover letter may be your only application document aka a piece of information the hiring manager will use to form their opinion about you and decide on hiring. So don’t skim on this step! 

How Do you Write a High School Cover Letter?

All cover letters, regardless of your age or work experience, have the same structure:

  • Introductory paragraph, detailing who you are and what job you are after
  • Cover letter body, providing more context about your motivation, personal attributes, and possible qualifications
  • Closing paragraph, reiterating your interest and availability, plus prompting the next steps. 

This is the basic structure to follow when writing your first cover letter as a high school student.

Below are some extra helpful tips to help you shape your letter into a professional-sounding employer magnet! 

Focus on Your Skills

Presumably, you don’t have much work experience . That’s fine. Employers who hire students expect that to be the case. Still, you want your cover letter to highlight how you can be of service to a potential boss. You can do this by emphasizing your skills.

Think of it this way. There are so many ways that you can pick up skills. You don’t simply learn them at work. For example, you may have learned how to use Microsoft Word and Excel through business classes in high school. Maybe you started a YouTube channel with friends, and now you’ve got great video editing skills. Even doing regular school assignments has helped you to learn how to use a computer, conduct research, and develop great writing skills.

Claire W.

Write a Self-Assured Intro

Use your introduction paragraph to tell the hiring manager exactly who you are, your purpose for applying, and share your top selling point. This is the single skill, experience, or personality trait you think is most likely to help you get an interview.

Check out this example:

“My name is James Evans, and I am a senior at Wilson Academy. I am an eagle scout with extensive experience leading groups during camping and hiking outings. This, I believe, makes me a great fit for this job, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share more about myself.”

Show That You’ve Done Your Research

Learn as much as you can about each company, and the available position before you write your cover letter. The more you know, the better you can personalize each cover letter to the employer.

Start with a name. It’s always a good practice to address your cover letter to the hiring manager. That’s the person who will read and decide if they want to interview you or take a pass on your application. Address your letter to the person directly, and avoid using generic greetings (e.g. ‘dear sir or madam’).

Finally, by doing a bit of research, you can do a better job of showing an interest in the company. For example, you could note a special project or undertaking. Something like this:

“I noticed that you are opening a new store at the corner of 5th and Main St. That’s walking distance from my home. I’d be excited to be part of the sales team at this brand-new location.”

Talk About Your Accomplishments

Without much experience, you may find it difficult to fill up a written page. One thing that you can do is create a bullet list with between three and five accomplishments that you think will make you stand out. These should be meaningful to employers.

For instance, winning a graphic design competition if you are applying for a trainee position at a development firm would be perfect. Earning the first chair in violin when applying for a job at a call center is something you should probably leave off of your cover letter.

High School Student Cover Letter Sample in .docx Format

high school student cover letter example for Word

Download example (Word version)

Cover Letter Example For High School Students – Text Format

Dear Mr. Jackson,

My name is Bruce Ninja. I’m a junior at Wilson Technical Academy. I am currently enrolled in the school’s culinary education program. Through this program, I have learned safe and proper food preparation practices, the basics of cooking and baking, and obtained my food sanitation license. I believe my education and experience would make me a great addition to your team as a line cook and the barbecue pit restaurant.

I attend regular classes for half of the day. There I maintain a 3.5-grade point average. In the afternoon I attend culinary arts classes. 3 days a week I work in the student cafeteria. There my duties include preparing sandwiches, soups, and salads. I also work front-of-house operating a cash register, taking orders from customers, and bussing tables.

Last summer I worked as an apprentice with Mitch Murray where I was able to learn various techniques relating to barbecuing and grilling meats. We traveled throughout the Midwest on the barbecue competition and state fair circuit. During that time I won awards for:

  • Most creative side dish
  • State of Missouri governor’s youth BBQ award
  • Iowa State Fair Best in Show youth division

I am experienced in many aspects of the casual restaurant industry. I am also willing to take on any duties as needed and look forward to learning as much as I can in any position I’m given. I’ve included my resume as well as two letters of recommendations one from Mitch Murray BBQ, and the other from my culinary arts instructor. I hope to hear from you soon

Bruce Ninja

First Job Cover Letter Example for a High School Student – .docx Format

This sample was written for a high school student, looking to secure their first-ever job in retail. 

high school student cover letter example for a first job

Cover Letter for High School Student First Job Sample – Text Format

Dear Ms. Snowden,

I’m sending this letter to express my interest in the Summer Front-Desk Receptionist job at Fullerton Park Hotel. While I am new to the workforce, I am confident that your establishment will benefit from my hard-working attitude and strong people skills.

As a local at Fullerton, I have deep knowledge of the city attractions, restaurant spots, and leisure activities. As a member of the History Society at Fullerton High School, I can confidently introduce guests to the cities heritage and provide curious historical facts to the most curious guests. In addition, I have strong digital literacy skills and feel comfortable using office software and conference phones systems. In fact, I can also troubleshoot common tech issues (e.g. such as those with Wi-Fi), thanks to the tips and tricks my mechanical engineer-brother shared with me. I’m a self-starter and eager to learn using new types of proprietary software too.

Fullerton Park Hotel is also well-known for its stellar customer service level, reflected in a 9.8 rating on If accepted for this job, I’d be fully committed to maintaining the same levels of customer-centricity. A good attestation to my pleasant personality is a personal references letter by my History Teacher, attached to this letter.

I am available to come by for an interview at your convenience. I thank you in advance for your consideration.

Jessica Ninja 

Final Tip: Secure a Recommendation

If there is an instructor, previous employer, scout leader, or coach who is willing to write a quick letter of recommendation that can really help your application. It’s that extra bit of endorsement that could help you and the interview!

Other Cover Letter Samples

Creative cover letter for a recent graduate, an attractive actor cover letter example, case manager cover letter example and quick writing guide, a detailed data analyst cover letter example.

A huge collection of cover letters created by a ninja team of writers and career advisors. Learn how to write, style and file cover letters that employers actually enjoy reading.

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Similar Letters

Application letter for nursing school. sample letter, application letter for school admission. sample letter, application letter for a nursing school. sample letter, letter of application for graduate school. sample letter, sample letter to ask about a program at a university abroad, letter to ask about an international exchange program, letter example inquiring about a program for foreign nurses, sample letter to apply to an excavation department abroad, application letter for teaching. sample letter, loan application letter. sample letter, motivational letter sample for job application, letter of application for employment. sample letter, application letter for an internship. sample letter, reference letter for a student applying for a school transfer, letter of applying for a position. sample letter, letter congratulating on graduation, sample letter for work visa application for a job abroad, application for leave from work sample letter, example letter of family visa application for wife, letter of application for a teaching position. sample letter, letter categories, application letter for high school. sample letter.

sample of high school application letter

  • Write down your reason and intent for your application.
  • Include or list down the qualifications that you have.
  • End on a positive tone.


[Letter Date]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

I am writing to you to inform you of my desire to enter your prestigious school for my high school education. You will find enclosed the necessary documents to support my application. Also, you will find that I am very much qualified to enter your school due to my various merits such as: (insert values here) I look forward to your favorable response.

Sincerely, [Senders Name] [Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] - Optional - cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -

Application letter for high school. Sample letter.

Further things to consider when writing application letters to schools

Further things to consider when writing application letters to schools

Application Letters

Application letters are letters that you write to formally request for something from authority, apply for a job, or join an institution. Effective application letters will give a detailed explanation for your interest in the specific item, company, or institution. They showcase your abilities and strengths and illustrate your experience. In most cases, people write application letters to express their interest in receiving a position, attending an institution, or when applying for a visa, for instance. In all scenarios, application letters must be accompanied by the relevant documents. Application letters are the perfect tool to demonstrate something of your personality. Therefore, you should write in a professional tone setting a clear outline that allows the reader to scan the primary data quickly. Introduce yourself and briefly explain your intent and reason for the application. Address the letter with a title or name of the recipient. If your application is for a job or to join an institution, for example, you need to highlight your experience and qualification; if you are applying for a travel visa, make sure to state a clear intention for your travel. End with a positive tone and invite the recipient to contact you.

Letters to Schools

Letters to schools are letters written to institutions designed to provide learning environment and spaces to pupils and students. There are many times when you may feel the need to write to a school administration. Maybe you want to recommend a student or employee or want to apply for an academic program. Perhaps your child has a disability, and you want to make sure that he/she is receiving special education services. Whatever the issue, putting your thoughts in writing avoids confusion since it provides you and the recipient with a record of your request. It is, therefore, crucial to keep a copy of any letter you send. All letters to schools must use the standard business letter style. Start your letter with the proper address and salutation. Introduce yourself and explain the reason for your letter clearly and concisely. Depending on the content of your letter, provide any documentation that gives the recipient reference to the case or clarifies your concerns. Keep the tone polite, respectful, and professional. Close by thanking the recipient for his/her time and with a note of anticipation of positive feedback. Sign off and proofread the final draft before sending it.

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High School Student Cover Letter Example

Show that you're serious about your job search with this professional High School Student cover letter sample. You can use this example for free or revise it in our powerful cover letter builder.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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High School Student Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Liesbeth reenkes.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing in response to your advertisement on for the Summer Camp Counselor position. I believe that my skills and qualities align well with the requirements of the role, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and further develop both personally and professionally.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a diligent and committed high school student with a strong academic background, boasting a perfect GPA of 3.97. I have also excelled in various competitions and contests, winning accolades such as the 1st prize in the National Economics Competition, 2nd prize in the Human Rights Competition, and 3rd prize in the International Aerobics Contest. In addition to my academic achievements, I am actively involved in school societies, including the Aerobics Society, Fitness Society, and Tennis Club.

While education is a priority for me, I also value gaining practical experience. I have previously worked as an Administrative Assistant at FieldCore, Inc., where I was responsible for a range of tasks such as creating presentations, streamlining office procedures, organizing documents, and providing support to managers and supervisors. I am adept at working both independently and as part of a team, and I thrive in fast-paced environments.

My strong time management skills, professional demeanor, and dedication to excellence have been honed through my experiences as a Class Treasurer and Street Fundraiser. I am proficient in using various software programs such as MS Office, ProofHub, Netsuite, Trello, and Slack.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of your organization.

Best regards,

Liesbeth Reenkes

High School Student

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 23.2 percent of high school students participated in the labor force in October 2021. Besides gaining work experience for your further career growth, having a job can certainly teach you valuable skills, such as teamwork, leadership or cooperation. That said, it is only natural that many high school students are eager job seekers. And there is no better way to land a job than to advertise yourself with a professionally written cover letter.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Edit this sample using our resume builder.

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. artificial intelligence can write it for you..

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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  1. 12+ High School Student Cover Letter Examples, How to Write, Tips

    sample of high school application letter

  2. Free Professional Application School Cover Letter template

    sample of high school application letter

  3. Student Job Application Letters

    sample of high school application letter

  4. 963 Best Application Letter Templates & Samples

    sample of high school application letter

  5. High School Student Cover Letter Example

    sample of high school application letter

  6. High School Student Cover Letter Sample & Guide

    sample of high school application letter


  1. Permission Letter to participate in Inter-School Competition//letter writing/handwriting

  2. Application for leave of absence in school

  3. Half Day Leave Application for School/College/leave application/#leaveapplication#school#schoolleave

  4. Application Letter. How to write a formal application letter

  5. Application for Primary School Admission

  6. Florida Homeschool Portfolio Evaluation Sample


  1. Application letter for high school. Sample letter

    Dear [Recipients Name], I am writing to you to inform you of my desire to enter your prestigious school for my high school education. You will find enclosed the necessary documents to support my application. Also, you will find that I am very much qualified to enter your school due to my various merits such as: (insert values here) I look ...

  2. How To Write School Applications Letter

    School application letter example Here is an example of a school application letter to further help you compose yours. Stacy Nolan 777-777-7777 [email protected] 7777 Denver Avenue 8888 Denver, Colorado 14th April 2021 Dr. Simon Morgan Sun and Shield School of Music 9999 Lights Street 8888 Denver, Colorado Dear Dr. Morgan, REF: Application for Admission to the School of Oriental Music My ...

  3. Motivation Letter for High School Application With Sample

    Here are some tips for writing a great motivation letter for a high school application that will help you stand out. 1. Let them know what you feel you can gain from education from their institution. Applying to a good high school is similar to applying for a good job at a prestigious company. Just like good companies, good schools know what ...

  4. Sample Application Letter for School Admission for Child

    Template for Application Letter for School Admission. Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to express my child, [Child's Name]'s, interest in joining [School's Name] for [Grade/Year]. [Introduction - Briefly introduce your child and mention a standout quality or achievement relevant to the school's ethos].

  5. School Admission Application Letter

    Dear Admissions Committee, I am writing to express my interest in applying for admission to [name of school] for the upcoming academic year. After extensive research and personal reflection, I am confident that [name of school] is the perfect place for me to continue my education and achieve my goals. First and foremost, I am drawn to the ...

  6. High School Application Essay

    With a well-thought-out narrative essay, your essay can become a compelling part of your application, whether it's a college essay, a middle school application essay, or a scholarship essay. Be honest, authentic, and let your unique story guide your writing. 4. High School Application Essay Template.

  7. Sample School Application Letter

    Sample. In this school application letter sample a student introduces herself to the head of student admissions. She states why she believes she is a good candidate for the school's art program and includes a paragraph that emphasizes her dedication, skills and personal strengths. ... In high school, my grades allowed me to take dual-credit ...

  8. How to Write a Letter for Applying to High Schools

    If you want to attend a high school that requires an application, then you better allow some time to write your letter of interest. ... Enrollment depends upon test scores, letters of recommendation, application essays and a glowing letter to the admissions officials. The letter to the schools' boards or admissions departments generally ...

  9. How To Write A School Application Letter (With Examples)

    1. Address the concerned authorities. Foremost, address the school's principal and mention the school's name right below it. Follow these two lines with the complete address of the school. Always remember to place this section on the top left of the application letter. 2.

  10. High School Student Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    Additionally, you should address your cover letter to the person who is most likely to read and review it, such as a company's owner or a head manager. Here are 3 examples of personalized cover letter greetings. Dear Mr. John Doe, Dear Hiring Manager John Doe, Dear Mr. John Doe & the Hiring Department, 3.

  11. High School Cover Letter: Samples, Proper Format, & Guide

    1. Choose the right high school cover letter format. Make all margins set to one-inch. Go with single or 1.15 line spacing. Stay professional with an elegant font in 11pt to 12pt size. Read more: The Only Proper Cover Letter Format. 2. Create a professional cover letter header.

  12. Application letter for school admission. Sample letter

    SAMPLE LETTER. [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-. Dear [Recipients Name], I am writing to express my desire to enroll in your prestigious school for this coming school year. I believe that I am highly qualified and deserve to go to your honorable school because (list down the various positive qualities ...

  13. Admission Letter for High School

    Download this Admission Letter for High School Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. Make an admission letter to admit an applicant to your high school institution. This template is easy to edit and fully customizable in all versions of MS Word, Apple Pages, and Google Docs.

  14. High School Student Cover Letter (Sample & Tips)

    High school cover letter writing tips. If you're a teen with little or no work experience, finding a job might seem challenging.However, a well-written cover letter is the perfect way to convince employers that you're worth hiring and land some of the best jobs for teenagers.. A great cover letter for a part time job highlights your work ethic, passion, and the valuable skills you acquired ...

  15. 32 High School Recommendation Letter Samples

    32 High School Recommendation Letter Samples. The letter of recommendation showcases a student's character, abilities, morals, and interpersonal relationships at the high school level. It is often written by a teacher, coach, counselor, or educator who has observed the student and spent a considerable amount of time with the student during ...

  16. 4 Amazing Recommendation Letter Samples for Students

    Dear Admissions Committee, I had the pleasure of teaching Sara in her 11th grade honors English class at Mark Twain High School. From the first day of class, Sara impressed me with her ability to be articulate about difficult concepts and texts, her sensitivity to the nuances within literature, and her passion for reading, writing, and creative expression- both in and out of the classroom.

  17. 27+ Admission Letter Templates

    Format a School Application with a Free Download of a Provisional Letter Example from Our Free Admission Letter Templates. Each Doc and Form Sample Comes with Professional Content and is Downloadable in Google Docs, PDF, and Word. ... high school, or college. The Formal letter also informs student applicants of a declining reply or a detailed ...

  18. 3 High School Student Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    August 20, 2023. Mia Moore. Woodrow Wilson High School. 123 Fictional Lane. Dallas, TX 75001. Dear Ms. Moore, I advocate for nurturing students to become leaders, and Woodrow Wilson High School is a fertile ground for such a realization. I am expressing my interest to become a class president in the upcoming student elections.

  19. Letter of Intent for Senior High School (Sample)

    Start preparing your requirements aspiring DepEd teachers. We want to share with you a Sample Letter of Intent for Senior High School. (You can also check out our sample application letter for elementary and application letter for junior high school.) MADAM: It has been a great honor to be a part of the teaching world.

  20. High School Student Cover Letter Template and Example

    High School Student Cover Letter Sample. Sarah Parker 789 Maple Avenue Townsville, TS 54321 [email protected] (555) 987-6543. June 21, 2024. ... and enthusiasm can contribute to the success of RetailMart. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team and am available at your earliest ...

  21. Cover Letter Examples For High School Students

    That's the person who will read and decide if they want to interview you or take a pass on your application. Address your letter to the person directly, and avoid using generic greetings (e.g. 'dear sir or madam'). ... High School Student Cover Letter Sample in .docx Format. Download example (Word version) Cover Letter Example For High ...

  22. Application letter for high school. Sample letter

    Application letter for high school. Sample letter. Further things to consider when writing application letters to schools. Application Letters. Application letters are letters that you write to formally request for something from authority, apply for a job, or join an institution. Effective application letters will give a detailed explanation ...

  23. High School Student Cover Letter Example

    High School Student. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 23.2 percent of high school students participated in the labor force in October 2021. Besides gaining work experience for your further career growth, having a job can certainly teach you valuable skills, such as teamwork, leadership or cooperation.

  24. How to Write a Letter of Continued Interest: Sample Letter

    Dear [Admissions Committee or Specific Admissions Officer's Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my continued interest in attending [College or University Name] and to reaffirm my commitment to becoming a part of the [school mascot/name] community. Thank you for the opportunity to remain on the waitlist.